イングリット: フェリクス、探したのよ。
Ingrid: Felix, there you are. I've been looking all over for you.
イングリット: 次は戦術の講義の時間でしょう。ちゃんと出てもらうわよ。
Ingrid: Time for our tactics lecture. You'll be there, won't you?
フェリクス: ……チッ、くだらん。あんなものは時間の無駄だ。
Felix: Those things are such a waste of time.
イングリット: そろそろ軍議が始まるの。あなたも出てちょうだい。
Ingrid: The war council congregates soon. You'd better come.
フェリクス: ……チッ。俺は剣のこと以外はわからん。
Felix: Not sure why you need me. I don't know the first thing about strategy—just how to use a sword.
イングリット: はあ……わかってないわね。そういうあなただからこそ出てほしいの。
Ingrid: Nonsense. You're going to be there.
フェリクス: ……何を言っている。
Felix: Must I?
イングリット: あなた、この前はちゃんと出てたでしょ。
Ingrid: Why is this such a chore? You went last time.
イングリット: それで、その時は講義を思い切り荒らしていった。
Ingrid: Though you did all you could to disrupt things, as I recall.
イングリット: それで、その時は軍議を思い切り荒らしていった。
イングリット: 安全な進軍路が確保できないなら、森や山を切り拓いて進軍路を作れとか。
Brazenly rambling on about clear-cutting a nearby forest to secure a marching route.
And attacking an enemy base, stealing their horses.
You were incredibly disruptive and even rude.
フェリクス: 率直に意見を述べたまでだ。
Felix: I was offering my honest opinion.
イングリット: 結局、あなたは「馬鹿らしい」って途中で出て行った。……あの後どうなったと思う?
Ingrid: Then, you left before we were finished! What do you suppose happened after that?
フェリクス: 知らん。
Felix: I have no idea.
イングリット: 議論は大いに盛り上がったのよ。
Ingrid: Well, the conversation got quite lively.
We all began breaking down the viability of your somewhat maniacal plan.
And apparently, similar tactics have been used to turn the tides of historic battles.
フェリクス: ……そう大げさに言うがな。
Felix: That may be an exaggeration.
Successful armies must be able to handle unexpected situations. That starts with weapon mastery and creative tactics.
イングリット: だけど戦闘の経験が浅ければ、予想外の状況を想定する力もつかないでしょ。
Ingrid: If you didn't have so much battlefield experience, you wouldn't be capable of such unique strategies.
Which is why we need people like you—people who think creatively—to lead the army.
フェリクス: ……屁理屈をこねるな。
Felix: Now you're just massaging my ego.
イングリット: あ。そうは言ってるけど、その顔、反論できないって顔よね?
Ingrid: When have you ever minded?
We need you there. Just come on.
フェリクス: チッ……。
Felix: Mm-hmm.
イングリット: …………………。
Ingrid: ...
フェリクス: ……おい。
Felix: Hello.
イングリット: ……あ、ごめんなさい。本に夢中で気づかなかったわ。
Ingrid: Oh, hello. Have you been there long? I was absorbed in this book.
フェリクス: またくだらん物語か。
Felix: Another silly legend?
イングリット: 私だって別に、毎日毎日、物語ばっかり読んでるわけじゃないわ。
Ingrid: First of all, they're not silly. And second of all, no.
It's an essay that speaks to uncommon and challenging battle scenarios.
've been researching such things since you proposed your unique strategy.
Listen to this—"Your commander gives orders that put your hometown in extreme danger. Do you carry out the orders or protect your hometown?"
フェリクス: ……くだらんな。
Felix: What nonsense.
I was talking about real-world tactics, not some dumb ethical question.
イングリット: ……でも、通じる点はあると思うわ。
Ingrid: Whatever your personal feelings on the matter, I see similarities between such tactics and these "dumb" ethical questions.
I haven't read beyond this one, but I think the obvious answer is to follow your commander.
フェリクス: ………………。
Felix: ...
イングリット: それが騎士の職務であり、誇りなのだから。……義務に私情を挟むのは許されないわ。
Ingrid: The duty and pride of being a knight demand that you follow orders, regardless of your own feelings.
But if I were put in such a position, I don't know how I'd fare...
In fact, were someone to carry out those orders, I know that I'd attempt to stop them.
フェリクス: ………………。……お前は、騎士などには向かんな。
Felix: Stop bothering with all this. You're not meant to be a knight.
Go find a husband.
イングリット: ……何、それ。
Ingrid: Excuse me?
フェリクス: 言葉のとおりだ。
Felix: You heard me.
イングリット: ……あなたが騎士道とか、騎士の誇りとか、そういうものを嫌ってるのはわかるわ。
Ingrid: I know you hate the ideals of chivalry and pride.
イングリット: だからと言って、家の跡取りという自分の義務から逃げ続けているあなたに……
Ingrid: So much so, you prefer to escape your duty as your family's heir.
イングリット: だからと言って、家の跡取りという、自分の義務から逃げてばかりだったあなたに……
Ingrid: So much so, you ran away from your duty as your family's heir.
