ドロテア: あら、フェリクスくん。こんな時間まで訓練? 精が出ますね。
Dorothea: Felix, my goodness, I swear you're always training. Such a hard worker. So strong.
フェリクス: ………………。
Felix: Hunh! Hah! Hyah!
ドロテア: もしもーし。
Dorothea: Hello? Felix?
フェリクス: ……何だ。
Felix: What?
ドロテア: よかった、返事をくれないから、私の声が聞こえてないのかと思ったわ。
Dorothea: You can hear me. That's good. I was worried maybe your ears didn't work.
フェリクス: ……用があるならさっさと言え。
Felix: What do you want?
ドロテア: 特に用はないけれど。でも、今、出来ちゃいました。
Dorothea: Oh, nothing... Nothing in particular, I mean. But now that I'm here, and now that you've asked...
When you've finished up, do you think you'd like to join me in the dining hall for something sweet?
フェリクス: 断る。甘いものは好かん。
Felix: I'll pass. I don't like sweets.
Also, you're a nuisance. Stay away from me.
ドロテア: もう、何ですか、その言い方。曲がりなりにも級友ですよ?
Dorothea: That's not a very nice way to talk to a classmate.
ドロテア: もう、何ですか、その言い方。曲がりなりにも戦友ですよ?
Dorothea: Felix, that's rude. I thought we were on the same side in this war
ドロテア: 犬や猫みたいに追い払おうとして……ちゃんとこっちを見て話して。
Dorothea: Anyway, you sound like you're shooing away a stray cat.
フェリクス: うるさい……。
Felix: Shhh. Shut up.
ドロテア: もう。話してくれるまで、ここを動きませんよ。
Dorothea: I am not a stray cat, Felix, and I am not leaving until you take a moment to chat with me.
フェリクス: 面倒な女だな……勝手にしろ。
Felix: You are a pest. Fine—do what you will.
ドロテア: じゃあ、お言葉に甘えて、勝手にさせてもらいますね。
Dorothea: Oh, you better believe I am going to keep doing exactly what I will.
フェリクス: ………………。
Felix: Hah! Hyuh! Hunh!
ドロテア: そういえば、甘いものが嫌なら辛いものでもいいわね。
Dorothea: Hmm... Maybe instead of a sweet treat, we can get something spicy? Would you like that?
I've heard the dining hall is serving a dish with some western spices in it. Mmm...
Does that sound good, Felix? Would you like something spicy instead of sweet?
フェリクス: チッ、気が散る……。
Felix: You're distracting me.
When I am hungry, I will eat. Alone. Stop squawking at me.
ドロテア: ふふ、やっとこっちを見てくれましたね。頼まれたら仕方ないから、静かにしますよ?
Dorothea: Well, since you asked so nicely, I'll leave you in peace. Good-bye, Felix!
フェリクス: ………………。……何なんだ、いったい。
Felix: Finally.
フェリクス: ……おい。いつまで俺に付き纏う気だ。
Felix: You're following me. Stop.
ドロテア: なあに? 貴方の言うとおり、ちゃんと静かにしてるでしょ?
Dorothea: I'm leaving you alone, just as you asked. I may be walking the same way as you, but—
フェリクス: ……何が目的だ。
Felix: What do you want?
ドロテア: 別に目的なんてないですよ。
Dorothea: You've made it abundantly clear I'm not to want anything from you, including politeness.
フェリクス: お前の噂は聞いた。貴族の男と結婚したいそうだな。
Felix: I heard a rumor that you're planning to settle down with a noble. You're trying to get close to me, aren't you?
フェリクス: 俺に近づくのも、フラルダリウス家という貴族の身分を欲してのことか。
Felix: You want to marry into House Fraldarius.
フェリクス: 家を捨てた俺に近づいて、今更お前に何の利がある。
Felix: I abandoned my family, so you'll have to look elsewhere. Not much to gain from marrying me.
ドロテア: あのね、フェリクスくん。大貴族だったら誰でもいいってわけじゃないでしょ……。
Dorothea: Nice try, Felix, but it's not like any old noble will do.
