カスパル: なあなあ、シャミアさん!
Caspar: Hey, Shamir!
Your archery skills were amazing the other day.
I couldn't believe it when you hit all those bulls-eyes. Not a single miss!
シャミア: ……たいしたことじゃない。
Shamir: It was nothing.
カスパル: いやいや、凄えかっこよかったぜ!今度、弓の技を教えてくれよ!
Caspar: No way! It was incredible! You were incredible! You gotta teach me how to shoot.
シャミア: ……気が向いたらな。
Shamir: Maybe.
カスパル: おっしゃあ!じゃあ、明日でいいか?
Caspar: That sounds like a "yes" to me! Are you free tomorrow?
シャミア: いや、確約はできん。気が向いたらと言ったろ。
Shamir: Maybe. No promises though.
カスパル: ええー、何でだよ!他の奴とは約束してなかったか?
ま、まさか、オレじゃあ駄目だってのか!?何がいけねえんだ! 教えてくれ!
Caspar: Come on, Shamir! Don't be like that!
Wait. Is this because you don't think I'm good enough? That can't be it.
シャミア: 別に君がどうこうではないが……。まあ教えてやろう。
Shamir: It's nothing personal.
As someone born in Dagda, I'm not very fond of the Empire.
カスパル: ! ダグザって、あのダグザだよな。数年前に帝国とデカい戦争やった……
Caspar: Dagda? Where is— Oh! You mean where they had that war with the Empire a few years back? The country west of Fódlan?
Across the ocean. That Dagda?
シャミア: そうだ。まあ戦争は昔の話だが。
Shamir: That Dagda. But that is behind us.
カスパル: そうだったのか……。そりゃ、帝国は嫌いだよな。
Caspar: I had no idea. I understand why you'd hate the Empire so much though.
My father was a major general in that war. He led an entire army.
If I were you, I definitely wouldn't want to train the son of someone who killed all those Dagdans...
シャミア: そこまでじゃない。
Shamir: You misunderstand.
I harbor no ill will toward your generation.
シャミア: エーデルガルトにも感謝しているくらいだ。嫌いな古き帝国を、ぶっ壊してくれたと。
カスパル: え? じゃあ何でオレに弓を教える約束はできないって言うんだよ!
Caspar: Huh? Then what does this have to do with you teaching me how to shoot?
シャミア: ……君もさっき言っていたろ。他の奴に教える約束がある。
Shamir: I simply have other commitments.
I don't have the time to teach everyone, so I can't make any promises.
カスパル: そ、そういうことかよ!あっはっは、心配して損したぜ!
Caspar: That's your reason? You're just too busy? I thought you hated me.
I guess I had nothing to worry about. In that case, I'm excited to get to know you better.
Let's leave all that Dagda and Empire stuff in the past.
シャミア: カスパル。最近、調子はどうだ?
Shamir: Caspar. How have you been?
カスパル: あ、シャミアさん……!いや、全然普通だぜ。普通、普通。
Caspar: Oh! Shamir! I've been... normal. Yeah, totally normal.
シャミア: ……?どうした、君。
Shamir: What's wrong?
カスパル: 別にどうもしないぜ……。
Caspar: Nothing's wrong! Everything's normal!
シャミア: それならもっと普通に振る舞えんのか。何かあるなら言え。
Shamir: Then you should try acting like it. If something is bothering you, you should come out and say it.
カスパル: いや、そう、言われても……。
Caspar: I, uhh... I don't know what you're talking about.
シャミア: らしくないな、君。その歯切れの悪さは何だ。
Shamir: I'm disappointed, Caspar. I thought you were the type to always speak your mind.
カスパル: わかったよ、言うよ……。実は……あんたの話を聞いたんだ。
Caspar: All right! Fine! You got me! Truth is that I heard something about you...
I heard you fought in the battle between the Empire and Dagda.
シャミア: ……そうだ。
Shamir: Yes. And?
