フェリクス: ………………。……用がないなら失せろ、気が散る。
Felix: If you don't have any business here, go away. You're bothering me.
レオニー: あ、気づいてたんだ。
Leonie: Finally spotted me, did you?
フェリクス: そうじろじろと見られればな。……で、俺に何の用だ。
Felix: What do you want?
レオニー: そりゃあもちろん、仲間の中でも屈指の腕を持つ、あんたの訓練を見てたんだよ。
Leonie: They say you're the best. I wanted to see your training with my own eyes.
フェリクス: フン、盗み見とはいい趣味だな。それで? 何か得るものはあったのか?
Felix: Hmph. Spying on people, is that a hobby of yours? I hope you got your fill.
レオニー: まあ、あったよ。どうしたらあんたに勝てるか、考えもまとまったし。
Leonie: Enough to see how to beat you, at least.
フェリクス: ……ほう。俺に勝てる、と?
Felix: You think you can beat me?
レオニー: ああ、そうだよ。何てったって、わたしの師匠はあの……。
Leonie: That's right. See, I was trained by...
フェリクス: ジェラルト殿だな。
Felix: Jeralt, yes.
レオニー: そうそう……って、何で知ってるのさ。
Leonie: So you know.
フェリクス: お前の師匠の話は散々、聞かされた。
Felix: I heard he was your teacher.
Perhaps we should test you—see how much of your training sank in.
レオニー: へえ。じゃあ、わたしと勝負するってわけね?
Leonie: I'm ready if you are.
フェリクス: ああ。俺に勝つ方法とやら、見せてもらおうか。
Felix: OK. I'll give you a chance.
レオニー: ふふん。それじゃ、楽しみにしてなよ。それで、いつやるつもり?
Leonie: Sounds good. When?
フェリクス: 時間が空いた時にでも声をかける。その時までに腕を磨いておけ。
Felix: I'll let you know. In the meantime, practice. I won't go easy on you.
レオニー: 了解、了解。心配なくたって、情けないところなんて見せやしないよ。
Leonie: Oh, don't worry. I'll be ready.
フェリクス: ……フン。少しは楽しめそうだな。
Felix: This will be fun.
レオニー: 悪い悪い、待たせたな。
Leonie: Sorry to keep you waiting.
フェリクス: チッ……どれだけ待たせる気だ。
Felix: How long did you expect me to stand here?
レオニー: だから、ちゃんと謝ったじゃないか。そっちこそ随分と待たせてくれたね。
Leonie: I did just say sorry, but I could say the same to you.
You were pretty slow to settle on a time.
フェリクス: お前と違って暇ではないのでな。ちょうどいい猶予期間にはなっただろう。
Felix: I can't help having a busy schedule. Plus, I thought you could use the extra time to prepare.
レオニー: ふうん……まあ、何でもいいよ。そんなことよりさっさと始めよう。
Leonie: We could go back and forth like this all day. Or we could get started.
フェリクス: チッ、待たせたのはお前だろうが…………かかってこい。
Felix: Hmph. You were the one who kept me waiting. Let's begin.
レオニー: はいはい。じゃ、初めの合図はわたしでいい?
Leonie: On my signal?
フェリクス: 勝手にしろ。
Felix: Hurry up.
レオニー: ふふん、余裕だねえ。……じゃあ、行くよ!
Leonie: That's better. OK, go!
フェリクス: ふ、射手が正面から戦いを挑むとはな!この程度うおおああああ!?
Felix: Let's see what you— Huh?! Aaaaargh!
A pit trap?
レオニー: へっへーん、だ!どうよ、わたしの落とし穴は?
Leonie: That's right! How you feelin' down there?
フェリクス: チッ、卑怯な真似を……!
Felix: Coward!
レオニー: 何とでも言いなよ。これぞ、ジェラルト流戦術さ!
Leonie: Say what you want, but Captain Jeralt taught me this one!
レオニー: ……よ、っと。見かけによらず重いんだね、あんた。
Leonie: Whew! You're heavier than you look.
フェリクス: 悪かったな。……まさかこんな罠を仕掛けているとは。
Felix: I'll admit, I wasn't expecting that.
レオニー: 実戦だったら、もう死んでるよ。底に藁を敷いたこと、感謝してよね。
Leonie: If this were for real, you'd be dead. Aren't you glad I put straw down there, instead of spikes?
