クロード: ……ここなら、誰にも邪魔されずにゆっくり昼寝ができそうだな。
Claude: This looks like an ideal place to take a nap. Only one way to know for sure.
Ahhh, and there's a nice breeze today too...
ペトラ: ……クロード?
Petra: Claude?
クロード: ん?
Claude: Huh?!
ペトラ: クロード、何故、地面、寝ます?
Petra: Why are you taking a sleep on the ground, Claude?
クロード: この声は、ペトラか?どこにいるんだ?
おわ! 木の上にいたのか。微塵も気配を感じさせないとは、やるなあ。
Claude: Is that... Petra? Where are you?
Were you up in that tree the whole time? I couldn't feel your presence at all! Amazing!
ペトラ: 枝の上、安全。太さ、寝る、最適です。地面、寝る、理由、わかりません。
Petra: It is safe to take sleep in the tree's top. Why would you choose the dangerous ground instead?
クロード: 理由ったってなあ。こんな登りにくそうな木にどうやって登れってんだ?
Claude: Your logic is sound, I'll give you that. But how is one supposed to get up there without losing the sleepies from the effort?
ペトラ: 登る、力の向き、重要です。足、歩くよう、突きます。
Petra: I do not know what is meant by the sleepies, but getting in the tree's top is easy.
And you will be using all of your energy, so that good sleep will find you up in the tree.
クロード: お、おう。的確な助言をありがとう。……もう少し初心者向けでお願いしたいが。
Claude: I see. That makes a certain kind of sense. But it's not as relaxing as a good ground sleep.
ペトラ: 気合、入れます。降りる時、考える、不要です。勢いです。
Petra: Give it some trying. And do not think with too much hardness when you return to the ground. Feel it.
If you stop for thinking, your arms will get heavy.
クロード: 急に精神論になったな……。
Claude: That is way more thought than I had hoped to give this nap of mine.
But I'm not one to give up before even trying. Here goes nothing!
クロード: いよっ……ぬっ……このっ……。
Claude: I... I can do this...
ペトラ: 貴族の仲間、誰も、木登り、しません。フォドラの貴族、木登り、無理ですか?
Petra: I have not known a noble here who can climb trees. Is this a weakness of Fódlan nobles?
クロード: 無理なもんか……! だが……どうも……むっ……上手く……ぬはっ……!
Claude: Nope, not a weakness... I just... How do I... ARGH!
ペトラ: やめる、勧める、します。不詳、危険、身に降りかかります。
Petra: You should be quitting. It is a danger to be falling from such a height.
クロード: はあ、はあ………今日のところは降参だ。
Claude: I think that's enough for today.
This might sound like an excuse, but we don't have a lot of tall trees where I grew up. This is all new to me.
ペトラ: では、クロード、木の下、寝てください。わたし、木の上、寝ます。
Petra: You should take your sleep on the ground. I will take mine in the tree.
クロード: 何だ、この敗北感……。
Claude: You won that round, tree.
クロード: よう、ペトラ!
Claude: Hey there, Petra!
ペトラ: ……クロード?どこ、いますか?
Petra: Claude? Where... are you?
クロード: ふっふっふ……今、降りる。
Claude: Where else? Wait, I'll meet you down there...
ペトラ: クロード? あなた、こちらの木、登る、できない、でした、でしょう?
Petra: Claude! I thought you were not able to climb the trees?
クロード: ああ、血のにじむような努力の末に、俺も木登り術を会得したんだよ。
Claude: True! And that is exactly why I worked like a madman to devise a new climbing technique.
ペトラ: わたし、とても、感心します。幹、太く、枝、少ない、木、登る人……貴重です。
Petra: I have much admiration for that! To climb is a skill with value.
クロード: まあ、ちょっとズルしたけどな。上の太い枝に、弓で縄を引っかけたんだ。
Claude: What can I say, I just... OK, so I may have cheated a little. By using my bow to shoot a rope over a branch. Or a few branches. Or all of the branches.
But once I got up there and hauled up the ropes, it was the same result as if I'd climb your way!
ペトラ: なるほど、理解しました。道具、使い、時間、要する、狩猟、向きませんが……
Petra: I am understanding. That costs more time though, so it is not the best thing for hunting.
