ギルベルト: ……ドゥドゥーか。
Gilbert: Ah, hello. Dedue, yes?
ドゥドゥー: 祈りは済んだのか。
Dedue: Finished praying?
ギルベルト: ああ……もう済んだ。
Gilbert: I am, yes.
You have grown much since I saw you last. You are a man now.
ドゥドゥー: ……あんたとは面識と呼べるほどのものもなかっただろう。
Dedue: You barely know me.
ギルベルト: そうだな……。二、三度すれ違った程度だったか。
Gilbert: True. I suppose we did only meet a handful of times.
ドゥドゥー: ……王城で見かけたあんたは、今よりも、もっと酷い顔をしていた。
Dedue: As haggard as you look now, you were even worse when I last saw you in the capital.
ギルベルト: 罪の重さに打ちひしがれる、やつれ果てた男だった、とでも?
Gilbert: Haggard, eh? True enough.
ドゥドゥー: ……やはり、あんたは今もまだ、悔いているんだな。
Dedue: Still weighed down by the same regret, I see.
ギルベルト: 私は主君を守れなかったのだ。この罪の重さ……お前ならばわかるだろう。
Gilbert: I was unable to protect the king. That is the ultimate failure. One I must atone for.
ドゥドゥー: 贖罪を願う暇があるなら、その手で槍を持つべきだ。
Dedue: If you have the spare time to beg forgiveness, then pick up a lance and train.
ギルベルト: ……それでは、死者への償いにはならない。
Gilbert: That would do nothing to atone for the dead.
ドゥドゥー: だが、祈りが生むのは自己満足だけだ。
Dedue: Your prayers are mere self-indulgence.
ギルベルト: ……お前にはわかるまい。
Gilbert: You do not understand.
ドゥドゥー: ……ああ、わからん。
Dedue: No, I do not.
Faerghus needed you. His Highness needed you.
ギルベルト: ……ああするより他なかった。
Gilbert: There was no other choice but for me to leave.
What would you have done if you were in my place? If His Highness had died due to your failures?
ドゥドゥー: 生きろと命じられたなら死んでも生きる。そうでなければ、共に死ぬ。
Dedue: If he commanded me to live, then I would live. Otherwise, I would die with him.
I have nothing left to lose other than His Highness.
Home, family—all but that man, I have already lost.
ギルベルト: ………………。
Gilbert: ...
ドゥドゥー: ……あんたは、数十年にもわたって王を守護してきた騎士なのだろう。
Dedue: You were a knight in service to the king for decades.
Not only did you excel in bravery, wisdom, and tactics, but in matters of character you were an ideal knight. Utterly above reproach.
That is what His Highness has always said.
I have only come this far by modeling my conduct after his stories of you.
But now...
ギルベルト: ……殿下のお言葉は、忘れることだ。私は、以前と何も変わらない……
Gilbert: Forget those words spoken by His Highness. I am no different a man than I was before...
Beaten down by sin. Alone and weak. I am lost and irredeemable.
ギルベルト: しかし……本当によく戻った、ドゥドゥー。
Gilbert: Impressive that you made it back, Dedue.
It was you who saved His Highness from prison...
We—all of us—thought you were dead.
ドゥドゥー: 事実、重傷は負った。だがそんなものは問題ではない。
Dedue: My wounds were severe, but I managed.
So long as I draw breath, I fight for His Highness.
ギルベルト: ……そうか。
Gilbert: Is that so...
ドゥドゥー: おれのいない間、あんたは殿下を守ってくれた。
Dedue: But in my absence, you have protected him.
Thank you, Gilbert, for returning to us.
ギルベルト: よせ。
Gilbert: Stop.
I left once...
I have wondered if I will be forced to leave once more, after this battle is done.
ドゥドゥー: あんたは、それでいいのか。よくないだろう。
Dedue: Would you accept that? I imagine not.
ギルベルト: ……それは。
Gilbert: Of course not.
ドゥドゥー: 共に過ごすうち、わかった。あんたは今も、騎士ギュスタヴのままだ。
Dedue: You are still Gustave at heart, even now.
I am not fit to replace you. Not yet. I still have a great deal more to learn.
For now, all I can do is continue to be a shield for His Highness.
ギルベルト: ……ドゥドゥー。お前がこうも多弁になるとは、珍しい。
Gilbert: It is unlike you to be so talkative.
ドゥドゥー: ……黙っていられなかった。
Dedue: I could not be silent.
ギルベルト: だがな……ドゥドゥー。遅かれ早かれ、いずれ、私は王国を去ることになる。
Gilbert: So long as you understand... I will leave the Kingdom some day.
It may not be until the day I die, but the time will come...
This war... I'm a much older man than I was when it began.
ドゥドゥー: …………。
Dedue: ...
ギルベルト: いずれ、誰かが私の穴を埋めねばならん。……何も、お前だけで担えとは言わない。
Gilbert: Sooner or later, someone must take my place. Do not try to carry the weight alone, Dedue.
There are many talented and well-trained officers. Work together with them to assure our king's future.
Do that, and when the time comes, I will rest well.
ドゥドゥー: ……助言に、感謝する。心に留めておこう。だが……
Dedue: Thank you for the advice. However...
ギルベルト: …………?
Gilbert: Yes?
ドゥドゥー: あんたを老いぼれ扱いするには早すぎる。向こう10年は現役だろう。
Dedue: It is too soon to treat you like an old man. You still have at least ten years of service in you.
Faerghus—no, His Highness—needs you. As do I.
Save the old man talk for when you are truly senile.
ギルベルト: ……ふ、そうだな。年を重ねると、何かと弱気になってしまっていかん。
Gilbert: A fair point. There's no reason to let old age make one timid.
ドゥドゥー: これからも、あんたを頼りにしている。……あんたの背を追い続けたい。
Dedue: Even as I work to surpass you, I still rely on you.
ギルベルト: ……そうか。ならば今後も共に戦おう、ドゥドゥー。
Gilbert: Is that so? Well then, we have more fighting ahead of us, Dedue. We should get to it...
For the future of Faerghus.