リシテア: むむーん、なるほど……。この詠唱法に紋章の力が加わると、理論上は更に……。
Lysithea: Ah, so I see... If one were to combine this incantation method with the power of a Crest, then in theory, it should─
クロード: おいおい、いつまでお勉強してんだ?良い子は寝る時間だろうが。
Claude: Hey there. Still studying, are we? Isn't it past your bedtime?
リシテア: むむっ?邪魔しないでください、クロード。
Lysithea: Claude, I really don't appreciate you interrupting me right now.
クロード: だってお前、ちゃんと寝ないと大きくなれないぞ?
Claude: Ah, but if you don't get your sleep, you'll never going to grow big and strong!
リシテア: 余計なお世話です。それと、わたしを子供扱いするの、いい加減やめてください。
Lysithea: Uh-huh. The last thing I need is you fretting over me as though I'm some child.
I'm only a few years younger than you, you know. Hardly worth nothing.
リシテア: 座学も魔道も、あんたたちより成績は上なんですからね!
Lysithea: Furthermore, my grades in magic─and basically every other subject─are far higher than yours.
リシテア: 座学も魔道も、あんたたちより成績は上だったんですからね!
Lysithea: Furthermore, my grades in magic─and basically every other subject─were far higher than yours.
クロード: いやいや、子供扱いしてるわけじゃない。これはつまり……お姫様扱いってやつだ。
Claude: Whoa, there! I'm not trying to treat you like a child, I promise. This is me treating you like... like a princess!
Now, come along, princess. Brush your teeth and get yourself ready for bed. I could read you a story, if that helps?
リシテア: お姫様扱いでも十分、不愉快なんですけど!
Lysithea: Ugh, the audacity! Whatever it is you think you're treating me like, it's unendingly annoying.
クロード: そうか? 乙女心は難しいなあ。じゃあ、いっそ女傑扱いならどうだ?
リシテア殿、剣を取れ! いまだ勉強が足らぬなどと言うならば、この俺と勝負だ!
Claude: If a child and a princess are out, what's left? Should I treat you as a noble hero?
Draw your sword, Lysithea! If you wish to continue studying, you must first defeat me in battle!
リシテア: ………………。
Lysithea: ...
クロード: いざ! 立ち会えーっ、いざ!……っておい。せめて何か反応してくれよ。
Claude: Come now! Face me like the hero of legend that you are!
リシテア: 呆れてものも言えませんでした。ほんっと、あっち行っててくれませんか?
Lysithea: I find myself speechless in the wake of your staggering ignorance. Now, please, leave me be.
クロード: わかったよ。でも、本当にもう寝ろよ?あんまり無理すると風邪引くぞ?
Claude: Ok, ok. I can take a hint. But in all seriousness, you shouldn't neglect your sleep. You'll fall ill if you push yourself too hard.
Oh, and just so you know... I heard a rumor that this library is haunted.
リシテア: ……!?
Lysithea: ...
クロード: ま、何かの見間違いだろうけどな。さて、俺は寝るか……。
Claude: It's probably not true. Right? Right. Anyhow, I, m off to bed. Good night!
リシテア: わ、わたしもそろそろ寝ようと思ってたところです! お先に失礼っ!
Lysithea: You know... I am suddenly rather sleepy! Excuse me while I see myself out!
クロード: やれやれ……強がってても、やっぱり子供だねえ。
Claude: Heh, no matter how she tries to hide it, she's still a young girl at heart.
クロード: ……だから、この地形で敵を迎え撃つなら、俺はここで……お前は、ここだな。
Claude: As you can see, if we were to face an enemy on this terrain, I would go here... and you would go here.
リシテア: え? 迎撃の布陣なら、わたしはこっちでしょう?
Lysithea: Hang on... If we're trying to repel the enemy, I should be positioned there, correct?
クロード: いや、そこはまずいんじゃないか?この地図をよーく見てみろ。
Claude: Huh? I'm not sure that's the best idea. Take a closer look at this map.
See, there's a graveyard over here. Might run into some of those ghosts you hate so much.
リシテア: クロード、ふざけないで!これ以上、わたしを子供扱いするなら……!
Lysithea: Claude! Will you knock it off already? So help me, if you continue treating me like a child, I'll─
クロード: うおっ!? 待て待て、悪かった!ここで魔法をかますのは勘弁してくれ!
Claude: Easy there! I'm sorry, OK? Just don't start blasting off any spells in here.
リシテア: フン……丸腰のあんたを消し飛ばすくらいわけもないんですからね。
Lysithea: Hmph! I've more pride than to turn an unarmed soldier to cinders.
It wouldn't kill you to speak to me as an equal when we're discussing matters as serious as this!
クロード: お前のことは対等以上に考えてるって。それだけの力を持ってるわけだから。
Claude: Actually, I see you as more than an equal. There's no questioning the power you wield.
And I was being serious about the formation just now. The bit about the ghosts was just me having fun with you. Or...trying to?
You're so smart, I figured you'd catch on to that right away. But back to the formation... Can you see why I arrang like I did?
リシテア: ……むむ。
Lysithea: Hmm...
クロード: お前に守ってもらいたい場所は、臨機応変に立ち回るための判断力が要求されるだろ?
