リシテア: はむはむ……。
Lysithea: Mmmm...yum. Mmmm...
Ahh, so delicious! I'm so content in this moment.
フェリクス: ………………。
Felix: ...
リシテア: ……!フェ、フェリクス!?
Lysithea: Felix!
フェリクス: ……何だ。この世の終わりのような顔をして。
Felix: Lysithea. You look mortified.
リシテア: いつから、そこに?わたしが何をしてたか……見てませんよね?
Lysithea: How long have you been there? Were you watching me? You were, weren't you?
フェリクス: 見たが。
Felix: I was, yes.
リシテア: くっ……わざわざこんな場所に隠れて、こっそり食べていたのに……。
Lysithea: Ugh, for once I thought I had some privacy.
フェリクス: 何をぶつぶつ言っている。
Felix: Did you say something?
リシテア: ……いえ。それよりもフェリクス、これを。
Lysithea: Huh? Nope. Didn't say anything at all. Here.
フェリクス: ……何のつもりだ。
Felix: What's this for?
リシテア: 口止めです。これをあげますから、わたしがここで食べていたことは内密に。
Lysithea: I'm buying your silence...with cake. Take it.
フェリクス: ……口止め?
Felix: I'm not sure what to be silent about.
リシテア: 隠れてお菓子を食べるなんて、子供っぽい真似をしていたと知られたくないの!
Lysithea: If people knew I was shoveling cake into my face by the fistful, they'd think me nothing more than a child!
フェリクス: 菓子を食べるのに大人も子供もあるか。
Felix: Adults eat cake.
リシテア: あんたが気にしなくても、わたしは気にするんです。さ、受け取って。
Lysithea: You'll never understand. Just take this, will you?!
フェリクス: 断る。甘いものは好かん。
Felix: No. I don't like sweets.
リシテア: ……そこまで頑なに口止めを拒むとは、みんなに言いふらす気ですね?
Lysithea: Does your refusal mean you'll be telling everyone about my cake-shoveling ways?
フェリクス: チッ……面倒な女だな。俺は菓子など好かん、それだけだ。
Felix: I just don't like sweets, that's all.
リシテア: そ、そんなことはあり得ません!こんなに美味しいのに。
Lysithea: Nonsense! Nobody can resist something so delicious.
Look, I'm giving you this cake whether you like it or not. Eat it, toss it, throw it at an unsuspecting victim—the choice is yours.
Just please don't mention this to anyone.
フェリクス: ……何だ、あいつは。
Felix: What was her problem?
And what am I supposed to do with this cake?
リシテア: はむはむ……。
Lysithea: Mmmm!
Ahh yes! These are the moments I live for!
フェリクス: ……お前の感覚はさっぱりわからんな。
Felix: I don't understand you.
リシテア: また、あんた!? ……ひょっとしてわたしの後をつけてます?
Lysithea: You again?! Can't you see I'm busy?
フェリクス: 好きでお前と鉢合わせたわけじゃない。……また菓子を押しつけられるのか。
Felix: Trust me, I didn't mean to interrupt.
リシテア: ……ってことは、渡したお菓子は食べたのですね。そうでしょうとも!
Lysithea: So, how did you like the cake? I bet you ate it, didn't you? I knew it was irresistible.
What was the experience like? I'm curious, from a research perspective.
フェリクス: 知らん。俺は口にしていない。その辺の子供にやった。
Felix: I don't know. I didn't eat it. I gave it to some kid.
リシテア: ……は、はあ!?何、言ってるんですか、あんた!?
Lysithea: You...gave it to some...undeserving child?!
フェリクス: 言ったはずだ。甘いものは好かんと。
Felix: We've been over this. I don't like sweets.
リシテア: 甘いものが嫌い? そんなわけないでしょ!こんなに美味しいじゃありませんか!?
Lysithea: Cake is not a "sweet." Cake is the divine essence of the heavens!
ケーキは「甘い物」ではありません。 ケーキは天国の神聖なエッセンスです!
フェリクス: どう感じるかは人それぞれだ。
Felix: Everyone has their own tastes.
リシテア: ……信じられない話ですが、百歩譲ってあんたの甘いもの嫌いは認めましょう。
Lysithea: That's true, but life without cake is no life at all.
Your dismissiveness regarding cake is inexcusable.
フェリクス: 何を興奮しているのかは知らんが、なぜそこまで俺の嗜好にこだわる。
Felix: I'm not sure why you're so fixated on this.
リシテア: わたしが我慢できないお菓子の誘惑に、平然としていられるあんたが許せないの!
Lysithea: I simply can't resist the spongy magnificence of cakes. I don't understand how you can be so dispassionate about it.
フェリクス: 我慢……?何の話だ。
Felix: I don't know. I just don't like it.
