クロード: うー冷てえな。どうも、こういうのは慣れん……。
Claude: Is the water supposed to be this cold?
Argh! My hand just slipped again...
修道士: ああっ、ちょっとあんた!何やってんだい!
Monk: Hey! What's that noise? What are you doing?
クロード: わ、悪い! って、おおおっ!?
Claude: Sorry! I'm sorry! OK?
クロード: はあー、やれやれ。えらい目に遭ったぜ……。
Claude: Another fine mess I've gotten myself into.
レオニー: どうしたんだ、クロード。びっしょびしょじゃないか。
Leonie: What happened, Claude? You're soaked!
クロード: 当番の奴が、具合悪いっつーんで、皿洗いを代わってやったんだが。
Claude: The student whose turn it was to do the dishes today was ill, so I volunteered to take his place.
The dining hall lady was om my case the whole time for breaking plates and getting water everywhere. Actually, not everywhere. Mostly on myself.
It was just one big mess. It wore me right out too. I could really use a nap about now.
レオニー: ぷぷっ……名門貴族の御曹司が、形無しだね。
Leonie: Ha. You might be a noble with a fancy bloodline, but you sure don't act the part.
クロード: ああ?皿洗いに貴族も平民もないっての。
Claude: Being noble or common doesn't have anything to do with washing dishes.
レオニー: いや、そもそも普通の貴族なら、皿洗いなんて進んでやろうと思わないだろ。
Leonie: Oh? I daresay most nobles would refuse to do it.
But hey, I prefer it your way. You don't act like you're better than everyone.
クロード: はは、俺の良さをわかってもらえて光栄だ。
Claude: I'm honored you acknowledge my greatness.
And I'm rather fond of your blunt way of praising a person's strengths too.
レオニー: そうか? 自慢じゃないが、わたしは人を見る目には自信がないんだ。
Leonie: Really? To be honest, I don't really trust my own ability to read people.
I like to look for the good in them, but that doesn't mean it's really there.
I mean, you seem like a good person, but your heart could be black for all I know.
クロード: ……おっと、人を見る目がないって割に、鋭いこと言うじゃないか。
Claude: You say you can't figure people out, but what you said just now was pretty shrewd.
It's wise not to just trust appearance alone.
レオニー: ああ、今後もそうするよ。
Leonie: I'll keep that in mind.
Though, I'm not sure I should be taking advice from someone covered in dish suds.
クロード: ……へっくしょん!
Claude: Ahh... I see your point.
英語でもAhh の前にくしゃみしている
レオニー: ………………。
Leonie: A little closer...
クロード: よう、レオニー。何やってんだ?
Claude: Hey, Leonie! What are you up to?
レオニー: あっ! バカ!がさがさ歩いてきやがって!
Leonie: Oh, come on! What'd you do that for?
Look, you ran my quarry off.
クロード: ん? ああ、狩りをしてたのか。なんだ、食堂の飯じゃ足りないのか?
Claude: You were hunting? Is the dining hall that short on food supplies?
クロード: ん? ああ、狩りをしてたのか。食料の備蓄でも増やすのか?
レオニー: 違うよ、腕が鈍らないように、たまにやってるんだよ。
Leonie: No, but I like to hunt every now and again. Keep my skill sharp.
レオニー: このご時世、いくらあってもいいだろ?狩りの腕が鈍っても困るしな。
クロード: そうか、レオニーは猟師の家だもんな。この辺りは得物が多くて狩りやすいだろ。
Claude: I suppose so. You're from a family of hunters, right? Well, there's no shortage of prey to hunt around here.
レオニー: うん、大修道院のお膝元で狩りをしようって奴が少ないからかな?
Leonie: True. Not many hunters around the monastery, huh?
Rivers full of fish, trees bursting with fruit, mushrooms ready to harvest all over...
It's the kind of place where you can really be self-sufficient. Guess we can thank the goddess for that.
クロード: ふむ……俺は、主の恵みよりも、豊饒なる大地に感謝したいね。
Claude: Eh, I dunno. I'm more inclined to thank the bountiful earth than the goddess for such things.
The goddess may offer spiritual guidance, but she doesn't fill our bellies, that's for sure.
レオニー: 主を差し置いて大地に感謝、か。相変わらず、貴族らしからぬ発言だな。
Leonie: Not a very noble-sounding thing, to disregard the goddess and honor the land.
クロード: レオニー、人は何に生かされてると思う?主か? 貴族か? 違うだろ。
Claude: Leonie... Whose grace do you suppose humans live by? The goddess? The nobility? I'd say it's neither.
It's the endless bounty of this magnificent land that gives us life.
レオニー: 別にそれは否定しないけど、大地が豊かになるのだって、主が守ってくれるからだろ?
Leonie: Won't hear me deny it. But who's to say it isn't the goddess whose protection makes nature thrive?
I'm not the most devout person, but I'm not about to go around saying we don't need the goddess at all.
