ディミトリ: ああ……今日の料理当番はフレンか?珍しいこともある。
Dimitri: Oh? Are you on cooking duty today, Flayn? That's unusual.
フレン: はい。張り切ってお料理を作った……のですけれど……。
Flayn: Indeed I am. I have been working away on this meal for hours, now. The only thing is...
Each time it is my turn to tend to the meals, those in the dining hall seem to miraculously become very busy and evacuate the premises.
I make the food, but nobody is ever here to eat it! I do not understand what the issue is—it is such a waste.
Even my brother seems to evaporate every time I am in the kitchen. It is quite...peculiar.
ディミトリ: ちょうど稽古の後で腹が減っているんだ。俺で良ければ食べるが。
Dimitri: Well, you're in luck. I've just finished training and am positively ravenous. If you don't mind, I'd love to sample your cooking.
フレン: ま、本当ですの?
Flayn: Really?! I mean... Yes. Yes, please have some!
It is not perfect, but I am certain it will taste quite nice, all the same.
ディミトリ: そうか。なら、ありがたくいただこう。
Dimitri: I'm sure it will be great. Thank you, Flayn.
ディミトリ: 何か硬い物が混じっている気もするが、まあ……普通にいけるな。
Dimitri: There were a few suspiciously crunchy bits here and there, but other than that, it was fine.
フレン: そう言ってくださったのは、ディミトリさんだけですわ。
Flayn: You...you liked it? Wow, nobody has ever liked anything I have cooked!
If I cannot get anyone else to eat this meal, though, it is going to spoil and go to waste...
It is no secret to me that I am not very good at cooking...
ディミトリ: そうだったのか。……なあ、フレン、もう一杯貰えないか。
Dimitri: Say, Flayn... May I have a second helping?
フレン: あら! 召し上がっていただけますの?
Flayn: You...you actually want...more?
ディミトリ: ああ。折角作った食事を捨ててしまうなど、もったいないだろう?
Dimitri: Of course. I wouldn't want it to go to waste after all the effort you put in.
This kind of mishap can happen to anyone, you know. Don't let it get you down.
Besides, I can tell you put a lot of love and dedication into preparing this food for everyone. That alone makes it taste good.
フレン: ……んもう。ディミトリさんったら、お上手ですのね!
Flayn: There is no need for false flattery.
The few times I have asked my brother whether or not he enjoyed my cooking, he could not even give me a straight answer. My own brother!
ディミトリ: いや、本音を言ったまでだ。美味かった。また作ってくれ。
Dimitri: I speak nothing short of the truth, always. It was delicious, and I look forward to eating it again sometime.
I'll agree, there is no need to make enough for everyone though. If you like, you could just cook enough for me.
フレン: ふふっ、考えておきますわ。ささ、たくさん召し上がって!
Flayn: Hm, perhaps! I hope you enjoy the rest of the meal!
フレン: どうなさったの、ディミトリさん。こんな真夜中に。
Flayn: Why are you out and about so late, Dimitri?
ディミトリ: ……! ああ……フレンか。そちらこそ、こんな時間にどうした?
Dimitri: Ah. Hello, Flayn. I could ask you the same thing.
フレン: わたくし?……少し、考え事をしていましたのよ。
Flayn: Me? I was feeling restless and came here to think.
ディミトリ: ……なら、俺と同じだな。
Dimitri: I see. I'm here for the same reason.
フレン: まあ、あなたもでしたのね。……あら?
Flayn: How funny!
But...are you feeling well? You look fairly pale.
ディミトリ: ……いや。少し頭痛がするだけだ。
Dimitri: It's nothing. I just have a bit of a headache.
フレン: ま! それは大変ですわね。けれど、心配なさらないで。
Flayn: Oh my, headaches are quite troublesome, are they not? I am sure it will subside soon!
Actually, I am quite talented when it comes to healing magic. If you will allow me, I will have you feeling better in no time.
ディミトリ: ……いや、いい。気持ちはありがたいが、遠慮しておく。
Dimitri: That's kind of you, but I'm fine.
フレン: なぜですの? どうしても嫌だと仰るのなら、理由を聞かせていただける?