But you are not harming the tree, so that is... an advantage. I am liking this technique.
クロード: ん? 確かに、木に傷はつかないが、そこは重要なのか?
Claude: You're right. I didn't harm the tree at all. I'm surprised that impressed you.
ペトラ: 精霊、木、宿ります。木、みだりに、傷つける、精霊、怒ります。
Petra: The tree has a spirit. If you hurt the tree, you will give its spirit anger.
クロード: へえ……ブリギットの連中は、自然に寄り添って生きてるんだな。
Claude: I see. I take it the people of Brigid have a close relationship with nature, then?
ペトラ: わたしたち、果実、木より、貰います。木、失う、洪水、引き起こします。
Petra: Trees give us food and also shelter. We are needing them, and they are needing us.
クロード: フォドラじゃ、何でも主の恵みってことになっちまって、自然への感謝を忘れがちだ。
Claude: True. The people of Fódlan believe everything is a blessing from the goddess. They've forgotten to be grateful to nature too.
Nature gives us life. Sustains us. Without it, we couldn't breathe. Couldn't live. It's everything.
It's fine to pray to the goddess, but we have to respect nature too. Don't you think?
ペトラ: はい、わたし、馴染みます。女神、わかりません、ですから。
Petra: Yes. I do not know this goddess, but I know nature. That is the knowing I prefer to have.
クロード: だよな。俺にもまだ、よくわからないよ。
Claude: You and me both.
ペトラ: クロード、何、する、います?
Petra: Claude? What are you doing?
クロード: ああ、訓練用の道具の手入れだよ。掃除のついでに油も差しとこうと思ってな。
Claude: The training equipment needed maintenance, so I thought I'd give it a good cleaning and some oil.
ペトラ: クロード、手入れする、なぜ、ですか?
Petra: Why is that for you to do?
クロード: たまに手入れしとけば長持ちするだろ?物は大事に使わないとな。
Claude: If you intend to use something a lot, it's on you to take good care of it.
ペトラ: あなた、貴族、ですが、物、大切にする、汚れる仕事、進んでやる、素晴らしいです。
Petra: You are a noble who does not have fear of working with hardness or becoming dirty.
And you can climb trees. I am... impressed.
クロード: だろ? つっても、貴族だからどうとか、そういうんじゃないと思うぜ。
Claude: Thanks, but to be honest, I don't think being a noble really has anything to do with anything.
Nobles and commoners are all equal here. We're all buddies. Even you do chores, don't you?
Social rank doesn't matter when you put your life in each other's hands. I like that about this place.
ペトラ: はい。わたし、意見、同じくします。身分、勝手、決められたこと、です。
Petra: I have your same opinion. Status is something chosen by chance, not by a person.
Everything became different when I came from Brigid to the Empire. Nobility does not stop life from surprising you.
クロード: お、ペトラも言うねえ。俺もまったく同感だ!
Claude: I know just what you mean.
It's not like the ancestors of the nobility or royalty were selected by the goddess herself, after all.
What does origin or status matter? In the grand scheme of things, we're all just insignificant mortals.
Nobility isn't a matter of birthright alone. At least, not in my eyes.
ペトラ: クロード、あなた、不思議な……興味深い、貴族です。
Petra: Claude, you are... very much strange for a noble.
クロード: お前だってブリギットの姫様だからな?俺が不思議なら、お前だって不思議だぞ。
Claude: Thanks, and same to you. You're a princess of Brigid, right? If I'm a strange noble, you are too!
ペトラ: ブリギットで、わたし、普通です。フォドラで、あなた、異質です。
Petra: I am normal in Brigid. In Fódlan, you are an... abnormality.
クロード: 異質ってお前……。まあ、心の広い俺は褒め言葉として受け取ってやるが。
Claude: Ha! An abnormality, am I? Gentleman that I am, I'll go ahead and take that as a compliment.
ペトラ: あなた、心、広く、思います。器、大きい、感じます。
Petra: I think also that your heart is kind.
I am thinking that you will be a good king.
クロード: そうか? じゃあ前向きに考えとくとして、まずは道具の手入れを片づけちまおう。
Claude: I'll remember that. But for now, this equipment isn't going to clean itself.
