ローレンツ: ……おい、何をしている。
Lorenz: You. Just what are you up to?
クロード: おわっ!? ……って。何だ、ローレンツか。
Claude: Well, if it isn't Lorenz!
ローレンツ: 僕で悪かったな。相変わらず大修道院の中をブラブラしているのか、クロード。
Lorenz: Yes, it is. Try not to sound so affronted. And you're just whimsically wandering the monastery grounds again, I suppose?
クロード: ああ、そうだよ。俺はこの、ガルグ=マク大修道院が大好きなんだ。
Claude: Oh, naturally. After all, I really do adore the Garreg Mach Monastery.
ローレンツ: 違うな。先ほどの驚きようは、何かやましいことをしていたに相違あるまい。
Lorenz: No. I think not. That impish look on your face does not suggest innocence. You are up to something.
クロード: おいおいおい、ローレンツくん。人聞きの悪いことを言わないでくれたまえ。
Claude: Lorenz, control yourself. Let's not start throwing around baseless accusations. It's not proper.
This monastery is packed with a thousand years of history. Well, five years shy of a thousand, if we're going for accuracy.
Those pillars, there walls, even the floor… they've all seen more than we can possibly imagine.
ローレンツ: 素晴らしい芸術品なら心ときめきもするが、くすんだ壁を眺めて何が面白いのかね?
Lorenz: Perhaps, if this were a discussion about art. But I’m afraid walls and floors are not sufficiently interesting to hold my attention.
Nor will they suffice to distract me from what is plainly suspicious about you.
House Riegan was on the brink of collapse until they suddenly revealed you as their legitimate heir. That was only a year ago.
Where were you before then? Are you even a true heir to House Riegan?
クロード: 俺がリーガン家の血筋じゃなけりゃ、紋章なんか持っちゃいないだろうが。
Claude: If I weren’t truly of House Riegan descent, how do you imagine I acquired my Crest?
ローレンツ: ぬ……紋章だけの問題ではない!僕は貴族の資質を問うているのだ!
Lorenz: A Crest is insufficient! I am referring to your noble disposition―or lack thereof!
クロード: その資質を磨くためにここへ来たのさ。よろしくご指導を頼むよ、ローレンツ先生。
Claude: Well, that’s what I came here to hone, after all. I can only hope that you will assent to instruct me in the art of snobbery, Professor Lorenz!
ローレンツ: フン……君は、レスター諸侯同盟の盟主になることの責任の重さがわかっているのか?
Lorenz: I do not think you grasp the significance of the responsibility you bear. Do you even know what it means to lead the Leicester Alliance?
I take no pleasure in saying this, but much of the chaos in our ranks right now is due to the failings of House Riegan’s leadership.
I intend to set up things right. And once I expose you for the fraud you are, and reclaim my rightful place, that is precisely what I will do.
To be blunt… it would have been better had you never shown your face here.
クロード: ったく……面倒臭い奴だなあ……。
Claude: Sheesh, that guy. He just can’t be reasoned with.
ローレンツ: おい、クロード。最近起こっている同盟内の揉め事は聞いているな?
Lorenz: Claude. Are you aware of the most recent conflict within the Alliance?
クロード: 何だよ唐突に……。いったいどの話だ?同盟はいつも何かしら揉めてるからなあ。
Claude: Hello to you too, Lorenz. And you'll have to be more specific. The Alliance is always bickering over one thing or another.
ローレンツ: エドマンド辺境伯が、東方防衛に割く兵力分担に異議を申し立てている件だ。
Lorenz: Margrave Edmund is raising objections over the assignment of his troops to the eastern defenses.
クロード: あっちを立てれば、こっちが起こり出す……どうしたって揉めることになってるのさ。
Claude: If you please one noble, another will only gripe. No matter what happens, there will always be conflict.
ローレンツ: 君のその怠慢のせいで、同盟内が余計に揉めるのだよ! いいか、よく聞きたまえ!
Lorenz: That is just the kind of lackadaisical attitude that causes more conflict among us than necessary! Now, listen to me carefully.