リシテア: これを食べてご覧なさい。騙されたと思って、さあ、さあ!
Lysithea: Just try a bite. Come on. Open up!
フェリクス: チッ……要らん、そんなもの。
Felix: No. I already told you, I don't want it.
リシテア: わたしが作った、甘さ控え目のお菓子です。これならきっと、あんたも食べられます。
Lysithea: But I made this one. With care and attention—love even. Ah, and I went light on the sugar, just for you!
フェリクス: ……菓子など、一生食べられずとも困らん。
Felix: Not light enough, I'd bet. If I eat this, will you stop bothering me?
リシテア: あんたが困らなくても、わたしが困るんです。
Lysithea: More or less.
Just don't give it to some silly child this time.
フェリクス: ……理解できんな。
Felix: Let's get this over with.
リシテア: 待っていましたよ、フェリクス。この時が来るのを。
Lysithea: Felix! I've awaited this fated day!
フェリクス: ……相変わらず騒々しいな、お前は。
Felix: You don't change. Still prattling on about it.
リシテア: さあ、以前あんたにあげたお菓子の感想を聞こうじゃありませんか。さあ、さあ!
Lysithea: Aw, come on. I just want to hear what you thought of the cake I gave you.
フェリクス: 感想……?……まあ、食べられなくはなかったな。
Felix: Uh... It was edible.
リシテア: ふふん、そう。あんたもようやくお菓子の良さを理解したってことね。
Lysithea: If by edible you mean incredible, then yes! I agree.
フェリクス: 腹は膨れた。携行にも便利だ。戦闘中の糧食にはちょうどいいかもしれん。
Felix: It was satisfying and lightweight. I imagine it would be quite useful as a battlefield provision.
リシテア: りょ、糧食……本当に、あんたって人は……お菓子と糧食を一緒にしないでください!
Lysithea: Please refrain from lumping delectable cake into the same category as provisions.
フェリクス: ……お前のこだわりはよくわからんな。
Felix: You're upset and I don't understand why.
I'm complimenting the cake.
You cured my dislike of sweets. For that I thank you.
リシテア: ……よくわからない感謝のされ方ですが、お菓子に目覚めたのは良いことです。
Lysithea: You have an interesting way of giving compliments, but I'm glad you liked it.
フェリクス: そうか。……そう言えばお前、今日は菓子を口にしていないんだな。
Felix: Yes. Got any cakes on you?
リシテア: いつも食べてるわけではありません!もしかして欲しかったんですか?
Lysithea: You say that as though I just carry cake on me at all times! Did you want some?
フェリクス: は?……いや、別に、そういうことではないが。
Felix: That's not what I meant.
If you've baked a cake, however, I wouldn't object to eating a slice.
リシテア: ……ふふふ、まったく、しょうがない人。素直にちょうだいって言えばいいのに。
Lysithea: If cake is what you want, you can just ask me directly.
It just so happens I have a brand-new recipe I tried out, special for you.
It's delicious and not overly sweet. Perfect for you.
フェリクス: ……ああ。
Felix: OK.
リシテア: さあ、早速食べてみてください!さあ、さあ!
Lysithea: Go on—take a bite!
フェリクス: ………………。悪くないな……。
Felix: Mmm.
リシテア: そうでしょうとも! 何ならこっちも。こっちも食べてみて。さあ、さあ、さあ!
Lysithea: You love it! I can tell. Here, try this one out too!
フェリクス: ……ほう、こちらもなかなか。
Felix: Mmm.
リシテア: そうでしょうとも! これに慣れたら、もっと甘いほうが良くなってくるはずよ!
Lysithea: See! So amazing, huh? Just keep working on that sweet tooth of yours.
Then we can share cake notes and eat cake together all the time.
That is... It just sounds nice is all.
フェリクス: ……ふ、そうだな。それも、良いかもしれん。
Felix: Mmm? OK. That does sound nice.
After becoming Duke Fraldarius, Felix married Lysithea, who assisted his efforts to restore both his territory and the Kingdom at large with countless insights. She became known for walking among the people, sharing with them her wisdom.
After her death, Felix received a visit from a local artisan, who brought to him a cake and claimed that Lysithea had given him the recipe. Felix adored the flavor, enjoying that style of cake for the rest of his days. The people acquired a taste for it too, and Lysithea's treat became traditional in the north of Faerghus.
After the war, Felix abandoned his noble title and chose to make a living with his sword.
He traveled the land, seeking battle as if he had a death wish, but his violent path came to an end when he happened upon Lysithea, who had been living in a small house in the middle of nowhere with her parents.
Seeing her-condemned to live a shortened life, but smiling and making the most of every day with her family-convinced Felix that life was precious. He gave up his sword to join her, and the two spent their lives baking sweets. Lysithea's recipe became known far and wide, and the treat became a tradition for the people of that region.