Flayn: But...why not? Have I offended you somehow?
ディミトリ: ………………。
Dimitri: ...
This headache...is something I've dealt with for a while now. Ever since my family and friends were murdered before my eyes.
I must never forget that day. I must never allow their deaths to be forgotten.
I feel this headache is a reminder of sorts, of those I failed to protect...and of their murderers, who still roam free.
フレン: まあ……そういうことでしたの。けれど、あなたに共感はできかねますわね。
Flayn: I see. That would explain your somber demeanor. Still, I do not agree with all you are saying.
I feel that if I were your father, or any of your dear friends whom you lost...
I would want you to let go of me eventually.
I would never want someone whom I care deeply for to be pained by the loss of me for eternity. And I doubt they would want that either.
ディミトリ: ……そんなことは、死者に聞いてみない限りわからない。
Dimitri: Perhaps. Unfortunately, they have left this world, so I can no longer ask their preference.
フレン: そうですわね。でも生前の彼らが、どう考えたか、想像はできるんじゃなくって?
Flayn: We cannot ask them directly, but we can imagine how they might have felt. You know who they were as people.
As for me, if I am ever to be but a memory in your future, I want you to remember me in a way that brings you joy.
I would want you to smile when you recalled me, to feel warmed by the notion that I cherished your company.
I cannot imagine I am the only one who feels this way. Surely anyone who loved another would wish only for their peace and happiness.
ディミトリ: ………………。
Dimitri: ...
フレン: ……すみません。ついつい、喋り過ぎてしまいましたわね。
Flayn: I...must apologize. I was out of line, clearly.
I must get some rest now. Please do not stay up too late yourself.
ディミトリ: ああ。……ありがとう、フレン。
Dimitri: Good night, Flayn. And...thank you.
フレン: あら? こんな真夜中まで、槍のお稽古をなさっていたの?
Flayn: Up this late practicing with your lance, are you?
ディミトリ: お前こそ、こんな夜中にいったい……また考え事か?
Dimitri: And what about you? Have you got something on your mind again?
You should really go to bed. It is chilly out, and you could catch cold.
フレン: ………………。
Flayn: ...
ディミトリ: ……何だ、悪い夢でも見たのか?
Dimitri: What's the matter? Have you been having nightmares?
フレン: ええ、ちょっと……。
Flayn: Well, in a certain sense, yes.
Can you spare a moment?
ディミトリ: ああ、もちろん。
Dimitri: Of course.
フレン: ありがとうございます。では、お隣に。
Flayn: Thank you.
フレン: ディミトリさん……わたくし、あなたに謝らなくてはと思っていたのです。
Flayn: I want to apologize to you.
When last we spoke, I mishandled the situation.
ディミトリ: あの時のお前の言葉は、胸に響いた。……思い切り殴られたような気がしたよ。
Dimitri: Your words that night touched me deeply. It felt as though I had been punched in the gut.
But more importantly, I think I owe you an apology.
I...lied to you.
フレン: 嘘、ですの?
Flayn: You did?
ディミトリ: 以前、お前の作った食事を口にして美味いと言ったことがあるだろう。
Dimitri: Do you recall when I ate that meal you cooked and I told you it was delicious?
The truth is that no matter what I eat, I can scarcely taste it. I have not had my sense of taste for... nine years now.
フレン: やっぱり、そうでしたの……。ずっとおかしいとは思ってましたのよ。
Flayn: My cooking certainly is not something people often compliment me on...
ディミトリ: ……悪かったな。美味いとか何だとか、いろいろと、適当なことを言って。
Dimitri: I am sorry. When I said the food was good, I was just saying what I thought you would want to hear...
フレン: ま、謝る必要なんてございませんのに。気を遣ってくださったのではなくって?
Flayn: An apology is not necessary. You were only trying to be kind, after all.
ディミトリ: ……お前のためにはならなかったな、と。
Dimitri: In the end, I am not sure it was kind.
フレン: それはそうかもしれませんけれど……わたくしは、嬉しかったんですのよ。
Flayn: Just the same, it was nice to hear.
Hey, I have an idea!
What if you sampled some really pungent food?
