フレン: ……やっぱり、ないですわよねえ。
Flayn: As expected, I am not finding anything at all...
クロード: フレン、何を探してるんだ?
Claude: Flayn? Are you looking for something in particular?
フレン: ああ、いえ、市井の方々の暮らしがわかるような本はないかと思いまして。
Flayn: Oh, I was just hoping for general reading that might illustrate the lives of city dwellers.
クロード: それなら、どこかに各地方の風土記があったと思うが……。
Claude: Right. Well, there should be regional records somewhere around here...
フレン: 違うんですの。そのように真面目な本ではなくて、不真面目な本を探していますの。
Flayn: I haven't need of official records or anything of the like. Just some light reading on the subject.
クロード: 不真面目な本だって? 何だ、そりゃ。
Claude: Light reading? What do you mean by that?
フレン: ほら、街のお若い方々が、どんな遊びをされているかとか……。
Flayn: Oh, you know, books that cover things like what types of activities young people enjoy—how they spend their free time.
Popular fashions and trends—things of that sort. And even, perhaps...stories about romance.
クロード: ははあ……そういうこと。
Claude: Ah. I see what you're getting at.
Try asking a traveling merchant. I hear they keep stocks of, uh, books like that.
As for here, I don't think you're going to find much aside from a bunch of stuffy records.
We do get new books donated on a fairly regular basis, but then Seteth... Well, you know.
フレン: お兄様が?
Flayn: My brother? I am afraid I do not follow.
クロード: 教団の書庫に相応しくないような本は、どんどん処分しちまうらしくてな。
Claude: Apparently he directly approves every book before it's allowed to grace these shelves. You know, to make sure nothing "inappropriate" gets through.
フレン: そうでしたの……。それなら仕方がないですわね。
Flayn: I see... I did not realize he had a hand in such things. Well, I suppose it really is no use searching here.
クロード: でも、何でまたそんな本を探してんだ?
Claude: Why were you looking for those sorts of books anyway?
フレン: それは、その……わたくし、市井のことをあまり存じ上げないでしょう?
Flayn: Well, truth be told, I am not particularly well versed in the ways of ordinary people.
Seteth never taught me of such things, and he strictly forbade me from spending much time out and about on my own.
クロード: ははは、やっぱりそうなんだな。セテスさんらしいが。
Claude: I had a feeling that might be the case. Sounds like Seteth.
フレン: わたくしのことを心配してくれるのは、ありがたいのですけれど……
Flayn: I understand and appreciate that he acted from a place of concern, of course.
クロード: フレンが可愛くて仕方ないって感じだもんなあ。度が過ぎる感はあるが。
Claude: Without a doubt. It's obvious that you're his whole world, for better or worse.
By the way, I've been wondering. Are you two from a noble family?
フレン: えっ?
Flayn: Hm?
クロード: お前は育ちが良さそうだし、兄妹揃って紋章持ちなら結構な名家なんじゃないのか?
Claude: You've clearly had a rather high-class upbringing, and both of you have Crests. That can only mean you come from a prominent bloodline, right?
フレン: いえ、そんな。名家だなんて。そんなこと全然ございませんのよ?
Flayn: Oh course not! No, no. Y-you are mistaken.
クロード: お前のその、上品な喋り方だって、育ちが良いからじゃないのか?
Claude: So...your refined way of speaking isn't because of your upbringing?
フレン: 喋り方? 皆さんと同じように話しているつもりですけど、何かおかしくって?
Flayn: I was not aware that my speech differed so greatly from my companions. Do I really sound so... formal to you?
クロード: ……いや、おかしくない、たぶん。うん、俺の勘違いだったかな。
Claude: Well... Look, don't worry too much about it. I'm probably just overthinking things. Probably...
フレン: ………………。
Flayn: ...
クロード: フレン、四聖人の像に興味があるのか?
Claude: Hi, Flayn. Have the Four Saints caught your fancy?
フレン: あら、クロードさん。別に、ただ眺めていただけですのよ。
Flayn: Hello there, Claude. No, not particularly. I was merely looking.
クロード: そうか。……ところで、ちょっといいか?お前の出自なんだが……
Claude: I see. In any case, do you mind if I ask you a little something? It's about your family's origin.
フレン: またですの? お話しできるようなことは、なーんにもございませんのよ?
Flayn: This again? There is truly nothing of interest to discuss on that topic.
クロード: そうやって誤魔化されると余計に気になっちまう性質でね。
Claude: Aw, but when you try to change to subject like that, it drives me mad with curiosity!
That said, taking a secret by force isn't my style. That's why I've devised a different approach. Relentless nagging.
フレン: それなら、諦めるの一手をお勧めしますわ。
Flayn: Might I suggest giving up entirely?
