Todo Cを2部で見る
ディミトリ: む……この天幕も破れているな。アッシュ、こっちの修繕を先に頼めるか?
Dimitri: Hm, this tent is torn. Can you please fix this one first, Ashe?
アッシュ: はいっ、お任せください!
Ashe: Absolutely!
ディミトリ: 悪いな、本当なら俺がやるべきことだが、繕う間に日が暮れてしまいそうで……。
Dimitri: Sorry, I should probably take care of it myself, but we'd be here until sundown if I—
アッシュ: いえいえ、慣れていますから!僕にできることなら何でもお手伝いします!
Ashe: No problem at all! I've had lots of practice with things like this. Happy to help however I can.
ディミトリ: ……そ、そうか。
Dimitri: Oh. Well, thanks.
Actually, I'll fetch you something to make the job less of a burden. You like sweet things, right?
アッシュ: は、はい……。………………。
……ああああ! やっぱり駄目です!殿下を行かせるくらいなら僕が行きますっ!
Ashe: Ah. Well, yes...
Sorry, no! I can't ask you to do that!
ディミトリ: ……なあ、アッシュ。もう何度も言っているだろう、そういうのはよせ、と。
Dimitri: Ashe... I've told you, there's no need to act like that.
アッシュ: だからって、自分の生まれた国の王族の方を顎で使うような真似はできませんよお!
Ashe: I can't have someone from the royal family running errands for me. It doesn't feel right.
白雲の章 ロナート卿存命時
アッシュ: あわわわ……もしロナート様が知ったら、どんな恐ろしい顔で叱責されるか……!
Ashe: Lonato would be furious with me, I'm sure!
ディミトリ: ロナート卿が何か言ってきたら、俺から抗議の書簡を送ってやるさ。
Dimitri: If Lord Lonato says something to you, I'll write him a letter of protest.
ディミトリ: 俺としては、気軽に顎で使ってもらって一向に構わないくらいだし……
Dimitri: I really don't mind, so you needn't worry about that.
And while I'm being candid... I'd prefer it if you didn't speak so formally to me.
アッシュ: そ、それはそうですけど……殿下は僕たち平民にとって、雲の上の方なんですよ。
Ashe: I know. But to commoners like me, you're royalty.
Regular folks normally only lay eyes on someone like you once or twice in their whole lives.
ディミトリ: ……やはり、そういうものか。俺が王位を継いだ暁には、各都市への巡察の機会を……
Dimitri: I understand. I really do. When I ascend the throne, perhaps I should do a tour of each city...
アッシュ: そ、そういうことを言っているんじゃないんです!
Ashe: What? No, that's not what I meant!
ディミトリ: む、難しいな……。まあ、これ以上の無理強いも、お前を困らせるだけか。
Dimitri: I'm at a loss... I wish to make things better, but I seem to only upset you more and more.
That is certainly not my intention. Perhaps I should leave you be and take care of our shopping...
アッシュ: だ、駄目ですっ。天幕の修繕が終わり次第、僕が買い出しに行きます!
Ashe: Please, I promise I'll go myself just as soon as I've finished with the tent!
ディミトリ: ……いや、それでは本末転倒だろ。
Dimitri: Ashe. Enough.
OK... I've a question. Answer me this.
I don't normally eat sweets, so what would you recommend?
アッシュ: そうですね……予算を考えないなら、僕はやっぱり砂糖菓子とか、美味しいと……
Ashe: Oh. Well, if price isn't a concern for you, then you should go for the sugar candies. The ones they make in town are really delightful.
Ah! Oh, Your Highness—please, you mustn't!
ディミトリ: よしわかった、砂糖菓子だな。了解した、すぐに買ってこよう。
Dimitri: Got it. Sugar candies it is. I'll go and fetch some.
アッシュ: で、殿下ああ……! すみませんっ……!せめて修繕は終わらせておきますから……!
Ashe: Your Highness! Please come back! I'm so sorry! I'll-I'll make sure these repairs get done!
アッシュ: 殿下……あ、間違えた。ディミトリ!ええと、その……今日の訓練の相手を……。
Ashe: Your Highness—sorry, I mean, Dimitri—would you, um, do you want to train together today?
