ツィリル: ………………。
Cyril: …
ペトラ: ツィリルさん。あなた、大変、熱心です。よく、働きます。
Petra: Cyril. You are always having great passion and hard work. You give inspiration!
ツィリル: 別に褒めてくれなくてもいいよ。これがボクの仕事なんだ。
Cyril: Aw, just doing my job.
ペトラ: いいえ。わたし、あなた、褒める、違います。
Petra: There is no need for showing humility. You work with hardness… I mean, you work hard.
It makes me have curiosity. Can you tell me what plans you hold for the future?
ツィリル: ボクの意図? 未来? 何のこと?忙しいから後にしてほしいんだけど……。
Cyril: The future? I don't know anything about the future, but I'm kinda busy, so can we talk later?
ペトラ: あなた、パルミラの出、聞きました。教団、出世、難しい、皆、言います。
Petra: I have had the learning that you are from Almyra. Everyone has the saying that it may have…may be hard to move up in the church for you.
But even with that, you always have passion and work with hardness! What fills you with determination?
ツィリル: 働くのが、ここでのボクの役目だからだよ。役目を投げだしたらここにいられないだろ。
Cyril: I work because I work. It's what I do here.
And, ya know, I really wanna make myself useful to Lady Rhea, so I can repay the big debt I owe her.
Lady Rhea gave me a home when I didn't have one.
ペトラ: 恩返し、道理、わかります。
Petra: I understand the feeling of need for repaying debts.
But does it give you difficulty, being a great distance from your home for so much time?
ツィリル: 思いって言われても、何もないよ。パルミラには家族もいないし。
Cyril: Almyra's just where I was born. It's not like I've got family there.
If ya love your homeland and wanna go back, then that's nice, but…it's not a thing I wanna do.
I like where I am. The best future I can think of…is if things stayed like this forever.
ペトラ: そう、ですか。
Petra: Yes. I have understanding.
You and I…have similarities. But, at the similar time, we have differences.
ツィリル: うん、ボクもそう思うよ。……もういいかな。まだ仕事の途中なんだ。
Cyril: Maybe. Hey, I still got a lot of work. Better get to it.
ペトラ: ツィリルさん、故郷、嫌、嫌います?……わかりません。
Petra: Cyril…does not want to speak about his land of home? It gives me curiosity…
ツィリル: ……ペトラ。ここで何してるの?
Cyril: Petra… What're ya doing?
ペトラ: ツィリルさん。わたし、狩り、鍛錬する、しました。
Petra: Hello, Cyril! I was doing training for hunting.
ツィリル: 狩りの鍛錬?でも、ペトラは狩り、得意だよね?
Cyril: I thought you were already a good hunter.
ペトラ: はい。しかし、狩り、行います、常です。でないと、感覚、鈍ります。
Petra: I am good, but to keep good, I must keep practicing.
ツィリル: ふーん、そうなんだ。あ、ねえ、質問してもいいかな。
Cyril: Oh, I get it. Huh. Hey, can I ask you a question?
I mean, I figure you asked me a personal question before, so now it's my turn. That is, if ya don't mind.
Tell me why it is you do all this training and if it's got something to do with where you're from.
ペトラ: 鍛錬、故郷……。それ、わたしの過去、知る、必要です。
Petra: My training and my land of home… Before I can give answers, I must give you my history.
I was a child in Brigid. But then there happened the war with the Empire. My parents were…they died.
Brigid lost in the war. After it, a decision was had that I must go to the Empire.
ツィリル: 戦争のせいでここに来たんだ……。それはボクと同じなんだね。
Cyril: War, huh? That's the same as me.
ペトラ: はい。しかし、わたし、故郷、強く、思います。
Petra: Yes. But our difference is that I still have a strong devotion to my land of home.
I want to grow my skills and train with hardness for the goodness of my land of home.
I will one day be leading Brigid. I want to have better relations with Fódlan.
So, that is why I am here when I wish I could be there.
ツィリル: いつか帰って、故郷の力になるために、たくさん鍛錬してるってこと?
Cyril: Oh, wow. You do all this so maybe you can be a leader for your people?
I guess I was right. You're real different than me.
ペトラ: わたし、違う、思いません。あなたとわたし、同じです。
Petra: We have differences, but we do not have so many differences. You and I are the same, I believe.
ツィリル: 同じ? 何で?
Cyril: The same?
