メルセデス: あら、今日も剣のお稽古?あんまり無茶しないでね~?
Mercedes: My goodness. Sword training again today? Don't overdo it, all right?
ディミトリ: ありがとう、メルセデス。趣味のようなものだし、心配はいらない。
Dimitri: I certainly won't, but thanks for your concern, Mercedes. It's more of a hobby than anything, so don't worry too much.
メルセデス: 趣味~? やっぱりすごいのねえ……私だったら疲れて飽きちゃうわ~。
Mercedes: A hobby? How wonderful! I would probably get tired of it, but that's just me.
ディミトリ: ……なあ、それよりメルセデス。近く、剣術の試験を受けたいと言っていたよな?
Dimitri: Hmm... Didn't you say you hoped to take the sword test soon?
メルセデス: ………………。
……ああっ! た、大変~!すっかり忘れてたわ、どうしましょう~!
Mercedes: ...
You're right! I completely forgot that's coming up! What should I do?
ディミトリ: ……実を言うと、心配していたんだ。最近、訓練場でお前を見かけなかったから。
Dimitri: To be honest, I've been a bit worried, as I haven't seen you at the training ground much.
メルセデス: もう~! 気づいていたなら、もっと早く言ってくれればいいのに~!
Mercedes: Why didn't you say something sooner if you were so worried about me?
ディミトリ: いや、まさか本当に忘れているとは……。だが確かに、俺も早く指摘すべきだった。
Dimitri: It didn't occur to me that you could have forgotten... But you're right, I should have mentioned it.
As an apology, why don't you let me help you with your swordsmanship?
メルセデス: ……あら、本当?それは助かっちゃうわ~!
Mercedes: You would do that for me? I'd really appreciate your help!
ディミトリ: しかし今から慌てて、となると多少の無茶は必要になるとは思うが……
Dimitri: OK, but keep in mind that since we're short on time...we may have to "overdo it" a little.
メルセデス: 無茶は、ちょっと嫌ねえ……。……だけど、頑張ってみるわ~。
Mercedes: I don't like to overdo it, but if we must. I'll try my best.
ディミトリ: そうと決まれば、すぐに始めよう。時間を無駄にはできないからな。
Dimitri: It's settled. Let's begin!
ディミトリ: まさかお前、剣の持ち方から忘れて…………これは……骨が折れそうだな。
Dimitri: Don't tell me you've forgotten how to hold a sword! We have our work cut out for us...
メルセデス: 実は、いつも適当に握ってたのよね~。でも、あなたが教えてくれたから、ほら!
Mercedes: I usually just hold the sword without thinking about my grip, you know? Let's see what happens now that you've shown me the proper way to handle it.
I was nervous at first, but just look at me now! Hya!
ディミトリ: ………………!
Dimitri: Ugh...
ディミトリ: ……まさか、剣を教えようとして殺されかけるとは思わなかった。
Dimitri: Well. I didn't realize offering to help you would mean risking my life.
メルセデス: ご、ごめんなさい~!本当に、そんなつもりじゃなかったの!
Mercedes: I-I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened!
I just meant to swing the sword. I didn't think it would go flying like that! I'm impressed with how quickly you can dodge!
ディミトリ: あ、ああ。悪気がないのはわかっている。だが、これは……俺の寿命が、だな……。
Dimitri: Yes... I know you didn't intend to murder me. Though that scare likely took years off my life...
メルセデス: やっぱり向いてなかったのかしら~……。私、剣なんて振るものじゃ……
Mercedes: Maybe I'm not cut out for this whole sword fighting thing.
ディミトリ: ……いや。そう決めつけるのはまだ早い。
Dimitri: Nonsense. It's far too early to give up.
The first time I picked up a sword, I was much like you.
It's true that different people are better suited to different things, but if you keep at it and refuse to give up, you're certain to improve.
メルセデス: 本当~? ありがとう、ディミトリ。優しいのね、あなた。……あら?
Mercedes: Do you really think so? Thank you, Dimitri. It's very kind of you to— Oh!
There's a rip in your cuff, Dimitri. How do you think—
ディミトリ: ああ……先程お前の剣をよけた時だな。まあいい、適当に繕っておく。
Dimitri: Hm, it seems I didn't dodge your sword fast enough. Don't worry, I can easily repair it.
