アネット: 今日のご飯は~、煮込んだお肉~♪食後にお菓子も、どこどこど~ん♪
Annette: ♪Today's dinner is steak and then a cake that's yummy yum... Now it's time to fill my tummy tummy tum...♪
♪Oh, this mountain of sweets, and treats that I long to eats... Oh, stacks of steaks and cakes and crumbs and yums...♪
フェリクス: ……邪魔をしたな。
Felix: I hope I'm not interrupting.
アネット: ふぇ、フェリクス……え、あの、聞いてた?もしかして、あたしの歌、聞いてたの?
Annette: Felix! You weren't listening, were you?
フェリクス: ……お前が腹を空かせているのはわかった。
Felix: I heard enough to know that you're hungry.
アネット: え、あ……じゃあ……嘘、えっ、もしかして、踊ってたのも見て……?
Annette: No! I mean... Well, yes. At least tell me you didn't see the dance?
フェリクス: 良い足さばきだったな。
Felix: You have nice footwork.
Get something to eat. I can take over watering the plants.
アネット: ………………。
Annette: ...
フェリクス: ………………。
Felix: ...
アネット: ……いやーーーーっ!フェリクスの馬鹿! 馬鹿! 馬鹿ーっ!!
フェリクス: チッ。何だお前、いきなり大声を……!
Felix: And you're shouting.
アネット: 黙って見てないで声かけるとか!何かあったでしょ! 何か!
Annette: You can't just spy on people while they're singing without even saying anything! It's not right!
フェリクス: 入る時に声をかけた!気づかんお前が悪いっ。
Felix: I actually did call out that I was coming in. It's not my fault you didn't hear.
アネット: ちゃんと気づくように声をかけてよお!もうやだ、恥ずかしい……!
せめて別の歌にしておけばよかった!熊狩りの歌とか! 沼の怪物の歌とかっ!
Annette: Well... You need to speak louder, then! Ugh, this is so embarrassing...
And of course I was singing some silly food song I made up. I should have been singing about...bears! Or swamp beasties!
フェリクス: 熊狩り……沼の怪物……?それもそれでどうかと思うがな……。
Felix: I didn't realize there were songs about bears and swamp beasties.
That food song seemed to be close to your heart. Your stomach isn't far from your heart, after all.
アネット: はあ……もう、ほんっと最悪!あたし、もうお嫁に行けないーー!
Annette: Oh, you are the worst!
フェリクス: ……いや、何だったんだ、今のは。
Felix: Huh. What was that about?
I better water these plants. Wouldn't want them to get thirsty, or they might start singing too.
アネット: あ、フェリクス。確か、温室の掃除の当番だったよね?
Annette: Hello, Felix. So, uh, it was your turn to clean out the greenhouse, right?
フェリクス: そうだが。
Felix: Yes.
アネット: あたしが終わらせておいたから。あと、倉庫の片づけもあたしが先に……
Annette: Well, I went ahead and took care of it. I also cleaned up the warehouse.
フェリクス: ……何の真似だ。
Felix: Why?
アネット: えっと……あのね。忘れてほしいの。
Annette: I just wanted to...help you out...so that... OK, fine! I'm bribing you. So you'll forget!
フェリクス: 何を。
Felix: Forget what?
アネット: くううっ……!それをあたしに言わせるの……!?
前に! 温室で!見たものを忘れてって言ってるの!
Annette: Are you really going to make me say it?
Before! In the greenhouse. I want you to forget what you saw and heard.
If you agree to forget about it, I'll take your shift in the stables. Do we have a deal?
フェリクス: 余計なお世話だ。
Felix: No, thanks.
アネット: う、うう……。でもでも、忘れてもらわなきゃ困る……!
Annette: No?! But that's not OK! You have to forget about it! Right this moment!
フェリクス: 無理だな。頭にこびりついて離れん。
川から肉が流れてくるのか?菓子と一緒にか? 群れを成してか?
Felix: I can't. It's permanently etched in my memory.
A mountain of sweets, as well as steaks and cakes. Stacks of them, apparently.