House Edmund may not hold much land, but the land they do control is quite rich. They also maintain a thriving port.
Their influence is poised to rival even the most powerful players in the Alliance. Yet they claim they cannot spare a fair share of troops?
Do you find it acceptable to let such an obviously unreasonable objection stand?
クロード: まあまあ、“東方の脅威”パルミラ人も最近はおとなしくしてることだし……。
Claude: It's not as if the threat of Almyra to the east has proven all that threatening of late.
ローレンツ: 何をのん気な……パルミラ人が明日攻め寄せてこないと、なぜ君にわかる?
Lorenz: Such negligence! What makes you so certain the Almyrans will not attack us tomorrow?!
If certain dukes hold back their proper share of support, it will only serve to weaken House Goneril's hold of our eastern flank!
クロード: まあ、落ち着けって……。エドマンド家の財政が並み以上なのは俺も承知している。
Claude: Calm yourself. I am well aware that the financial situation of House Edmund is quite exceptional.
However, what you fail to realize is that they are lacking in troops. They're not lying when they say they don't have that many to spare.
As it were, the Almyrans have been nothing but peaceful since we refortified Fódlan's Locket.
Are you aware that Margrave Edmund paid the majority of the costs for those repairs?
ローレンツ: む……そうなのか?
Lorenz: Is that so?
クロード: おまけに優秀な職人を搔き集めてくれたおかげで、今やあの要塞は難攻不落だ。
Claude: In fact, it's largely thanks to the skilled craftsmen he assembled that the fortress is now so impregnable.
I, for one, wouldn't want to attack a fortress as formidable as that.
ローレンツ: フン……話はわかった。相応の負担をしているというなら僕も文句はない。
Lorenz: I do see your point. If House Edmund has already made its fair contribution, then that is all we can ask. Very well, I withdraw my objection.
But even the sturdiest fortress needs soldiers to defend it. If we continue to squabble amongst ourselves, it will eventually fall.
クロード: やれやれ、地位にこだわるだけの男かと思いきや……
Claude: Well, well. And here I thought he only cared about status...
Still, if someone like him really came to lead the Alliance, it would not bode well for Almyra.
クロード: 土は樹木を育み、樹木は果実を育む……。我らはこの大地に生かされているのだ……。
Claude: The earth nurtures the trees, and the trees bear fruit... It's the earth itself that gives us all life...
Oh, Fódlan! Land of plenty! Bless us with the gift of delicious food.
ローレンツ: ……おい、何をしている。
Lorenz: What are you doing?
クロード: おわっ!? ……って。何だ、ローレンツか。
Claude: Bah! Oh... It's just you, Lorenz.
ローレンツ: 先ほどから耳障りなのだよ。下手な詩を大声で吟じるのはやめたまえ。
Lorenz: I was disturbed by your ridiculous blather. Must you recite it quite so loudly?
And can you even call that nonsense poetry when it is utterly ignorant of rhyme and meter?
クロード: おっとっと……手厳しいな。お前が詩にうるさいとは知らなかったぜ。
Claude: Ouch! You don't hold back, do you? I didn't know you were so particular about poetry.
Ha! maybe you have a secret poetry collection of your own hidden somewhere.
ローレンツ: なっ、どこでそれを……!
Lorenz: That's absurd! Where did you hear that?
And just what was that poem about? It seemed to me that you were praising the land.
But is it not the goddess who nurtures the land? Should your praise not go to her instead?
クロード: ほう、そこに引っかかるとは、やはりお前は根っからのフォドラの貴族だなあ。
Claude: Of course you zero in on that detail. You really are a Fódlan noble through and through.
ローレンツ: 何を今更……君とて同じだろうが。
Lorenz: Certainly. Aren't you?
クロード: お前とは違うさ。俺に流れる貴族の血も、俺という人間を変えることはできない。
Claude: I'm not quite the same, no. Though noble blood flows within me, it can't change who I am at heart.
ローレンツ: は? 言っている意味がよくわからないが。
Lorenz: Pardon? I think you had best clarify.
