ディミトリ: ……マリアンヌか。
Dimitri: Marianne?
マリアンヌ: あ……。……ディミトリさん。
Marianne: Oh. Dimitri.
ディミトリ: 礼拝の最中だったのか。邪魔をしたな。
Dimitri: Oh... I'm sorry for disturbing your prayer.
マリアンヌ: いえ……。ちょうど、済んだところですから……。
Marianne: There's no need to apologize. I just finished.
ディミトリ: そうか。何を祈っていたんだ?
Dimitri: I see. What were you praying for?
マリアンヌ: ……祈っていた、というよりも。私は……懺悔を……。
Marianne: I was simply asking the goddess...for forgiveness.
ディミトリ: 懺悔……?
Dimitri: Forgiveness? For what?
マリアンヌ: この間の戦いは……私のせいで、兵士の皆さんに危険な思いをさせたので……。
Marianne: I put our soldiers in danger during the recent battle.
ディミトリ: 無事に帰還できたんだ。そう気に病むこともないだろう。
Dimitri: What matters is that they came back safely in the end. You shouldn't blame yourself for that.
マリアンヌ: ですが……助けに来てくれたあなたにも怪我を……。
Marianne: It's true, but... You were injured when you came to our aid.
ディミトリ: まあ、多少の掠り傷くらいお前が死ぬよりはずっとましだ。
Dimitri: That? It was just a scratch. A small price to pay for your safety.
マリアンヌ: でも……。
Marianne: But...
ディミトリ: 仲間を助けられたなら、たとえ命を落としたところで、悔いはない。
Dimitri: I would never regret helping an ally, even if it meant losing my own life.
マリアンヌ: ………………。……それは、駄目です。
Marianne: No, no. That's wrong.
ディミトリ: ……駄目?
Dimitri: How so?
マリアンヌ: ……とにかく、駄目なんです。
Marianne: It's just all wrong.
You have my thanks for helping in the battle, Dimitri.
But I'm afraid I have to ask that you keep your distance from me.
ディミトリ: ……そうか。
Dimitri: Is that so?
マリアンヌ: ……はい。
Marianne: Yes.
ディミトリ: ……では、俺は行く。特に用があったわけでもないからな。
Dimitri: Forgive me, but I will be there for you. Whether you want me to or not.
マリアンヌ: ……すみません。
Marianne: I'm sorry...
ディミトリ: マリアンヌ。
Dimitri: Marianne?
マリアンヌ: ……はい。
Marianne: Oh. Yes?
ディミトリ: 座ってもいいか。ここしか空いていないものだから。
Dimitri: May I sit here? There isn't another open spot...
マリアンヌ: あ……はい……。
Marianne: Um, you may.
ディミトリ: ……悪いな、近寄るなと言われていたのに。
Dimitri: I'm sorry... I should have eaten in my quarters. I know you asked me to stay away from you.
マリアンヌ: いえ……別に……。
Marianne: No, it's fine.
About the other day, when you said you didn't regret risking your own life...
ディミトリ: 俺の言葉が気に障ったなら、謝罪する。……だが、理由を聞いてもいいか?
Dimitri: I apologize for whatever foolish thing I said to upset you, truly. But...may I ask what happened?
マリアンヌ: ………………。私に近づく人は、不幸な目に遭うんです。
Marianne: It's just... There is only misfortune for anyone who comes near me.
ディミトリ: ……不幸?
Dimitri: Misfortune?
マリアンヌ: はい……そうなんです。
Marianne: I'm afraid so.
Especially those with complete disregard for their own safety.
ディミトリ: 要は自分の身を省みろ、と……?いやまあ、そこは反省したいところだが……
Dimitri: Ah, so I didn't offend you. You're trying to tell me I should be more concerned for my own safety. Well, I suppose I could improve in that regard.
As for you causing misfortune, I think that's far from the truth. In fact, I find you to be a lucky charm of sorts.
マリアンヌ: 運が強い……?私には……とても、そうは思えません。
Marianne: Me? Lucky? I'm sorry, but I don't agree with that at all.
My entire life up until this point has been nothing but a string of unfortunate events.
ディミトリ: だが、お前の周囲で人がいくら死んでも、お前はこうして、無事で生きている。
Dimitri: But misfortune finds us all. Perhaps those around you have suffered or even perished, but look at you. You're still here, alive and well.
マリアンヌ: それは……
Marianne: That's...
ディミトリ: ……そして、いつも自分だけが残されて。一緒に死んでやれなかったと悔やむ。
Dimitri: It doesn't feel good, does it...to be the one left behind? You feel guilt for not dying along with the others.