ドロテア: ただ貴方に興味があるだけ。そんなに変かしら?
Dorothea: I just find you interesting is all. Is that so odd?
フェリクス: ……意味がわからん。
Felix: Interesting? I'm not interesting. What do you mean?
ドロテア: 貴方は貴族にしては随分と…………無愛想ですよね。
Dorothea: I've never met a noble so...unsociable. Yes, that's the word. Unsociable.
Other nobles are quick to be friends, even if it's just because they might gain something from it.
フェリクス: フン……帝国と王国では貴族の性質も違おう。
Felix: The Empire's nobility, maybe. The Kingdom's nobility is a whole different animal.
ドロテア: それにしたって貴方は……自分が他人にどう見られるか、頓着してなさ過ぎよ。
Dorothea: If they are, so what? You should care how others think of you.
フェリクス: そんなものはどうでもいい。俺は自分の腕を磨くだけだ。
Felix: Why? I don't answer to them. All that matters is improving my skill.
I'll prove my worth on the battlefield.
Those people care so much about appearances they can't even see each other. It makes me sick.
ドロテア: そうですねえ。本当に大事なのは本質かもしれません。
Dorothea: Oh, I agree. What's important isn't how someone looks, it's their true nature.
I don't pretend to know your true nature. I don't even have a very good understanding of my own.
But I suppose you see mine just fine, don't you?
Just a silly girl with no thoughts in her head except for marrying a noble, yes? Good-bye, Felix.
フェリクス: ……どういう意味だ。
Felix: Hm.
フェリクス: おい、こっちへ来い。
Felix: You. Get over here.
ドロテア: どうしたの?あっちへ行け、と間違えました?
Dorothea: "Get over here"? Ha! How about I tell you to get out of here?
フェリクス: 毎度毎度俺に付き纏う暇があるなら、訓練の相手にでもなってみろ。
Felix: You're always following me around. At least make yourself useful. Let's spar.
ドロテア: ちょっと。それ、本気で言ってます?
Dorothea: What? Are you serious?
フェリクス: 冗談の類いは好まん。剣を抜け。
Felix: I don't joke. Draw your weapon, unless you intend to fight without one.
ドロテア: 嫌です。訓練なら一人で……
Dorothea: If you want to train, then do it on your own.
フェリクス: 打ちかかって来ないなら俺から行くが。それとも、俺など素手で十分だとでも?
Felix: If you don't attack first, I will.
ドロテア: もう、わかった、わかりました!どうなっても知らないから、ね!
Dorothea: OK. If you want me to knock some sense into you, who am I to say no?
フェリクス: フン……男漁りにかまけているかと思えば、意外にも筋は悪くない。
Felix: For someone whose only aspiration is marriage, you're pretty strong.
ドロテア: それ、褒めてるつもり?……褒めてるのよね。
Dorothea: Is this your attempt at flattery? Aw, it is, isn't it.
When I was in the opera, I always trained for self-defense. Couldn't really get by without it.
Nowadays, if you can't use a sword, then you're just in the way.
フェリクス: ……お前への評価を改めねばならんな。
Felix: Perhaps I had you all wrong.
I thought you were just a frivolous girl who cared only for men of status.
On the contrary, you seem well aware of the realities of the world. I respect that.
ドロテア: はいはい、それはどうも。
Dorothea: Yeah, yeah. All right.
Ahh, I'm beat. I'm going to go sit down and relax with a cup of tea.
You'll join me, naturally.
フェリクス: なぜ、俺が……
Felix: I will?
ドロテア: 無理やり訓練に付き合わせた貴方が、断るんです?
Dorothea: We just trained together. Are you really going to turn me down?
フェリクス: ……チッ。今回ばかりは、お前に一理ある。
Felix: Just this once.
ドロテア: それじゃ、お茶にしましょ。何だったら私の部屋でもいいわよ?
Dorothea: Good, let's go for tea. While we're at it, shall you treat me to a meal?