カスパル: それで……その戦いで、あんた……大切な人を失ったって聞いた。
Caspar: And I heard that you maybe lost someone important in that battle.
シャミア: そんなこともあったかもしれん。それがどうした?
Shamir: Perhaps. Your point?
カスパル: どうしたじゃねえだろ!オレ、あんたは戦ってねえと思ってたんだ!
Caspar: No point! Not trying to make a point! I just didn't know you were involved in all that.
I was hoping we could be friends, but you fought against the Empire...
You obviously have every reason to hate them, so I'm sure you don't want me around...
シャミア: 君に何の関係がある?
Shamir: What does my past have to do with you?
カスパル: 親父がやったことだ、オレだって無関係とは言えねえだろ?
Caspar: My father was responsible for a lot of what happened to the Dagdans.
シャミア: 無関係でないならば、どうするんだ。責任を取ってくれるのか?
Shamir: Are YOU responsible for what happened to the Dagdans?
カスパル: ああ、何ができるかわからねえけど、オレが……
Caspar: Well, no... but kinda? I know I wasn't there, but I gotta—
シャミア: 生き返らせてみろ。
Shamir: Bring them back.
カスパル: え?
Caspar: Huh?
シャミア: 責任を取りたいなら、奪った命を返せ。生き返らせろ。
Shamir: If you're responsible, then bring back the lives that were lost.
If you can't, then spare me your pity.
カスパル: けど……
Caspar: But—
シャミア: 昨日の敵は今日の友なんだよな。
Shamir: Yesterday's enemy is today's ally.
You have to abandon old feuds. Only then can you face me as a friend.
カスパル: ちくしょう……オレは……オレは……
Caspar: Ugh...
シャミア: チッ……私に任せて退け!
Shamir: Leave this to me! Go!
カスパル: シャミアさん、危ねえっ!……ぐっ!?
Caspar: Shamir! Look out! Auugh!
シャミア: カスパル!?おい! 大丈夫か!
Shamir: Caspar! Are you all right? Talk to me!
カスパル: ハッ!?シャミアさん!
Caspar: Ahh! Shamir!
シャミア: 叫ぶな、阿呆。私はここだ。
Shamir: Lower your voice. I'm right here.
カスパル: シャミアさん! 後ろから敵が…………あれ? 医務室か、ここ。
Caspar: Look out! The enemy's right— Huh? We're in the infirmary?
シャミア: そうだ。ようやく目を覚ましたな。
Shamir: Correct. It took you a while to wake up.
You nearly died protecting me. Why did you do something so reckless?
カスパル: 何でって……シャミアさんを助けようと……
Caspar: Well, I saw that you were in trouble and—
シャミア: それが君の責任の取り方か?私のために命を捨てるというのが。
Shamir: Is this your attempt to take responsibility for your father's actions?
I don't need your pity, Caspar.
カスパル: 待ってくれ、シャミアさん。確かにオレ、あんたに負い目を感じてたよ。
Caspar: Wait a minute! I do feel guilty for what my father did to the Dagdans...
But this has nothing to do with that!
I saw your were in danger, and my body moved before I could even think about it! That's all!
シャミア: どちらにしろ、阿呆だ。
Shamir: You are still a fool.
Learn to protect yourself before trying to protect me.
There's no point in losing one life to save another. Yours holds just as much value as mine.
カスパル: そんなこと言われたってよ……。
Caspar: I understand what you're saying, but—
シャミア: まあいい、助けられたのは確かだ。礼を言っておく。
Shamir: However, I cannot deny that I owe you a debt.
Thank you, Caspar. And... I apologize.
カスパル: 何で謝るんだ?あんたは何も悪くねえだろ。
Caspar: Um... For what? You didn't do anything.
シャミア: いや、この前な。少し意地悪を言い過ぎた。
Shamir: For when we spoke before. I... may have been too harsh.
I cannot hold a grudge against someone who would risk his life for mine.
