メルセデス: フェリクス。はい、お茶よ~。
Mercedes: Here you go, Felix. Have some tea.
フェリクス: ……ああ。
Felix: Oh. Hm.
メルセデス: あら、お茶請けがなかったわね~。何か作ってこようかしら~?
Mercedes: Sorry, but we're all out of cakes. Should I bake some more?
フェリクス: ……要らん。
Felix: Please don't.
メルセデス: あらあら、服が汚れてるわよ~?今、拭いてあげるわね。
Mercedes: Oh, your clothes are so dirty! Let me wash them for you.
フェリクス: ……メルセデス。何の真似だ。
Felix: Mercedes, what's wrong with you?
メルセデス: 何のって、お茶を出していただけだけど?いけなかったかしら~。
Mercedes: There's nothing wrong with me. I'm just making tea. Is there something wrong with that?
フェリクス: お前の俺の何だ、母親か何かか。構うな、鬱陶しい。
Felix: You're not my mother. You don't have to bother with all this. I can do without it.
メルセデス: あ……ご、ごめんなさい。そうよね。流石に失礼だったわよね。
Mercedes: I...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.
You just remind me so much of my little brother...
フェリクス: ……お前の弟、だと?
Felix: I do?
メルセデス: そうよ~、エミールって言うんだけど。父親は違うけれど、同じお家で育ったわ~。
Mercedes: Yes. His name is Emile. We have different fathers, but we grew up in the same household.
That is, until I was about eight or nine years old. I haven't seen him since then...
フェリクス: お前の弟というのはイエリッツァ先生の……いや、死神騎士のことか。
Felix: Your brother is Jeritza, the Death Knight.
メルセデス: 死神騎士やイエリッツァ先生って言うより、私の弟のエミールに似ているの。
Mercedes: Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you remind me of the Death Knight or Jeritza. Just...Emile.
フェリクス: ……どれも同じ人間だろうが。
Felix: But they're the same person.
フェリクス: 悪いが、俺は「エミール」ではない。当然ながら、お前の弟でもない。
Felix: Sorry to state the obvious, but I'm not your brother. I'm not Emile.
Can't you find someone else to bother?
メルセデス: その……ごめんなさい。……私、もう行くわね~。
Mercedes: Oh! I'm so sorry. I'll leave you alone.
Please, help yourself to more tea if you'd like. I can leave the pot.
フェリクス: ……俺は、俺だ。誰に何を言われようと、他の誰でもない。
Felix: I am me—Felix Hugo Fraldarius. There is no one else.
フェリクス: ……ここにいたか。
Felix: Here you are.
メルセデス: ……! あ、あら、フェリクス~。私に何か用かしら~?
Mercedes: Oh! Were you looking for me, Felix?
フェリクス: 先の戦いで傷を負っていただろう。具合は……?
Felix: You were injured in the last battle. Are you OK?
メルセデス: ええ、もう大丈夫よ~。心配してくれてどうもありがとう。
Mercedes: I'm fine now. Thank you for your concern.
フェリクス: ……まったくだ。世話の焼ける女だな。
Felix: You really are troublesome.
メルセデス: ごめんなさい。戦場で、万一にもあなたの邪魔をしちゃいけないって思って~……。
Mercedes: I'm so sorry. I didn't want to get in your way out there...
I just couldn't help but worry! I was only trying to keep an eye on you...
フェリクス: チッ、本当に……お前は、何をするために戦場に出ている?
Felix: What are you even doing on the battlefield?
You endangered yourself and got hurt. Such a stupid thing to do.
メルセデス: 本当に、そのとおりね。返す言葉もないわ~……。
Mercedes: Yes, of course. You're right. I have no excuses.
フェリクス: ……下手を打つなら、最初から側にいろ。そのほうがまだいい。
Felix: If you intend to carry on being such a fool, you'd best stay near me.
メルセデス: いいの? ……私また、あなたの世話を焼いちゃうかもしれないわよ?
Mercedes: Are you sure? I'd hate to get in your way again.
フェリクス: ……別に構わん。
Felix: You can, um...
メルセデス: ……えっ?
Mercedes: Hmm?
フェリクス: 俺をお前の弟と重ねようと構わんと言った。こんな目に遭うよりは……まだいい。
Felix: You can keep thinking of me as your little brother. That'd be better than going through this again.
メルセデス: でも……あなたはやっぱり嫌なんでしょう?うんざりだ、って言ってたじゃない。
Mercedes: But I thought you didn't like that. Didn't you say you were fed up with it?
フェリクス: ああ、うんざりだな。この数年間、俺は常に死者の「代わり」を強いられてきた。
Felix: I am fed up with it. I've already spent years filling in for someone who's dead.