I'm also intrigued by those bear and swamp beastie songs you mentioned.
Ah, and I've been meaning to ask about the move that went along with "crumbs and yums." Was that fencing footwork?
アネット: も、もうやめてよー!フェリクスって、ほんっと最低!!
Annette: Stop it, Felix! You're a villain!
フェリクス: 何がだ……。
Felix: Hm?
アネット: そうやって! 人の歌とか踊りを、いちいち真顔で解説してくるところとかー!
Annette: You think you're so funny? Keeping a straight face while mocking my singing and dancing!
Well, you have to forget about it. Please! What if I make you a nice steak dinner?
You like steak, don't you, Felix? It will be yummy.
フェリクス: 肉だなんだという問題ではない。俺はただ……
Felix: This isn't about steak. I just—
アネット: もう、わかった! 好きに言いふらせば!あたしは一生白い目で見られ続けるから!
フェリクスの馬鹿ーー! 意地悪ーー!一生恨んでやるんだからーー!!
Annette: Fine, be stubborn! Tell the whole world for all I care! I'll just learn to live with the funny looks I'll get from everyone.
They'll all say, "There goes that Annette, the girl with the funny ideas about food!"
You're just the evilest of villains, Felix! I'll hate you forever and ever!
フェリクス: いや、俺はただ賛辞を……。
というか……そも、食べ物を粗末にするとは何の話だ……? 例の歌詞の話か……?
Felix: Huh. I was just trying to be nice.
"Funny ideas about food." Even the bullies in her head are ridiculous.
I really don't understand that girl.
アネット: 書庫のお掃除、楽しいなあ~♪魔法で一発、どかんと一発~♪
Annette: ♪Oh, how I just love to clean. Clean the library room! Just takes a flash of light and then it all goes boom!♪
♪A flash and then a big boom!♪
フェリクス: ……書庫を更地にして、どうする。
Felix: If you blow up the library, where will we put the books?
アネット: どかん、と……。な……何でフェリクスがここにいるの!?
Annette: ♪A flash and then a big—♪ Bah! What are you doing here, Felix?!
フェリクス: 能天気な歌が聞こえたからだ。
Felix: I heard singing.
アネット: ……もしかして、また見てた?
Annette: You were watching me again, weren't you?!
フェリクス: 踏み台の上では踊るなよ。落ちるぞ。
Felix: You shouldn't dance up there. You could fall.
アネット: はあ……もう、何なのー、今日に限って!せめて別の歌にしておくんだった……
Annette: Oh, today of all days! I knew I should've chosen a different song...
フェリクス: 別の歌というのは。
Felix: A different song? Like what?
アネット: な、何でもいいでしょ!ほら、木箱の歌とか! 地下牢の歌とか!
Annette: Any of them! The box song! Or maybe the dungeon song!
フェリクス: 木箱……地下牢……?それはそれで、やはり気になるが。
Felix: Now those sound interesting.
アネット: ふ、普通の歌だもん! ……まあいいや。とりあえずお掃除、手伝ってくれる?
Annette: No, they're just regular songs! Oh, forget it. While you're here, can you help me clean up?
I need the books on that shelf up there, but I can't reach them...
フェリクス: わかった、任せておけ。
Felix: Oh. Sure, no problem.
What? You're not going to sing anymore?
アネット: 歌わないよ!恥ずかしいし! 完成してないし!
Annette: No way! It's too embarrassing! And that song isn't even finished, anyway.
フェリクス: 俺は更地になった書庫がどうなったのか、気になって仕方ないんだが。
Felix: Ah, that's too bad. I wanted to hear what happened after the library was blown away.
アネット: そんな顔されても……わ、わかったよ。じゃあ、ちょっとだけだからね……。
Annette: Hey... Don't look at me like that! OK, fine. If you insist, I'll sing just a bit more...
♪Oh, how I just love to clean. Clean the library room! Just takes a flash of light and then it all goes boom!♪
フェリクス: ………………。
Felix: ...
