カスパル: よお、リンハルト! まーた眠そうな顔しやがって、気合が足りねえぞ!
Caspar: You're looking pretty tired, Linhardt. I think you could use a little more of the fighting spirit!
リンハルト: ……騒がしいと思ったら、カスパルか。君は相変わらず、気合が空回りしてるね。
Linhardt: I believe you have enough fighting spirit for the both of us.
カスパル: 空回りなんかしてねえって!ほら、訓練場でお前にも気合入れてやる!
Caspar: Enough? There's no such thing! You need as much as you can get if you're gonna train.
リンハルト: いやいや、遠慮するよ、まったく……。君はどんどん父親に似てくるね。
Linhardt: I'd rather pace myself. You're becoming too much like your father.
I still recall with startling clarity the time he forced me to do some training.
カスパル: 確か、お前の親父が、私の息子に何をする!って激怒して喧嘩になったんだよなあ。
Caspar: Ha! I remember your father wasn't too happy about that. Our fathers actually got into a fight over it.
リンハルト: ああ……あの二人、ずっと仲が悪いよね。いい大人がまったく何をやってるのか……。
Linhardt: They hate one another so much. I simply cannot fathom what's wrong with the two of them.
リンハルト: ああ……あの二人、ずっと仲が悪いよね。今でも帝国内でいがみ合ってるのかな……。
Linhardt: They hate each other so much. They're likely still bickering away in the Empire.
カスパル: いっそ拳と拳で喧嘩すりゃ、親父の勝ちですぐに片がつくのにな。
Caspar: I wish they'd just have it out already. One big fight to settle things. My father would win, obviously, but it would still be fun to watch.
リンハルト: それは酷い勝負だな。君の父親相手に勝てる人なんて、フォドラ中探しても少ないよ。
Linhardt: That would be rather cruel. I don't think anyone in Fódlan could beat up your father.
My father does have the height advantage though...
カスパル: むっ。背の高さは関係ねえだろ!
Caspar: Pfft! Height advantage? What does that matter?
リンハルト: 実力差がそれほどないなら、背の高い人のほうが有利だろう。
Linhardt: When two opponents are of similar strength, the one with the height advantage wins. It's pure math.
カスパル: 力で相手をねじ伏せた方が勝つ!それが喧嘩だぜ!
Caspar: Whoever forces the other to submit wins. That's how fighting works. It has nothing to do with height!
リンハルト: 勝負を決めるのは腕力だけじゃないさ。上背がある人は総じて手足が長いからね。
Linhardt: Brute strength alone doesn't decide a fight, and taller people have longer limbs too.
Longer limbs equates to a longer reach. Taller people can hit you from farther away. Oh, and they have more leg strength.
There's also th— Well, I'm bored explaining this. I think you get my point.
カスパル: いや、さっぱりわかんねえ。手足の長さなんて近づいちまえば……
Caspar: No. I don't get it. Now you're talking about limb length and reach? None of that matters when you're up close and brawling!
リンハルト: 近づけるならね。だから……いや、もう君の言うとおりでいいや。
Linhardt: You know, I'm going to agree with you just so I don't have to keep talking.
カスパル: 何だよ、お前はすぐそうやって……。だったら、オレが証明してきてやるよ。
Caspar: If you've got something else to say, then come out and say it! Actually, forget this! I'll prove it to you myself.
カスパル: 確か騎士団に背の高い新人が入ったよな?よっしゃ、あいつを負かしてきてやるぜ!
Caspar: Some of those new knights look pretty tall. I'll fight one just for you!
カスパル: 昔に比べたら、オレも随分、背が伸びちまったけどよ……
Caspar: I don't know if you noticed, but I've grown a lot these last few years.
I'm going to find the tallest mercenary out there and fight him just to prove my point.
リンハルト: 実力差の話は……ああ、まあいいか。行っちゃったし。
Linhardt: And off he goes...