That said, you need not worry about me.
カスパル: ……うーん、その言葉は嬉しいけど、悩むことはないっつったってなあ……。
Caspar: Uh, yeah. Glad to hear it. But I gotta say, not worrying about you is a lot easier said than done.
シャミア: 腕を上げたな。見事な戦いぶりだった。
Shamir: You fought well in that battle. You've improved.
カスパル: へへっ。これも、あんたの援護があってこそだぜ!
Caspar: Hah! I couldn't have done it without you.
シャミア: ああ、そうだな。
Shamir: True.
カスパル: ええーっ?そこはオレを褒めるとこじゃねえのかよ!
Caspar: Wha— Come on! You're supposed to disagree and compliment me instead!
シャミア: 以前の君は、冷静さを欠きやすかったが、最近は注意深くなってきた。
Shamir: Fine. In the past, you were reckless. Lately, you are less so.
You are more considerate of your allies, and much easier to fight alongside.
カスパル: うおおい!? 改めて褒められると、照れ臭さ全開だな……。
Caspar: Whoa now! Tha— That's enough! Getting compliments from you is... kinda weird.
But I get what you mean. I feel safer on the battlefield when you're out there with me too.
I always trust that you've got my back. I guess we make a good team!
シャミア: ……まあ、同感と言えば同感だが。
Shamir: I can't disagree.
カスパル: 実は、前に助けようとして死にかけて、シャミアさんに怒られたじゃん。
Caspar: Hey, do you remember that time I saved you and almost got myself killed? You were pretty mad.
That actually had a big impact on me.
After that, I decided I had to be able to save you without getting hurt myself.
So I started paying more attention. I read your movements in battle and stayed out of your way.
Before I knew it, it was almost like I could read your mind!
シャミア: フ……考えがわかる、か。
Shamir: An interesting concept.
We have become a very efficient team, but you will never understand my thoughts.
カスパル: そんなことねえ!あんたの考えならもうバッチリわかるぜ!
Caspar: Not true! I know exactly what you're thinking!
シャミア: なら、当ててみせろ。私が君について考えていることをだ。
Shamir: Then prove it. What am I thinking right now.
カスパル: ええっ! 何だろな……。うーん……
Caspar: Right now? Uh, let's see...
You, uh, you're thinking that I'm a reliable ally in battle. And you'd like to keep fighting by my side!
And you think we're connected! Yeah, that's right! Even though we come from different places, YOU feel a bond!
シャミア: ………………。
Shamir: ...
カスパル: あっ、これじゃ、全部オレの願望じゃん!悪いな、シャミアさん。
Caspar: Sigh... That was all just wishful thinking, wasn't it?
I guess I'll never know what's actually going on in your head.
シャミア: 君の願望、か。
Shamir: Wishful thinking?
カスパル: あれ? もしかしてオレ、凄えこっ恥ずかしいこと口にしちまったか?
Caspar: Huh? Oh, I probably said too much...
シャミア: そうだな。
Shamir: You did indeed.
カスパル: うおおおお……穴があったら入りてえ……
Caspar: If you'll excuse me, I gotta go find a hole to bury my head in.
シャミア: だが、あながち外れでもないぞ。さ、行くか。
Shamir: Don't worry; your wishes aren't so far from the truth. Now, shall we be off?
カスパル: え? ちょ、今の……シャミアさん、待ってくれよー!?
Caspar: Huh? Wh- What do you mean? Shamir, wait!
After the war, Caspar and Shamir used their clout as heroes to establish a mercenary company. They branded themselves as crusaders for justice, punishing those who preyed on the weak or exploited others for their own gain. None could compete against their combined martial skill, and they became famous all throughout Fodlan. Their travels took them to every part of the world, and while Caspar's antics occasionally got him into trouble, Shamir's steady presence and firm demeanor helped to resolve matters amicably. Their stories endured as amusing anecdotes, passed down through generations.