クロード: 静かな木陰こそ我が安息の地……昼寝するには、ここに限るな。
うわ! ……短剣!?
Claude: Ahhh, there's really no better place for my midday nap than under the shade of a nice, big tree..
The twittering of the little birds...Hmm, it's like they're singing a lullaby just for me...
BAH! Is that a dagger?!
Am I being ambushed?!
シャミア: ……クロード、鍛錬を怠けて、のん気に昼寝か?
Shamir: Claude. Why are you lazing about? You should be training.
クロード: なっ……シャミアさんの仕業ですか?酷いな、まったく……。
Claude: Shamir! Was this your doing? Talk about unfriendly...
Another inch and you would have sliced my handsome nose clean off my roguishly beautiful face!
シャミア: だが、落ちていない。良かったな。
Shamir: But I didn't. Fortunately for you.
クロード: そりゃ、そうですが……説教したきゃ普通にしてくださいよ。
Claude: You know...if you wanted to give me a talking to, you could have done so with your words instead. That's how most people do the talking thing.
シャミア: 別に説教したかったわけじゃない。
Shamir: Conversation was not my intention.
クロード: やれやれ……じゃあ、ただの悪戯ですか?それはそれで酷いですよ。
Claude: Wh-what then—a prank? That's not better!
I thought we were under attack. I could have died from the shock.
シャミア: 私がそんなに暇に見えるか?短剣の先を見ろ。
Shamir: Look closely at the dagger.
クロード: ん……? おっと、哀れなクモが短剣に貫かれて落命しているようですよ。
Claude: Is that... Riiight. There's a poor spider impaled on it.
シャミア: そいつは、毒グモだ。
Shamir: A poisonous spider.
The tiniest bite from which can cause fever, headache, and relentless vomiting. Or worse.
クロード: ひえ……ちっぽけななりで凶悪だな。
Claude: Yikes. I guess this little guy is more vicious than he looks.
シャミア: 君の顔目がけて下りていくのを、たまたま見つけたからな。
Shamir: I notic descending towards your face.
クロード: なるほど……じゃあ、俺は助けられたってわけですか。
Claude: Ah. So you saved me from a certain doom.
クロード: 文句言っちまってすみません。この恩は、いずれどこかで……
Claude: Well, in that case, I'm sorry for questioning your motives. I promise to repay the favor someday.
クロード: 文句言っちまってすみません。この恩は、いずれ戦場で……
シャミア: 好きにしろ。ま、一応覚えておく。
Shamir: I'll keep that in mind.
クロード: あれが騎士団きっての狙撃手の腕か。いやいや、惚れ惚れするねえ……。
Claude: Wow. So that's what the greatest sniper of all the knights is capable of. Absolutely incredible...
シャミア: フッ……!………………。
Shamir: Hah! Heh.
クロード: お見事!相変わらず、小気味いい腕前ですね。
Claude: Impressive as ever! It's always satisfying to see such skill in motion.
シャミア: これが私の仕事だ。自慢にもならん。
Shamir: It's nothing to boast about. Just part of the job.
クロード: けど、偵察や潜入の任務じゃ、騎士団で並ぶ者なし、だとか。
Claude: Sure, but I hear there isn't a knight out there who can match your skill at reconnaissance and infiltration missions.
クロード: けど、偵察や潜入の任務じゃ、騎士団で並ぶ者なし、だったとか。
シャミア: 暗殺と、強迫もな。殺したい奴でもいるのか?
Shamir: Don't forget assassination and coercion. Is there someone you need killed?
クロード: 物騒だなあ……何でそうなるんです?
Claude: Ooh, so violent! Why would you jump to that conclusion?
シャミア: わざわざ私に声をかけてくるからには、何か頼みでもあるのかと思ってな。
Shamir: You went out of your way to find me. I thought you might need a favor.
クロード: 別に暗殺の依頼に来たわけじゃありません。あなたと話したかっただけですよ。
Claude: Sorry to disappoint, but I didn't come to request an assassination. I just want to talk.
シャミア: 私と話したい?酔狂な奴だ。
Shamir: With me?
クロード: いや、あなたには前々から興味があったんですよ。
Claude: Of course. You've piqued my interest for a while now.
A little birdie told me you were born in Dagda. Is that true?
That's pretty far away, beyond even Brigid in the west. So...what brought you to Fódlan?
シャミア: ダグザの傭兵だった。帝国と戦って敗れ、置き去られるまでは。
Shamir: I worked as a mercenary in Dagda. That is, until I was defeated in battle against the Empire and left for dead.
クロード: そういうことか……捕虜にはならなかったんですか。
Claude: I see. I'm surprised they didn't take you as their prisoner.
シャミア: 幸い、隠れるのは得意だ。
Shamir: I know how to conceal myself.
クロード: なるほどね……しかし、その腕があれば、いつでもダグザに帰れそうですが?
Claude: Yeah, of course you do. Still, with your particular skill set, couldn't you make your way back to Dagda whenever you please?
シャミア: まあな。帰ろうと思えば、帰れるだろう。
Shamir: That is true. I could return if I really wanted.
シャミア: だが、私を拾ってくれたレアさんには恩があるし、ここの居心地も悪くない。
Shamir: But Rhea took me in and I owe her a debt. I also don't hate it here.
シャミア: だが、今の興味は、ここにある。いろいろな意味で。
シャミア: 今のところはここが私の居場所なんだ。
Shamir: For now, this is where I belong.
クロード: ははあ……居場所、か。俺の居場所も、ここで合ってますかね?
Claude: Where you belong, eh? That's heavy stuff. I wonder if this is where I really belong...
