クロード: ふあああ……。
Claude: ...
イングリット: クロード。
Ingrid: Claude.
クロード: ……ふあ? 何だ、イングリット。ややこしい相談なら後にしてもらえるか?
Claude: Hm? What's on your mind, Ingrid? Actually, if it's something troublesome, can it wait a bit?
I am positively exhausted today, so I was gonna turn in early. Don't try to stop me, you hear?
イングリット: 日も暮れて間もないというのに、もう就寝するつもりなのですか?
Ingrid: The sun just barely dipped below the horizon, yet you're already preparing for bed?
クロード: 朝日と共に目覚め、日暮れと共に眠る……人のあるべき姿だと思わないか?
Claude: Rising with the dawn and setting with the sun...Isn't that how a life is meant to be lived?
イングリット: あなたが日の出と共に起きているところを見たことがありませんが。
Ingrid: I'm almost certain you have never been awake at sunrise, Claude.
クロード: 早朝に俺の部屋を覗いたことないだろ?実は日の出と共に目覚めて瞑想してるんだ。
Claude: And how would you know that? You haven't been peeking into my room every morning, right? I'll have you know I like to rise early for my daily mation.
イングリット: 適当なことを言うのはやめなさい。……だいたい何です、さっきの大あくびは。
Ingrid: Uh-huh, sure. And I've decided to quit my pursuit of knighthood. At least try to make you excuses more believable.
And that yawn just now—you didn't even bother covering your gaping mouth. One would never know you're of noble birth, with how you conduct yourself.
クロード: 真面目だなあ、イングリットは。あくびくらいで、そこまで言うかよ。
Claude: You need to relax, Ingrid. Deep breaths, OK? A yawn can't hurt, I swear it.
Really, you'd better get a hold on that attitude of yours, otherwise that pretty face is going to get all twisted up with angry lines.
Guys don't like gals who are always griping at them. Try a smile every now and then. Here, let's practice. On three. One... Two... Three!
イングリット: ……それは私への侮辱だと受け止めても構いませんか、クロード。それならば……
Ingrid: You're actually telling me to smile more, aren't you? How common!
Hmm, since you're so insistent on telling me what my face should be doing, perhaps my blade can restructure your face with a more permanent smile.
イングリット: だいたい、あなたは級長でしょう?生徒の模範となるべき立場ではないですか。
Ingrid: All jokes aside, are you not our house leader? As a leader, you should set a shining example.
イングリット: だいたい、あなたは盟主でしょう?諸侯の模範となるべき立場ではないですか。
Ingrid: All jokes aside, are you not a leader? As a leader, you should set a shining example.
イングリット: 責任ある身なのですから、少しは自分の行いを省みて、改めるべきです。
Ingrid: A position such as yours comes with responsibilities! See that you consider them more carefully in the future.
クロード: う……
Claude: Yeesh.
イングリット: いつまでだらしない姿を晒しているのです。眠いならさっさと自室に戻りなさい。
Ingrid: And just how long do you plan on lounging about, yawning like a slob? At least lounge in your own quarters!
クロード: お、おう……。
Claude: Um. OK.
イングリット: まったく、仕方のない……。
Ingrid: Honestly, some people...
クロード: ……いやあ、もう少し柔らかくならんもんかね。
Claude: Wow. Somebody needs to teach that girl to lighten up.
クロード: なあ、イングリット。
Claude: Ingrid! Hello...
イングリット: 何です、クロード。
Ingrid: Yes, Claude?
クロード: いや……俺は相も変わらず、お前に説教されてばかりだろ?
Claude: Listen... I know you and I don't always get along.
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if my way of being is upsetting to you.
イングリット: いや、私こそ……つい、きつく言い過ぎていつも後悔しているのです。
Ingrid: If anyone should be making apologies, it's probably me. I've been overly harsh toward you on more than one occasion.
イングリット: あなたも知っているとは思いますが、私には、素行の悪い幼馴染がいて……。
イングリット: 私には素行の悪い幼馴染がいて、昔からあれこれと苦労させられたのです。
Ingrid: I am close friends with someone who has caused me no end of trouble since we were very young.
イングリット: 彼とあなたが重なって、つい自制できなくなってしまいました。
Ingrid: You remind me a bit of him, and I think I've projected my annoyances at him onto you, at times.
クロード: シルヴァンの奴か。……そこまで似てるか?
クロード: へえ……そいつと俺は似てるのか?
Claude: Huh. Am I really similar to this friend of yours?
イングリット: とても、というわけでは。女癖に問題がない分、あなたのほうがまだ良いですね。
Ingrid: Not in every regard, no. You certainly seem to treat those of the opposite gender with quite a bit more respect, for one thing.
クロード: あはは、そりゃどうも。
Claude: Well now! I'll take that as a compliment.
イングリット: それに、私のことを鬱陶しがらずにこうして声をかけてくれますし……。
Ingrid: You also speak to me in a much more amicable manner than my dear friend ever does.