Truth be told, my brother has asked that I not speak of my background to anyone.
クロード: ははは、そんなこったろうとは思ったよ。お前の口から何かを聞くのは諦めるか。
Claude: I thought it might be something like that. Oh well. Guess I'd better give up trying to get you to tell me yourself.
Instead...why don't I tell you about the theory I've come up with?
フレン: 仮説? ええ、聞くだけなら、聞いて差し上げてもよろしくてよ。
Flayn: You've concocted a theory, have you? I suppose there is no harm in listening to it.
クロード: 実はお前とセテスさんの紋章について調べさせてもらってね。
Claude: I did a bit of investigating into the Crests that you and Seteth bear.
Seteth's is the Major Crest of Cichol, and yours is the Major Crest of Cethleann.
フレン: ……どこで調べたんですの?
Flayn: Where did you learn of this?
クロード: 紋章学者殿の記録を、こっそりとな。……いや、深くは聞いてくれるな。
Claude: Oh, I just took a peek at some records by a renowned Crest scholar. I'd rather not say any more than that.
Anyway, my point is that I don't think I've ever heard of two siblings each bearing the Major Crests of a pair of saints.
If the legends are true, then Saint Cichol was Saint Cethleann's father, wasn't he?
Which means, if you and Seteth were the descendants of Saint Cethleann...
That would explain how you two came to possess Cichol and Cethleann's Crests!
フレン: 末裔ってことは、セスリーンの子供の子供のそのまた子供……が、わたくしってこと?
Flayn: You mean to suggest that my brother and I are the children's children's children of Cethleann?
クロード: ああ、そんな感じだな。
Claude: That about sums it up.
フレン: ふふ、面白い仮説ですわね。ですけど……ご存じですの?
Flayn: An interesting theory, to say the least. But surely you must know...
Saint Cethleann was never married. There are no tales of her having ever had children.
クロード: そこはほら、可能性は無限大だろ。伝承なんて信憑性とは無縁なんだしさ。
Claude: Sure, sure, but the possibilities are endless. It's not like legends are known for their accuracy.
But based on your reaction, I guess I'm probably following a bad lead here.
クロード: なあ、フレン。そろそろ明らかにしてもいい頃合いだろ。
Claude: Hello, Flayn. Isn't it about time you told me the truth?
フレン: 何のことですの?
Flayn: About what, exactly?
クロード: お前の出自のことさ。
Claude: Who you really are.
Villains are after you for your blood. There's no doubt that you're someone special.
And that's why Seteth is always worrying about you so much, right?
フレン: ええ、そうですわね。それはもう、認めざるを得ませんわね。
Flayn: Well, yes. I see no reason to hide that fact.
クロード: その特別な血が、いったい何に由来するのか……。
Claude: But just what makes that blood of yours so special?
More than anything I've been wanting to find out Teach's true identity, but yours is bothering me just as much.
Somehow I can't seem to stop thinking about you. It's almost like a crush. I have a crush on your secrets, sweet Flayn!
フレン: ま!恋だなんて、素敵ですわね。
Flayn: Ha! Such flattery.
クロード: セテスさんに聞いても、相変わらず教えてくれる気はなさそうだし……。
Claude: I've tried asking Seteth, but there's no sign of him budging on the issue.
At this point, I guess I just need better bargaining skills. How about this... If you tell me the truth, I'll do anything you say.
フレン: ううん……こればっかりは、どうしても申し上げられませんのよ?
Flayn: That is not something I am willing to share, unfortunately.
However, since you are so passionate on the matter, I will promise you something.
クロード: ほほう?
Claude: What's that?
フレン: もし、あなたが正解を言い当てたら、わたくし、正直に認めて差し上げますわ。
Flayn: If you somehow manage to uncover the truth of my identity, I will acknowledge it as truth.
クロード: いやいや、うん、まあ約束はありがたいが、言い当てたら、どうせ反応でわかるだろ。
Claude: That's real nice of you and all, but I think if I could come up with the truth, I'd be able to tell from your reaction anyway.
You're not great at hiding your emotions, after all.
フレン: その代わり、もしもわたくしの正体がわかったら、その時は……
Flayn: If you do somehow figure it out, then I would ask something of you, Claude.
I would ask that you reveal your own true identity.
クロード: ははは、意外な交換条件だな。
Claude: Now that's a request I wasn't expecting!
フレン: あなたが、ただの貴族でないことくらい、とっくのとうにお見通しですのよ?
Flayn: It has been clear to me for quite some time now that you are no ordinary noble.
I have been pondering...well, you...quite a lot lately. The curiosity is enough to drive me mad!
クロード: なるほど、そいつは面白いね。あんたも俺に恋してるわけだ。
Claude: I see... Well, that's an interesting turn of events. Looks like we both have a little crush on our hands, eh?
