フレン: 今日のお食事も美味しそうですわ。それでは、いただきます。
……! んんっ!ん~~!
Flayn: Ahhh, tonight's meal looks exquisite! Time for me to make the most of this opportunity.
ドゥドゥー: ……大丈夫か、フレン。
Dedue: Are you all right?
Slow down. Your dinner is not going anywhere.
フレン: ……ま! わたくし、お料理を喉に詰まらせたわけではありませんのよ?
Flayn: I am not sure it is your business to tell me how to consume my meal.
You must admit this food is absolutely delectable! I have not eaten something this tasty in ages!
ドゥドゥー: ……そうか、なら良いが。
Dedue: Well, good.
フレン: ふふっ、ごめんなさい。……それにしてもこのお料理、どなたが作られたのかしら?
Flayn: I suppose my enthusiasm is a tad overwhelming. Do you happen to know who cooked this meal?
ドゥドゥー: おれだ。
Dedue: I did.
フレン: えっ?ドゥドゥーさんがお作りになったの?
Flayn: You are the chef?!
ドゥドゥー: ああ。
Dedue: Today, yes.
フレン: まあ、そうでしたの!ドゥドゥーさんは、お料理名人ですのね!
Flayn: I...I do not think I have ever been brought to tears by a meal... Dedue, you are a chef without peer!
Why, that was truly more delicious than anything I have eaten in all my years!
ドゥドゥー: いや、この程度で……
Dedue: I highly doubt that.
フレン: ま、そんな謙遜なさらないで。少なくとも、わたくしには作れませんもの。
Flayn: No need for modesty. I could certainly never make anything even remotely so delicious.
Hmm, that gives me an idea.
Will you please teach me how to cook such delicacies as the one I ate just now?
ドゥドゥー: ……料理をか。
Dedue: You want me to teach you to cook?
フレン: ええ。わたくし、あなたのお料理に感動しましたの。教えてくださらない?
Flayn: Indeed! I have never been so emotional over cuisine—you must teach me your ways!
ドゥドゥー: ……構わんが。途中で音を上げるなよ。
Dedue: Very well. But only if you are serious and do not quit halfway through.
フレン: もちろんですわ!よろしくお願いいたしますわね、師匠!
Flayn: I would not dream of it! Thank you, Chef Dedue!
ドゥドゥー: ……野菜を切ってくれ。一口で食える大きさだ。
Dedue: Chop the vegetables into bite-size pieces.
After that, skim the top layer off the pan. Be mindful of the heat.
フレン: ……はい、師匠。
Flayn: Certainly, Chef Dedue.
ドゥドゥー: 師匠……は、勘弁してくれ。……何か、不満なのか。
Dedue: There is no need to call me that. Are you displeased?
フレン: い、いえ、そうではありませんわ。少しぼんやりしてしまっただけで……
Flayn: No, not in the slightest! I just got momentarily sleepy. It happens to me from time to time...
Let me see... First, chop the vegetables. Coming right up, Che— Er, Dedue!
ドゥドゥー: ……ああ。
Dedue: Good.
フレン: はあ……退屈ですわ。毎日毎日、野菜を切ったり、鍋の番をしたりするだけなんて。
Flayn: I am so bored... Day in and day out, it is nothing but dicing vegetables and waiting for water to boil.
I want to feel like I am actually cooking.
It is not as though I do not know the basics... He could at least let me hold the spatula sometime...
ドゥドゥー: ……フレン。次は、野菜の皮をむく。
Dedue: Next, we peel the vegetables.
フレン: あっ、ドゥドゥーさん。折り入ってご相談がございますの。
Flayn: Chef Dedue, I was hoping to speak with you regarding something that has been on my mind.
ドゥドゥー: ……相談?
Dedue: Speak?
フレン: 気づいていまして? わたくし、包丁やお鍋の扱いにもだいぶ慣れてきましたのよ。
Flayn: Surely you have noticed my skill while wielding pans and knives.
Therefore, I think it is time you taught me how to cook—beyond all this water boiling and vegetable chopping business.
ドゥドゥー: ……駄目だ。
Dedue: Impossible.
フレン: ど、どうしてですの?
Flayn: But why?!
ドゥドゥー: ……何事にも、段階というものがある。
Dedue: All must be done in the proper sequence.