メルセデス: 切ってしまったのは私だし、私が繕っておきましょうか~?
Mercedes: I'm the one who tore it, so I'll be the one who mends it. How does that sound?
ディミトリ: いや、いいんだ。気にしないでくれ。それよりも、今は試験のことを考えよう。
Dimitri: No, please don't worry yourself over it. Just focus on your exam.
ディミトリ: メルセデス、本当に申し訳ないんだが……手を、貸してくれないだろうか。
Dimitri: Mercedes. I'm sorry to ask this of you, but...will you lend me a hand?
メルセデス: あらあら? この外套、裾が破れてるわね。だけどこのくらい、繕っちゃえば……
Mercedes: What can I do for you? Oh, is the cuff of your overcoat still torn? Mending that shouldn't be a problem at all.
ディミトリ: ……情けないことこの上ないんだが、裁縫には……これまで無縁だったもので。
Dimitri: It's pathetic, I know, but I fear my sewing skills are... Well, as you can see, they're just about nonexistent.
メルセデス: あら~。じゃあ、前に私が服の裾を破っちゃった時も、困ったでしょう?
Mercedes: Goodness! You must have been concerned when I tore your cuff.
ディミトリ: ……まあ、そうだな。それなりに……いや、かなり……。
Dimitri: Ah, well... That is to say...
Would you please teach me to sew? I hear you're rather amazing at it.
メルセデス: ふふ、もちろんいいわよ~。そんなに申し訳なさそうな顔をしないで。
Mercedes: Of course I'll teach you! Don't look so heartbroken.
ディミトリ: ……本当か?ありがとう、恩に着る。
Dimitri: You will? Thank you! I owe you for this.
メルセデス: じゃあ、道具を取ってくるから、ここで待っていてね~。
Mercedes: I'll go get my sewing kit. You wait here.
メルセデス: ……ごめんなさい、ディミトリ。私には、その……。
Mercedes: I'm so sorry, Dimitri. I've never seen, um... Well, it's just a bit...
ディミトリ: この際、正直に言ってくれ。もう面倒を見切れない……と。
Dimitri: No need to dance around the issue. You're fed up with my clumsy efforts, aren't you?
メルセデス: 縫い針を折っちゃうだろうな、っていうのは何となーく想像していたんだけど~……
Mercedes: I thought you might end up bending some needles if you tried mending this on your own, but...
How did you manage to break a pair of scissors?
ディミトリ: ……本当に、申し訳ない。
Dimitri: I-I'm just... I'm so sorry. Really.
I try to be careful, but with delicate work like this, I just can't seem to manage.
メルセデス: ふふっ、いいのよ~。ただ、ここまで来るとちょっとおかしくって~。
Mercedes:There's no need to apologize! But you must have been uncomfortable making your way here with this tear.
ディミトリ: ……自分の馬鹿力が、今ばかりは恨めしい。やはり裁縫など、俺には……
Dimitri: My inability to control my own strength is humiliating. Of course I'm useless at needlework.
メルセデス: あら、諦めちゃうなんてもったいないわ~?あなたはちょっと慣れてないだけよ。
Mercedes: No giving up on yourself. You just have to practice, that's all.
No matter how difficult something is, if you keep at it and don't give up, then you're sure to improve. Isn't that what you told me?
ディミトリ: ……そうだったな。俺らしくなかった。もう一度やってみよう。
Dimitri: Right you are. To give into despair isn't like me. Thank you for the reminder. OK... I'm ready to give it another go.
メルセデス: ええ、その調子よ。それじゃあ、再挑戦ね。取りあえず糸を針に通して~……あ。
Mercedes: Great! I'm glad to hear it! First things first, let's make sure the needle is actually threaded this time.
ディミトリ: くっ、しまった、また縫い針が……!
Dimitri: No! I bent another one!
ディミトリ: 最近はよく訓練場に来るな、メルセデス。剣の腕も見違えるほど上達した。
Dimitri: You've been spending a lot of time at the training ground, Mercedes. As far as swordsmanship goes, you're like a whole new person.