クロード: ふむ……なあ、イングリット。怒らないで聞いてほしいんだが……
Claude: Hmmm. OK, I have to ask you something. But only if you promise not to show me your angry lines again.
Doesn't that straitlaced personality of yours make life harder than it needs to be?
I feel like there are plenty of people who'd like to get to know you better, but who are scared off by your... well, intense attitude.
イングリット: ……そうなのですか?
Ingrid: Oh? Really?
クロード: お前に説教がある経験がある奴は、だいたいそうだよ。
Claude: Really. I'd say that especially applies to most of the folks you go around giving lectures to.
We're all friends here, Ingrid. We all trust each other with our very lives on the battlefield. Shouldn't we try to accept each other?
イングリット: それは……そうかもしれませんね。
Ingrid: You have a point.
クロード: それにお前なら、もう少しお淑やかにするだけで、男なんてコロッと騙され……
Claude: I sure do. Besides, with a cute face like yours, I bet you could win over anyone if you just threw out a smile now and then.
イングリット: クロード……やはりあなたには、一度思い知らせておいたほうが……いえ。
Ingrid: I've got better things to concern myself with.
In any case, you speak as though you know so much about wooing the masses.
But I would wager that many of our classmates find it difficult to trust one as slovenly as yourself.
クロード: おっと……そこまでにしてくれ。これじゃまた、この前の話の繰り返しになっちまう。
Claude: Oh, another lecture. I see you took my words to heart. Look, let's just call a truce, shall we?
How about we agree that we could both learn something from our chat today?
If you'll make an effort to smile more, I'll try my best to set a better example for everyone.
イングリット: しっかり、真面目……? あなたにそのような振る舞いができるのですか?
Ingrid: That seems like an unreasonable thing to ask of you. I wonder if you're capable of such a thing...
クロード: お前こそな。どうだ、試してみるか?
Claude: And it's perhaps equally wild to ask an ice block like you to melt. But let's give it a try. What do you say?
イングリット: ……わかりました。受けて立ちましょう、クロード。
Ingrid: I suppose it's only virtuous to ask as much of myself as I'm asking of you. Very well. I accept your challenge!
クロード: やあ、イングリットさん。こんにちは!
Claude: Ah, hello, Ingrid! A good day to you!
イングリット: あ、あら……クロード君。ご機嫌よう……。
Ingrid: Well, hello there. If it isn't Claude. Always a pleasure.
クロード: 今日も訓練をとても頑張っていたな!僕も見習わないと! はっはっは。
Claude: You put in a fine performance in training today! I must redouble my own effort!
イングリット: あ、あら……クロード君。私なんて、それほどでもお……。
Ingrid: That's kind of you to say.
クロード: それはそうと、まだ時間はあるかな?新しい戦術について意見を聞きたいんだ!
Claude: By the by, do you have a moment to spare? I have been meaning to ask for your input on some new strategies.
イングリット: あ、あら……私なんかで、お役に立てるかしらあ……。
Ingrid: Oh, goodness. Only if you think someone as lowly as myself might be of service.
クロード: 立てるとも! 是非、君のような優秀な人の意見を取り入れたいと思ってね!
Claude: But of course. I value your skills more highly than most any other!
イングリット: あ、あら……。
Ingrid: Oh, goodness!
クロード: 待った! ……なあ、イングリット。その「あら……」は何とかならんのか?
Claude: OK, time out! Listen, Ingrid... Do you really have to say "oh goodness" every couple of seconds?
イングリット: し、仕方ないでしょう! あなたの不自然な話し方を聞くと戸惑ってしまって……!
Ingrid: What do you expect? Speaking to me as you were, I only responded in kind!
クロード: 不自然だったか?至極、真面目そうだっただろうが。
Claude: What? Do I sound that strange? I thought I was acting earnest and industrious.
イングリット: いえ、全然。あなたの場合、一周回ってふざけているようにしか聞こえません。
Ingrid: I mean...yes! You do. You sound nothing short of ridiculous.
クロード: おいおい。それを言うなら、お前こそ不自然が服を着て歩いてるみたいだっての。
Claude: Sheesh! Have you looked in a mirror lately? You're the one who's been walking around like Queen Uptight.
イングリット: 何です、その喩えは。……確かに、自分でも違和感は抱いていましたが。
Ingrid: Excuse me?! I'll admit it was a bit forced, but it certainly doesn't warrant such a title.
クロード: ちょっと新鮮で面白かったけどな。とはいえ……もう、いいだろ。
Claude: Look, this was fresh and fun for a while, but... Maybe it's time we call quits.
Acting like this isn't us. We're just going to make everyone think we've gone mad.
イングリット: ……そうですね。むしろ、以前のままのあなたのほうがまだ信頼できる気がします。
Ingrid: I agree. I must say I have an easier time getting on with you when you're you in all your you-ness.
Come to think of it, you've always been more reliable than most anyone I know, when it really mattered.