And the first step here, whether you like it or not, is to learn to use the tools perfectly.
フレン: んま! わたくし、お料理道具ならもう、ちゃーんと使いこなしてますのに!
Flayn: Come now! You have seen how I use a ladle! You know I'm good for it.
Hmph. He has left me no option but to take matters into my own hands.
Stubborn you may be, Chef Dedue, but I will show you the true meaning of delicious!
フレン: あ、あのう……ドゥドゥーさん。その、すみませんでした。
Flayn: Er...hello there, Dedue... I just want to say that I am really, terribly sorry.
ドゥドゥー: ……何がだ。
Dedue: For what?
フレン: 以前、一人でお料理を作ったことですわ。……しかも、失敗してしまいましたし。
Flayn: I, um... I tried to cook. On my own. It was an absolute disaster.
Adding that seasoning... Adding all that seasoning. Ugh, what a mistake.
ドゥドゥー: ……失敗は誰にでもある。
Dedue: Mistakes happen.
フレン: で、でも……わたくし、師匠の……いえ、ドゥドゥーさんの教えを破りましたわ。
Flayn: But Chef—that is, Dedue! I defied your instructions! Quite blatantly, I might add.
I tried to cook before I had gained mastery over the tools.
I have been a terrible student... Are you going to stop teaching me now?
ドゥドゥー: ……お前は破門されたいのか。
Dedue: Is that what you want?
フレン: そんなわけはありませんわ。もっともっとお料理を教わりたいです。
Flayn: Not in the slightest. I desperately want to learn from you.
ドゥドゥー: なら、このままでいいだろう。
Dedue: As you were, then.
フレン: えっ?ほ、本当ですの?
Flayn: You... I... Truly?!
ドゥドゥー: ……ああ。それに、お前の料理はただの失敗ではない。
Dedue: You have not disappointed me.
The food itself tasted awful, of course. But there was more to it than that.
I could feel the thought you put into it. The wish to please others. To be faithful to what you've learned.
フレン: ドゥドゥーさん……まさか、わたくしのお料理、召し上がったんですの?
Flayn: actually ate the food I made?
ドゥドゥー: 食べた。他でもない、お前が作った料理だからな。
Dedue: I did.
The ingredients were chopped to perfection.
You also seem to have learned how to handle fish without my instruction.
フレン: あれはただ、見よう見まねで……。
Flayn: I learned by watching you.
ドゥドゥー: ……お前は筋が良い。おれも、いつか追い越されてしまうだろう。
Dedue: You have talent. One day you will surpass me.
フレン: ドゥドゥーさん……わたくしてっきり、怒られると思っておりましたのに……。
Flayn: I was certain you would be angry with me.
It is decided, then. Someday, you will exclaim that something I have made is delicious.
I do not quite know how many years it will take, but I am willing to rise to the challenge. Please, help me get there!
ドゥドゥー: ああ、無論だ。
Dedue: I will.
However long it takes, I look forward to it.
Now, your next lesson will consist of the selection and seasoning of ingredients.
フレン: はい、師匠!……あっ、すみません、ドゥドゥーさん!
Flayn: Of course, Chef—er, Dedue, rather.
ドゥドゥー: ……お前の好きに呼べ。
Dedue: Call me whatever you want.
フレン: ま、好きに!? で、でしたら、ドゥー様とか、ドゥーちゃんとかでも……?
Flayn: Oh! This is so exciting! Let me see... Chef Dedue! Master Chef Doodah? Ooh, Supreme Chef Deddie-pie!
ドゥドゥー: ……二言はない。好きに、呼んでくれ。
Dedue: I suppose I've already committed.
フレン: では、ドゥーちゃん師匠にいたしますわ!決めました! ふふふふっ!
Flayn: Oh, I know! Chef Deddles!
After the war, Dedue returned to Fhirdiad to support King Dimitri's reign as his vassal. As he worked, his wife, Flayn, was determined to support him with home-cooked meals. Dedue patiently endured the more disastrous of his wife's experiments, while teaching her everything he knew.
Eventually Flayn's talent blossomed and she became a renowned chef. It is said that those who were lucky enough to taste her cooking always asked for more, and that Dedue's eyes lit up with affection and pride when she told him what she was planning to prepare next.