ハピ: ほう、ほひーびゃん。げんひ?
Hapi: Mmf, Corcor. Hoff're roo?
コンスタンツェ: ハピ? いったい何ですの?
Constance: Hapi? What in the world has gotten into you?
ハピ: ほれ、ヒミもはふぇる?ほいひーよ。
Hapi: Nmf neb ter buh jealouf. Thurf plenny ter go aroud.
コンスタンツェ: ハピ……何を言っているのかまったくわかりませんわ!
Constance: Hapi, it would be easier to understand you if your mouth was less stuffed.
Kindly finish what you are eating and then say your piece.
ハピ: ふぁーい。
Hapi: Ma pleffer!
ハピ: 美味しかったー。ほら、コニーも食べなよ。
Hapi: Nothing better than fresh pastries. You sure you don't want one, Coco?
コンスタンツェ: 食べなよ、ではありませんわよ!!信じられないことをしますのね、貴方は。
Constance: It's not about whether I want a bun or not. It's about your atrocious manners!
Walking around with your arms and jaws stuffed with full of unwrapped pastries...
There are crumbs all over your lips, your clothes― You've left a trail of them behind you! Unacceptable!
ハピ: えー? 払ったんだけどな。まあいいじゃん。
Hapi: Hey, I paid for them. I can eat them however I want.
You sure you don't want a bite? If you don't have any I'm just gonna eat 'em all.
You have to try them fresh out of the oven if you want the full effect. Pretty soon they'll get cold.
Oh, I'll explain in noble-speak so you understand. Ehem. They have a crisp, oven-browned exterior, and a sophisticated, spongy sweetness lying within!
コンスタンツェ: ……!い……
Constance: Uh, not―
ハピ: いらない?じゃあハピ食べちゃ……
Hapi: Not interested? That's fine. More for me.
コンスタンツェ: おおおお待ちなさい! いただきますわ!折角の貴方の薦めなのですからね!
Constance: I was going to say, "Not so fast!" Spare one for me, but only because you insisted.
It would be rude of me to decline an offering made in good faith. One must mind one's manners.
ハピ: コニーってば、そんな必死にならなくても。はい、あーん。
Hapi: You're really dragging this out. Here, I'll make it easy for you. Open up...
コンスタンツェ: へっ!?
Constance: Wait, don't you―
ハピ: ほら、美味しいじゃん?
Hapi: Not bad, right?
コンスタンツェ: ……た、確かに、なかなか美味なことは認めざるを得ませんわね。
Constance: I could not, in good conscience, acknowledge this as anything but delicious.
ハピ: コニーだって手も口の周りも汚れちゃってるよ。
Hapi: Now you have crumbs all over you too.
Your form could use a little work. Next time, stuff the whole thing in your mouth at once.
That's the proper way to eat a snack like this.
If you ate this at some stuffy party, cutting it into sensible little bites, the experience would be ruined.
コンスタンツェ: そうですわね。世の中にはそういった食べ物も存在するということは……
Constance: I see your point. There are more types of dining in this world than I was ready to allow for.
You've won me over.
ハピ: ほら、そしたらこのまま残りも食べながら歩いて大聖堂まで行こうよ。
Hapi: Let's eat them while we head to the cathedral, and litter the ground with crumbs.
コンスタンツェ: ええ、それはとても美味…………? お、お待ちなさい! ハピ!?
Constance: A capital idea― Wait! No!
Not the cathedral! You've lost me again, Hapi!
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほ!よく来ましたわね、ハピ!
Constance: Ahaha! Thank you for going to such lengths to come see me, Hapi.
ハピ: ……いつもの地下じゃん。何か用なわけ?
Hapi: I live here, so it's not like I had to travel a long way. Do you need me for something, Coco?
コンスタンツェ: 特にこれといった用は……
Constance: "Need" might be an exaggeration...
ハピ: じゃあ寝るね。そろそろ日没だしさ。おやすみ?
Hapi: Good, because I was just headed to b's nearly sunset. Have a good night.
コンスタンツェ: お、お待ちなさい!これといった用はありませんけれど……
Constance: Wait, no! Just because I don't need you for anything doesn't mean you may go.
"Need" isn't quite it precisely. Hmm, how to broach the subject nicely?
ハピ: ……韻? 踏んだ?オシャレ?
