クロード: ………………。
Claude: ...
マリアンヌ: あの……。
Marianne: Um...
クロード: ふうむ……。
Claude: Hmm...
マリアンヌ: あの、クロードさん……。
Marianne: Um, Claude?
クロード: ん? ああ、悩み過ぎて天から啓示が降りたかと思ったら、マリアンヌか。
Claude: Hm? Oh, Marianne! Have the gods taken pity on my lost soul and revealed a sign to me?
マリアンヌ: ……?
Marianne: ...
クロード: 今、十傑の伝承を調べていたんだが、虚実混沌としていて、どうにもね……。
Claude: I've been researching the 10 Elites of Fódlan, but I can't tell fact from fiction...
Anyhow, what can I help you with?
マリアンヌ: あ、あの、これ……落とし物……。首飾り……クロードさんのですよね。
Marianne: Well, um... I found this pendant, and I think it's yours.
クロード: ……お? 確かにそうだ。もう出てこないと思って諦めてたんだ。
Claude: Ah, right you are. Honestly, I'd resigned myself to never seeing it again. It's a keepsake from my uncle, who's passed on.
クロード: 死んだ叔父さんの形見でね。失くしたら、祖父さんにどやされるところだった。
Claude: If I'd truly lost it, my grandfather would have had my head.
クロード: 助かったよ。ありがとな、マリアンヌ。
Claude: Thanks for returning it to me, Marianne. You saved my tail.
マリアンヌ: じゃあ、私はこれで……。
Marianne: Please, it was nothing. I should be—
クロード: 調べものは一段落ついたところなんだ。たまには、話でもしないか。
Claude: No, I think that's enough researching for today. Why don't you join me for a nice chat?
マリアンヌ: もう用は済みましたし……。
Marianne: I just came to deliver the pendant.
クロード: 用がなければ話さないってのは寂しいな。人と話すのがそんなに苦手なのか?
Claude: Sounds awfully lonely to only talk to those whom you have business with. Do you really dislike talking to people that much?
マリアンヌ: う……はい……人とは……。何を話せばいいのか……。ごめんなさい。
Marianne: It's just... I never know what to say. I'm sorry.
クロード: いや、謝ることでもないが……。親父さんとも、そんな感じなのか?
Claude: No need to apologize. We'll figure it out as we go. Tell me, are you like this with your father too?
Within the Alliance, Margrave Edmund is prone to debate. With a father like that, I would have thought...
マリアンヌ: 私は、養女なので……。
Marianne: Margrave Edmund is my adoptive father.
クロード: あれ、そうだったのか。じゃあ、生まれはどこなんだ?
Claude: Oh, is he? I didn't know. Where were you born?
マリアンヌ: それは……クロードさんには関係のないことですから。
Marianne: That is none of your concern.
I, um, I really must be going.
クロード: ……逃げられたか。
Claude: She's hiding something, that much is clear.
But that just makes me all the more desperate to know her secrets!
クロード: マリアンヌ、この前は悪かったな。
Claude: Marianne... Please accept my apologies for my behavior yesterday.
マリアンヌ: ……ええと、何のことでしょうか。
Marianne: I'm not sure what you mean.
クロード: 家の事情みたいな込み入った話を、無遠慮に聞いちまっただろ? すまない。
Claude: asking you about your family like that was pretty insensitive of me. No matter how curious I am, that's no way to treat someone. I'm sorry.
マリアンヌ: あ、いえ、私が話したくなかっただけで、クロードさんが悪いわけでは……。
Marianne: Oh, no. You weren't being insensitive, I just didn't want to talk about it.
I don't spend much time talking about myself. Not to people, anyway.
クロード: 人に、か。ってことは、人以外にはいろいろ話してたりするのか?
Claude: If not people... then with who? Unpeople? Nonpeople?
マリアンヌ: ……まあ、そうですね。人以外なら大丈夫なので。
Marianne: Well, yes. I'm much more comfortable talking to anyone who isn't a person.
クロード: いや、冗談で言ったんだが……。例えばどんな奴と話してるんだ?
Claude: I was actually joking, but... now I'm mystified. Who is it you like to talk to?
マリアンヌ: 馬のドルテとか……。
Marianne: Dorte the horse.
クロード: なるほど。それでドルテ君は、君の話してることを理解してるのかね?
Claude: Ah, of course! Good ol' Dorte. And does he understand what you tell him?
マリアンヌ: してます! 彼の言うこともわかるんです。眠いとかお腹が痛いとか鼻が痒いとか……。
Marianne: We understand each other. He tells me when he's sleepy, or when his stomach hurts, or if his nose itches.
クロード: 愚痴の多い奴なんだな……。ま、ドルテ君のことは置いといて。
俺の興味はマリアンヌの隠し事にある。何か隠してるだろ? 例えば、血筋とか……
Claude: sounds like a complainer, that Dorte. But let's table this fascinating discussion for just a moment.
Now that we've gotten in some small talk, I'd like to know what you're hiding. You are hiding something, right? Your lineage, perhaps?
マリアンヌ: い、いえ……。
Marianne: N-no...
クロード: 違うなら違うでいいんだ。与太話として聞き流してくれりゃいい。
先祖が盗人なら、子孫は何も盗んでなくても盗人なのか? そんなわけないだろ。
Claude: If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. If it's all just idle gossip, that's fine too.
But if it's something silly like, "my ancestors were cursed, therefore I'm cursed," you should know that I won't accept that nonsense.