ディミトリ: ………………。……ああ! もちろん構わないさ。
Dimitri: Ashe! Of course, I'm glad you asked.
ディミトリ: なら、講義の後にでも訓練場に来てくれ。待っているからな。
Dimitri: After classes conclude for the day, meet me at the training ground. I'll be waiting.
ディミトリ: なら、夕方に訓練場に来てくれ。それまでに雑務を終わらせておく。
Dimitri: Meet me at the training ground this evening, after we've finished our tasks for the day. I'll be waiting.
ディミトリ: そうだ、終わり次第一緒に食事に行こう。動いた後は腹が減るからな。
Dimitri: And afterward, let's plan on dinner. We'll certainly have worked up an appetite.
アッシュ: そそ、そうで……だね! 是非ご一緒……一緒に食べたいです! ……あっ!
Ashe: Oh! Yes, I suppose— I mean, sure, it'd be— That is... It would be my pleasure to, ah—to dine? With you?
I mean, I... Um...
ディミトリ: ……おい、アッシュ?
Dimitri: Ashe...
アッシュ: 殿下、すみません! 僕は未熟でした!もっと鍛練を積んできます……!
Ashe: I'm sorry, Your Highness! I'm just no good at this! I'll do my best to improve!
ディミトリ: おい、アッシュ……以前俺が言ったことを、そこまで気にしていたのか。
Dimitri: Are you still worrying over what I said to you before?
アッシュ: ……殿下の言いつけに背いてまで自分の意地を貫くのもいけない、と思って。
Ashe: I'm trying to do as you asked, but it's just completely against my nature.
ディミトリ: アッシュ、俺もな、尊敬すべき相手に敬意を表すのは、ごく当然のことだと思う。
Dimitri: Trust me, I understand the urge to show respect where it is due.
However, that is not the case here.
Yes, I was brought up in a different family and raised in a different way, but otherwise, you and I are the same.
アッシュ: ……殿下の仰ることは、正しいと思います。
Ashe: That all makes sense, Your Highness.
But I just can't bring myself to speak to you in such a casual way.
Sure. When you get right down to it, royalty like you and commonfolk like me... We're all just people.
But the commonfolk still rely on the nobility to keep the peace, and to keep them safe.
Commoners pay the price for that in taxes and respect. That's what Lonato says.
ディミトリ: ……それも、道理だな。だが、俺はまだ王位に就いたわけでは……
Dimitri: I suppose I can understand that point of view. But the flaw in your logic is that I am not king just yet.
ディミトリ: ……それも、道理だな。だが、俺はまだ正式な王では……
Dimitri: I suppose I can understand that point of view. But the flaw in your logic is that I am not officially the king just yet.
アッシュ: あ、だけど、それだけじゃないんです!
Ashe: But that's not all there is to it!
ディミトリ: ……?
Dimitri: Hm?
アッシュ: 僕は、一人の人間としての殿下を尊敬しています。殿下が何と言おうと!
Ashe: I also respect you as a person.
You carry the weight of the whole Kingdom on your shoulders. You're a faultless warrior, and you're always so kind to your allies. Even me.
ディミトリ: それを言い出したら、きりがないだろ。俺だって同じだ。
Dimitri: On all accounts, I can say the same of you.
But you also have a strong heart. I can't say that about myself.
No matter the circumstance, you are never drawn toward darkness. That mindset of yours has done me well on countless occasions.
アッシュ: そ、そうなんでしょうか……。………………。
Ashe: Well, I...I do my best.
So I guess...mutual respect between us is what's really the most appropriate.
ディミトリ: そうだな。言葉を交わす度に青くなったり赤くなったりされては、俺も気まずい。
Dimitri: Precisely. Which means there's never any need to be nervous or uncomfortable around one another.
It seems we may have circled back to where we started with this conversation, but...
Let's at least agree that we both should learn to bend a bit. How's that sound?
アッシュ: ……はい! そ、それじゃあ、改めて……殿下、訓練の相手をお願いできますか?
Ashe: All right! Let's start from the beginning, then. Would you like to train with me today, Your Highness?
ディミトリ: ああ、もちろんだ。遠慮なくかかってこい、アッシュ。
Dimitri: Of course, Ashe. Come at me with everything you've got!