Hapi: Nice rhyme. Are you dabbling in poetry now?
コンスタンツェ: ち、違いますわ!とにかく、貴方に用がありますの!
Constance: Don't be daft! Anyway, I need you for something.
ハピ: 結局あるんじゃん……。
Hapi: You could have just said that from the start.
ハピ: ……で、この、飲み物?ナニこれ。
Hapi: So you want me to drink...whatever this is.
コンスタンツェ: 貴方には、その、日頃からお世話になっておりますから。そのお礼ですわ。
Constance: It's how I intend to show my gratitude for all the things you do for me.
ハピ: 世話……何かしたっけ。
Hapi: Right, right, everything I do for you, such as... Uh, what, exactly?
コンスタンツェ: 焼き菓子や干し肉をくださったり、木の実を齧らせていただいたり……
Constance: You know. The pastries... The dried meats... Sharing your fruits...
ハピ: ふふっ、この前、スグリを房で食べたのとかサイコーだったね。口の周り真っ赤でさ。
Hapi: Oh, like when we ate those currants and you got juice all over your face!
コンスタンツェ: そ、その話は忘れてくださる!?私の大事な扇が汚れて大変でしたのよ!
Constance: Must you bring that up every time?! It took me hours to get the stains out of my favorite fan.
ハピ: まあ、そーいうこともあるって。で、結局これって何? 泥水みたいじゃん。
Hapi: I thought it was funny. So...what's this drink you gave me? It smells good, but it looks weird.
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほ! こちらは、貴族の間でのみ流通する新しい飲み物……テフですわ!
Constance: Ahahaha! It's all the rage amongst the elite now. They call it coffee.
It's derived from rare Dagdan beans, which are roasted, ground, and then boiled over water.
ハピ: 逝って……轢いて……荷出し?荷車でも使ってゴリゴリ殺したの?
Hapi: That's a lot of effort to make hot bean-water. Nobles find such inventive ways to waste time.
コンスタンツェ: 違いますわ!今のは明らかに違う意味でしたわ!
……って、もう! 冷めてしまうではありませんか。早く飲んでくださいます!?
Constance: Hold your criticism until you've tasted it!
And taste it quickly, please. This is a beverage that one must drink hot.
ハピ: はいはい。……ずずー。
Hapi: All right, I guess.
コンスタンツェ: ……いかがです?
Constance: Well? Your verdict?
ハピ: えっ……ナニコレ。めっちゃ美味い。
Hapi: Whoa. This is not what I expected.
It kind of tastes like mud, but also, it's delicious and I never want to stop drinking it.
コンスタンツェ: そうでございましょう!?鮮烈な味に打ち震えると良いですわ!
Constance: Exactly my reaction! The flavor is so striking that one trembles for more!
ハピ: ずずー……あ、なくなっちゃった。おかわりある?
Hapi: All gone. Got more?
コンスタンツェ: ……おーっほっほっほっほ!あるわけがございませんでしょう!
Constance: Ahaha! Indeed I do not!
The coffee bean, as I mentioned, is rare and thus expensive. They are not easy to procure.
Though, if I could restore House Nuvelle to its former glory, I might have means to acquire more.
ハピ: なーんだ。そんならムリすることないのに。
Hapi: On second thought, never mind. You don't have to go to all that trouble.
コンスタンツェ: 無理など少しもしておりませんわ! ただ、わずかばかり懐が涼しいというだけで……!
Constance: Oh, but I was going to restore my house anyway. It just may be...some time until my finances improve.
ハピ: じゃ、その辺の茂みに入って木の実でも集めようよ、コニー。
Hapi: How about we go to the woods and find some fruit trees, like we did the other day?
Fresh fruit might not be as fancy as coffee, but it's good enough for me. Come on.
コンスタンツェ: 貴方がそれでいいなら……仕方がありませんわね!
Constance: If that's all you desire, I think I can indulge you.
To the orchards!
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほっほっほ!これはとても美味ですわね!
Constance: Ahaha! Delicious, is it not?
There is little that can rival the taste of a freshly caught fish grilled to perfection over an open flame.
I prefer mine with a pinch of salt.
ハピ: くすっ……コニーったら、すっかり安上がりな女になったじゃん。
Hapi: Heh. Look at you, eating regular food like the rest of us regular folk.
コンスタンツェ: 安上がりとは何ですの! お家再興のため、節約に励んでいるだけですわ!