I hope the day comes when we can talk freely about both of our identities...
フレン: ……大丈夫だと申し上げてますのに。
Flayn: I have told you already, I am quite alright!
セテス: いや、そうは言ってもだな……。
Seteth: You say that, but...
フレン: 何と仰られても、わたくし、見ているだけなんて耐えられませんの!
Flayn: I do not care what you have to say! I could not bear to stand here and do nothing!
セテス: フレン……
Seteth: Flayn...
クロード: よう、フレン。セテスさんの過保護っぷりは、相変わらずみたいだな?
Claude: Hey there, Flayn. Looks like Seteth is as overprotective as ever.
フレン: クロードさん、見てらしたの?……そうなんですの。
Flayn: Eavesdropping, were you? Well, you are spot on.
I do wish he would leave me be and learn to trust me.
クロード: ……なあ、フレン。お前の正体を解き明かす前に、一つ確認しておきたいんだが。
Claude: Listen, Flayn. Before I take a stab at your true identity, there's something I want to ask.
フレン: あら、何ですの、急に。
Flayn: And what is that?
クロード: お前とセテスさんは親子だ。そうだろ?
Claude: Seteth is your father... Isn't he?
フレン: ……え?
Flayn: Um, pardon me?
クロード: 前から考えてたんだ。そして……俺の新しい仮説はそれを土台にしてる。
Claude: I've been thinking about this for a while. And my latest theory doesn't make sense otherwise.
That overprotective attitude of his... It seems like more than just sibling concern. More like a father protecting his only daughter.
フレン: ヒルダさんのお兄様やラファエルさんも、似たようなものじゃなくって?
Flayn: How can you be so sure? Hilda's brother and Raphael are quite similar are they not?
クロード: ヒルダの兄さんにしろ、ラファエルにしろ、妹と離れて暮らすことには納得してるさ。
Claude: There's both pretty clingy, sure, but even they are willing to let their sisters live their own lives.
フレン: あら、ヒルダさんのお兄様も、似たようなものじゃなくって?
クロード: ヒルダの兄さんだって、妹と離れて暮らすことに関しちゃ納得してるわけだ。
クロード: それに比べて、セテスさんのお前に対する態度は、やっぱり違うと思うんだよな。
Claude: Whereas Seteth... There's something more at play there. An entirely different dynamic.
フレン: それは、きっとわたくしが……
Flayn: I imagine that is because I...
クロード: お前が特別な血を持ってて、誰かに狙われる可能性があるって話があるにしても、だ。
Claude: Even taking into account your special blood and the people targeting you because of it...
I feel like Seteth has devoted his whole being to you. Like only a father would.
フレン: ……そのこと、お兄様にはまだ確かめてらっしゃらないの?
Flayn: Have you confronted my brother with your theory?
クロード: 聞いたって教えてくれないだろ。……何なら、ちょっとカマかけてみるか?
Claude: Ha! As if he'd tell me anything even if I did. Though maybe if I tried to trick a reaction out of him...
I could try calling out "Daddy!" from behind him when he least expects it...
Nah, he'd probably kill me if I tried that. Not a good idea.
フレン: えー、面白そうじゃありませんこと?試しに呼んでみてくださらない?
「お義父さん、お嬢さんを私の花嫁に!」なーんて! やだもう、どうしましょう!
Flayn: That sounds most entertaining. I would love to see you give it a try.
Perhaps you could request, "Father, please grant me your daughter's hand in marriage!" Hahaha! Ah, I can feel my face turning red!
クロード: おいおい、そういう台詞は、しかるべき機会に、きちんとだな……
Claude: Hey now, don't joke about that. That's something that should be done properly, when the right time comes...
フレン: あら? あらあら? しかるべき機会が来る予定がありそうな仰り方ですわね?
Flayn: Do you mean to say that the right time will come eventually, then? Hmm?
クロード: ははは、先のことはわからんさ。そんなことより、お前の正体だが……
Claude: Well, you never know what the future holds. But forget that for now, I want to talk about—
フレン: ま! そんなことって、何ですの?わたくしの正体より重大事じゃなくって!?
Flayn: As though this were something easily shelved! This topic holds far more appeal than that of identities, if you ask me!
Entrusting the future of Fodlan to his friends, Claude left for Almyra to reclaim his place as heir to the throne. Several years later, when he became king, he took initial steps to open diplomatic relations with Fodlan, and asked Garreg Mach for aid. Alongside him was his wife, Flayn, who had gone missing during the war, but who now worked tirelessly to bridge the gap between their two lands for the sake of the late Seteth. It is said that some churchgoers disapproved of this new stance toward Almyra at first, but that Flayn's love for Claude proved to be a key inspiration in shifting the perspectives of the populace.