エーデルガルト: ………………。
Edelgard: ...
ベルナデッタ: ………………。
Bernadetta: ...
エーデルガルト: ベルナデッタ。なぜついてくるの?
Edelgard: Bernadetta, why are you following me?
ベルナデッタ: ひっ……。………………。
Bernadetta: Ah! Um...
エーデルガルト: あの……堂々とついてきていたのに、なぜ今更隠れているのかしら。
Edelgard: You were following me quite conspicuously, so why attempt to hide now?
ベルナデッタ: い……
Bernadetta: I... Um...
エーデルガルト: い……?
Edelgard: Um?
ベルナデッタ: いやああああ!助けてくださいひいいい!
Bernadetta: Ah! Please don't hurt me!
エーデルガルト: ベルナデッタ、落ち着いて。別に怒っていないわ。
Edelgard: Calm yourself. I have no reason to harm you.
ベルナデッタ: 何卒! 何卒お見逃しをおお!ベルは部屋に戻りますううう!
Bernadetta: Forgive me! I beg you! I'll go straight back to my room and you'll never see me again. I swear!
エーデルガルト: ベルナデッタ!
Edelgard: Bernadetta.
ベルナデッタ: はいいいっ!
Bernadetta: Yes, Lady Edelgard.
エーデルガルト: なぜついてきたのか、なぜ隠れたのか、教えてくれるかしら?
Edelgard: Please explain why you were following me, and why you tried to hide.
ベルナデッタ: こ、こ、皇女殿下におかれましてはお怒りにならぬと仰せでしょうかあ!?
Bernadetta: Is Her Highness saying she will not condemn me?
ベルナデッタ: へ、へ、陛下におかれましてはお怒りにならぬと仰せでしょうかあ!?
Bernadetta: Is Her Majesty saying she will not condemn me?
エーデルガルト: さっきから言葉遣いが変よ……。怒っていないと言っているでしょう?
Edelgard: Please speak like the human you are. I already said no harm will come to you.
ベルナデッタ: なら答えます、答えますから。実はですね……
Bernadetta: Yes. Yes, I'm sorry. Um, permit me to explain.
Lady Edelgard, you are fearless. I look up to you as an example to follow.
エーデルガルト: ……それだけ?
Edelgard: And that explains it...how?
ベルナデッタ: お手本にしようと見てたらですね、エーデルガルトさんが怖くなってきて……
Bernadetta: I decided to watch you from a distance, to learn from you. But your presence is, um...intimidating.
I got more and more scared until I finally couldn't help but try to hide! Ah, forgive me. I throw myself upon your mercy!
エーデルガルト: だから……怒っていないと言っているでしょう。
Edelgard: Honestly.
Look, nobody is truly fearless. Even I have things that I'm afraid of.
ベルナデッタ: ほ、ほんとですか!?
Bernadetta: What? You do?
エーデルガルト: 随分嬉しそうね。
Edelgard: You seem oddly overjoyed at the thought.
ベルナデッタ: い、いえ、そんなことないですよ!それで、怖いものって……。
Bernadetta: N-no, of course not! But, um, what in the world could possibly frighten you?
エーデルガルト: 海、とか……。特に夜の海は、黒々として恐ろしいわ。
Edelgard: The sea. I find the pitch black of the open sea at night quite frightening.
I can't swim, so if the sea were to wash me away, I fear I would never return.
ベルナデッタ: 海って、あの、外にあるやつですよね……。見たことあったような、ないような……
Bernadetta: The sea? I think I may have seen it once. Maybe...
I didn't know you couldn't swim. That's a surprise.
エーデルガルト: またそうやって嬉しそうに……私にだってできないことくらいあるわ。
Edelgard: Again, my shortcomings delight you. Everyone has fears, as well as things they can't do. How many times must I tell you?
ベルナデッタ: ああっ、やっぱり怒ってますううう!!
Bernadetta: Ah! I really did make you angry!
エーデルガルト: ベルナデッタ。
Edelgard: Bernadetta.