カスパル: ……ああ、くそっ! 強えな!殴りも蹴りも、全然当たりやしねえ!
Caspar: Ugh, they're all so strong... I couldn't land a single blow.
リンハルト: ……はあ。だから、そう言ったよね?
Linhardt: So it's as I said, then, isn't it?
The tallest fighter has the advantage...and my father could beat yours in a fight.
カスパル: くそっ! 力の差はないはずなのに、どうしても自分より背の高い奴に勝てねえ!
Caspar: Why am I having so much trouble fighting these tall guys? They're not even stronger than me!
You've got to help me come up with a strategy, Linhardt.
リンハルト: ……それは無駄なんじゃないかな?
Linhardt: Is that not a waste of time?
Even if I handed you a perfect strategy—something I've done in the past—you'd never follow it through.
カスパル: そっ、それは、策が難しすぎるからで……。今度はちゃんとやるからよ。な、頼む!
Caspar: That's because your plans are always so complicated! But come on, I need your help.
リンハルト: ……仕方がないね。それなら、とておきの秘策を授けよう。
Linhardt: All right. I will share with you my tactical genius. I call "secret plan."
カスパル: おっ、そんなのがあんなら早く言えよ。どんな策なんだ?
Caspar: You already have a plan? You really are ready for anything. So, what is it?
リンハルト: まず、君が得意な先制攻撃、そして連打、こういったものをすべて我慢しよう。
Linhardt: Land the first hit. Then keep hitting them—hard and fast as you can—until they stop hitting you back.
カスパル: ええー!?
Caspar: So, you're basically telling me to just...fight?
リンハルト: 相手の攻撃を避け、受け流し、耐え続け……そして必殺の一撃で急所を突くんだ。
Linhardt: Dodge their attacks. Keep up the assault. Then go for the knees. Done.
カスパル: 急所突きか!
Caspar: The secret is the knees?
リンハルト: 背が高いということは内に入り込めば、逆に有利になる。その隙を見つけるんだ。
Linhardt: Being tall means short people are closer to your knees. Exploit the enemy's weakness, Caspar!
カスパル: なるほど!……オレには向いてねえな。
Caspar: Makes sense! That doesn't sound like my style though. I don't really wanna exploit a weakness.
リンハルト: じゃあそのまま負け続けていなよ。これしかないし。
Linhardt: Then go ahead and continue losing. can listen to the rest of my plan.
カスパル: や、やらないとは言ってねえだろ!ふん、やってやらあ!
Caspar: There's more? Fine. Tell me the rest.
リンハルト: 君が疎かにしがちな守りを、まずは鍛えなきゃね。
Linhardt: Your defense is careless. The last bit of my secret is that you need to train in that area.
カスパル: そうか。じゃあ早速、付き合ってくれよ。
Caspar: I won't argue with training. Let's go!
リンハルト: いや、僕は……
Linhardt: No, I don't think we should—
カスパル: 5年でだいぶ差が詰まったとはいえ……
Caspar: It's been five years. You've got to be at least as strong as I am by now!
カスパル: お前はオレより背が高いんだし、鍛錬の相手にぴったりじゃねえか。
ほら、がんがん打ち込んでくれよ!訓練場、行くぞ! さあ!
Caspar: C'mon! You've even got that height advantage you're always going on about. You're the perfect training partner for me.
Quit stalling and let's go!
リンハルト: やれやれ……。はあ……適当なとこで逃げよ。
Linhardt: Ugh, fine. I'll train with you, but only for a bit.
カスパル: さあ、もう一度、リンハルト!来い!
Caspar: All right, Linhardt! Come at me again!
リンハルト: ぜえ……はあ……。カスパル、ちょっと……
Linhardt: Uh... Ah... Caspar, please... I need... I need...
Water... I need water... I'm going to... Gonna go get some. Bye.
カスパル: おう!………………。
Caspar: Huh? Hey! Get back here!
Hmph! He got away...
