マヌエラ: らーらららーたらったらー……♪ららららーん……らららー……♪
Manuela: ♪ Mmm... Mmm... Mmm... ♪
エーデルガルト: ん? その曲……
Edelgard: That song...
マヌエラ: らーらーらたった……♪……あら、エーデルガルト?
Manuela: ♪ Mmm... Mmm… ♪ Ah! Hello, Edelgard.
エーデルガルト: マヌエラ殿、貴方の歌っていた曲……昔、聞いたことがある気がします。
Edelgard: Professor Manuela, that song you were humming... I feel as though I've heard it before, long ago.
And I'm sure it was you singing it back then...at the opera house in the Imperial capital, perhaps?
マヌエラ: うふふ、覚えていてくれて嬉しいわ。きっと歌劇を見に来てくれたのね。
Manuela: Why, yes! You must have seen me there. I am flattered you would remember it!
I performed with the Mittelfrank Opera Company in Enbarr on numerous occasions.
エーデルガルト: やはりそうでしたか。伯父に連れられて行きました。
Edelgard: So it was you. I went to that performance with my uncle.
I wanted desperately to see it again, but after that night, he took me to seek asylum in the Kingdom...
When I returned to the Empire several years later, you had already retired.
マヌエラ: そうだったのね。……ということは、あたくしを見たのは一度きり?
Manuela: Oh... That's a shame. So, you only got to hear me sing once?
エーデルガルト: ええ、そのはずです。
Edelgard: Sadly, that's correct.
マヌエラ: それなのにしっかりと曲まで覚えていてくれていて、光栄だわ。
Manuela: Yet you still remember it...even the melody of the song I sang. I'm honored.
エーデルガルト: それだけ印象的だったのですよ。マヌエラ殿の歌が。
Edelgard: That's how much of an impression your voice left on me.
I must ask... Why did you retire so soon? You could have continued for another 10 or 20 years.
マヌエラ: そうねえ……確かに、あたくしの周りにはそのくらい歌い続ける人もいたわ。
Manuela: Indeed. Many singers perform for decades.
But that wasn't for me. I wanted to go out on top.
My voice is a gift from the goddess. However, as all things do, it will decline with age. One day, I will lose that gift.
And so I decided I needed to learn to survive without it, long before that day came.
I needed to prove to myself that I can live on... even after my voice returns to the goddess.
エーデルガルト: 女神を信じ、恩を感じているのに、それを離れて自分の力で生きると……?
Edelgard: So despite your belief in the goddess, you wished to live by your own strength?
マヌエラ: うーん、何て言うのかしらね。主の存在は、あたくしの心の支えよ。
Manuela: It's hard for me to explain. The goddess supports me both spiritually and emotionally.
Everything else is up to me.
エーデルガルト: マヌエラ殿、入りますね。
Edelgard: Professor Manuela? May I come in?
Uh... This room! What...what happened here?!
マヌエラ: あらあ……見ちゃったのねえ。見たからには……ふふ、わかってるわね?
Manuela: Oh, nothing out of the ordinary. Why? Is something the matter?
エーデルガルト: ……ええ、手伝えばいいのでしょうか?でも何をすればこんな惨状が……
Edelgard: No, I just— Can I help you tidy up? Actually, I have to know. How did you make such a mess in the first place?
マヌエラ: ……聞かないで。男に振られてしばらくはこうなるのよ……!
Manuela: Please don't ask for the details. Suffice to say my room always looks like this after I've been dumped.
エーデルガルト: 理解しました……。片づけましょう。
Edelgard: Oh, right. Well, let's see what we can do about it.
マヌエラ: ありがとう、助かっちゃったわ。それで、何かあたくしに用だった?
Manuela: Your help was unexpected, but appreciated, Edelgard. Now, what can I do for you?
エーデルガルト: 近頃、マヌエラ殿が本調子でないと聞いたので、様子を見に来ましたが……
Edelgard: I heard that you haven't been acting like yourself, so I came to see if you're doing all right.
But the moment I saw you, I could tell you were troubled, so it seemed pointless to ask.
マヌエラ: それは、そうよねえ……。
Manuela: I suppose it was rather obvious, wasn't it? Perhaps I should stop being quite so dramatic...
All the same, dear, I'd like to repay you for helping me out. Name your prize.
エーデルガルト: そうですね……。なら、質問に答えてもらえますか?
Edelgard: I don't need a reward, but...if you wouldn't mind answering my question, I'd greatly appreciate it.
マヌエラ: いいわよ。あたくしに質問なんて、何かしら?
Manuela: Of course. What is it?
エーデルガルト: 以前、貴方が引退した理由を聞いたことがありましたよね。
Edelgard: I once asked you why you chose to retire.
