ラファエル: よっ、ほっ、ほっ……。
Raphael: Hrgh… Ughh… Nghh…
There we go. Time for a break!
クロード: よう、ラファエル。何だか、すごい荷物だな。
Claude: Hey, Raphael. That’s quite a load you’ve got there.
ラファエル: ああ、買い出し当番で街に出たら、何だか余計な荷物が増えちまったんだ。
Raphael: It was my turn to do the shopping again, but I might have overdone it.
クロード: 買い出しって、普通は食材だよな。何で槍だの籠手だのがあるんだ?
Claude: Aren’t those trips usually for food supplies? Why did you pick up a bunch of spears and gauntlets as well?
ラファエル: 途中で鍛冶屋を通りかかったら、親父に呼び止められちまってよお。
Raphael: I was passing by the smithy and the old man called me over.
He said he was finished repairing the training weapons, so I grabbed them since I was already there.
クロード: なるほどな。で、書物もあるみたいだが?
Claude: I see. And those books?
ラファエル: 途中で、ここに出入りしてる商人とばったり出会っちまってよお。
Raphael: I had just left the smithy when I ran into a merchant I recognized.
He said he had some books that he brought for the library, so I took them off his hands.
クロード: ふーん。じゃあ、そっちの机は何だよ。
Claude: Right. And the desk?
ラファエル: ああ、それ捨ててあったんだけどよお、直せばまだ使えるだろ?
Raphael: Oh this? Can you believe someone threw this away? It only needs a little work and it’ll be good as new!
Someone around here was just saying that they needed a desk.
クロード: ……で、肝心の食材は、妙に少ないな。
Claude: Of course. Now, this is just a friendly observation, but I see surprisingly little of the food supplies that we actually need.
ラファエル: 大荷物抱えて歩いてたら腹減っちまってな、半分くれえ食っちまった。あっははは!
Raphael: Haha. Well, I, uh, worked up an appetite from carrying all of this stuff, so, uh… U had a snack on my way back.
クロード: 他人の世話を焼くのも大概にしとけっての。おかげで俺たちの飯が減っちまうだろ。
Claude: Raphael… I appreciate the thought, but you can’t get so carried away with helping out like that. You helped us all right out of dinner.
And now that I’ve seen your struggle, I have no choice but to join in this vicious cycle of charity. Here, I’ll lend you a hand.
ラファエル: いいのかあ? クロードくんの、細っちい筋肉じゃ重いと思うぞお?
Raphael: All of this stuff is pretty heavy. Are you sure you can handle it?
クロード: 心配しなくても書物くらいしか持たないよ。非力な俺じゃ、それが限界なんでね。
Claude: You insult me! And no, I can’t. I’ll only carry the books and offer my support as you handle the rest.
ラファエル: よっ、ほっ、ほっ……。
Raphael: Ungh... Rrgh... Nrgh...
Phew! Time to rest.
クロード: よう、ラファエル。こんな場面を前に見た気がするんだが。
Claude: Hey, Raphael. This scene...why is it oddly familiar?
ラファエル: ああ、街に出ると荷物のほうからオデに寄ってきちまうみたいでなあ。
Raphael: Heh, it's almost like this stuff is drawn to me whenever I'm in town!
I'm just happy I can use my muscles to help out around here.
クロード: だけどお前、確か騎士になりたいんだよな?こいつは騎士の仕事じゃないだろ。
Claude: But isn't your goal to become a knight? Running errands isn't exactly a knight's job.
ラファエル: 立派な騎士ってのは、困ってる人を助けるもんだって聞いたぞ?
Raphael: I heard that proper knights always help those in need. Isn't that right?
クロード: ああ? まあ間違っちゃいないとは思うが、騎士の本分はそこじゃなくないか?
Claude: Well, you're not wrong, but I think most people would consider that only a small part of a knight's duty.
A knight's main function is to fight and defend, don't you think?
That said, I'll agree that helping anyone and everyone who needs it makes you a remarkably virtuous person, which is even better.
ラファエル: うん? 人として立派な人が騎士になれば、立派な騎士ってことじゃねえのか?
Raphael: If someone virtuous becomes a knight, they'll be a virtuous knight, right? That's about as proper as you can get!
クロード: ん……? まあ、それもそうか?
Claude: I... Yes? I suppose so?
I, for one, would certainly look for virtue in any knight that I recruited.
ラファエル: だろ? 何なら、リーガン家でオデを騎士として雇ってもいいんだぞ?
Raphael: So, you're saying I'm the type of knight you'd want to hire for House Riegan?
クロード: ほう、そいつは名案だ!……俺が当主になれば、だがな。
Claude: Absolutely. If I somehow actually manage to become the head of my house, that is.
クロード: ほう、そいつは名案だ!……俺が当主でいられれば、だがな。
Claude: Absolutely. If I somehow manage to remain the head of my house, that is.
クロード: まあ、先のことはわからんが、お前の夢が叶うように、できるだけ力は貸すよ。
Claude: I can't see into the future, but you have my word that I'll do all I can to help make your dream a reality.
That is, if you're actually able to let somebody help you out, rather than helping out the whole world by yourself.
ラファエル: おう、どんどん焼いてくれ!オデも、どんどん焼いてやるからな!
Raphael: I'm not gonna stop helping others, but you can do me all the favors you want.
All this talk of being proper makes me hungry. For my first favor, why don't you bring me a snack?