アロイス: おや、ディミトリ殿。珍しい、今日は稽古に出ないのか?
Alois: Your Highness, missing the day's training? How unlike you!
ディミトリ: そのつもりでしたが、この猛雨では。降りやむ様子もないようですし……。
Dimitri: I had intended to train, but this rain is unrelenting...
アロイス: む、確かに今日の雨は随分と強いな。これでは外出もままならん。
Alois: Yes, it's really coming down out there. Makes it hard to go outside, I suppose.
It's pouring so hard, I can't help but feel "pourly"!
ディミトリ: ……は、はあ。そうですね……。
Dimitri: Uh, yes... Quite.
アロイス: ああいや、すまんすまん。この天気ゆえ、冗談の冴えも悪くてな!
Alois: Sorry, that one was pretty bad. I think this weather is putting a damper on my sense of humor!
ディミトリ: いや、天気と冗談に何の関係が…………それで、私に何かご用でしょうか。
Dimitri: Hm. At any rate, did you need me for something?
アロイス: うむ、もし良ければ、武器庫の整理を手伝ってもらいたいのだ。
Alois: Ah yes. You seem to have the time to spare, so would you help me organize our stock of weapons?
You must know a thing or two about weapons, and I bet you're no slouch at physical labor.
ディミトリ: そうでしたか。ならば、すぐにでも。ちょうど時間を持て余していましたので。
Dimitri: Of course, I'd be happy to help. I was just hoping for a useful way to pass the time until the rain lets up.
アロイス: それはありがたい。いやあ、私一人ではとても終わらんと思っていたのだ!
Alois: I appreciate it. I don't know how I'd do it all on my own!
You know, it's great that you're willing to help with this kind of thing. Some nobles are so self-important.
You're a real go-getter, Your Highness! Or should I say, Your Spryness?
ディミトリ: ………………。
Dimitri: ...
アロイス: ………………。
Alois: ...
(Maybe that was disrespectful...)
(If he's going to lop off my head, he'd better go ahead and do it. I can't bear the silence!)
Listen, Your Highness. That joke, I... I didn't mean to...
ディミトリ: ……ふっ。く、くく、はははは!
Dimitri: Ahem. I just— Hahaha!
アロイス: えっ。
Alois: Huh?
ディミトリ: ふっ、くく……も、申し訳ありません、アロイス殿。
Dimitri: Hahahaha! Oh my. I'm sorry, Alois!
アロイス: い、いや待て、今の冗談が……本当に面白かったのか?
Alois: Wait, you mean, you actually found it funny?
ディミトリ: あ、いえ。
Dimitri: Oh goodness, not at all.
アロイス: ぐぬっ……。
Alois: I see...
ディミトリ: ですが、そこまでの域に達すると逆に笑えてくるというものです。
Dimitri: But when a joke is unfunny to a certain degree, it somehow comes full circle into hilarity.
アロイス: む……いや、私は本気で笑いを取りに行ったつもりなのだが……。
Alois: That's not exactly what I was going for.
Still, I don't think I've ever seen you laugh so loudly.
ディミトリ: ……事実、あまり得意ではありませんので。こうして声を上げて笑うのは久しぶりです。
Dimitri: It's true. Laughter is not one of my strong suits. I actually can't recall the last time I laughed like that.
Alois... Perhaps you should focus your efforts on honing this comedic talent of yours.
アロイス: こちらの芸、とは……いやいや、要は私の冗談がつまらんと言っているだけでは……。
Alois: "This talent," hm? Is that your way of saying I'm no good at telling jokes?
ディミトリ: ……ええと、すみません。冗談そのものへの言及は……控えます。
Dimitri: Heh, my apologies. I should refrain from commenting on the...quality of your jokes. What's important is that they bring joy, right?
アロイス: ぐぬっ……よし、ディミトリ殿、次こそは必ずあなたに面白いと言わせてやるぞ!
Alois: That does it. Next time I make you laugh, I'm gonna make you admit it was a good, quality joke!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to cook up some top-notch rib-ticklers!
ディミトリ: いやあの、アロイス殿、武器庫の整理は…………行ってしまわれた。
Dimitri: Alois? What about organizing the weapons? Oh. He's gone, isn't he...
アロイス: くっ、我々としたことが迂闊だったな。魔物風情にこうも追い詰められるとは。
Alois: Ungh... We should have been more careful. Those monsters really got the better of us.
ディミトリ: 申し訳ありません、アロイス殿。……私がもう少し気を払っていれば。
Dimitri: I must apologize, Alois. If only I had paid closer attention...
アロイス: いや、いいのだ。今は過ぎたことを悔やむより……
Alois: No, no, it's all right. We've got more important things to do than dwell on our mistakes.
王国兵: ……うう、いてえよ。まだ死にたくねえよ……。
Kingdom Soldier: Argh... It hurts... I don't want to die yet...
王国将: クソ、どうしてこんな……。
Kingdom General: Ugh... How did it come to this...
ディミトリ: ……ええ、これだけ士気が下がっていては、修道院まで戻るのも危ういでしょうね。
Dimitri: Indeed. With morale this low, we may yet have trouble making it back to the monastery.
アロイス: 如何せん想定外の襲撃であったからな。皆、狼狽えるのも無理はあるまいよ。
皆、聞け! 我々はこれより、修道院への退路を切り開く!