You said that the goddess supports you emotionally, but it's up to you to take care of the rest.
I have to admit that I don't quite understand what you meant by that... Can you please explain?
マヌエラ: そんなこと言ったかしら。まあいいわ。
Manuela: Did I say that? Hm, I suppose so...
From joining the Mittelfrank Opera Company to becoming a diva of the grand stage...
I went through so much to achieve what I did. Looking back, I don't know how I made it.
エーデルガルト: いろいろなこと?
Edelgard: What happened during that time?
マヌエラ: そう……いろいろなこと。
Manuela: A lot.
My divinely gifted voice only got me to the edge of the stage.
From there, I had to work hard to defeat my rivals.
I did all of this by myself, through sheer force of will. All so I could stand center-stage.
エーデルガルト: ……私は、誤解していたみたいです。
Edelgard: Ah, I see I was wrong about something.
I thought that being a devout believer implied a certain weakness of spirit. An inability to survive on your own.
But you've proven me wrong, Professor Manuela.
エーデルガルト: ………………。
Edelgard: …
マヌエラ: 何だか悩んでいるみたいね、エーデルガルト。
Manuela: Something on your mind, Edelgard?
This may not be the best place to sit and think. An archer might try to take a lucky shot at you.
エーデルガルト: そうですね。お気遣い、ありがとうございます。
Edelgard: Right you are. I appreciate your concern.
エーデルガルト: このところ政務が忙しく、部屋に籠りがちだったものですから、外が見たくて……。
Edelgard: In here, I'm trapped in a whirlwind of political affairs. I just needed to escape for a moment to get some fresh air.
マヌエラ: まあ、大変ね。それで外を見ながら、悩んでいたわけ?
Manuela: I understand completely. May I ask what was on your mind? I'd like to help.
エーデルガルト: はい……。実は、貴方の言葉が心に引っ掛かっているのです。
Edelgard: To be honest...I still can't forget what you told me before.
I don't want you to misunderstand and think I'm against everything the church represents.
There's good there, buried in the corruption. Still... I find it extremely difficult to step back and accept the good, overlooking all the rest.
For the world to start anew, it's necessary for the nobility system and the Church of Seiros to both be completely crushed.
マヌエラ: そうね……。
Manuela: Perhaps...
I suppose that might be the only way for you to achieve your goals.
エーデルガルト: でも、女神を信じる者の中には、貴方のような人もいる。
Edelgard: I believe so, but...then I think about people like you who are devoted to the goddess.
People who are unlike the others, who are willing to fight for themselves rather than leaving everything in the hands of a higher power...
When I achieve my aim, I'll be crushing their... crushing your emotional and spiritual support.
Yet despite all that, you're still here. Still supporting me.
マヌエラ: エーデルガルト、心配しないで。
Manuela: Don't worry yourself about that, Edelgard.
People are always weaker than you think, but never as weak as you expect.
The goddess is our silent foundation. She watches over our every step, but never gets directly involved.
You, on the other hand, want to support us with your own flesh and blood. To push us forward toward a better future.
エーデルガルト: ………………。
Edelgard: ...
マヌエラ: ふふ、でも本当に荒療治ね。あなたらしいと言えばあなたらしいけれど。
Manuela: As it were, some problems require drastic measures. I believe you know that better than anyone.
It takes strength to take those measures. That's why you inspire people. You're probably why some of them get out of bed in the morning.
エーデルガルト: マヌエラ殿は……優しいですね。
Edelgard: You're too kind.
マヌエラ: 優しくなんてないわ。あなたよりちょっと長生きしているだけ。
Manuela: Nah, I've just been around a bit longer than you, that's all.
While we're on the subject... Yes, the goddess does supply me with emotional support.
But so do you. Whether you know it or not.
エーデルガルト: え?マヌエラ殿、それはどういう……
Edelgard: I... What do you mean by that?
マヌエラ: ふふふっ……あたくしが何の私心もなく、あなたに協力していると思って?
Manuela: Just what I said, my dear. Just what I said.
エーデルガルト: その……この話は、また次の機会にしましょう。
Edelgard: Ugh, now I'm blushing. Let's change the subject, shall we?
マヌエラ: ダーメ。ほら、中に入りましょ、エーデルガルト。
Manuela: As you wish. I think I've said quite enough as it is!
As the new Adrestian emperor, Edelgard gave all she had to breathe new life into the government of Fodlan.
Her first objective was to institute new class reforms and ensure the people's independence.
For that reason, she sought the counsel of Manuela, whose vast array of contacts, talents, and experience proved invaluable.
She became essential to Edelgard, and her skill as a physician kept the emperor in good health for many years.
Both remained unmarried, and it is said that the two became extremely close over the years.