イングリット: そんな偉そうなことを言われる筋合いはないわ。
Ingrid: You have no right to criticize me for my ideals.
フェリクス: そうかもしれんな。
Felix: Perhaps not.
At least I know not to heedlessly obey orders. I know not to romanticize blind obedience.
My brother taught me to think for myself.
イングリット: グレンのことは……
Ingrid: Don't you dare bring Glenn into this...
フェリクス: ……まあいい。せいぜい、いつまでも迷っていろ。
Felix: You're right. Forget it.
イングリット: どうしたの、フェリクス。食堂の掃除を代わってくれるだなんて。
Ingrid: Why are you taking over my cleaning responsibilities?
フェリクス: ……とろくさくて見ていられん。けが人は引っ込んでいろ、邪魔だ。
Felix: You're wounded, and you're going too slowly. I couldn't stand to watch.
イングリット: ああ、私の怪我のこと、もしかしてまだ気にしてたの?
Ingrid: You're still fretting over me, are you?
I'm fine now. Really. It wasn't even serious.
フェリクス: ……あの程度の敵、俺一人で防げた。
Felix: I could have handled the situation alone. That enemy wasn't much of a threat.
イングリット: はいはい、余計なお世話だったかもね。だけど、万が一ってこともあるでしょ。
Ingrid: Yes, yes, we all know you could've. But I also didn't want to risk something unforeseen befalling you.
I've been doing some thinking.
I feel a bit lost—I don't know that I'm cut out to be a knight after all.
Without fulfilling that dream—without being a knight—I've been asking myself where my place is in the world.
And I think... I think I've found my answer. I don't want to lose anyone anymore.
So I want to protect those I hold dear.
フェリクス: そんな理由で、俺を庇ったのか。……とんだ阿呆だな、お前は。
Felix: That's why you were protecting me, huh? What a fool you are.
イングリット: 阿呆で結構よ。たとえ死んだって、後悔はしないわ。
Ingrid: Foolish to act in line with what I value most? Were I to die, I would die knowing I followed my heart—my truest calling.
I've been reading through more of that book I was telling you about.
Recall the hypothetical question it posed? "Do you carry out the orders or protect your hometown?"
フェリクス: ……まだ読んでいたのか、あのくだらん本。
Felix: You've been reading that garbage again?
イングリット: 少なくともあの本の編者は、主命を優先すべきとは残していなかったわ。
Ingrid: The book never specified that one should prioritize the commander's orders.
Instead it suggested that one should follow their heart in the matter. That's what a knight—that's what anyone being true to themselves—should do.
フェリクス: ……それは編者の思想だろう。
Felix: That's just the editor's opinion.
イングリット: そうね。でも何だか、妙に腑に落ちたの。
Ingrid: Of course. And I find value in that opinion.
Glenn died following his heart. Not heeding the commands of the country or even the royal family.
I will follow his example. No matter the outcome, no matter the circumstance, I believe in myself.
フェリクス: ……フン。お前は……何もわかっていない。
Felix: Hmph! You know nothing.
イングリット: ……じゃあ、あなたは?あなたは何を信じて戦うの?
Ingrid: What is it that you know, then? What is it you fight for, Felix?
フェリクス: ……自分の、信念だ。
Felix: My own beliefs.
イングリット: なんだ……私と一緒じゃない。
Ingrid: I see no difference from my own stance.
フェリクス: 一緒にするな。俺が何のために、誰よりも強くなりたいと……
Felix: You don't understand.
イングリット: 誰より強くなってみんなを守れば、きっと、もう大切な人を失わずに済む。
Ingrid: You fight to be stronger than everyone, that you might protect those you care for.
フェリクス: ………………。……もう何とでも言え。
Felix: OK, fine, you do understand.
My point is, don't let this happen again. If you died, I'd be...annoyed.
イングリット: なら、そもそも危険な状況に陥らないよう、一日も早く誰よりも強くなることね。
Ingrid: To avoid annoyance, then, I suggest you continue to grow stronger.
If that happens, I might allow you to protect me too.
フェリクス: フッ……仕方のない女だな、お前は。
Felix: You're insufferable.
After the war, Felix inherited the title of Duke Fraldarius from his late father, Rodrigue. He married Ingrid, the daughter of Count Galatea, and the couple spared no expense in restoring both their territories, paying special attention to Galatea's desperate need for food and funds.
Some years later, there was an attack on the castle town, and the duke lost the use of his sword arm from an injury sustained protecting his wife.
It is said that he never regretted it, as he was only fulfilling a promise that he made to his beloved wife a long time ago.
Even after the war's end, skirmishes continued to break out across Fodlan.
Learning that there were still places where he could fight, Felix abandoned his noble title and chose to make a living with his sword.
Unwilling to leave him to travel alone, Ingrid, too, relinquished her claim to nobility, and they both became wandering mercenaries.
They skirted the line between life and death countless times in their dangerous work, but once they had a child, they settled down in a small farming village far from their homeland.
With all but each other left behind, they began a warm and tranquil life as a family.