ベルナデッタ: びゃあああ! はい! 何でしょう!
Bernadetta: Ah! Lady Edelgard! Wh-what can I do for you?
エーデルガルト: あの、恐れなくなるようにと私と行動を共にする努力は買うわ。
Edelgard: I appreciate all the effort you're making to overcome your fear of me.
Your dedication is commendable. However...
ベルナデッタ: ぁああああ! やっぱりベルなんて邪魔だって言うんですよね!?
そうです、あたし、邪魔者ですから!もうダメなんです! ぎょえぇえ……
Bernadetta: I'm just getting in your way, aren't I
Knew it, Bernie. You're just an intruder. Nobody wants you around! Stupid! Oh...
エーデルガルト: ベルナデッタ!
Edelgard: Bernadetta!
ベルナデッタ: ひえっ、はいっ、あっ、はい!
Bernadetta: Yes!
エーデルガルト: それよ、ベルナデッタ。人の話を聞かないわよね、貴方。
Edelgard: The problem you keep running into is that you don't listen to what people are really saying.
That's why your efforts are in vain. You need to listen instead of jumping to your own conclusions.
ベルナデッタ: ………………。
Bernadetta: ...
エーデルガルト: 聞いている?
Edelgard: Are you...listening to me?
ベルナデッタ: はい!………………。
Bernadetta: Yes!
エーデルガルト: ……なぜ何も言わないの。
Edelgard: Then why aren't you responding?
ベルナデッタ: 話は最後まで聞くように、と。ああっ、もう話はおしまいですか!?
Bernadetta: Um... I wanted to listen until you were finished. Ah, sorry! Were you finished then?
エーデルガルト: ええ、そうよ。
Edelgard: I was.
ベルナデッタ: じゃ、じゃあもう叫んでも大丈夫ですかね。
Bernadetta: Then, may I please scream now?
エーデルガルト: ええ。なるべくなら、うるさくはしないで。
Edelgard: By all means. But please try to make it a fairly quiet one.
ベルナデッタ: はい。それじゃ小さめに叫びますね。
Bernadetta: Just a tiny one.
エーデルガルト: ………………。
Edelgard: ...
ベルナデッタ: あれ?何であたし、騒いでたんでしたっけ。
Bernadetta: Um, wait. What was I upset about, again?
That's weird. I forgot why I was about to scream, and now I don't even need to. What a nice feeling!
エーデルガルト: ……貴方に悪気がないのはわかる。わかっているのだけれど。
Edelgard: You're trying your best. I know that. But even so—
ベルナデッタ: !? い、い、嫌な予感がします!あたし、部屋に戻りますね!
Bernadetta: B-but what? What'd I do this time? I'm so sorry! Whatever it is! I'll go to my room and never bother you again!
エーデルガルト: 待ちなさい。話は終わっていなかったわ。だから……
Edelgard: Wait, you didn't let me finish! I was only going to say that—
ベルナデッタ: そんなご無体なああああ……!
Bernadetta: Aaaah!
ベルナデッタ: エーデルガルトさんとお花の世話、楽しいですね……!
Bernadetta: Gardening with you is a lot of fun, Lady Edelgard!
エーデルガルト: ええ。ベルナデッタは随分手馴れているのね。
Edelgard: I feel the same. You know so much about it, Bernadetta.
ベルナデッタ: 家でもよくお世話してましたからね。お花は良いですよ。
Bernadetta: I looked after flowers a lot back home. I like them.
They don't talk... They don't get angry... They don't hit you. And they're sweet.
エーデルガルト: ……それはそうでしょうけれど。
Edelgard: They are sweet. Unlike people, they can all be trusted on sight.
ベルナデッタ: あっでもエーデルガルトさんも可愛いです。違いました、可愛いじゃなくて、ええと……
Bernadetta: You're sweet too, Lady Edelgard! I mean—not sweet, but, um... You know what I mean.
You can talk or even get angry all you want...