シャミア: ……知るか。 自分で考えろ。
Shamir: I wouldn't know. You need to figure that out yourself.
Claude: Ha! Hm. Not bad.
クロード: フッ……! ……よし。
シャミア: クロードも、良い腕をしているじゃないか。
Shamir: You're quite skilled.
クロード: あれ、シャミアさん。あなたから声をかけてくれるなんて珍しいですね。
Claude: Shamir? What a rare treat for you to start a conversation for a change!
シャミア: そうか?
Shamir: Is it?
クロード: 俺に頼みがあるわけじゃないですよね?てことは、俺に興味が?
Claude: It's not possible you came to ask for my help with something. Could it be you want to become closer friends?
シャミア: いや、興味はないが。
Shamir: Don't flatter yourself.
クロード: 即答とは手厳しいな。
Claude: That's cruel... You could have at least hesitated a beat before answering.
シャミア: 前に、居場所がどうこうと言っていたろ。ここは、君の居場所だったか?
Shamir: Last we spoke, you were questioning whether or not you belong here.
クロード: ああ、今のところはそのつもりです。
Claude: You remember that, do you? Well, yes, I do think this is where I belong. For now.
I have things that I want to achieve, and I can only do that by staying right where I am.
That said, once I've done what I'm here to do... It's hard to say whether I'll stay or leave.
I might end up searching for another place to belong.
シャミア: それは皆、同じだ。面白くないぞ、先がすべてわかっていたら。
Shamir: That is true for most people. Life would be tedious if we knew what lies ahead.
Whether or not you belong in a place can change at any time.
As soon as you settle in somewhere new, you begin to question your decision.
クロード: そうやって、迷いながらも生き方を選んでいくのが、人の定めなんでしょう。
Claude: That's true. I guess trying things out and searching for our own path is what life is about.
And both of our paths led us here. This is where we belong right now.
Even if it's just a temporary coincidence, we should cherish it while it lasts.
シャミア: 何が言いたい?
Shamir: What are you going on about now?
クロード: いつまで続くかもわからない、この奇跡的な瞬間を大事にしたいもんだと思いまして。
Claude: I'm just saying we should make the most of this time we have together, since we don't know how long it'll last.
Once it's gone, it might never come back. Right?
シャミア: それは口説き文句か?フ……君は面白い奴だな。
Shamir: Is this your sad attempt at flirting? I will admit, you're an interesting one.
クロード: ここ、覚えてます?短剣が俺の鼻先をかすめて……
Claude: Do you remember this place? This is where your dagger almost took my nose off.
シャミア: ああ、毒グモか。
Shamir: Ah yes. The poisonous spider.
クロード: あん時ゃ、度肝を抜かれたもんです。殺されるかと思いましたよ。
Claude: You really scared me senseless back then. I thought I was about to die.
シャミア: 私は別に、無意味な殺生はしない。
Shamir: I would not take a life without reason.
クロード: あの一件以来、あなたが気になっちまって。この思い出の場所にもよく来るんですよ。
Claude: Ever since then I've been intrigued by you. Somehow I keep returning to this spot.
シャミア: 昼寝をしに、だろ?
Shamir: For a nap, I'm sure.
クロード: はは、お見通しでしたか。でも、あなたが気になってるというのは本当ですよ。
Claude: Ha! You see right through me, don't you? But it's true that I think about you a lot.
What are you going to do once the war is over? Have you decided on your next place to belong?
シャミア: いや、特には考えていない。
Shamir: I haven't given it much thought.
クロード: ダグザには?
Claude: Will you go back to Dagda?
シャミア: 待つ相手もいない。急いで帰る必要もないさ。
Shamir: There is no one waiting for me there, and no reason to hurry back.
Besides, I've grown accustomed to the nomadic lifestyle. I can make do wherever I find myself.
Though, I may be interested in visiting Almyra.
クロード: パルミラ?……また、唐突な話ですね。
Claude: Almyra? That's a bit out of nowhere.
シャミア: 故郷とは逆方向にある土地だ。見て損はないだろ。
Shamir: It's as far from my homeland as possible. That's reason enough for me.
And you? Where will you go?
クロード: さて、まだ何も決めちゃいませんが……
Claude: Oh, I haven't decided anything just yet...
But if you're heading to Almyra, maybe I should pay a visit to Dagda.
シャミア: ほう? 理由は。
Shamir: Why would you do that?
クロード: シャミアさんが生まれ育った国だから。見といて損はないでしょう?
Claude: Because it's where you grew up. That certainly warrants a look.
And once we've both seen our fill, how about we plan to meet back up somewhere in Fódlan?
シャミア: 会って、どうするんだ。
Shamir: And do what?
クロード: 次なる居場所を、また報告し合いましょう。
Claude: We can tell each other where we're headed next.
Who knows? We might find ourselves belonging in the same place again.
Though if we do, I hope it'll turn out to be more permanent than this temporary coincidence.
シャミア: フ、何だそれは。……ま、先のことは、その時の互いの気分次第だな。
Shamir: Heh. We can decide where we belong when we get there.
クロード: 先のことなんて、わからないほうが面白い。楽しみにしておきますよ、シャミアさん。
Claude: True. The future's more fun when you don't know what it holds. I look forward to finding out, Shamir.
After the war, Claude returned home to Almyra and took his place in the royal family.
Some years later he became king, and during his reign, promoted policies to improve relations with Fodlan and protect children who had been orphaned by the war.
After he achieved his goals, he left the throne to a family member and left Almyra.
During his travels, he encountered Shamir, who had been wandering the world as a mercenary.
It is known that they traveled together from that day forward, but where they journeyed to remains a mystery.