エーデルガルト: ペトラ、ここの環境にも随分と慣れたみたいね。何か問題はある?
Edelgard: Petra... You seem to be flourishing in your new environment. Is all going well for you?
ペトラ: エーデルガルト様……平穏、無事です。気遣い、感謝、あります。
Petra: Lady Edelgard. Everything is well with me. Thank you for your question.
Everyone shows great kindness, even while I am still learning about the language.
エーデルガルト: 良かったわ。けれど、ブリギット王族の貴方は、帝国にとっても重要な存在。
Edelgard: I'm glad to hear it. After all, a Brigid royal like yourself is of vital importance to the future of the Empire.
If you ever need anything, please let me know. It's my job to watch out for you, after all.
ペトラ: ……はい。必要、ある時、頼みます。
Petra: If that is your want. I will rely on you if I have the need.
However, I will not have that need. I can resolve any problems that occur by myself.
エーデルガルト: ええ、もちろん解決できることはしてもらって構わない。
Edelgard: I don't doubt it.
Perhaps I'm worrying too much. I just don't know what I would say to your family if something were to happen to you.
ペトラ: 心配、無用です。ブリギットの言葉、あります。
今、あなた、もっと大きい目標……野望? ……持つ、いるのです。
Petra: Do not spend your worry on me. In Brigid, there is a phrase we say.
You cannot shoot two birds with one arrow. Brigid and I are that second bird.
Your first target is...your ambition.
Can you disagree?
エーデルガルト: ……!確かに、貴方の言うことも一理あるわ。
Edelgard: There is certainly truth in your words.
エーデルガルト: 私は野望を秘めている。いずれ皇帝となって、成すべきことがある。
Edelgard: I do have ambitions that transcend all else for me. When I ascend the throne, there are certain things I must do.
エーデルガルト: 私は皇帝として戦争を終結させ、どうしても果たさなければいけない野望がある。
Edelgard: As emperor, I have an ambition that I must fulfill. It requires that I see this war through to the end.
エーデルガルト: でも、ペトラ……私を誰だと思っているの?
Edelgard: Tell me, Petra... Who do you think I am?
ペトラ: ……?
Petra: Huh?
エーデルガルト: 私はエーデルガルトよ。他の誰でもない。誰もできぬことを、成そうとしている。
Edelgard: I will tell you. I am Edelgard von Hresvelg. And yes, I'm attempting to do what no one else can.
I'm prepared to shoot two birds, or even three, with a single arrow. That is the least of the impossible things I will accomplish.
If you don't need my patronage, then prove it. Show me your power.
Never settle for being the bird. Be the arrow instead.
ペトラ: ……言葉、刻みました。あなた、新しいわたし、見ます、約束です。
Petra: I will take your words to my heart. And you will be seeing my power. I give you my promise.
ペトラ: ……あれから、わたし、密やか、エーデルガルト様、見ています、でした。
Petra: I have been watching you in secrecy, Edelgard.
But you and Hubert were noticing me, correct?
エーデルガルト: ええ、流石にあれだけ付き纏われれば、気づくわ。
Edelgard: Well, if you intend to shadow us like that, you can be sure it won't escape our notice.
Hubert was primed and ready to...remove you. I ordered him to stand down.
ペトラ: わたし、感謝します。あなたから、わたし、学ぼうとしました。
Petra: You have my thanks. I have been making a decision that I am wanting to learn from you.
I was thinking it was enough to be shooting one bird with one arrow.
But after speaking with you, I trained with hardness. Now I can be shooting two birds with one arrow.
エーデルガルト: ……えっ?そこに吊ってある二羽の雉は、まさか……
Edelgard: Two pheasants? Are you implying that...
ペトラ: 一本の矢、仕留めました。
Petra: Yes. A single arrow.
エーデルガルト: す、すごいわね……。
Edelgard: That's astounding, Petra!
Hmm, it's perhaps a bit late to explain now, but what I was getting at earlier was actually...
ペトラ: 冗談です。
Petra: I am having a joke.
エーデルガルト: ……冗談?
Edelgard: You... Come again?
ペトラ: いえ、一本の矢、仕留めた、本当です。しかし、刻んだ言葉、わかっています。
Petra: I really was shooting these birds with one arrow, but my joke is that I did have understanding about what you told me. I took it to my heart.
エーデルガルト: ええと、どういう……
Edelgard: Did you now?
ペトラ: あなた、言葉どおり人、です。尊敬する、なります。
Petra: You are a person with great bluntness. I am admiring of you.
As an emperor, a commander, a warrior, and a friend... You are excelling at all that you do.
All of the Empire is resting on...on your shoulders. And that is including Brigid too.
I will not be falling behind you. I will be carrying Brigid on my shoulders too.
And one day, you and I will be facing each other, and we will be shaking hands.
エーデルガルト: ………………。
Edelgard: …
Heh. Yes, that much is certain. I can see that you no longer need me to look out for you.
You and I are much the same. We dutifully shoulder our burdens and stand tall no matter what. It would be foolish of me to deny it.
ペトラ: 嬉しい、言葉です。それに、二羽の鳥、焦るあなた、見られました。
Petra: Your words give me great joy. And it also gave me joy to see you being flustered when I was showing you the birds!
エーデルガルト: あれは……卑怯よね。どう考えたっておかしいもの。
Edelgard: A cheap trick, to be sure. But inarguably funny.
To think that you went to all the trouble of shooting two pheasants at once for the sake of a joke. Heh... Well played, Petra.
ペトラ: わたし、日々、進歩します。あなたも……そうですよね?
Petra: We both are growing every day. I hope we will keep doing so!