メルセデス: ありがとう。あなたが教えてくれるから、訓練も楽しくって、続くのよね~。
Mercedes: Thank you! I have such a great time when you teach me that improving comes naturally!
ディミトリ: お前の努力あってこそだ。しかし……それに比べて、俺のほうは。
Dimitri: It's all because of your own hard work. Compared to you, I...
メルセデス: あらあら、そう悲観することないわよ~。少しずつ上手になってきたじゃない。
Mercedes: You shouldn't be so disappointed in yourself. You're improving too, you just need to keep at it.
ディミトリ: ……ようやくまともに、針と糸を持てるようになった気はするが。
Dimitri: Well, I can hold a needle and thread without breaking anything now. That's...something.
メルセデス: ふふっ、大きな進歩よ。最初は、はさみも壊しちゃうとか、大変だったものねえ。
Mercedes: That's a big step! When we started, you couldn't even hold a pair of scissors without twisting them apart.
ディミトリ: そうだな……。いろいろと、迷惑をかけてしまった。
Dimitri: True... I'm sorry for being such a burden.
メルセデス: 迷惑だなんて~。こうしてあなたと一緒にお裁縫するの、楽しいわよ?
Mercedes: You're no bother at all! I like sewing with you.
It reminds me of when I was young and my mother taught me how to sew.
My mother would sit with my brother and me and we'd all sew together.
Ah, I really miss it. Even though I was barely better than you when I started.
Did your mother like to sew, Dimitri?
ディミトリ: ……母、というのが生母を指すのなら、あまり得意ではなかったと父は言っていた。
Dimitri: My birth mother? From my father's accounts, she wasn't great at it either.
メルセデス: ……そう、だったわね。ファーガスの王妃様は、だいぶ昔に亡くなられたって。
Mercedes: Oh, of course. I forgot that the queen of Faerghus passed away long ago.
ディミトリ: 生母のことは、正直なところどんな人だったかもよく覚えていない。
Dimitri: Yes. I don't really remember what she was like.
But I remember my stepmother...always sitting by the window, sewing away.
メルセデス: 教えて、って言ってみれば良かったのに。きっと喜んだと思うわよ~?
Mercedes: I'm sure she would have been happy to teach you if you had asked.
ディミトリ: ……縫い物をしている時のあの人は、決まって寂しそうな顔をしていた。
Dimitri: She always looked so lonely when she was sewing. So unreachable...
She was kind to me, yes. But when she was like that, it was hard to talk to her. I'm not certain she would have wished to teach me.
メルセデス: ……ごめんなさい、話しにくいことを聞いちゃったかしら~?
Mercedes: I'm so sorry, Dimitri. I didn't mean to bring up such difficult memories.
ディミトリ: ああいや、構わない。時々こうして思い出さなければ、忘れてしまいそうで。
Dimitri: Don't worry about it. If I don't talk about those things sometimes, I'll risk forgetting them altogether. And that would truly be a shame.
メルセデス: ……そうなのね。
Mercedes: I see...
ディミトリ: だが、俺ばかり喋っても仕方ないよな。良ければ、お前の話も聞かせてくれないか?
Dimitri: Ah, but now I'm just going on and on about myself. Why don't you tell me more about you?
メルセデス: ……あら、私の話?困ったわ~、何を話したらいいのかしら。
Mercedes: More about me? Oh, goodness. I don't even know what to say.
ディミトリ: 何でも、と言っても困るよな。ならば、例えば先ほどの……お前の家族の話、とか。
Dimitri: It's hard to think of something on the spot, isn't it? You could speak of your family, I suppose.
メルセデス: 家族の話ね? ふふ、もちろんいいわ~。私もね、誰かに聞いてほしかったのよ~。
Mercedes: You want to know more about my family? On that topic, I'm happy to oblige. In fact, I'm so glad you asked.
It's important to think about your past and share it every now and then.
This might take a while, but would you be willing to stay and listen?
ディミトリ: ……ああ、もちろん。時間の許す限り、いくらでも。
Dimitri: Of course. I will listen for as long as you wish.
メルセデス: あら~、こんばんは、ディミトリ。あなたもお祈りかしら~?
