アネット: も~ぞもぞ……♪
Annette: ♪ Creepity creep... ♪
クロード: ……ん?
Claude: Huh?
アネット: 冷たく湿った、暗黒の地で~♪昨日も今日も、も~ぞもぞ~♪
それっ! もぞもぞ、も~ぞもぞ~♪ ほいっ! もぞもぞ、も~ぞもぞ~♪
Annette: ♪ Living in a land that's dark and blinded by the frigid cold... Creeping through the loneliness for ages untold...♪
♪In your heart you're desperate for the sweet embrace of light... Pushing through and crawling with all of your might...♪
♪ HERE! Creepy creepy creepity creep... NOW! Creepy creepy creepity creep... ♪
クロード: ………………。
Claude: ...
アネット: げっ……クロード、もしかして見てた?
Annette: Oh! Claude! You weren't, uh... watching me, were you?
クロード: ああ、儀式の一部始終を目撃しちまった。……すごいなあ、そんな特技があったのか。
Claude: I saw the whole ritual, yes. You have a gift, Annette. I could watch that all day. In fact... I just might.
アネット: ……ね、ねえ、今の、忘れてくれない?お願い! 何も見てないってことに!
Annette: Claude! Ugh. Can you please...forget that you saw that?
I was just making up a silly song to pass the time while watering the plants.
クロード: 秘密にしたいなら口外はしないが……お前、生まれはファーガスだったよな?
Claude: Sure, sure, it can be my secret serenade, if you so please. But tell me... You were born in Faerghus, right?
アネット: え、あ、うん!そうだよ。
Annette: Yes, that's right.
クロード: そうか……じゃあ、天賦の才ってやつか。久々に魂の震える歌を聞かせてもらったぜ。
Claude: I thought so. You're really talented, you know. It's been a while since I heard a song like that. One that stirs me to my very soul.
アネット: た、魂の……?またまた、そんな大げさな……
Annette: Soul stirring? My creepity creep song? I think that's a bit of an exaggeration...
クロード: いや、大げさなもんか。俺の故郷には、そういう儀式があるんだ。
Claude: I never, ever exaggerate. In fact, it reminded me of rituals we have back where I grew up.
We'd gather around a blazing fire and spend the whole night caught up in song and dance. Not unlike what you just demonstrated.
Really, the dance I'm thinking of is exactly like the one you just did. We'd scream like beasts and then jump up and roll around. It's freeing, isn't it?
アネット: あたしは奇声なんて上げてないもん!というか、どんな儀式なの、それ……。
Annette: Scream? Like a beast? That's not what I was doing. And...and what's this weird ritual you're talking about?
クロード: それと気になるのは、さっきの歌詞だな。深い意味が込められてる気がするが……
Claude: Even better than your angelic voice were your lyrics. I can't even begin to fathom the deep meaning they contain, but maybe if we talk about it...
アネット: 深い意味……?うーん、ちょ、ちょっとはね……?
Annette: Deep meaning? No... Just... No.
クロード: 待った! まだ言うな、アネット。俺なりに推理してみたいから、時間をくれ。
Claude: Oh, I get it. It's the sort of thing you have to figure out for yourself. OK, don't tell me. Give me time. I'll work it out.
アネット: ……推理?
Annette: Work what out?
クロード: あ、水やりは済んだんだよな?悪いな、俺も当番だったのに。
Claude: Oh... Have you already watered the plants? Sorry, I'm just realizing it was supposed to be my turn this week.
アネット: あ、ううん、それはいいんだけど……。
Annette: Ah, no, it's fine. Really.
クロード: じゃ、またな。……もぞもぞ、もーぞもぞ、か。
Claude: OK, see you later then. ♪ Creepity creeep... ♪
アネット: えっと……できることなら早く忘れてほしいんだけどなあ……。
Annette: He is not gonna let this go, is he...
クロード: アネット、美味そうに食ってるな。ここ、空いてるか?
Claude: Hi Annette. Looks like some tasty food you've got there. Mind if I join you?