フェリクス: 調子に乗るな。
Felix: Don't get carried away.
ドロテア: つれないわねえ……。
Dorothea: Aw, you're no fun...
ドロテア: どう? フェリクスくん。お茶、美味しいでしょ?
Dorothea: So, Felix, is the tea to your liking?
フェリクス: ……そうだな。
Felix: It is.
ドロテア: ……こうして、のんびりするのもいいわよねえ。
Dorothea: It's nice to relax like this every now and then, isn't it?
フェリクス: ……ああ。
Felix: It is.
ドロテア: ……そういえば、装備が傷んだって言ってましたよね。修繕した?
Dorothea: You said some of your equipment is damaged, didn't you?
フェリクス: ああ。
Felix: It...it is.
ドロテア: ………………。
Dorothea: ...
フェリクス: ………………。
Felix: ...
ドロテア: ねえ、少しは話をする気ないの?
Dorothea: Are you not in the mood to talk?
We could discuss your family or what's happening in high society? Flavors of tea? Your favorite jokes?
フェリクス: 言ったはずだ。冗談の手合いは好まん、と。
Felix: None of those. I already told you I don't joke.
ドロテア: ……ただの皮肉よ。はあ……。
Dorothea: Of course, only cynicism.
Oh, I know! We're holding a small opera in the cathedral soon.
I'll be singing too. If you're interested in... But of course you aren't.
フェリクス: ……歌が、得意なのか。
Felix: You can sing?
ドロテア: え? 私にそれ聞いちゃう?ミッテルフランク歌劇団の歌姫だった私に?
Dorothea: I'm sorry. What did you just say? Can I sing? I was only a diva of the Mittelfrank Opera Company, that's all.
フェリクス: 忘れていた。
Felix: Oh, right. I forgot.
ドロテア: 忘れてたって……そんなに私に興味ないの!?
Dorothea: You forgot. Am I that uninteresting to you?
What must you think of me?
フェリクス: ぎゃあぎゃあとうるさい女だ、と。……だが、訓練の相手にはちょうどいい。
Felix: You're insincere and loud, is what I think. But you do make a good sparring partner.
And a good tea companion.
ドロテア: ……?
Dorothea: Oh?
フェリクス: それで、演奏会とやらはいつだ。
Felix: Anyway. When's the concert?
ドロテア: えっ……もしかして、来る気?いいわよ、無理に来なくて。
Dorothea: It's an opera. And you don't have to come.
フェリクス: 誘っておいて来るなとはどんな了見だ。行く行かないは俺が自分で決める。
Felix: You just invited me. You can't tell me not to come. That's for me to decide.
ドロテア: なら、絶対来てね。貴方のために心を込めて歌うから。
Dorothea: Then you must be there! I'll sing my heart out, just for you.
フェリクス: まだ行くとは言っていない。
Felix: I haven't said I'll go.
ドロテア: もう……来るなら来るって言って。私、泣きそうよ。
Dorothea: Are you going to come or not? If you keep teasing me, I might just pretend to cry.
フェリクス: チッ……。行く。これでいいか。
Felix: Fine. I'll go.
ドロテア: ええ! 約束したからね。ふふふっ。
Dorothea: Fantastic! I look forward to it.
After the war, Felix inherited the title of Duke Fraldarius from his late father, Rodrigue. He married Dorothea, and the two began a happy life together. After they had finished restoring Fraldarius territory, Felix traveled across Fodlan as the king's right hand. Dorothea traveled with him always, and even threw herself into battle alongside him every so often. Tales of their bravery endured for generations, thanks in no small part to the operas that Dorothea wrote and composed herself.
Even after the war's end, skirmishes continued to break out across Fodlan. Learning that there were still places where he could fight, Felix abandoned his noble title and chose to make a living with his sword.
He traveled the land, and some years later found himself in Enbarr. There he encountered Dorothea, who had just resumed her career as a songstress in the opera.
From that time on, no matter how far Felix traveled, he always found himself drawn back to that opera house.
It is said that, when Dorothea saw his face in the crowd, she sang only for him.