ペトラ: わたし、手伝います。力、合わせる、です。
Petra: I will be helping you. We will join together our efforts.
クロード: ははは、お前も大した姫さまだよ。
Claude: You're an abnormality, Princess. A wonderful abnormality.
クロード: ……おーい、ペトラ!いるか?
Claude: Hey, Petra! Are you there?
ペトラ: はい、何、ですか?
Petra: Yes. What is your need?
クロード: おっと本当にいるとは思わなかったぜ。
Claude: Oh! I didn't actually think you'd be here.
ペトラ: いる、知らないまま、わたし、呼ぶ、呼びますか?
Petra: You think I am not here, but you were calling for me?
クロード: ここに来た時には、念のため呼んでるんだよ。
Claude: It seemed best to call out as soon as I arrived.
I can never tell when you're here and it wouldn't be good for my heart if you just dropped in from outta nowhere.
ペトラ: わたしも、先程、ここ、来ました時、クロード、呼びました。
Petra: When I was arriving, I called out for Claude too.
I was thinking it would give me joy if you were here.
クロード: そいつは光栄の至り。今日は先を越されちまったわけだ。
Claude: Is that a fact? I'm honored. Anyway, I see you beat me here today.
Say, Petra... Wouldn't it be great if, no matter bad the war gets, at least this place stayed peaceful?
ペトラ: はい、わたし、それ、思います。この木、好む、です。落ち着きます。
Petra: Yes, I think so. I like this tree. It gives me calmness.
クロード: ああ、俺もこの木が好きだよ。どんな時もどっしり迎えてくれてさ。
Claude: I like this tree too. It feels like it's always welcoming and reliable.
ペトラ: ……しかし、戦争、終わる、それ、この木とも、別れる、です。
Petra: But... when the war has ended, I must be leaving this tree.
I must be returning to Brigid.
Claude... my grandfather has been saying that I must be... must find a husband of Fódlan.
クロード: 藪から棒に何だよ、ペトラ。実は婿探しをしてたのか?
Claude: Whoa! Where did that come from? You sly minx, have you been searching for a suitor all this time?
ペトラ: ブリギットとフォドラ、繋がり、できる、祖父、喜びます。
Petra: If Fódlan and Brigid become bound by marriage, it will give my grandfather great joy.
クロード: ……お前も姫様だもんな。故郷の事情があるのは、仕方ないさ。
Claude: Well, you are a princess, so it makes sense that you have obligations.
ペトラ: ただし、妥協、ありません。わたし、良い人、見つけない限り。
Petra: I am not having an obligation. I will only be marrying if I find a good person.
クロード: 問題は、ペトラのお眼鏡に適う男がいるか、ってことか? そいつは骨が……
Claude: So you just need to find a man who meets your expectations? That could be tricky...
ペトラ: いいえ、見つかる、でした。問題ありません。
Petra: No, I will be finding one. It will not be a problem.
クロード: そうなのか?……誰なんだ、そいつは?
Claude: Oh? And who's the lucky fellow?
ペトラ: 秘密です。まだ、その人、伝える、していません。
Petra: It is my secret. I will not be telling him yet.
クロード: へえ……それで見込みはありそうなのか?
Claude: I see. Do you think he can give you the kind of future you deserve?
ペトラ: 見込み、わかりません。ですが……、わたしの婿、務まる、その人、のみです。
Petra: I am not knowing about the future. But my perfection... my perfect husband could be him.
And if he gives refusal, I will be tying him up and dragging him home.
クロード: 縛り上げんのか!? ……けど、ま、きっと相手の男も腹をくくってる頃さ。
Claude: Tie up?! Well... I'm sure the lucky man will learn to accept his fate one way or another!
Besides, I doubt any man would reject a proposal from a catch like you.
Claude left Fodlan, entrusting its future to his friends. He intended to travel to his homeland of Almyra, but his love for Petra instead drew him west, to Brigid.
He won her affection, and after receiving the blessing of her grandfather, the king of Brigid, the two were wed.
Some years later, each inherited their respective thrones. As the monarchs of Brigid and Almyra, Petra and Claude fostered friendly diplomatic relations between the two regions and Fodlan.