アネット: うん、あたしはもう食べ終わるけど。これからご飯なんて、忙しかったの?
Annette: Sure, but I'm finished eating. You're here late. Busy day?
クロード: いや、アネットの歌のことを考えてたら、遅くなっちまってな。
Claude: Very. I got caught up thinking about your song. I find it really makes the time fly.
アネット: ……まだ忘れてなかったの。忘れようよ。ねえ。
Annette: So you didn't manage to forget about that. I really wish you would.
クロード: 無理だな……もう魂に刻み込まれちまった。それで、歌詞のことなんだけどな。
Claude: Alas, I cannot! That song is engraved on my soul. The lyrics...they echo in my brain, begging to be understood.
クロード: あれは無念の死を遂げた者たちの、魂の叫びなんじゃないのか?
Claude: Those words represent the cry of a poor soul who died in anguish... Is that it? That's it, isn't it?
アネット: た、魂の叫び……?
Annette: The cry...of a poor soul?
クロード: 冷たく湿った暗黒の地……あれは冥界のことだろう?
Claude: A land that's dark and frigidly cold... That could only mean the underworld.
In my search for truth, I read up on the old rituals of the eastern regions of Faerghus.
Those who died with regret are thought to end up in an underworld of sorts. Somewhere cold. Somewhere dark. Somewhere...creepy.
To escape from their bitter limbo, they did their way up through the earth, trying to find the surface...or the light in other words.
And so they creep about endlessly in the cold dirt of the underworld, clinging to their hopeless desire... Creepity creep, Annette. Creepity creep.
アネット: ひえええ……。
Annette: Eh...
クロード: どうだ、アネット。合ってるか?
Claude: So? Was I right or was I right?
アネット: 合ってる! ……わけないでしょ!そんな悲しい歌じゃないもの!
Annette: What? No! You're not even close! It wasn't supposed to be a dark and miserable song at all.
クロード: やっぱ違うか。歌詞の重さに比べて、あの曲と踊りは陽気すぎるもんなあ。
Claude: Huh. Now that I think about it...the melody and dance didn't really match the weight of the lyrics.
アネット: あの歌詞はね、そのまんまの意味だよ。蒔いた種が芽を出してたから……
やっと地面に出られた! っていう、芽の気持ちを歌にしただけ。
Annette: The lyrics are simply about seeds pushing out of the ground to become sweet, little buds.
They creep through the dirt until they find the light! The song just describes what it's like to be a budding flower.
クロード: チッ、深読みし過ぎたか。しかし意味を聞いてみると、良い歌だな。
Claude: Damn. That is good stuff. OK, maybe I read too much into it. Actually, now that you've explain really is a nice little song.
Creepity creep... The gentle journey from the ground to the surface. I love it.
アネット: まあ、そういうことかな……。ねえ……は、恥ずかし過ぎない、これ?
Annette: Do you...think it's embarrassing that I made up such a silly song?
クロード: いいや、恥ずかしくない。……そうだ、俺も歌詞を考えてきたんだ。
Claude: Not at all. Oh! But that reminds me. I was so inspired by Creepity Creep that I made up some lyrics of my own.
I've been nonchalantly carrying them around with me hoping to run into you. Would you mind taking a look?
アネット: ふうん……どれどれ。
Annette: Oh, of course! Let's see here...
♪ Walking the purpose and a steady stride... Lively and bright and full of pride...♪
Crying, laughing, and blazing ahead... Why worry 'bout tomorrow? Let's eat instead... ♪
So, uh... What would you say this song is about, Claude?
クロード: 今度はアネットが推理してみてくれよ。わかったら、答えを聞かせてくれよな。
Claude: Oh, Annette. Sweet Annette. This time it's your turn to decipher its meaning. Let me know when you've figur out!
アネット: あ、クロード! 前に聞いた歌詞の答え合わせしたいんだけど、いい?
Annette: Hey, Claude! I think I've worked out what your lyrics mean! Care to hear me out?
