クロード: ……ん? 座学嫌いのヒルダが何か読んでるなんて珍しいな。
Claude: Huh? Are you actually reading, Hilda? I thought you hated studying.
ヒルダ: 余計なお世話。……手紙よ、手紙。しょっちゅう兄さんから来るのよねー。
Hilda: Oh, hush. It’s just a letter from my brother. He sends them all the time.
クロード: ヒルダの兄さんって、もしかして同盟でも屈指の勇将と名高い……
Claude: Your brother, huh? Isn’t he known as a great general of the Alliance? A true beacon of—
ヒルダ: あーもう、やめてよ。そんなの、あたしには関係ないしー。
Hilda: Don’t even start. That’s got nothing to do with me.
クロード: その言葉、兄さんが聞いたら泣いちまうぞ。ヒルダのことが大好きみたいじゃないか。
Claude: Uh oh, better not let your brother hear you say that! “Twould break his fraternal heart! But all joking aside, it sounds like he really cares for you.
ヒルダ: その愛情が重いのよ。最近はパルミラ人もおとなしくしてるし、暇なのねー、きっと。
Hilda: You can say that again. He must be rather bored too, now that the situation in Almyra has settled down.
クロード: “東方の脅威”パルミラ人か。ヒルダの兄さんは何度か戦ったそうだな。
Claude: Ah, the Almyrans. The “eastern menace,” as they’re often called. I did you hear your brother had fought them a number of times.
In fact, I hear he’s even gone toe-to-toe with Nader, the great Almyran warrior.
ヒルダ: “百戦無敗”のナデル……だっけ?かなりオジサンって話だから興味ないけど。
Hilda: “Nader the Underfeated,! Was it? Just another grizzled old man, as far as I’m concerned.
But my father was ecstatic when he heard my brother had defeated him.
He paraded my brother all over our territory. What a pain that must have been for our people.
クロード: 何言ってんだ、どんな祝いだろうと、祝いは楽しいもんだろ? みんな笑顔になるしな。
お前も喜んではやったんだろ? ヒルダの笑顔があれば、きっと兄さんは百人力だ。
Claude: A pain? Any celebration is something to be enjoyed! Celebration puts smiles on faces faster than anything.
I’m sure even at least congratulated him, right? A smile from you would surely mean the world to your brother.
ヒルダ: まあねー。そしたら調子に乗っちゃって、「フォドラは俺が守る!」とか言い出して。
Hilda: Well, sure. Then he got all worked up and started saying things like, “I am the protector of Fódlan!”
クロード: あながち間違ってないだろ。パルミラ人はお前の兄さんを警戒して動かないのさ。
Claude: That’s not far from the truth you know. Why do you think the Alnyrans have been so quite lately? They’re wary of your brother.
If House Goneril of the border were a bunch of weaklings, the Almyrans would have invaded Fódlan a long time ago.
ヒルダ: ……パルミラ人に聞いてきたみたいに話すわねー、クロードくん?
Hilda: You talk about it as though you’ve spoken to the Almyrans yourself.
クロード: これでも盟主の嫡子だからな。望まずともいろんな情報が勝手に耳に入ってきちまう。
Claude: Well, I am heir to the leading house of the Alliance. I’m privy to all kinds of information, whether I like it or not.
クロード: これでも一応、盟主だからな。望まずともいろんな情報が勝手に耳に入ってきちまう。
Claude: Well, I am the leader of the Alliance, after all. I’m privy to all kinds of information, whether I like it or not.
ヒルダ: ふーん。適当っぽいのに情報通だったり、いざとなると頭の回転が速かったり……。
Hilda: Hm. You act so nonchalant about your studies, but you know so much about politics and history.
You’re a hard guy to grasp, you know that, Claude?
クロード: そうか? 俺はいつ掴まれてもいいんだぜ、この腕も、この心も……この首根っこも。
Claude: Oh, I disagree. I’d let you grasp me any day. My hand, my heart, even my neck.
But if you want to know all of my secrets… you’ll have to bare yours as well.
クロード: ……ヒルダ、何書いてんだ?あ、兄さんの手紙への返事か。
Claude: What are you writing there, Hilda? Wait, let me guess. You're replying to one of your brother's letters, right?
