ディミトリ: フェリクス、お前も剣の稽古か。
Dimitri: Hello, Felix. I see you're here to train as well.
フェリクス: その気味の悪い笑顔で話しかけるな。見ているだけで胸糞悪くなる。
Felix: Go away. Just looking at your face makes me wanna retch.
ディミトリ: ……年々兄に似てくるな、お前の口の悪さは。
Dimitri: Heh. With that mouth of yours, you grow more like your brother every day.
フェリクス: 黙れ。獣は獣らしくしていろ。
Felix: Shut up. And stop walking around on your hind legs. You're not fooling me.
ディミトリ: ……随分と嫌われたものだ。
Dimitri: I cannot fathom why you seem to hate me so.
フェリクス: 俺はお前の本性を知っている。お前が血と殺戮を好む獣であることを、な。
Felix: Because I know what you really are—a beast, craving blood.
ディミトリ: ……血と殺戮、か。
Dimitri: A beast craving blood, am I?
I assume you're speaking of the events two years ago. Last time we met outside the academy?
フェリクス: ああ、そのとおりだ。
Felix: I am.
The way you suppressed that rebellion... It was ruthless slaughter and you loved every second.
I remember the way you killed your victims. How you watched them suffer.
And your face...that expression. All the world's evil packed into it.
That was our first battle. I remember it vividly.
ディミトリ: ………………。
Dimitri: ...
フェリクス: どうした。……否定してみろ、猪。
Felix: Oh, something wrong? Go ahead and deny it, you wild boar.
ディミトリ: ……否定は、しない。フェリクス、お前は間違っていない。
Dimitri: I deny nothing, Felix.
フェリクス: ………………。……ああそうか、もういい。
Felix: Well then.
I suppose the Dimitri I once knew died during that slaughter in Duscur, along with my brother.
ディミトリ: ……そうかもしれないな。
Dimitri: Perhaps you're right.
フェリクス: ……チッ。
Felix: Hmph.
Hurry up and get out of my sight. I don't make a habit of talking to beasts.
フェリクス: おい……暇を持て余しているのだろう。稽古に付き合え、猪。
Felix: You don't look busy. Join me for some training, boar prince.
ディミトリ: ……何だ、フェリクス。俺とは、言葉も交わしたくないんじゃないのか。
Dimitri: And here I thought you had no desire to speak with me.
フェリクス: 剣を交わしたくないと言った覚えはない。
Felix: We don't need to speak to clash swords, do we?
ディミトリ: 面倒な奴だな……。……ん、お前、剣を新調したのか。
……! いや、いやいや、待て。お前、なぜそんな稀少なものを持っている……!
Dimitri: I suppose not. Is that one new?
Wait! Where did you get such a blade?
フェリクス: フン……。やはり、貴様ならばわかるか。
Felix: Hmph! I suppose you would recognize its value.
I came upon a merchant selling weapons and found this among the rest of the steel.
ディミトリ: この分厚い刀身、独特な刃紋……間違いない、名匠ゾルタンの作だな!
Dimitri: That pattern around the edge... There's no doubt. It was forged by Zoltan, the master swordsmith!
フェリクス: やらんぞ。
Felix: I'm not giving it to you.
ディミトリ: ……目にできただけでも十分だ。だが、頼む……試し切りくらいは……
Dimitri: Huh? Oh, I'm just happy to have laid eyes on it. I don't suppose you'd allow me the chance to hold it?
フェリクス: 阿呆が。お前は自分の馬鹿力を省みろ。万一破損したらどうする!
Felix: Do you take me for a fool? I'm not letting a brute like you swing it around.
ディミトリ: そんな迂闊な真似をするかっ!
Dimitri: As though I would be careless with something so valuable.
フェリクス: 俺はまだ覚えているぞ。お前が9つの頃、剣を力任せに振ってへし折ったことを。
Felix: I recall when you were nine years old, you swung a sword so hard you snapped it clean in two.
ディミトリ: そ……それは昔の話だろう。流石にもう、あんな馬鹿をするものか。
Dimitri: Come now, that was so long ago! I'm hardly the fool I was then.
フェリクス: フン、どうだかな。あの出来事は長らくフラルダリウス家で語り草に……
Felix: Heh. So you say, yet House Fraldarius still told that story for years.