クロード: あはは、そりゃどうも。
Claude: Ha, well, thanks for saying that.
I think I liked you better when you were a bit pricklier too.
I've gone so long without hearing on of your lectures, I'm almost starting to miss them.
イングリット: そうですか?ならばこれから遠慮なく……
Ingrid: I'm sure I can remedy that for you.
クロード: いや、遠慮なくは困る。ほどほどにしてくれると助かるんだが……
Claude: Uh, I didn't mean you need to go all out or anything. A little restraint would still be nice.
イングリット: それはあなた次第でしょう。あなたがしっかりしてくれれば私も……
Ingrid: My "lectures", as you call them, only persist as long as is necessary.
クロード: おっと……急に腹の具合が……話の続きはまた、な……
Claude: Ooh... I think I'm coming down with a stomachache. We'll talk later, OK? OK! Seeya!
イングリット: また適当なことを……!待ちなさい! クロード!
Ingrid: You honestly expect me to believe that? Come back here, Claude!
クロード: よう、イングリット。今日も訓練に精が出てたな。
Claude: Hi, Ingrid. That was a great training session today, wasn't it?
イングリット: ……あら、クロード。ご機嫌よう。
Ingrid: It was indeed, Claude. It's so nice to see you.
クロード: しかし、最近忙しいからな。休める時は少しでも休んだほうがいいぞ。
Claude: Things have been pretty busy lately, though. I hope you're taking the time to rest whenever you have the chance.
イングリット: お気遣いありがとう。優しいのね。
Ingrid: I thank you for the concern. You are ever so kind.
クロード: 俺もな、明日は珍しく予定が何もないから、昼まで寝て、存分にだらけるつもりだ。
Claude: I've finally got a free day tomorrow, so I was planning to sleep through the morning and laze around all day...
イングリット: あら、それは素敵ね。じゃあ、私もそうしようかしら。
Ingrid: That sounds so lovely. Perhaps I should do the same.
クロード: ……おい、イングリット。お前、まだそれやってんのか?
Claude: Ingrid... Will you just stop it already? Are you still doing that schtick?
イングリット: ……何のことかしら?
Ingrid: Whatever do you mean?
クロード: でなきゃ、何か悪いもんでも食ったのか?お淑やかすぎて気色が悪いんだが……。
Claude: Are you feeling all right? You're acting so...demure. It's kind of creeping me out.
イングリット: 気色悪い……?
Ingrid: You can't be serious.
I always knew you were a layabout, but I see now you are also an insensitive nitwit too.
If I lecture you, you complain. If I act pleasant, you also complain!
クロード: おわ! 元に戻った。
Claude: Bah! You switched back!
イングリット: ならばいったいどうしろと言うのです。どう振る舞えば文句を言われないのですか!
Ingrid: Please, tell me how to behave! At least if you're commandeering my behavior, I'll get less of an earful of your complaints.
Have you ever once considered thinking before you speak?
And you wonder why people so rarely trust you!
クロード: あー、いや、すまない。そうだな、俺が悪かった。
Claude: Ah... Right. I'm sorry. I guess that was kind of insensitive.
イングリット: その『悪かった』も、どうせ本心からのものではないのでしょうっ。
Ingrid: Wow, quite the apology. Sounds a lot like one of your myriad excuses.
Do you really expect empty apologies to help you get your way?
クロード: おっと……急に眩暈が……話の続きはまた、な……
Claude: I'm... Suddenly I'm feeling dizzy. Sooo dizzy. We'll have to talk about this later.
イングリット: またあなたは適当なことを……待ちなさいっ、クロード!
Ingrid: There you go again! You and your excuses!
I thought if I made extra efforts to be pleasant, he and I might finally interact without bickering.
I just don't know what the best approach is with him.
クロード: どうもこうもないって。
Claude: There is no best approach!
イングリット: ク、クロード!?まだいたのですか?
Ingrid: Were you listening to everything I just said? Ugh. I thought you'd run off!
クロード: 前にも言ったろ? お前は、ちょっと口うるさいくらいが一番似合ってるって。
お前に説教されるの、嫌いじゃないんだ。これからも、ほどほどで頼む! じゃあな!
Claude: I told you before, didn't I? You're better off as your normal, prickly self.
I don't mind getting lectured by you. So keep on doing that from time to time, OK? Just maybe not all of the time. Anyway. Ooh, the dizziness... Bye!
イングリット: ふふ……ほどほどで、済むかしらね。
Ingrid: As if an occasional lecture could ever cut it...
Entrusting the future of Fodlan to his friends, Claude left for Almyra with Ingrid, whom he intended to marry.
He announced this fact to his father, the king of Almyra, who approved of Claude's strength and Ingrid's virtue and resolved to entrust the monarchy to them.
Even after they ascended the throne, Claude and Ingrid argued frequently. But while the queen chasing the fleeing king through the palace was a common occurrence, the couple must have loved one another deeply, for they happily raised many children together.