ヒルダ: そうよー。面倒だけど、返事しとかないと心配してもっと面倒になるからー。
Hilda: Of course. It's a pain, but I make sure to always send him a response, otherwise he'll worry.
It's much easier than when we lived together. A few letters here and there are a small price to pay for this peaceful, brother-free environment.
クロード: へえ、動機はともかく偉いもんだな。俺は親に手紙なんて、随分書いてないよ。
Claude: Well, that's a fine thing to do, regardless of your reasons. As for me, it's been far too long since I've written to my parents...
ヒルダ: ふーん……? クロードくんのお父さんって亡くなったんじゃなかったっけ。
Hilda: Oh? I thought your father had died.
クロード: いやいや、いたって元気……なはずだ。事故で死んだ先代は、俺の叔父さんだよ。
Claude: Not quite. He's still alive and far as I know. The late duke who died in an accident was my uncle.
ヒルダ: ああ、そっか。リーガン家はお母さんの実家だって、前に言ってたもんね。
Hilda: I see. I do recall you mentioning that your mother was born into the Riegan family.
What's your father like, if you don't mind me asking?
クロード: 豪放磊落が服を着て歩いてるような人だな。ガキの頃はよく馬で引き回されたもんだ。
Claude: He's quite the extravagant character. When I was a kid, he used to tie me to a horse and drag me around.
ヒルダ: げげっ!? 何よそれー?
Hilda: Excuse me?
クロード: 俺も悪ガキでね。だが、引き回されるのも慣れればどってことない。コツがあるんだ。
Claude: In all fairness, I was quite a little brat. The horse thing sounds worse than it is. There's a sort of trick to it...
ヒルダ: そんなコツ、知りたくないよー。お母さんは心配しなかったの?
Hilda: A trick I hope I never need to learn. Your mother didn't step in and make him stop?
クロード: それどころか大笑いさ。親父が豪放磊落なら母さんは戦女神か大魔神かってな人でね。
しかも勝ったんだぞ!? 百戦無敗を誇った俺の師匠が、泡吹いてのびちまったんだ!
Claude: Gods, no. She'd just laugh right along with him. If my father is extravagant, my mother's more like a warrior goddess or..maybe a demon queen.
This one time, she got into an argument with my combat instructor and wound up in a full-on fistfight with the guy.
What's more? She won! My instructor was a mighty warrior, undefeated in a hundred battles, but even he was no match for her.
ヒルダ: ええー……お母さんって、リーガン家のご令嬢だったんだよね……?
Hilda: Huh? But your mother is a lady of nobility!
クロード: ああ。だが、あの親父と駆け落ちするような変人だ。人となりは推して知るべし、だな。
Claude: True, but she was the kind of woman to elope with the man she loved and throw it all away. Not your average duchess at all.
ヒルダ: えー駆け落ちなんだ! かっこいい!あたしも、そういうの憧れちゃうなー。
Hilda: Ooh, they eloped! I like that. It's so romantic.
Imagine, abandoning your family forever to be with the one you love! Not everyone can do that.
クロード: いやいや……できるできない、じゃない。やるかやらないか、だ。
Claude: It's not a question of can. It's a question of will.
Even someone like you, who generally despises effort, would pull out all the stops for something you really care about. Isn't that right?
ヒルダ: ……! な、何言ってんのー?日頃から全力出しまくってるしー。
Hilda: Excuse me? I put in plenty of effort!
クロード: ま、今はいいさ。ヒルダ、そういう時が来るのを楽しみにしてるよ。
Claude: Hey, that was a compliment! Anyhow, I look forward to the day when something inspires you try your absolute hardest. It will be something to behold.
ヒルダ: なんか最近、息が詰まることばっかり……。
Hilda: I feel like I'm drowning in responsibilities.
Claude, take my mind off it all! Regale me with another one of your weird childhood stories.
クロード: ああ? じゃあ、ガキん時に親父から聞いた、異国の昔話でもしてやるよ。
Claude: OK then... How about an old story from a foreign land that my dad told me when I was a kid?
Once upon a time, there was a white camel that got separated from his herd...
ヒルダ: うっうっ……良がっだねー、白ラクダ。死んじゃうのかと思っだよおおおー。
Hilda: I'm so happy for that white camel! I really thought he was gonna die!
