バルタザール: よう、クロード。どこに行くんだ?用心棒が必要なら、お供してやるが。
Balthus: Hey there, Claude. Where are you headed? If you need some extra muscle, count me in.
クロード: いやいや、この神聖なる大修道院の中で用心棒が必要な場所なんてあるかっての。
Claude: No thanks. Not much need for heightened security at the monastery. Well, most of the time anyway.
バルタザール: まあ、そうつれないこと言うなって。おれはお前の役に立ちたいんだからよ。
Balthus: Yeesh, I can take a hint. I was just trying to help you out.
バルタザール: ここへ来て一番の収穫は、未来の盟主たるクロード様とお近づきになれたことだ。
The way I see it, can't do better than cozying up to the Claude von Riegan, future leader of the Alliance.
バルタザール: ここへ来て一番の収穫は、偉大なる盟主クロード様とお近づきになれたことだ。
クロード: 俺とお近づきになったところで、あんたに懸かった賞金は消えないと思うが。
Claude: You can get as cozy as you like, but I don't think that'll lower the price on your head.
バルタザール: そりゃそうだが、盟主と繋がりがあるってだけで信用してくれる連中もいる。
Balthus: Couldn't hurt. People trust you. They trust the folks you run with. I could use a little trust in my life.
クロード: その信用で金を借りるのか?これ以上、借金作るのはやめとけって。
Claude: So you're hoping this newfound trust will trick more people into lending you money. Yeah, count me out. You know fighting debt with debt won't work, right?
バルタザール: とはいえ、お前に盟主の資格がないとなりゃおれの信用も共倒れ必至なわけだが。
Balthus: Eh, just as well. If you mess up leading the Alliance, that plan's a bust anyway. So count me out, pal.
By the way, Claude... Are you really the heir of House Riegan?
クロード: ……は? そのつもりだが。何か疑わしいところでもあるか?
Claude: Yes? That's my current understanding anyway. Why do you ask?
バルタザール: 事故で亡くなった先代のリーガン公に、男子がいたという話はなかったはずだ。
Balthus: I've never head any talk of the last Duke Riegan leaving a son behind when he died in that accident.
Duke Oswald the Old...your father? Tall tale, if you ask me.
And if that's not the case, then who exactly did you get your Riegan blood from?
クロード: まあ、事情を知らない者にとっては、当然の疑問だが……たいした話じゃない。
Claude: Look at you, figuring things out by yourself. Sorry to say the true story isn't all that interesting.
I was born to an offshoot of House Riegan. When my Crest manifested, I was accepted into the ruling bloodline. That's all there is to it.
バルタザール: いやいや納得できないねえ……。リーガン家は公爵位を持つ同盟の盟主だぜ?
Balthus: Nice try, but I'm not buying it. House Riegan produces dukes and leads the whole of the Alliance.
Not having an heir is a matter of life and death. Any relative with a Crest would be accepted immediately.
But no one even knew you existed until fairly recently. It's fishy, Claude. Remarkably fishy.
クロード: おっと……あんたはあれか。ローレンツの回し者か。
Claude: I think I've finally figured you out. You're working for Lorenz, aren't you?
バルタザール: そこで気になるのは、オズワルド閣下の一人娘、ティアナ嬢の存在だ。
Balthus: Here's what I really can't work out. Duke Oswald's only daughter, Tiana. Whatever happened to her?
I met her a few times when I was a kid. She was a great lady. A real looker too, let me tell ya.
クロード: おいおい……それがガキの頃の感想かよ。けど、何で会う機会があったんだ?
Claude: I see your mind was just as pure when you were a kid as it is now. How'd you even cross paths with her?
バルタザール: おれも木っ端貴族の嫡子として、レスターの社交界に顔を出してる時期があってな。
Balthus: As the legitimate heir of a minor noble house, I got a pretty decent glimpse into high society.
Lady Tiana was something special. The stuff of dreams, really.
And one day, she just vanished. Poof, gone. I'll never forget hearing about it.
クロード: あんた、そんな年頃から大人の女性をそういう目で見てたのかい。
Claude: Wow. So you've had a particular interest in older women since way back when. Sorry, go on.
バルタザール: 親父から聞かされた時は泣いたね……。あんときゃホルストも泣いてたよ……。
Balthus: When my old man told me, I cried buckets. Even Holst lost it.
クロード: 同盟きっての猛将、ホルストさんが?嘘だろ……。
Claude: Holst? As in Holst the indomitable Alliance general? Huh. I never knew that.
バルタザール: しばらくして、おれはひょんなところから噂を聞くことになった。
Balthus: Yeah...and after a while, I heard a strange rumor.
Some say Lady Tiana left to live in a far-off land. Once I remembered that, the rest fell into place.
クロード: ……何にピンと来たのか知らないが、他所ん家の事情に立ち入り過ぎだ。
Claude: Right. Say, have you considered minding your own business? Isn't that enough of a handful as it is?
If you want to have a real discussion sometime, bring me facts. Not a bunch of tired gossip. Deal?
Anyway, Teach is waiting for me at the training ground, so I'd better get going.