Alois: We weren't expecting that attack, after all. It gave us a nasty shock.
So we can't just leave. The knights could use some inspiration.
Listen up, everyone! We're going to carve ourselves a safe path back home to Garreg Mach Monastery!
王国兵: ………………。
Kingdom Soldier: ...
アロイス: だがその前に……出立の支度を整えながら、少しばかり、私の話に耳を傾けよ!
Alois: But first, I want you all to hear me out!
ディミトリ: ……アロイス殿?いったい何を……
Dimitri: Alois? What exactly are you...
アロイス: んー、コホン。昔、私がジェラルト殿の従者として盗賊討伐の任に就いた時の話だ。
Alois: A long time ago, Captain Jeralt and I defended a small village from a band of thieves.
After we defeated those hoodlums, the captain observed how ugly they were.
"Such hideousness ought to be illegal," he said. "If it were up to me, I would've bandit!"
王国将: ………………。
Kingdom General: ...
王国兵: ………………。
Kingdom Soldier: ...
アロイス: その後、賊に悩まされていた村の長が進み出て、金の入った袋を差し出した!
Alois: Then he walked up to the leader of the village and handed over a big bag of coins!
"A gift from the thieves," he said. "They were dying to give it to you."
王国兵: あのー、アロイス様、そこまでに……。
Kingdom Soldier: Sir, I'm not sure this is the time for—
ディミトリ: ………………。……は、ははははは!
Dimitri: Hahahaha!
アロイス: むっ……ディミトリ殿?
Alois: Hm?
ディミトリ: ……アロイス殿、何なんです、その冗談。おかしくてたまりませんよ。
Dimitri: Oh, Alois... How do you come up with those jokes? That last one was positively hilarious!
アロイス: そ……そうか!? そ、そうだろう!やはりな、はーっはっはっは!
Alois: Ah, I don't know! I'm just a natural!
ディミトリ: はは、ははははは!!
Dimitri: Hahaha! Haha!
王国兵: ……な、何だ、この状況。どうすりゃいいんだ?
Kingdom Soldier: This is... I don't even know what to think right now.
王国将: いやあ……と、とりあえず笑っとけばいいんじゃないか……?
Kingdom General: I guess...we should just join in.
アロイス: おお、ディミトリ殿、ちょうどよかった!以前の礼をしなければと思っていたのだ。
Alois: Dimitri! Just the man I was looking for. I wanted to thank you for your help.
ディミトリ: ……以前の礼?何の話でしょう。
Dimitri: My help? I'm not sure what you mean.
アロイス: おや、忘れたのか? いつぞや、我々が魔物の襲撃を受けた時の話だ。
Alois: Don't tell me you've forgotten! Your help when the monsters attacked.
ディミトリ: ……ああ、アロイス殿の冗談が、たいへん冴え渡っていた日のことですね。
Dimitri: Ah, you mean the day you came up with those terribly hilarious jokes.
アロイス: む。その切り返し、ディミトリ殿のほうがよほど冗談が上手いのではないか?
Alois: Hm. When you put it like that, I feel like you're the one who's kidding.
Even I knew those jokes were awful.
I was trying to think on my feet, to raise the soldiers' spirits.
ディミトリ: いえ、我々は十分勇気づけられました。おかげで、修道院にも帰還できましたし。
Dimitri: Well, you certainly succeeded. Our journey home was much easier as a result.
As for myself, I am not much of an orator. I could never have done the same in that situation.
アロイス: いやいや、すべてはあなたの機転ゆえだ。私のくだらん冗談にああも笑って……
Alois: You're the only reason the gags didn't fall flat! If you hadn't started laughing when you did...
ディミトリ: 確かにあの冗談自体は……いやまあ、その、ですね……。
Dimitri: Well, I admit the jokes themselves were...perhaps not your best work.
But there is no harm in that. Even when you stumble, your good humor brightens everyone's mood and wins their trust.
アロイス: そうなのだろうか?うむ、特別意識したことはなかったが……
あなたがそう言うのなら、それは、そうなのかもしれんな! ははは!
Alois: Yeah? You think? I never thought about it like that.
But if you say so, maybe I do have a knack for this!
ディミトリ: 私も、兵を率いる将の一人としてアロイス殿を見習わねばなりません。
Dimitri: As one who is bound to lead, I could stand to learn a lot from you.
I am often told by both friends and subordinates that I am...without humor.
Alois, if you would be so kind, could you teach me to tell jokes?
アロイス: よかろう! と言いたいところだが…………私よりも適任な者がいるのではないか?
Alois: Sure, I'm happy to help, if you want to be as lousy a joker as I am! You could surely find a better teacher somewhere else. In the stables, for example.
ディミトリ: いえ……アロイス殿、私は、あなたが良いのです。
Dimitri: No... I would like to learn from you, Alois.
アロイス: ……そうか、そう言われては仕方がないな!
Alois: I see. Well, I guess I can't say no!
I hope you're ready to become a wizard of wit!
ディミトリ: はい。よろしくお願いいたします、アロイス殿。
Dimitri: I will endeavor to be a good student.
アロイス: うむうむ、極意を得んとする心意気、すっごく良い、ぞ!
Alois: Very good, that's what I like to hear. Soon you'll be cracking wise like there's no tomorrow. Everyone will think you're a pun in the neck!