クロード: 心の支えにはなるって言ったろ?要らないとまでは思わないさ。
Claude: I said she gives spiritual support, didn't I? I wouldn't go as far as to say she's wholly unnecessary.
But in Almyra, Dagda, Brigid, and plenty of other places, they don't believe in the goddess...
Nature is a blessing that knows nothing of borders. The goddess is the goddess, and the earth is the earth. They should both be revered for what they are.
レオニー: ………………。
Leonie: Hmm.
クロード: いや、あくまで個人的な思いつきだ。すべてセイロスの女神さまのおかげって思うなら……
Claude: Look, this is just my personal opinion. If you truly believe that everything depends on the goddess of Seiros, that's your—
レオニー: いいよ、いいよ。わたしなんかに気を遣わなくても。
Leonie: Hey, it's fine. You don't have to worry about me.
I'm a believer, but I know there are those who aren't.
And I kind of like your way of thinking—giving thanks to nature and all. It makes sense.
クロード: だろ? 野性的女子のお前なら共感してくれそうな気がしたんだ。
Claude: I knew a wild girl like you would be able to get behind an idea like that.
レオニー: 何だよ、野性的女子って。
Leonie: What, like I'm feral or something?
クロード: とはいえ、こんな話を修道院で公言すりゃ、異端扱いされかねんが。
Claude: Hey... You know, this kind fo talk could be viewed as heresy if it was public.
レオニー: まあ、そうかもな。今の話は、胸に納めとくよ。
Leonie: Yeah, probably. We'll just have to keep it to ourselves.
レオニー: お疲れ、クロード。次の戦いも勝てそうか?
Leonie: Well, we've got another battle coming up. What do you think of our chances?
クロード: もちろん、勝つつもりだ。打てる手は全部、打ってあるよ。
Claude: Winning is always the goal. At any rate, I've done everything I can to prepare.
レオニー: だけど油断はできないだろ。向こうだってどんな手を打ってくるか……
Leonie: That's the right attitude. I'm sure they're doing all they can on their side too.
クロード: まあ、そうだが。いくら相手が強いったって狭いフォドラの中での話だろ。
Claude: I don't doubt it. But however strong they are, it's no more than a Fódlan concern.
Who knows how far this world extends beyond the boundaries of Fódlan.
Talk of strength or weakness doesn't amount to much when it's only to relation to a tiny corner of the world.
レオニー: なるほどね、そう言われるとこの戦争も、ちっぽけな揉め事に見えてくるな。
Leonie: Guess you're right. Thinking about it like that, even this war seems like a storm in a teacup.
クロード: そうそう。こんな戦争、フォドラの民のささやかな内輪揉めだ。どうにでもなる。
Claude: Exactly. It's nothing more than an internal quarrel amongst the people of Fódlan.
レオニー: ははは、適当だなあ、あんたは。
Leonie: Haha, typical laid-back Claude.
I always like talking to you. Your perspective on the world is so refreshing.
Things I thought were obvious turn out not to be.
クロード: 考え方次第で物の見え方は変わってくる。当たり前と思ってるすべてが真実じゃない。
Claude: The way you think—that changes the way you see things. Common sense never tells the whole story.
It's similar to what we were talking about before. About how you need to doubt yourself first.
レオニー: ああ、そうだったな。しかし、あんたってどこでそういう価値観を身につけたんだ?
Leonie: True enough, but where did you get these ideas?
That perspective of looking past the walls of Fódlan, when it's all we can see in front of us?
クロード: ……知りたいか?
Claude: Do you really want to know?
レオニー: うん、興味はあるかな。教えてくれるのか?
Leonie: I do.
クロード: うーん、そうだな……この戦争が終わったら、教えてやるよ。
Claude: Ah, but I'm afraid now isn't the time. When this war is won, I'll tell you all about it.
It'll be easier for me to show you than to tell you.
レオニー: 見に行く?どこへ? 何をだ?
Leonie: Show me? Are we going somewhere?
クロード: ちょっと遠くだ。この大地のだだっ広さがわかると思うね。
Claude: It's quite a distance. You'll start to appreciate how big the world is if you go.
レオニー: へえ、大地のだだっ広さがわかる場所か。そりゃ楽しみだな。
Leonie: Sounds eye-opening. I'll look forward to it.
Can we call it a promise?
クロード: ああ、約束だ。まずはさっさと、戦争に勝っちまおう。
Claude: Yes, it's a promise. But first... Let's win this war and leave it far behind us.
Leonie returned to Sauin Village to repay her debts and mysteriously vanished afterwards.
Some years later, when trade between Fodlan and Almyra began in earnest, the village received notice that the Almyran king would be passing through on his way to Garreg Mach.
The village rushed to prepare themselves. When the anticipated day arrived, they were shocked to find Leonie at the king's side. She had gone to visit Claude in Almyra, and had ended up staying to become his queen. Faced with the sight of Leonie in the resplendent clothing of a monarch, her father and the other villagers could do nothing but stand in mute amazement.