マリアンヌ: ………………。どうして……わかるんですか……?
Marianne: H-how did you know?
ディミトリ: ……わかるさ。俺もお前と同じだからな。
Dimitri: You and I are the same.
Maybe you should fear being cursed with misfortune for coming near me.
マリアンヌ: ………………。……ふふっ。
Marianne: Hehe.
ディミトリ: ……どうした、珍しいな。お前がそうして笑うなど。
Dimitri: Ah, a smile and a laugh. Coming from you, that's a rarity. This must be my lucky day.
my lucky day...!!yupeco.icon
マリアンヌ: いえ……少し、不思議だと思って。
Marianne: I just find the idea amusing.
It's strange to think that someone like you could have anything in common with me.
ディミトリ: ……嫌だったか?
Dimitri: Is it so terrible a thought?
マリアンヌ: ……いえ、むしろ……嬉しいです。
Marianne: No, no. It's not that. It actually makes me happy.
As though there's finally someone who understands how I truly feel...
マリアンヌ: ……生き残ってしまいましたね。
Marianne: Hmm... Spared again...
ディミトリ: ……そうだな。運が強かったのだろう。
Dimitri: So it would seem. I told you that you are extraordinarily lucky.
マリアンヌ: 私……時々、考えるんです。……どうして、いつも自分が生き残ってしまうのか、と。
Marianne: Sometimes I think that must be true. But why me?
Is this the goddess's way of telling me to make something of myself?
There are so many others who are much more deserving of life...
ディミトリ: ……俺も、いつもそう思う。人死にの多い戦いの後は特にな。
Dimitri: I often think the same of myself... Especially after battles where many lives were lost.
But I must go on living. I cannot give in to death so readily.
It is my duty to atone for my sins, and to pay for the lives I've taken.
I suppose...that must be why the goddess allows me to live on.
マリアンヌ: では……私にも、あるのでしょうか。主が、私を生かす理由が。
Marianne: Is there a reason she allows me to live?
ディミトリ: さあな、それはお前にしかわからない。だが……俺は、きっとあるのだと思う。
Dimitri: Only you can know that. But I believe there is a reason.
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: ...
ディミトリ: ……なあ、マリアンヌ。生きるのは、つらいか。
Dimitri: Marianne... Life is difficult.
マリアンヌ: 楽しい、とは……思えません。
Marianne: It is a burden...
It feels terrible to continue standing when so many others had to fall.
ディミトリ: ……それなら、そのままでいい。無理に明るく振舞うこともない。
Dimitri: If that is so, then carry on as you are. There is no need for you to force yourself to smile as your soul bleeds.
But please... Whatever you do, do not give up on yourself, or your precious life.
マリアンヌ: ……どういう意味ですか?
Marianne: What do you mean?
ディミトリ: 意味も何も…………お前が死んだら、俺が悲しい。
Dimitri: If you were to die, I would be devastated.
マリアンヌ: ……ふふ。あなたは、不思議な人ですね。
Marianne: Hehe! You never have been easy to read.
ディミトリ: 俺が?
Dimitri: Is that so?
マリアンヌ: 私……もっと明るくしろと、よく皆さんに叱られるのですが……
Marianne: Everyone says that I need to cheer up...
But you may be the first person to tell me not to.
Your life must also be difficult for you to understand my position.
ディミトリ: そうだな。……俺は、強い人間ではないから。
Dimitri: So it is. I often feel I am not strong enough to live it.
マリアンヌ: ……でも、あなたがそんな人だから、こうして仲良くなれたんだと思います。
Marianne: I think our difficulties have brought us closer together.
ディミトリ: ……そうかな。
Dimitri: Do you?
マリアンヌ: ……そうです。
Marianne: Absolutely!
Please, Dimitri. Promise you'll live through this war and long after.
I don't know what I'd do with myself if we lost you...
ディミトリ: ……お前を残して、死にはしないさ。生きる理由が、また1つ増えたな。
Dimitri: As long as you are carrying on, I have yet another reason to carry on myself.
I promise to the goddess of Fádlan that I will never give you cause to despair.
Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and spent his life ruling justly over Fodlan.
Several years after his coronation, he took Marianne, whom he loved dearly, as his queen.
Many of Dimitri's greatest achievements can be traced to wisdom provided by Marianne, who had received tutelage from her adoptive father, Margrave Edmund.
Many years later, when Dimitri fell to illness, he clutched his queen's hand until the very end.
The queen's journal, uncovered after her passing, contained recounts of their time together. The last words, penned with trembling hand, are: "I would not trade our time together or the happiness we knew for anything."