クロード: ……なあ、ローレンツ。お前、盟主になりたがってたよな?
Claude: Listen, Lorenz. You had ambitions of becoming the Alliance's ruler, didn't you?
Would you like to try that for real? If you really want it, I wouldn't mind giving up my position.
ローレンツ: ……!? 唐突に何を言い出すんだ。軽々しく口にしていい話題ではあるまい。
Lorenz: What's this all of a sudden?! That is not an offer to be made in jest!
クロード: 冗談で言ってるわけじゃないさ。前々から思ってたことだ。
Claude: I'm not joking around. I've been thinking it for a while now.
I originally thought you were like a fox drawn in by the deer of the Alliance. But I was wrong.
You're no thoughtless predator. You're trying to properly train the deer around you. Isn't that right?
ローレンツ: その自負はある。だが、盟主となれば志のみでは務まらない。器が必要だ。
Lorenz: That is my intention, but the ambition is insufficient. To rule well, a certain temperament is required.
When we first met, I mistrusted you a great deal. And on my father's advice, I observed you closely.
That is why I can say this for certain―you possess the qualities necessary to govern.
クロード: うは、お前が俺を褒めるとは、鹿が2本脚で立ち上がって歩き出すくらいの珍事だな。
Claude: A compliment? From you? That's about as rare as a deer standing on its hind legs and doing a jig.
ローレンツ: 褒めているわけじゃない。同盟の将来のため客観的な事実を述べているだけだ。
Lorenz: Merely a statement of fact. One that is quite relevant to the future of the Alliance.
クロード: 同盟の将来のため、か。ほんと、揺らがない奴だなあ、お前は。
Claude: The future of the Alliance, eh? You really are devoted to your cause.
ローレンツ: この先の君の行い次第では、いつでも僕が取って代わってやる。そこは覚悟しておけ。
Lorenz: Depending on your actions, I may yet see fit to seize your position for myself. Bear that in mind.
クロード: ふん、望むところさ。それなら俺も安心して、好きな時に消えられるしな。
Claude: Heh, I welcome the idea. It means I can feel safe vanishing whenever I see fit.
ローレンツ: 消える?クロード、まさか君は……
Lorenz: Vanishing?
Do not tell me you intend to die in this conflict. You cannot shape the future if you do not live to see it!
クロード: あっははは、俺を褒めた上に、俺の身まで案じてくれるのか?
Claude: Ha! First you compliment me, and now you're worrying about me? What have you done with the real Lorenz?!
No, I'm not going to die. I'm tougher than I look.
Besides... This war isn't just for the Alliance anymore. It's going to decide the fate of all Fódlan.
It would be cruel to leave you with the burden of uniting all of Fódlan by yourself. Don't you think?
ローレンツ: フン……他に相応しい者がなければ王でも皇帝でも引き受けるさ。
Lorenz: Burden? Please. If there were none other suitable, I would gladly become a king. Or even an emperor.
クロード: ほほう! いや、それでこそ、名門グロスタール伯爵家のローレンツだ。
Claude: Well, well! I guess I shouldn't take Lorenz of the famous House Gloucester so lightly!
Really, though... Don't you go dying on me either, Lorenz. We're going to need men like you in the age to come.
ローレンツ: 君もな、クロード。突然消え失せたりしないでくれたまえよ。
Lorenz: The same to you, Claude.
A world without you would be ever so dull.
Claude disappeared from Fodlan after the war, leaving the new head of House Gloucester, Lorenz, to support the new United Kingdom of Fodlan in his stead.
He proposed revolutionary policies to restore the war-torn region at a rapid rate. When the rebuilding effort was complete, Lorenz turned his eye toward diplomacy, seeking to establish treaties of friendship with foreign nations.
Almyra was no exception, and when the two parties met for a summit at Fodlan's Locket, it was none other than Claude, the new king of Almyra, who arrived to negotiate.
Some speculated that this meeting had been Claude's scheme all along, but Lorenz and Claude both denied it.