ペトラ: あなた、熱心、働きます。変化しない、将来のため、です。
Petra: You work with great passion. All for the future and…to keep protected what is here today.
I work for the future of my land of home. You are the same, but here is your home.
ツィリル: ボクが働くのは戻らないための努力……そう言われると、そうなのかも。
Cyril: Hmm… I don't know. Maybe, but…
I guess that does mean I'm putting in a lot of effort every day, just like you.
ペトラ: はい。あなたとわたし、同じ、です、
Petra: That is what I have said. You and I are the same, even with the differences we have.
ペトラ: ツィリルさん。弓、調子、どうですか?
Petra: Cyril. How is your bow training progressing?
ツィリル: ああ、ペトラ。うん、ちょっとは上手くなったと思う。
Cyril: I think maybe I've gotten better.
It feels a lot easier to ready the bow lately.
ペトラ: 素晴らしいです。わたし、もっと、応援、します。
Petra: That is a nice thing to be hearing! You have my support with your efforts.
ツィリル: 応援?
Cyril: I do?
Our positions are dissimilar, but our situations have great similarities.
That is why I am always trying hard to be supporting and protecting you.
ツィリル: ペトラがボクを応援してくれてたの?へへ……想像すると、なんか嬉しいかも。
Cyril: You mean, you've been cheering me on all along? That's nice to hear.
Well, in that case, I'll support you too!
ペトラ: 本当ですか?わたしも、嬉しく、感じます。
Petra: You will? That gives me great joy!
ツィリル: ペトラも嬉しい、か……。そう言われると、ボクも、もっと嬉しくなっちゃうな。
Cyril: It makes you happy? It's gonna sound funny, but hearing you say that makes me feel happy too.
Ya know, I just realized that there's… Well, when you talk, it's kinda powerful.
It's like…everything ya say feels real nice and reassuring.
Just listening to you makes me feel better about everything. I think it's a special talent you have.
ペトラ: 言葉、使う、特別、ありません。気持ち、ある、のみです。
Petra: Words can be said by anyone. Alone, they are without power. What is meaningful is…how you are feeling.
I am hoping I can learn to use words well, to convey my feelings. That is my wish.
I am still learning… My words are not coming out as properly as I am wanting.
ツィリル: 言葉じゃなくて気持ちってことか……。ペトラって、やっぱりすごいな。
Cyril: Maybe the words aren't, but the feelings behind 'em are. I really do think you're special.
Now that I know you're supporting me, I'm going to work real hard not to let ya down. And, um…
I hope someday I can get strong enough to inspire you the same way you inspire me.
ペトラ: それ、すでに、達成しています。あなた、十分、強い、人です。
Petra: You have already been achieving that goal. You already have great strength.
ツィリル: えっ……。そ、そうかな?ううん、でもやっぱり、まだ足りないよ。
Cyril: You really think so? Nah, I still got a long way to go.
I'm not tough enough to match you yet. So I'm gonna get stronger.
Stronger and stronger, so I can support you forever.
ペトラ: もっと、もっと?わたし、応援、ずっと、する、しますか?
Petra: Stronger and stronger? So you can be supporting me forever?
ツィリル: うん、ずっとずっと応援するよ。
Cyril: Yeah. Forever and ever.
ペトラ: わたし、老婆、なります。応援、難しい、思いませんか?
Petra: Even when I am being an old woman? It will be a difficulty then. Hehehe!
ツィリル: え? うん、ペトラがお婆さんにあんっても、お爺さんのボクが応援できるよ、大丈夫。
Cyril: Sure, even when you're an old woman, I'll be an old man, right beside ya, doing my best.
ペトラ: 老婆のわたし、老爺のツィリルさん、応援、する、です。よろしく、します。
Petra: Old woman Petra and old man Cyril, supporting each other. I am looking forward to it!
ツィリル: ろう……や?あ、お爺さんってことだね。よろしく。
Cyril: Heh… Yeah, that does sound nice.
Petra returned to her homeland of Brigid, and inherited the throne from her grandfather. As ruler, she declared independence from Fodlan, and renegotiated Brigid's diplomatic ties on more equal terms. Some years later, the Church of Seiros expanded its reach to Nuvelle, a town in western Fodlan. The priest sent to this new church, for the purpose of keeping up relations with Brigid, was none other than Cyril. He and Petra met frequently, first for public relations, and then for more private reasons. They fell in love, and were ultimately wed. It is said that their union served as a symbol for the friendly ties between the two countries for the whole of their lives.