クロード: ん? ああ、いいぞ。何を書いたのか、わかったのか?
Claude: Huh? Sure! So, you managed to work through the labyrinth of my melodic poetry, then?
アネット: うん! あれって、クロードが自分のことを書いたんじゃないの?
Annette: I did! You were writing about yourself, right?
About how you just keep moving forward, no matter what difficulties you encounter.
We've got this, we did it, now let's eat. That kind of thing. Am I right?
クロード: お、良い線いってるな。でも、あれは俺のことじゃないんだ。
Claude: Hey, that's pretty close for being completely wrong. It's not actually about me.
It's about you, Annette. It's a song about your single-minded march through life.
アネット: え、あたし?
Annette: It's about... me?!
クロード: ああ、たまにドジ踏んで大騒ぎもするが、いつも前を向いて頑張ってるだろ?
Claude: Of course! You know, about how you mess up and make a big fuss about stuff sometimes, but you're always looking ahead and striving.
I just wanted to capture your pleasant, fidgety, fussy nature in a song.
アネット: えへへ……そうだったんだ。……褒められてるのかは微妙だけど。
Annette: Haha, I see! I'm flattered... I think? Actually, I can't really tell if you're saying something nice or not...
クロード: 褒めてるさ! お前みたいな奴が仲間になってくれて本当に良かったよ。
Claude: Of course I'm saying something nice! I'm so happy I get to be friends with someone like you.
Everyone's really uplifted by your cheerful attitude, your refusal to give up, and that boisterous nature of yours.
アネット: 騒々しさって……褒められてないような。でも……ありがとう、クロード。
Annette: Boisterous... That's definitely not a compliment. Still... Thank you, Claude.
I'm really pleased that you thought so hard about me and wrote a neat song like that.
You know, what this song really needs is a nice little dance to go with it...
クロード: ああ、完成したらみんなに披露してくれよ。お前の踊りは秀逸だからな!
Claude: I couldn't agree more! And once you've finished, you should perform it for everyone. You're a fine dancer, after all!
アネット: そ、そそそ、それは無理、かなあ!あたしの踊りは門外不出だから!
Annette: Nope! Not happening! I'm afraid my dances are not for public consumption.
It will have to suffice that I let you see it.
クロード: おっ、もしかして俺になら他の歌も聞かせる気になったか?
Claude: You drive a hard bargain. And if this performance is just for me, maybe I can coax you into letting me hear some of your other songs?
アネット: じ、自信作だけだからね? 熊狩りの歌とか地下牢の歌とか、毒キノコの行進とか……
Annette: I suppose there are a few others I could maybe share. Like my bear song! Or my dungeon song! Ooh! Or the waltz of the swamp beasties!
クロード: ほほう、どれも面白そうだな……。
Claude: I have never been more on board with anything in my entire life!
アネット: そうかな? どれも普通の歌だし……別に面白くしたつもりはないんだけど……。
Annette: Oh, they're all just silly songs... I don't know that they're anything worth being excited about.
クロード: 真面目に作ってその題名ってところが、更に……ぷぷ……今度、聞かせてくれよな。
Claude: I'll be the judge of that, and I can tell just by their descriptions that I'm right to be excited.
アネット: ……まったく、仕方ないなあ。特別だからね、クロード。
Annette: Well! I guess I have no choice. I'm making an exception just for you, Claude.
クロード: 特別とは嬉しいね。俺もアネットの歌は特別に好きだからな。
Claude: I'm honored to be the exception, as well as your number one fan!
Entrusting the future of Fodlan to his friends, Claude left for Almyra with Annette, whom he intended to marry. He announced this fact to his father, the king of Almyra, who approved of Claude's growth and Annette's wisdom and resolved to entrust the monarchy to them.
Once he became king, Claude established a school of sorcery with the intent to use it as a bridge between Almyra and Fodlan.
Annette took on a role as headmaster, supporting Claude's dream by opening the doors to students from every corner of the world. Relations between Almyra and Fodlan improved drastically as a result.