Mercedes: Good evening, Dimitri. Have you come to pray?
ディミトリ: まあ、そんなところだ。メルセデスこそ、こんな遅くに?
Dimitri: Something like that. And you?
メルセデス: ええ、私もお祈り。真夜中の大聖堂って、静かで何だか落ち着くから、好きなのよ~。
Mercedes: Oh yes, that's why I'm here. I love how calm and peaceful the cathedral is this late at night.
ディミトリ: ああ、確かにそうだな。ここにいると落ち着くというのは、俺にもわかる。
Dimitri: It really is...
メルセデス: ……こういう静かな夜はね、ここに来て、いなくなった人のことを思い出すの~。
Mercedes: Coming here on a quiet night always makes me think of those who aren't with us anymore.
We've lost so many in this war. Too many to count.
I hope they all get to live in eternal happiness at the goddess's side...
These prayers are all I have to offer.
ディミトリ: ……優しいんだな、メルセデスは。
Dimitri: You are a kind soul, Mercedes.
メルセデス: あら~? あなたも優しいと思うわよ?むしろ優しすぎて、良くないくらいよね~。
Mercedes: I think you're kind too, Dimitri. Sometimes to a fault.
ディミトリ: 俺が優しい? ……それは違う。俺はただの人殺しで……醜悪な化け物だ。
Dimitri: Kind? Me? No, not at all. I am just...a killer. A disgusting monster.
メルセデス: ……ねえ、ディミトリ。あなたが人を手にかけてきたのは、何のためなの?
Mercedes: But why do you kill?
For the sake of your loved ones? Those who have passed?
Real monsters kill for selfish reasons. They're incapable of expressing sorrow when they kill.
So please...don't call yourself a monster.
ディミトリ: ……ッ。……なあ、メルセデス。
Dimitri: Mercedes... I...
I am scared...so scared that I will forget their faces.
The people who have died...who I have killed. I cannot let myself forget them.
I know that, and yet...
Whatever my feelings, it is all the act of a monster.
メルセデス: ……あのね。悲しいことだけれど、人って、どうやっても忘れてしまう生き物なのよ~。
Mercedes: It's sad, but the truth is that people forget.
You may be afraid to forget your past, but you'll never be able to revisit it.
Living in the present is the best we can do. We owe it to those who can't come back.
ディミトリ: ……その言葉を5年前に聞いていたら、もっと違う人生もあったかもしれないな。
Dimitri: If someone had said those words to me five years ago, I would be a different man today.
メルセデス: ……ねえ、ディミトリ。今、何がしたい?まだ、死んだ人たちのために戦いたいの?
Mercedes: What do you want to do now, Dimitri? Continue fighting for those who have died?
Not as a king, but as my classmate. What do you want to do?
ディミトリ: 俺自身の願い、か。……そんなもの、考えたこともなかったな。
Dimitri: My own dreams... I have never given it any thought.
What about you? What do you want, Mercedes?
メルセデス: う~ん、そうねえ。あなたが王様になっても一緒にお裁縫や剣の稽古をしたい、とか?
Mercedes: I want to keep sewing and training with you, even after you've become king. I want to be your friend.
ディミトリ: ………………。メルセデス。お前の隣に立つ資格は……。
Dimitri: But... I have no right to stand beside you.
メルセデス: もうっ。化け物だ、資格だ、って、あんまり卑屈だと嫌いになっちゃうわよ~?
Mercedes: Please, I can't hear any more of this self-deprecation!
I just want to be by your side. Is that so much to ask?
ディミトリ: ……メルセデス。
Dimitri: Mercedes...
I want the same thing. If you allow it... I wish to stay by your side.
メルセデス: ……ふふ、よかった~。そう思っているのが、私だけじゃなくって。
Mercedes: I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way.
Let's spend a little more time here together. Just the two of us.
After his coronation, Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and took his friend, Mercedes, as his queen. Most were shocked by his choice, as she did not come from a distinguished noble line. Still, when the people saw her devotion to healing the damage caused by the war, they decided she was the ideal match for the one they called the Savior King. It is said that the couple led busy but happy lives, and that they never failed to express their appreciation for one another, no matter the hardship.