フェリクス: ……そうだな。敵を侮った報い、か。
Felix: Yes. I underestimated you.
I suppose your lateness was a ploy to distract me.
レオニー: まあね。そうでもしないと、落とし穴にかかってくれなかったかもしれないし。
Leonie: You're not wrong. I did it to rile you up...draw you in.
You're capable, confident... I was counting on that.
So, what do you think about Captain Jeralt's training now?
フェリクス: 敗者に弁は必要ない。戦いは、結果がすべてだ。
Felix: His technique worked, and you won. What else is there to say? Winning is all that matters.
You drew my attention to a major vulnerability. I'll need to be wary of traps. Thank you, Leonie.
レオニー: 感謝してくれるなら、ひとつお願いがあるんだけど。
Leonie: Seeing as you're thanking me, can I ask you a favor?
Will you come watch my next training session? I'd like a few pointers about fighting in close quarters.
フェリクス: ……いいだろう。敗者は勝者に従うものだ。
Felix: The loser must pay tribute, I suppose. Yes, I'll help you train.
レオニー: 本当!? やったー!じゃあ、今度、頼んだよ!
Leonie: You will? Thanks!
フェリクス: ……と、いうわけだ。
Felix: And that's how it's done.
レオニー: なるほどね、ためになったよ。やっぱり剣士と射手は、見てるものが違うんだね。
Leonie: Good to know. There are so many differences between bows and blades!
フェリクス: 俺こそ、お前の考え方には学ぶところも多かった。
Felix: Yes. You're a quick learner, Leonie, and quite a good teacher as well.
レオニー: ふふん。ジェラルト流の考え方ってやつさ。
Leonie: Must be Captain Jeralt's influence.
The weather, the terrain, the enemy's feelings—you have to find ways to make it all work for you.
フェリクス: おおいに同感だ。戦い方に拘泥するうちは、戦士として三流だからな。
Felix: I agree. A warrior can't stick too closely to predefined tactics.
That's quite shrewd. You're impressive for a girl.
レオニー: ああもう、だからー。そういうところが駄目なんだよ、あんたは。
Leonie: For a girl? Come on, you're past that.
Looking down on your opponent is a great way to fall into a pit trap, isn't it?
フェリクス: ……ああ、そうだったな。
Felix: I suppose that's true.
レオニー: そうそう、わかればよろしい。
Leonie: Glad you remember.
フェリクス: ……俺は未熟だった。剣の腕だけではなく、考え方も、だ。
Felix: I still have much to learn. Not only about swordplay, but also about thinking on my feet.
I hope to learn more from you, Leonie.
レオニー: わたしが? はは、いいね。わたしたちが協力すれば、いろんな戦い方ができそうだ。
Leonie: Count on it! We'll come up with plenty of new ideas if we work together.
Guess that means we're partners, doesn't it?
フェリクス: ……相棒だと?
Felix: We're what?
レオニー: そう。互いに高め合える、頼もしい仲間。そういうのを、相棒って言うんじゃないの?
Leonie: Partners! Friends who help each other improve!
フェリクス: ……フン、相棒か。なるほど……悪くないかもしれんな。
Felix: Hm. Partners. That's not bad.
レオニー: そうでしょ? そういうわけで、これからもよろしくね、相棒!
Leonie: Not at all! Looking forward to working with you, partner!
フェリクス: ……ああ、こちらこそ、相棒。
Felix: Likewise...partner.
Leonie took over the mercenary group formerly led by Jeralt. She made a name for herself as a superb mercenary and was eventually hired by the young Duke Fraldarius, Felix.
He entrusted her with many important tasks, and over time, Fraldarius territory became Leonie's home base.
The two spent a great deal of time drinking together, but Felix, knowing Leonie's reputation and habits, learned to extract her payment for the drinks in advance.
After the war, Felix abandoned his noble title and chose to make a living with his sword. He accepted Leonie as his partner, and together they became wandering mercenaries.
Their different fighting styles complemented one another well, and their combined skill was enough to handle any enemy.
Some time later, the mercenary group formerly led by Jeralt joined them, and under their leadership, became the most feared company in Fodlan.
After the post-war chaos passed, however, work became scarce, and the pair eventually became so desperate that they rebranded themselves as street performers. They proved surprisingly capable in their new profession.