リンハルト: うん? あれは、カスパル?あんなところで何を……
Linhardt: Huh? Caspar? Whatever is he doing here?
Oh no. Is he looking for a fight with someone taller than him? The poor boy won't give up.
カスパル: へっ、今日こそオレが勝ってやるからな。さあ、来やがれ!
Caspar: This is it. Today's my day. Caspar's day! Come get some!
リンハルト: そうだ、カスパル。その調子……。練習どおりに動けてるよ。
Linhardt: Yes, Caspar, just like that! Just as we practiced!
Yes! Dodge! Yes! Perfect! Right there!
He's open! Punch him right in the— Yes, Caspar! You did it!
カスパル: はあ……はあ……。よっしゃあ! オレの、勝ちだあああ!
Caspar: Hahaha! And that's how it's done!
カスパル: そこでオレの一撃が、相手のみぞおちに……見せたかったなあ……
Caspar: And then I got him—BAM! Right in the solar plexus! I really wish you coulda—
Hey! Are you even listening? This is when it starts getting real good!
リンハルト: 聞いてるよ。もう4回目だよ? いい加減にして……。
Linhardt: I'm listening. I am sad to say, however, that the tale is slightly less thrilling the fourth time through.
カスパル: お前なあ、もっとオレたちの勝利を喜べって!
Caspar: You should be more excited! We finally won!
リンハルト: ……僕たちの勝利?
Linhardt: "We"?
カスパル: そうだ。お前の助言がなきゃ、オレは勝てなかったんだぜ?
ありがとな、リンハルト。お前は凄え奴だ! 最高だって!
Caspar: Yeah! I couldn't have done it without your advice!
You're a strategic genius, Linhardt!
リンハルト: 最高って……いや、その、君が努力した結果だよ。
Linhardt: Nonsense. Your strength carried the day.
I just rambled on. You're the one who did the actual work.
What's really amazing is how you wouldn't give up.
カスパル: へへっ、そう褒められると、何だか体がむずむずするな。
Caspar: Whoa. I've never heard you compliment me before. I don't think I like it...
Seriously though, I couldn't have done it without you!
Like you said, I wouldn't give up on fighting, and I'm not gonna give up on this either!
リンハルト: ……ああ、そうだね。君はそういう奴だ。
Linhardt: I should have expected that, I suppose. That's just the kind of guy you are after all.
I guess this friendship is something that we can never escape from...ever.
カスパル: 何だよ、逃れたいのかよ。
Caspar: Are you saying you wanna escape from our friendship?
リンハルト: いや、別に。切ろうと思っても切れない縁さ。
Linhardt: Not at all. Even if I did, our fates would not be so easily untangled.
カスパル: へへっ、そうだな。何で斬ろうと斬れない絆だ!
Caspar: Hah! You got that right! No one can break this bond!
Even if we argue and butt heads sometimes...
We'll never have to fight it out, and that's a promise!
リンハルト: や、僕はそもそも誰とも争いたくないから。戦場に出るのも、この戦争が最後だよ。
Linhardt: Understood. I don't desire to fight anyone anyway. This war is the last time I'll set foot on a battlefield.
カスパル: そりゃそうだけど……
Caspar: Well, that makes sense.
リンハルト: ……だから、一緒に生き残ろう。それなら約束していい。
Linhardt: Let's you and I come out the other side of this war alive and well, OK? That is a promise worth making.
カスパル: おう! 約束だ!絶対、二人で生き残って、勝つぞ!
Caspar: Definitely! And let's win this thing while we're at it!
After the war, Linhardt and Caspar abandoned their noble houses to pursue a carefree journey wandering the world.
They traveled to every corner of Fodlan, and even ventured abroad now and again.
Caspar got into trouble at every turn on their travels, but Linhardt was always there, begrudgingly, to get him out of it.
The records of their adventures were immortalized in a book by an anonymous author, entitled "The Thousand Roads and Seven Seas."
It is said they did eventually settle down, after the events in those stories, but where they actually went is unknown.