クロード: いや、号泣するほど良い話だったか……?
Claude: Was that story really worth bawling your eyes out over?
ヒルダ: 感動じだよおお……。クロードくん、この話の良さがわがんないのおおー?
Hilda: It was wonderful! Don't you know how moving that story is?
クロード: 今まで塵ほども良いとは思わなかったが……お前の号泣を見られた点は評価すべきだな。
Claude: You know, I never thought much of it until today... But seeing you bawling like that, I do appreciate it a little more now.
ヒルダ: ぐすん……何よ、それ。
Hilda: What's that mean?
クロード: お前、いつも嘘泣きばっかりだったろ?瞳を潤ませて、いかにも悲しいですって。
Claude: Well, you're always fake-crying, aren't you? Getting all misty-eyed to make people think you're a delicate flower.
ヒルダ: ひっどーい!いつも本当に悲しくて泣いてるもん!
Hilda: What?! You're awful! I only cry when I'm sad!
クロード: お前がどう言おうと、わかるもんはわかるんだ。いい加減、腹割って話せって。
Claude: Claim what you like, but I can spot real tears from fake tears any day of the week. Fess up.
ヒルダ: ……そっか。もしかしてさ、あたしのことわかるのって、クロードくんも同じだから?
Hilda: Hm. If you understand me so well, maybe it's because you're no different.
クロード: 同じ……?
Claude: How's that?
ヒルダ: クロードくん、嘘笑いすること多いでしょ。そういうの、あたしにはわかるんだよねー。
Hilda: When you smile or laugh, it's not sincere. I can tell.
I've only seen you genuinely smile a handful of times. Like when you're talking to the professor.
クロード: ……こりゃ参ったな。確かにそうかもしれない。
Claude: Well? Good one, Hilda. You hit me right in the gut.
I guess you're right. I'm not so different from you in that way.
But how did you come to realize that? Have you been watching me that closely?
ヒルダ: そうだよー。クロードくんのこと、気になってつい目で追っちゃうから……
Hilda: I'm afraid so. My eyes seem to wander toward you, of their own accord.
Waagh! Hold on! Forget I said that. I didn't say that.
クロード: いやいや、忘れたくても俺のこの小賢しい頭が忘れさせてくれないって。……悪いな。
Claude: Nope—no can do. Forgetting isn't something this crafty brain of mine is capable of.
Besides, my eyes have a tendency to wander in your direction too. How else do you think I found out about your fake crying?
ヒルダ: え……?ちょっと、何よそれ。
Hilda: Huh? What are you getting at?
クロード: ……なあ、ヒルダ。いろいろと片づいたら、俺の家族や、師匠に会ってみるか?
Claude: Say, Hilda... Once everything's settled down, do you want to come meet my parents?
I mean, don't get the wrong idea. You just seem interested in my family.
Besides, you've opened up to me quite a bit, but I still haven't let you in on my own secrets.
If you meet my parents, I think you'll understand. Though it might come as a bit of a surprise.
ヒルダ: クロードくんの家族に、ねー。ふーん……まあ、ちょっと面白そうかも。
Hilda: Your family? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious.
クロード: それじゃ、その時までに互いの気が変わってなかったら……一緒に来てくれ、ヒルダ。
Claude: Well then, if neither of us changes our minds before the opportunity presents itself... Let's agree to go visit my home together.
ヒルダ: あ……でも長旅になるなら、兄さんが許してくれないかも……
Hilda: Although, if it's a long journey, my brother might not be too happy.
クロード: ああ……そりゃ確かに、“フォドラの首飾り”並みの難関だな。
Claude: True... That might be a tough nut to crack. As tough as Fódlan's Locket...
Entrusting the future of Fodlan to his friends, Claude left for Almyra to take his place as heir to the throne. His family saw that he had grown strong and allowed him to claim his birthright. When he became king several years later, he made the surprise announcement that he would make Hilda his queen. Having studied with her brother to prepare for this moment, Hilda demonstrated an uncanny talent for diplomacy, and greatly contributed to establishing friendly relations between Fodlan and Almyra. The presence of a Fodlan-born queen for two consecutive generations did much to alter Almyran values.