That sort of thinking is stupid, and that's all there is to it.
Say your ancestors were thieves. Does that make you a thief, even if you've never stolen a thing? Of course not.
マリアンヌ: それでも……人は、生まれた瞬間から、すでに何かを背負わされてるんです。
Marianne: But people have burdens to bear from the moment they're born.
My burdens are so big that I...I'm sorry. I can't discuss this anymore.
クロード: 人は生まれた瞬間から何かを背負わされてる……そりゃそうだ。
Claude: People certainly are born with burdens... She's right about that.
But, Marianne... Don't you know that you can choose not to carry them?
マリアンヌ: お尻が痒いの? 仕方ないなあ。自分じゃ掻けないものねえ……。
Marianne: Aw, do you have an itch back there? I guess you can't scratch it on your own, can you?
クロード: おい、マリアンヌ。
Claude: Hi, Marianne!
マリアンヌ: ひっ……!?……クロードさん。
Marianne: Ah! Oh, Claude. It's just you.
クロード: ドルテ君とお話し中のところ悪いんだが、ちょっと話さないか?
Claude: Sorry, I know you're in the middle of an important discussion with Dorte, but could I talk to you?
マリアンヌ: 何でしょう……?
Marianne: About what?
クロード: お前が背負わされてるもんが気になって、俺なりに推理してみた。
Claude: It's about this thing you think you're burdened with. I've tried to guess what it is.
マリアンヌ: 何で、そんなこと……。迷惑です……やめてください。
Marianne: Please don't... This is making me a little uncomfortable.
クロード: 別に迷惑はかけない。その推理をここで口にするつもりもないしな。
Claude: There's no reason to feel uncomfortable. It's not like I plan on saying it aloud.
But if my guess is correct, there's something I want to tell you.
Will you hear me out?
マリアンヌ: わかりました。たぶんその推理は外れていますが、聞くだけなら……。
Marianne: Fine. I will listen.
クロード: じゃあ話すぞ。昔々、あるところに……
Claude: Once upon a time, in a faraway place...
マリアンヌ: 言いたいことって、昔話ですか?
Marianne: What the— are you telling me a story?
クロード: 聞けって。昔々あるところに、一人の若者がいた。
Claude: Just listen. Once upon a time, in a faraway place, there was a young boy.
This boy came from a despised lineage. In short, his mother was a daughter of the enemy.
So the young boy was treated horribly by everyone around him.
He hadn't done anything wrong. Everyone hated him simply for existing.
Yelling, fighting back, explaining himself... Nothing he did could change his situation.
When he was finally old enough, he ran far away from home. He escaped.
マリアンヌ: ……仕方ないと思います。私だって、逃げられる場所があるなら、きっと……。
Marianne: It sounds to me like he had no choice. I would have done the same, had it been me...
クロード: だけど、逃げた先でも同じだったんだ。外では少年の故郷の血が蔑まれてたのさ。
Claude: Thing is, after he ran away, he still found himself in the very same position. People in the outside world hated him for where he came from.
マリアンヌ: そんな……。
Marianne: Well, now that's—
クロード: 逃げ場を失った少年は思ったね。もう、内と外の境をぶち壊すしかないって。
Claude: The boy thought he had no place to go. All he could do was destroy the boundary between the inside and outside worlds.
マリアンヌ: 境を……壊す?
Marianne: Destroy the boundaries?
クロード: ああ。内も外もなくなれば、外を嫌う理由がなくなる、だろ?
Claude: Right. If there was no outside and inside, just one side to share, then the people outside wouldn't have a reason to hate him anymore, right?
It wouldn't be easy, but if he manag, he could shrug off that burden.
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: ...
クロード: ……人は確かに、生まれた瞬間から何かを背負わされてる。それは事実だ。
Claude: The point is, people are born with burdens to carry. That much is undeniable.
But whether they bind us or we cast them aside... that's up to us.
So I think you should try to cast yours aside, Marianne.
Put that heavy burden down. It's time.
マリアンヌ: クロードさん……。私にも、できるでしょうか。
Marianne: But I...I don't know if I can do it...
クロード: 大丈夫さ、俺だっているんだ。俺たちは似た者同士、助け合えるだろ?
Claude: It's OK. I'm here for you. We're the same... And I can help you.
マリアンヌ: クロードさんと私が似た者同士?ふふ……全然、似てませんけど……。
Marianne: The same? Claude, we have nothing in common.
クロード: おお! 見たか、ドルテ君?君の友だちが笑ったぞ!
Claude: Hey! Did you see that, Dorte? Your friend just smiled at me!
マリアンヌ: ……ありがとうございます、クロードさん。私も、ぶち、壊してみたいです。
Marianne: Thank you for sharing your story. I suppose I could try casting aside burden, as you say.
We can try together.
クロード: ああ、やってやろう。俺たちの意志で、世界を変えてやるんだ。
Claude: Let's do that. And when we're free, we can change the whole world.
Entrusting the future of Fodlan to his friends, Claude left for Almyra to reclaim his place as heir to the throne.
Several years later, when he became king, he took initial steps to open trade routes with Fodlan, and entered into negotiations with Margrave Edmund.
During this time, he was reunited with Marianne, who had grown under her adoptive father's guidance into a wise and talented woman.
She offered him her aid, and as they worked together to secure friendly relations between their respective nations, they fell deeply in love.