バルタザール: 雑に誤魔化しやがって。……暇潰しにはなったか。
Balthus: Heh. Nice try, Claude, but I'm on to you...
バルタザール: よう、クロード。暇潰しに、この間の話の続きをしようぜ。
Balthus: Hey, Claude! Care to pick up where we left off? I got some time to kill.
クロード: あんたは暇かもしれんが、俺は忙しいんだ。またにしてくれ。
Claude: You'll have to kill time on your own, I'm afraid. My calender's full at the moment.
バルタザール: そう言うなって。別にお前さんの正体を暴いてどうこうしようってんじゃねえんだ。
Balthus: Aw, don't be like that. You're not afraid I'm gonna expose your true identity, are you? I would never!
Besides, my own bloodline isn't so lofty that I can get away with something like that.
クロード: そんなことを言ったら親父さんが悲しむぜ。アダルブレヒト家だって立派な貴族だろ。
Claude: I bet your father would just love to hear you say that. And the Albrecht family is from a distinguished noble house, so I'm not sure what you mean.
バルタザール: 立派ってほどの家柄じゃねえよ。それに、おれの母親はもともと貴族でもねえ。
Balthus: Not as distinguished as you would think. And my mom wasn't born a noble.
クロード: ほう……母君は平民の出なのか?
Claude: Ah, the plot thickens. So your mother was a commoner, then?
バルタザール: そうとも言えるが……ちと事情が複雑でな。興味があるなら教えてやるよ。
Balthus: In a sense...but it's complicated. Listen up and I'll tell you a little story.
You know Kupala, yeah? Those folks have been living in the mountains of Fódlan's Throat for ages.
クロード: クパーラか……もちろん知ってるよ。うちの領内じゃこんなふうに伝わってる。
Claude: I know it well. Tales of that place were carried on the wind to where I grew up. Here's my favorite...
In a land surrounded by tall mountains, untouched by civilization, lies a hidden village.
The people who live there, the mystical Kupala tribe... They say that an ancient and powerful bloodline runs through their veins to this very day.
Don't try to find them, people say, or you're liable to get hexed. Or so the tale goes.
That part was probably added to spice up the story a bit, but even so, they're certainly a mysterious lot.
バルタザール: はっはっは……滅多に山から出てこねえ連中だ、そう思われても仕方ねえわな。
Balthus: Heh. They don't leave their homeland too often, so it's only natural that strange rumors would arise.
クロード: ……で、まさかあんたの母君はそこの姫様だってのか?
Claude: And your she really some kind of Kupala princess or something?
バルタザール: 姫じゃねえが、クパーラの生まれでね。山の外に迷い出て、親父に助けられたのさ。
Balthus: Not a princess, but she was born and raised there. She left, got lost, and was rescued. By my dad.
Ah... He fell head over heels for her. Made her his wife. That's when her troubles really started.
クロード: 親父さんは、彼女の出自を公表したのか?
Claude: Did your father tell anyone where she was from?
バルタザール: いや、流石にそれはできなかったが、素性の怪しい奇妙な女には変わりねえ。
Balthus: Of course not. But it didn't matter. She was still a stranger of questionable lineage.
The family treated her horribly. That eventually led to them splitting up and my dad remarrying.
クロード: ……貴族の家じゃよくある話か。それで母君は今、どうしてるんだ?
Claude: That's not an uncommon circumstance for a noble house. Where is she now?
バルタザール: 居場所をなくしてクパーラに戻ったよ。親父は散々に引き留めたんだがな。
Balthus: With nowhere else to turn, she went back to Kupala, even though my pops tried to convince her to stay.
クロード: じゃあ、あんたが家を飛び出したのも、家に居づらくなったからって訳か?
Claude: I'm guessing you two left for much the same reason. Too hard to put up with the foul treatment, right?
バルタザール: それだけじゃねえが……母が貴族の出なら、おれの人生もまったく違っただろうよ。
Balthus: That's part of it. If my mom had been Fódlan nobility, my life would have been very different.
So, what do you think? Did I drum up some empathy? After all, half of your blood comes from―
クロード: まあ、そうだな。共感しないでもない。事情はだいぶ違うが。
Claude: I hear you, Balthus. Can't say I don't emphatize, though our circumstances are pretty different.
バルタザール: ……ってことはだ。やはり、おれの洞察は真実を見通していたようだな。
Balthus: So you admit it, then? Heh. I knew I was right about you. My instincts are second to none.
クロード: 真実を見通すって……まあ、いい。それで満足ならそういうことにしとこう。
Claude: Your instincts, right. Look, if it makes you happy, you just go on believing whatever you want.
バルタザール: いや、まだ満足とは言えねえな。お前の正体が知れわたっちゃ困るなら……
Balthus: I'll do just that. Say, Claude... It'd be a shame if your true identity was exposed, yeah? A real shame.
I'm thinking you'd better...set up a meeting between me and your mom. She was my first crush, after all.
I had it bad for her back in the day. I'm still haunted by the fact that I never had the chance to tell her.
クロード: あのなあ……俺の母さん、今いくつだと思ってんだ?
