クロード: よう、ツィリル。相変わらず働き者だな。
Claude: Hey there, Cyril. You're working hard as usual.
ツィリル: 別に、自分の仕事をしてるだけだよ。
Cyril: Nah, just doing my job.
クロード: あのレアさんから、直々に仕事を頼まれてるんだろう?
Claude: Rhea used to assign your daily tasks herself, didn't she?
The church employs a lot of people, but not too many of them can claim they got to speak with the archbishop every day.
You should be proud of yourself. She must have truly valued your work ethic.
クロード: あのレアさんから、直々に仕事を頼まれてたんだろう?
ツィリル: ……用がないなら、もういい?ボク、忙しいんだけど。
Cyril: Hey, um, is that everything you wanted to say? 'Cause I'm kind of busy here.
クロード: いや、レアさんの話を聞きたくてさ。みんなが知らないような情報もお前なら……
Claude: Actually, I was hoping to ask you about Rhea. There's so much we don't know about her, but I thought maybe you...
ツィリル: レアさまのことなら誰より知ってる。でも、アナタに話す理由がない。
Cyril: Yeah, I know more about Lady Rhea than anybody. But why should I tell you anything about her?
クロード: おいおい、そう冷たくするなよ。何たって、俺とお前は……
Claude: So cold! Think about you're talking to.
ツィリル: ボクらが、何だって言うの?
Cyril: Huh? What are you to me?
Claude: You... don't know who I am?
ツィリル: 知ってるよ、クロードでしょ。金鹿の学級の級長の。
Cyril: Course I do. You're Claude. House Leader of the Golden Deer.
ツィリル: 知ってるよ、クロードでしょ。レスター諸侯同盟の盟主の。
Cyril: Course I do. You're Claude. Leader of the Leicester Alliance.
クロード: そうじゃなくて……まあ、いいや。ところでお前、故郷は恋しくないか?
Claude: That's not what I mean... Well, never mind then. Tell me... Don't you ever miss your homeland?
ツィリル: ふるさと……パルミラのこと?
Cyril: Almyra?
クロード: そう、パルミラだ。はっは、あんまり恋しそうじゃないな。
Claude: Yes, Almyra. Eh, judging by that expression, I'm guessing you're not terribly homesick.
ツィリル: パルミラにいた時のほうが今より大変だったからね。
Cyril: Life was a whole lot harder for me there than it's ever been around here.
My dad and mom both died in the war, and there was nobody there to look after me.
The king, he didn't do anything to help. So I had to survive by being smart. I had to stop being a kid real quick.
クロード: そりゃ……悪かったな。
Claude: I'm sorry to hear that.
ツィリル: クロードに謝られても。それとも、アナタのせいなの?
Cyril: You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault.
クロード: 俺のせいかそうじゃないかは置いといても、謝らせてくれよ。
Claude: Regardless of whose fault it is, I'm still sorry.
I'm sorry that I didn't even know that an acquaintance of mine was suffering.
And sorry for asking a tactless question about your homeland. I should have known that was likely to bring back bad memories.
ツィリル: 別に気にしてないよ。
Cyril: Nah, I get sad or mad when I think about it, but I'm used to it, so I don't mind any.
クロード: かもしれない、な。考えの足りなかった俺の態度を、謝らせてほしかったんだよ。
Claude: I see that. Even still, I apologize for being careless.
ツィリル: そういうことなら。ありがとう、クロード。
Cyril: OK, well... Thanks, Claude.
If the king of Almyra was like you, maybe things would've been better.
Maybe the king's not a bad person and just had other stuff to worry about, but that's not much of an excuse.
クロード: ははは、いつかパルミラ王に会う機会があったら説教しとくよ。
Claude: If I ever meet the king of Almyra, I'll give him a stern talking-to on your behalf.
ツィリル: そうして。ボクはもう、パルミラに帰る気はないけどね……じゃ、仕事に戻るよ。
Cyril: Yeah, OK. Anyway, I gotta get back to work. Buncha things to get done.
クロード: ああ。お前はすっかり、そっち側、なんだな。
Claude: You really are on the other side now, aren't you? Huh.
Well, if nothing else, it's good of you to turn a blind eye to me.
ツィリル: ……はあ。何のことか知らないけど、心配しないで。
Cyril: I don't know what that means, but OK. Bye, Claude.
ツィリル: その先は、駄目だよ、クロード。
Cyril: Sorry, Claude. You can't go past.
クロード: !……おっと、ツィリルか。
何が不味いんだ? 聖墓は初めてじゃない。レアさんに連れられて入ったからな。
Claude: Huh? Ah, Cyril, it's you.
Is there a problem? It's not the first time I've been to the Holy Tomb. Rhea herself took me there once.
Beside, the inside's been scoured by the Imperial army. There's nothing left there now.
ツィリル: レアさまは誰も入れるなと言った。だから入れられない。
Cyril: Don't matter. Lady Rhea said nobody could go in, so I can't let ya through.
I gotta do what Lady Rhea says. You wanna break them rules, then you'll be her enemy.
If you're trying to do that, I'll have to fight ya.
クロード: ……参ったな。いや、参った。
Claude: Fine, I get it!
I wouldn't hesitate to make an enemy of Rhea if it came to that...
But I'd rather not fight with you. So I'll back off. For now.
ツィリル: そう……なぜ?
Cyril: Why is that?
クロード: 理由なんて、どうでもいいだろ。
Claude: Does it matter?
ツィリル: そうかな。だって、アナタはボクを斬れる立場だもの。
Cyril: Don't know... With your status, you could smack me to the ground and walk right over me.
クロード: お前のことが好きなんだよ。
Claude: I...guess? But I wouldn't. We're friends.
ツィリル: ……アナタは、好きな相手だって、斬る必要に迫られたら斬る人だと思うけど。
Cyril: I thought you were the kind of guy who'd smack down just about anybody if you needed to.
クロード: ……お前、意外に頑固者だなあ。仕方ない、教えてやるよ。
Claude: You really are a stubborn one. All right, then. I'll tell you.
I swore I'd change this world so that those without status are no longer oppressed.
Though you were never one of the people I was hoping to save.
I never knew that there were people in Almyra in your kind of situation.
I realized that my own perspective was too narrow. You helped me realize that. So I owe you.
ツィリル: 弱い立場の人たちを救う?アナタは、そう言ったの?
Cyril: Did you just say you're all about saving people who are oppressed? Really?
クロード: ああ、そうだ。俺が言うと変か?
Claude: I did. Is it so strange to hear that from me?
ツィリル: ううん。まるでレアさまのようなことを言うんだなと思って。
Cyril: It's just... You reminded me of Lady Rhea there for a second.
Lady Rhea always tried to save us folks without any status in the world.
Like when she let a outside like me stay at the monastery... That was real nice.
She brought in those kids from Remire Village when they lost their parents, and...
クロード: 待て、俺は宗教家じゃない。俺みたいなのと一緒にされちゃレアさんだって迷惑だろ。
Claude: Well, I'm not a religious man. I'm sure Rhea wouldn't want to be lumped in with a guy like me.
ツィリル: レアさまも主に命じられたから、そうしてたわけじゃない。
Cyril: Lady Rhea didn't do those things 'cause the goddess told her she should.
She did it 'cause she wanted to. I can tell ya that.
クロード: そうか……だとしたら、敵に回さずとも……。
Claude: I see... In that case, maybe I don't need to make an enemy of her.
Thanks, Cyril. I think you've brought me a step closer to my dream.
ツィリル: ボクも……アナタの役に立てたなら嬉しいよ。
Cyril: Thanks to you too, Claude. If I was able to help ya, then that makes me happy.