My older brother inspired love and respect―he was a great knight. He died.
Since his death, his memory has followed me around like a shadow.
メルセデス: ……そう。お兄さんが、いたのね。
Mercedes: Oh... I didn't know you had a brother too...
フェリクス: フン……だが、そんなくだらん私情など、戦に挟んで良いものではないからな。
Felix: Hmph. I don't let my personal feelings distract me on the battlefield.
Still, do I really remind you of him?
メルセデス: 外見が似ているってわけじゃないけれど、何となく雰囲気が近いのよね~。
あっ、でも、誤解しないで? あなたが頼りないとか、そういうことじゃないわ~。
Mercedes: Well, you don't look like him, but something about you feels so familiar.
It just makes me want to protect you.
That's not to say that you're incapable or unreliable or anything like that...
In fact, it's quite the opposite. You're the one who just came to check on me.
フェリクス: ……とにかく、もう少し周囲に気を配れ。お前のやることは危なっかしすぎる。
Felix: You need to pay attention to your surroundings. You're reckless.
Lives are at stake. Including mine, when I have to run over and save your skin.
メルセデス: ……ええ、そうね。気を付けるわ~。ふふっ、フェリクスは優しいのね。
Mercedes: Yes, I'll try to be more careful. Thank you for being so kind, Felix.
フェリクス: ……チッ、何とでも言えばいい。
Felix: Whatever.
フェリクス: ………………。
Felix: ...
メルセデス: ………………。
Mercedes: ...
フェリクス: おい……何か用でもあるのか。あるなら、さっさと用件を言え。
Felix: Do you need something? Let's hear it.
メルセデス: あら? 用なんてないわよ~。私はただ、フェリクスとお話がしたいだけで~。
Mercedes: Oh, no, I don't need anything. I was just hoping to talk to you, Felix.
フェリクス: ……確かに、側にいても構わんとは言った。だが、それは戦場での話だ。
Felix: When I said you could be near me, I meant on the battlefield.
You're pushing it a little too far. You'd better not start calling me "Emile."
メルセデス: 別に、私はあなたと弟を重ねて一緒にいたいんじゃないわよ~。
Mercedes: You know, I'm not just using you as a stand-in for my brother.
I don't mean to upset you...
But I've come to realize that you two don't have that much in common after all.
フェリクス: ……お前の考えは、よくわからんが。
Felix: I don't understand.
Why are you hanging around me, if not to replace your brother?
メルセデス: ううん。今の私は、「エミール」じゃなく、「フェリクス」の側にいたいのよ。
Mercedes: It's not that I want to be near Emile, but I want to be near you.
フェリクス: ……は?
Felix: What?
メルセデス: ふふっ、私ったら恥ずかしいわ。何だかちょっと、告白みたいじゃない~。
Mercedes: How embarrassing! It must sound like I'm coming on to you!
Regardless, you've made it clear that you don't want me around.
フェリクス: ああ、いや……そういうわけではない、が。
Felix: Um, no. It's not that.
メルセデス: そう、良かったわ~。それじゃ、これからも一緒にいさせてもらうわね~。
Mercedes: Good! Then I'll continue to spend time at your side!
フェリクス: ………………。……本当に、理解できん生き物だな。
Felix: What a perplexing creature.
メルセデス: あら~? 何か言ったかしら~?
Mercedes: What's that? Did you say something?
Never mind that. Why don't we go out for a nice cup of tea?
フェリクス: ……仕方ない、付き合ってやってもいい。断る理由も見つからんからな。
Felix: I can't think of a reason to refuse your invitation, so I suppose I have to accept.
After the war, Felix inherited the title of Duke Fraldarius from his late father, Rodrigue. A year later he married Mercedes, who helped complete the rebuilding effort by paying special attention to children who had lost their families during the war. When their efforts were complete, they settled into a busy life together, with Felix serving as the king's trusted retainer, and Mercedes supporting him in all things. It is said that every so often, the pair would venture out of their territory in order to visit a graveyard for fallen Imperial soldiers. There, they left flowers on a mysterious, unmarked grave, and prayed for the one who rested there.
Even after the war's end, skirmishes continued to break out across Fodlan. Learning that there were still places where he could fight, Felix abandoned his noble title and chose to make a living with his sword.
He traveled the land, seeking battle as if he had a death wish, but his violent path came to an end when he reunited with Mercedes. She had begun a new life as a cleric in service to the goddess, and with her kindness and generosity, she was able to turn his life around.
No one knows what became of them after that, but the tales of a swordsman who made warriors across Fodlan tremble with fear all come to an end at that point.