Claude: That's...bothersome. And that aside, you do know that time didn't exactly stop for her, right?
バルタザール: あ?全然、問題ねえぞ。
Balthus: Not a problem, pal. Age IS beauty.
クロード: なあ、バルタザール。俺の同類として意見を聞きたいんだが……
Claude: Balthus! You and I are of like minds, so I'd like to get your opinion on something.
バルタザール: おう、上は何歳まで大丈夫かって話か?そうだな、自分の母親より下なら……
Balthus: Oh, is this about the age thing? As a rule, so long as she's younger than my own mother, it's fair game, pal.
クロード: いや、その話はまた今度な。そうじゃなくて……
Claude: Noted. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. Ever, really.
Do you remember what I said, about the first thing we need to accomplish in this war?
バルタザール: ……どの話だ。フォドラを閉ざして瓶の蓋をぶっ壊すっていうやつか?
Balthus: That bit about busting open the lid that keeps the people of Fódlan from the rest of the world?
クロード: ああ。それについてどう思ってるか、あんたの意見を聞いたことがなかったろ。
Claude: That's right. I'd like to know your thoughts on the matter.
バルタザール: おれの意見? 皆が納得してりゃああいいと思うが……おれも反対はしてねえよ。
Balthus: Um, 'K. Well, everyone seemed to eat it up, so I'm fine with it too. Certainly, no against it.
In a world like that, my mom wouldn't have to fear what others think of her.
But it all hinges on if you can shape reality into the vision you have in mind. That's no small task.
クロード: ……やっぱり、そう思うか。
Claude: Hm, I had a feeling you'd say something like that. Please, go on.
バルタザール: そりゃあな。外と繋がりゃ生き方も混ざる。血も混ざる。何もかも混ざっちまう。
Balthus: I'm all for mixing up different ways of life and bloodlines, but who knows what it'll really mean for Fódlan?
We'll be free from things that previously bound us. Wall wills crumble. Things will change...drasically.
At the same time, the world we've defended for years could easily become unrecognizable. Everything we've built up until now could fall to ash.
Hard to say how it'll all shake out. All we can do is wait and see. Maybe all will end well. Or maybe not.
クロード: 互いがただ互いの生き方を認め合う……それだけなんだがなあ、俺の理想は。
Claude: All I want is for everyone to accept each other. That's the ideal I'm striving for. It's deceptively simple, when you think about it.
バルタザール: 簡単に理想どおりになるなら、今頃おれは巨万の富を得てるぜ?
Balthus: Look, if getting exactly what you wanted was easy, I'd be drowing in gold.
Don't get caught up in the stakes. You just have to throw the dice and see where they fall.
クロード: ああ、結局はそういうことだよな。ごちゃごちゃ言わずに腹くくって進むか。
Claude: Good advice. That's all we can ever do, really. I just have to do my best and prepare for the worst.
バルタザール: おう、そうしろ!金は貸せねえが手は貸してやるからよ。
Balthus: You got it. I can't help with funding, obviously, but you have my support.
クロード: ……ところで、あんた。俺の素性を、誰かに売る気はないのか?
Claude: Speaking of funds... You're not planning to sell the secrets of my origins for a quick payoff, right?
There are people with deep pocket who'd love to see me fall. They'd pay well for information like that.
バルタザール: はっはっはっはっ、安心しろよ。流石のおれも仲間を売るような真似は……しねえって。
Balthus: Hehe! Don't worry, Claude. I wouldn't sell out a friend, not even for a small fortune. Most likely.
クロード: おい……今、言いよどまなかったか?
Claude: Yeah, that's not worrisome at all.
バルタザール: 気にすんな、約束を思い出しただけだ。おれとお前の約束、忘れんなよ?
Balthus: Heh. I was just kidding. After all, I have that promise to look forward to. You won't let me down, right?
クロード: 約束? 何のことだ。
Claude: Oh, of course not. And that promise was...what exactly?
バルタザール: お前の母さんに会わせろって話だ。瓶の蓋をぶっ壊した後でいいからよ。
Balthus: How about hooking me up with your mom! After we bust open that lid, of course.
クロード: ……年齢のこともあるが、人妻だぞ?
Claude: Of course. Uh, age difference aside, you know she's married, right?
バルタザール: 勘違いすんじゃねえよ! おれはただ、昔の恋にけじめをつけてえだけなのさ。
Balthus: I'm not a loon, Claude. I'm not trying to marry her! I just want some closure with my childhood crush.
クロード: へえ……。
Claude: Is that a fact? Well, it'd be interesting to see whether my father can kill you before my mother beats him to it.
Perhaps unexpectedly, Balthus accompanied Claude upon his return to his homeland of Almyra.
While Claude assumed the role of a politically active prince, Balthus spent his days drinking, flirting, and brawling.
As soon as Claude inherited the throne, however, all that changed. In the blink of an eye, Balthus became son-in-law to the great commander, Nader, and took up a position of military command in service to Claude's stated goal to improve relations with Fodlan. To foster trust, Claude frequently sent Balthus into Fodlan on missions to help quell revolts begun by Imperial loyalists.