Claude: The area I want you to guard requires the ability to adapt to an ever-changing situation.
Who else could I trust with such a difficult task? You're my best bet for something like that.
リシテア: ……まあ、そうかもしれませんね。
Lysithea: Perhaps that's true...
クロード: 今までのことも、思い出してみろよ。いつ俺が、戦いの場でお前を子供扱いした?
Claude: Think back to the times we've fought together. When have I ever treated like a child on the battlefield?
I depend on you, Lysithea. I value you power almost as mush as I do Teach's.
リシテア: そ、そうなんですか?
Lysithea: Truly?
クロード: フォドラの大地に誓って嘘なんかつくか!リシテア、お前ほど優秀な仲間はいない!
Claude: I swear to you on all of Fódlan. I like to have my fun, but I wouldn't joke about something like that. I consider you a valued ally.
I'll stop now, before I inevitably drift back into teasing you again. Just know that I meant every word, OK?
リシテア: ……わかりました。では、これからも対等な立場で。
Lysithea: Fair enough, then. From here forward, see to it that you treat me with the respect of an equal.
And.. I admit that you are not short on talent yourself, but don't go getting a big head over it.
リシテア: むむーん。弓兵をここに潜ませてから敵を谷あいに誘い込めば……。
Lysithea: Strategically speaking, if I poised an archer to lie in wait here, and then lured the enemy in over here...
クロード: リシテア、また、こんな夜更けまでお勉強してんのか?
Claude: Lysithea, are you up late studying again?
リシテア: あんた……わたしを子供扱いしないって約束しませんでしたっけ?
Lysithea: I am, but I don't see how it's any of your business.
クロード: だから言ってるんだ。そんなに頑張らずともお前はもう、一人前のはずだろ。
Claude: Look, you don't need to work yourself so hard. You're already as skilled as they come.
There aren't many people out there ho can match you. Everyone knows that.
リシテア: ……ごめんなさい。わたし、どうしても焦ってしまって。
Lysithea: I apologize for my sharpness. I just feel pressured.
クロード: 何をそんなに焦る必要があるんだ?
Claude: Why would you of all people feel pressured?
リシテア: 少しでも早く、誰よりも強くなって、父と母を安心させてあげたくて……。
Lysithea: I place a lot of personal pressure on myself─I need to become as strong as possible, to put my parents at ease.
クロード: 以前、コーデリア伯爵に会った時、お前のことを自慢の娘だと言ってたぞ。
Claude: When I met with Count Ordelia before, he said you were his pride and joy.
But he also said his only concern was that you might be pushing yourself too hard.
If you really want to make your parents happy, surely you should start by taking care of yourself.
リシテア: ……うん。
Lysithea: That's true.
クロード: じゃあ、今日はもう休め。体力を温存して、また明日から、俺たちを助けてくれよな。
Claude: Then it's settled. Get some rest. Save your energy for tomorrow's battle.
リシテア: ……クロードは大人ですね。それに比べてわたしなんて、やっぱり子供。
Lysithea: You really are very mature, Claude. Despite the impression you give off. And I clearly have plenty of growing to do.
I probably don't have much room to come down on you for harping on me.
クロード: お? てことは?
Claude: Oh, really?
Does that mean you won't get mad if I treat you like a child from now on?
リシテア: そういうことを言ってるんじゃありません!まったく、あんたって……!
Lysithea: That is absolutely not what I said!
Just after you'd finally earned a small degree of respect from me too.
クロード: まあ、考えてもみろ。俺がこんなふうに接するのは、お前だけなんだぞ?
Claude: Hey, just think about it for a second. You're the only one in the world I treat like this.
That means you're a pretty special person to me.
リシテア: 特別な……?それはどういう……。
Lysithea: You think I'm special?
クロード: どう受け取っても構わないぜ。いや、お子様の思考じゃ難しいか?
Claude: Take it however you like. Or maybe the thought is too much for a kiddo like you..
リシテア: お子様ですって?まだ、そういうことを言うんですね!?
Lysithea: How dare you!
クロード: おわっ!? 待て待て、早まるな。消し飛ばされるのは勘弁……!
Claude: Gah! Don't do anything you might regret! I don't want to be turned to dust!
リシテア: ふふっ……今日だけは許してあげます。なんだか、気分が良いので。
Lysithea: I'm feeling generous, so I'll let you off easy this one time.
クロード: はは、良かった。じゃあ、もう本当に寝ろよ。
Claude: Well, that's good of you. All joking aside, go get yourself some shut-eye, OK?
After all, if you don't hurry up, the boogeyman might came out and EAT YOU!
リシテア: ……やっぱり、消し飛ばします!
Lysithea: All right, buddy, you asked for it!
Entrusting the future of Fodlan to his friends, Claude left for Almyra to reclaim his place as heir to the throne. When he became king, he asked Lysithea to be his queen with a heart full of love, and with the hope of fostering friendly diplomatic relations with Fodlan. Due to her shortened lifespan, Lysithea declined. Claude, unable to abandon his love for her, gave up the throne to go on a quest for a means to save her. Years later, he appeared suddenly before her, claiming to have found a cure. With her trust and love to guide him, he whisked her away, across the sea. It is unknown where they went.