アネット: どかんと更地に、お仕事終わって~♪ 今日も一日、よく働いた~♪
Annette: ♪A flash and then a big boom, suddenly the deed is done! My! What a great job I did! Who says cleaning isn't fun?♪
フェリクス: ……結局、更地は更地のまま終わったのか。いや、まさかこの続きで新しい書庫が……?
Felix: Huh. That doesn't really explain what happened with the library. Maybe they'll build a new one?
アネット: うう、恥ずかしすぎるう……。
Annette: Ugh, this is so embarrassing...
アネット: ふう……。はい、これでお花のお手入れもおしまい!
Annette: Phew! Now the flowers are all taken care of!
Huh? Felix... Why are you hiding there?
フェリクス: ……気づかれるとはな。
Felix: I'm not hiding.
アネット: 何しに来たのよっ!フェリクス、ここに用なんてないでしょ!?
Annette: No? Then what are you here for? You don't even have a real reason, do you?
フェリクス: ないな。
Felix: No, I don't.
アネット: じゃあ、何で……
Annette: Then why...
フェリクス: お前に会いに来た。
Felix: Because of you.
アネット: は!?え、あの、それはどういう!?
Annette: What?! What's that supposed to mean?
フェリクス: お前の歌を、聞きに来た。
Felix: I want you to sing for me.
I hear your voice when I'm asleep, or in battle... It's like...it's like I'm your captive.
アネット: 虜……って、な、何言ってるの!そんなの……ちょ、恥ずかしいよ!
Annette: My captive! What are you saying? Oh my, I'm suddenly really flustered...
フェリクス: ……し、仕方がないだろうがッ。俺も何と言ったものかわからないんだ!
Felix: I can't help it... Ugh! I don't know what I'm saying. Forget I said anything.
アネット: ちょ、ちょっと……。何でフェリクスまで赤くなってるの?
Annette: Felix! Are you...blushing?
フェリクス: ……知るか。
Felix: I don't know. Shut up. I'm not blushing.
アネット: ………………。
Annette: Um...
フェリクス: ………………。
Felix: Uh...
アネット: ……よくわからないけどっ。あなたがそこまで言うなら、また歌ってもいいよ。
Annette: Well! If you feel like that about it... I suppose I could sing for you sometimes. If you'd like that sort of thing.
フェリクス: ……そうか。
Felix: Oh?
I'd better go. Bye.
アネット: ちょ、えっ、来たばかりじゃない!あたしの歌を聞くの、聞かないの、どっち!
Annette: Hey, wait! You just got here... Do you want to hear me sing or not?
フェリクス: ああ……そう、だったな。そうだ……今、来たばかりだった。
Felix: Uh, yes. I do.
アネット: じゃあ、何の歌が聞きたい?熊狩り? 沼の怪物? 木箱? 地下牢?
Annette: Well, what song do you want me to sing? Bears, swamp beasties, boxes, or dungeon?
フェリクス: ……時間が許すなら、すべて。それから、書庫の続きもだ。
Felix: I'd like to hear all of them. If you don't mind. Starting with the library song, in full.
Sing for me. Please, Annette?
アネット: も、もう、仕方ないなあ。……特別だからね。
Annette: Well... OK. Just this once...
After the war, Felix inherited the title of Duke Fraldarius from his late father, Rodrigue. Some time later, he married Annette, and the pair earned renown together by working hard at restoring their territory to and beyond its former glory. The people adored the pair: Felix for his fierce determination, and Annette for her boundless cheer.
Years later, Annette threw herself into songwriting, and with the support and encouragement of her husband, she produced melodies that remained popular for generations.
The lyrics became distorted over time, however, and the original meaning of the music was lost.
After the war, Felix intended to abandon his noble title and make a living with his sword. On the day that he was to depart, however, he was waylaid by Annette, who begged him not to leave her behind.
Instead, she proposed that they relocate to the Officers Academy when it reopened, and take up positions as teachers.
When the school did reopen, it is said that the new sword instructor was notoriously harsh, but that he eventually learned to enjoy his work.
He was seen to smile, on occasion, but only in the presence of the friendly professor of sorcery.