エーデルガルト: ……なるべく怒らないようにするわ。
Edelgard: Well, I'll strive to avoid getting angry.
ベルナデッタ: ……エーデルガルトさんは優しいですね。最近、少しだけ怖くなくなりました。
Bernadetta: You're really kind. I'm less scared of you than I used to be.
Most nobles are terrifying. I've had lots of bad experiences with them.
But getting the chance to talk to you like this makes me glad I came to the monastery.
エーデルガルト: 私も嬉しいわ。
Edelgard: I'm glad too.
エーデルガルト: 私も嬉しいわ。最近は、仲良くなってきた人もいるのでしょう?
エーデルガルト: ヴァーリ家の引き籠もり娘の噂は聞いていたけれど、想像していたのと違ったしね。
Edelgard: I had heard about the reclusive daughter of House Varley, but you're nothing like I imagined.
ベルナデッタ: や、やっぱり噂になってたんですか!?いやああ……聞かなかったことに……。
Bernadetta: Rumors? About me?! Uh, just...pretend you didn't hear anything!
エーデルガルト: ふふっ、気にしなくていいわ。噂よりも、貴方本人がどうあるかが大事なの。
Edelgard: Heh, there's no need to be embarrassed! Rumors are meaningless. All that matters is the truth.
ベルナデッタ: そうですね! 修道院に出てきてる時点で引き籠もりじゃあないわけですし!
Bernadetta: You're right! I'm not really a recluse now anyway, not since I came to the monastery.
I won't let the rumors bother me.
エーデルガルト: その意気よ。……貴方にはお礼を言わなければね。
Edelgard: I'm happy to hear it. Actually...I should thank you.
ベルナデッタ: ふえ? お礼ですか?何で……
ま、まさか、日頃怒らせてきたあたしへの返礼というわけですか! いやああああ!
Bernadetta: Thank me? What for?
Wait, do you mean you need to "thank" me for all the times I've made you mad?! You do, don't you?!
エーデルガルト: 何でそうなるの……。ただのお礼よ。
Edelgard: That mind of yours—no! I mean the grateful sort of thanks.
Before I met you, I was more prone to anger. But now I've changed in that regard.
So thank you for that. Oh... I suppose you're not listening.
ベルナデッタ: もうダメですう……5年分の恨みつらみを受けてしまうんですうう……お助けをおお!
Bernadetta: Oh, I'm done for! Five years' worth of resentment is about to crash down on me all at once! Aaaah!
エーデルガルト: ベルナデッタ。
Edelgard: It's OK, Bernadetta.
I'm thanking you, not attacking you.
ベルナデッタ: はっ!? ……あたし、また話を最後まで聞けませんでした?
Bernadetta: Oh. Um... I jumped to conclusions again, didn't I?
エーデルガルト: ええ、そうね。でも謝らなくていいから。
Edelgard: You did, yes. But don't worry about it.
Enough talk, don't you think? Let's take care of these sweet little plants.
ベルナデッタ: は、はい。ありがとうございます。
Bernadetta: Right! OK. Thank you!
エーデルガルト: これからもよろしくね、ベルナデッタ。
Edelgard: Bernadetta... I hope you'll keep spending time with me.
ベルナデッタ: よろしくお願いします。あ、これ、もう少しで咲きますね。
Bernadetta: Of course I will! Hey, look! This flower's just about ready to bloom.
エーデルガルト: ふふふっ……どんな花が、咲くのかしらね。
Edelgard: Ha! So it is! I can't wait to see its true colors...
When Bernadetta inherited House Varley from her father, she tried to withdraw from politics and remain within the bounds of her territory, but Edelgard, the new Adrestian emperor, would not allow it.
Instead, she demanded that Bernadetta counsel her in governing Fodlan.
It is said that the emperor made this choice to keep herself from being too detached, and that Bernadetta was all too happy to provide a more emotional perspective now and again.
The people of Enbarr could always tell when the two were meeting by the sound of Bernadetta's panicked voice ringing out from the palace.