ディミトリ: ……どうした、フェリクス。
Dimitri: What's wrong, Felix?
フェリクス: ……クソッ。何を言っているんだろうな、俺は。
Felix: How pointless.
No use talking about someone who's long dead.
Looking at your face is making me angry. I'm going to find a different training partner.
Farewell, Your Beastliness.
ディミトリ: ……何だったんだ、あいつは。
Dimitri: What is going on with him...
フェリクス: ……お前に聞かねばならんことがある。手が滑って斬りつけないうちに、答えろ。
Felix: I have a question for you. Answer quickly before my hand slips and I cut you in half.
ディミトリ: お前はいつも物騒だな。で……何だ、フェリクス。
Dimitri: Always so ominous. Well? What is it, Felix?
フェリクス: 血と殺戮を好む、獣の顔。能天気で善良な、人の顔。
Felix: Sometimes you have an animal's face, contorted with anger and bloodlust. At other times, a man's, with a friendly smile.
Which is your true face?
ディミトリ: 当たり前のことを聞くな。どちらも俺の本性だよ、フェリクス。
Dimitri: Do not waste your breath on questions with such obvious answers. They are both the real me.
My father, my friends, Glenn... They all meant a great deal to me.
And they were all brutally slaughtered. I alone survived.
If I do not shoulder the anguish and regret they must have felt, who will?
フェリクス: フン……そうして自分の悪行を正当化するのか、お前は。
Felix: Hah. So, that's how you justify your atrocities.
ディミトリ: ……正当化、だと?
Dimitri: What do you mean?
フェリクス: 「亡き王への忠義を果たす」。親父殿の口癖だった。
Felix: "I will fulfill my duty to the late king." My old man used to say that over and over, like a mantra.
How nauseating. No one seems to understand.
The dead won't acknowledge your loyalty. They don't care.
What a load of bunk it is, pretending to serve a corpse. You're serving your own ego.
ディミトリ: ……違う。
Dimitri: You are wrong.
フェリクス: いいや、違わん。死者は死者、生者は生者だ。
Felix: No, I'm not. The dead are dead, the living are living.
You have to respect that boundary. If you keep stringing gravestones around your neck, you'll snap.
死者と生者との境界を respect せねばならん
respect の訳は?(敬意を表す、配慮する、遵守する、etc)yupeco.icon
ディミトリ: それでも……彼らの存在を忘れたり、手放したりするなど、俺にはできない。
Dimitri: Even still... I cannot forget them, nor can I let them go.
フェリクス: ……ならば呑み込め。
Felix: Then keep those thoughts to yourself.
If you're too weak to do that, abandon your throne. Become a grave keeper.
ディミトリ: フェリクス……。
Dimitri: Felix...
フェリクス: ……俺とて、父や兄の死に何も思わなかったわけではない。
Felix: I'm not immune to emotion, you know. Far from it.
I haven't gone a day without questioning why my father and brother had to die, while I survived.
I'll bear this pain until the day I die, but I refuse to wallow in it.
I have more important things to do than blubber for my whole life.
ディミトリ: ………………。
Dimitri: ...
Heh. You know, Felix, you really are growing more and more like your brother.
Always so sarcastic, and constantly looking for a fight. But deep inside, more than anyone, you—
フェリクス: どういう意味だッ。
Felix: What are you getting at?
ディミトリ: いや、何でもない。とにかく礼を言うよ。……目の覚めるような思いだ。
Dimitri: Oh... It's nothing. But allow me to thank you. Your perspective has opened my eyes.
フェリクス: フン……別に。
Felix: Hmph. Not my intention.
I couldn't stand the pathetic look on your face. That's all.
ディミトリ: ……そうか。ならば、そういうことにしておこう。
Dimitri: I see. If you say so, then we will leave it at that.
After his coronation, Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and spent his life ruling justly over Fodlan.
At his side every step of the way was his right-hand adviser, Duke Felix Fraldarius.
Their lifelong bond grew so strong over time that, when Dimitri finally passed, it is said that Felix's grief was more potent even than the queen's.
The stories of their lives were passed down to future generations as chivalric tales that rivaled those of Loog, the King of Lions, and his sworn friend, Kyphon.