Or something extremely spicy! Maybe that would—
ディミトリ: フレン。
Dimitri: Flayn...
フレン: ……何ですの?
Flayn: Uh... Yes?
ディミトリ: お前の料理は、好きだよ。例え味がわからなくても、十分に美味い。
Dimitri: I like your cooking. I cannot taste it properly, but in my book, it is truly delicious.
フレン: ……ディミトリさんたら。相変わらずお上手なのですね。
Flayn: No need for the flattery!
Anyhow, maybe someday you will get your taste back.
I hope then you will be able to compliment me sincerely about my cooking.
フレン: ……はあ。
Flayn: ...
ディミトリ: ……どうした、フレン。今日も考え事か?
Dimitri: Flayn? What is the matter? Is something weighing on your mind again?
It is freezing out here! You should be bundled up in your warm bed.
フレン: ディミトリさん……。
Flayn: Listen, Dimitri...
The truth is...I am afraid of sleeping.
ディミトリ: ……どういうことだ?
Dimitri: Afraid of it? Why?
フレン: 目を閉じるたび、想像をしてしまいますの。このままずっと眠ってしまうのでは、と。
Flayn: I am afraid that when I close my eyes, I shall fall into a very deep sleep.
One from which I cannot wake up...for years upon years.
Then when I finally awaken, everyone I know and love will be long gone. Vanished with the sands of time.
I am sure it seems silly, but try as I might, I cannot shake this fear.
ディミトリ: 何の話かは、よくわからないが……
Dimitri: I cannot quite grasp what you are describing...
But I can promise you one thing. No matter how many years go by, I will always remember you.
フレン: ありがとうございます。けれど、わたくしにはわかるのです。いつかは……
Flayn: I appreciate the sentiment. Even so, one day...
ディミトリ: 聞け、フレン。お前に伝えたかったことがある。
Dimitri: Listen carefully, Flayn. There is something I have been wanting to tell you.
フレン: 伝えたいこと、ですの?何かしら。
Flayn: Oh? What is that?
ディミトリ: 先日、お前が作った料理……あれは、舌が痺れるほど甘かったな。
Dimitri: You know that dish you made the other day? It was so sweet it made my tongue go numb.
フレン: ……えっ?
Flayn: I am not so sure that is a good thing...
ディミトリ: まあ……味がわかったのはその一口だけで、俺の気のせいだったのかもしれない。
Dimitri: Well... I could only really taste the first bite, so I may have been imagining it.
But still! I was so happy.
That moment will always put a smile on my face whenever I remember it.
I could never forget you, Flayn. I promise.
フレン: ディミトリさん……。
Flayn: I...
ディミトリ: それに、俺たちは共に戦ってきた仲間だ。皆もきっと、同じように言うと思う。
Dimitri: Besides, we have fought side by side. We are friends. I am sure all of the others would say the same.
フレン: ………………。
Flayn: ...
ディミトリ: ……む、どうした?
Dimitri: Is something the matter?
フレン: あなた、鈍感だとか、女心がわからない、とか、言われませんこと?
Flayn: You really do not pick up on subtle cues, do you?
ディミトリ: 鈍感……?
Dimitri: Cues?
フレン: ……ふふ。ま、よろしくてよ。そこがあなたの良いところですもの。
Flayn: Well. It is all a part of your charm, I suppose.
With you here, I finally feel I can sleep without having to worry at all.
ディミトリ: いや……おい。よりによってここで寝るな。
Dimitri: Hey... Wait! I did not mean for you to fall asleep right here!
フレン: ……いつか……美味しいって……むにゃ。
Flayn: Someday you...appreciate...food...
ディミトリ: フレン……。……まったく、仕方のない奴だな。
Dimitri: Flayn! Ah... She is hopeless...
Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and spent his life ruling justly over Fodlan.
Some time after his coronation, he took Flayn, who now enjoyed a position of prominence in the church, as his queen.
Many speculated at first that the marriage was politically motivated, but it is said that over time the love they had for one another became clear to see.
Their lives were full of warmth and tranquility. Many years later, when Dimitri passed, his journals revealed that he had kept a meticulous record of all the meals he and his wife had enjoyed together.