Constance: It's only temporary. A fish from the river is a coin saved at the marketplace. My project will require every bit of gold I can spare.
ハピ: ま、戦争中でもあるしね。お金がかからないのは良いこと……
Hapi: Plus, there's a war going on. We've all got to save money however we can.
令嬢: あら……もしかしてそこで粗末な食事をなさっているのは、コンスタンツェさん?
Woman: Constance, what is that shabby meal you're eating with such lowly company?
令嬢: 確か、貴族を辞められたんでしたっけ。もう5年以上前のことですわよね。
Woman: I suppose, after all that's happened, she's given up on regaining her noble title. Probably for the best.
コンスタンツェ: 貴方がたは……!
Constance: How dare you!
ハピ: キミら、急に何?食事中なんだけど。
Hapi: Would you two mind your own business? We're just trying to eat in peace.
令嬢: あら……獣の鳴き声が聞こえたような。野良猫でも迷い込んだのかしら?
Woman: Did you hear that? It sounds like a stray cat is screeching at us.
令嬢: 野良猫さんは、お魚が大好きですものね。ほらご覧になって、丸齧りしてるわよ。
Woman: Oh dear, she's not using any silverware to speak of. She's just eating with her paws.
令嬢: まあ、野蛮! ……あら? 貴女も丸齧りなさってるの? すっかり庶民ですのねえ。
Woman: I'd expect that from a commoner, but Constance seems to be doing to same thing. How humiliating.
令嬢: うふふ、そんな言い方は失礼じゃなくて?彼女も元は歴とした貴族で……
Woman: Ohoho! We're so vicious, beating up on poor, pathetic Constance after all of her setbacks.
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほっほっほっほ!!
Constance: Ahahaha!
令嬢: な、何ですの!?
Woman: What are you laughing at?
コンスタンツェ: 貴方がたの仰りようのおかしさに思わず笑ってしまっただけですわ!
Constance: Pardon my outburst, but I couldn't help myself after your ridiculous conversation.
How I eat my fish has nothing to do with my status. In fact, I shall vow one thing now.
When House Nuvelle is restored, I shall bite into a whole fish thrice weekly!
令嬢: は……はあ?
Woman: Pardon?
コンスタンツェ: それに、ハピも私にとって大切な存在……野良猫などとは言わせませんわ!
Constance: Moreover, Hapi is a dear friend. I won't permit you to call her a "stray cat" or anything so insulting.
We shall continue to remain steadfast friends, even after my title is restored!
令嬢: ……す、好きにすればいいですわ。ま、貴族に戻れたらの話ですけれど。
Woman: And how soon do you expect that to happen?
令嬢: 身も心も庶民に成り下がった貴女にお家を再興できるはずもありませんわ。
Woman: We both know that if she carries on with such disgraceful behavior, she won't restore her house any time soon.
コンスタンツェ: まったく、失礼な方々でしたわね!
Constance: Well! For the upper class, those two seemed rather classless.
ハピ: コニー、今のは……?
Hapi: Um... What just happened?
コンスタンツェ: ええと、昔の知り合いですわ。同級生だった貴族のご令嬢がたですの。
Constance: Oh, I knew them of old. They were callow noblewomen from the school of sorcery.
ハピ: いや、そーじゃなくて。ハピ、キミにとって大切な存在なの?
Hapi: No, I said that I'm a dear friend. Did you really mean that?
コンスタンツェ: え!? それはその、売り言葉に買い言葉というか……いいえ、そのとおりですわ!!
ですから! 私が貴族に戻ったとしても、末永くお付き合いよろしくお願いしますわ!
Constance: Hm? Oh, one says all sorts of things when one feels like being cruel. But, yes, I really meant that.
Even when I am a noble once more, I expect you to keep me company well into my dotage.
ハピ: もちろんだし。こっちこそよろしくね。
Hapi: Of course, Coco. Won't be easy getting rid of me.
Once all the fighting was over, Hapi and Constance set out together on a journey across Fodlan. They toured the land as they liked, watching it come together in the aftermath of war. They helped in the rebuilding effort here and there with magic and even the occasional sigh. When their wanderings were done, they returned to Garreg Mach, to which they also lent their restorative talents, both above and below the ground. It is said that they remained lifelong friends, steadfast through thick and thin forever after.