ドロテア: カスパルくん、ちょうど良かったわ。頼みがあるの。
Dorothea: Oh, Caspar! Just who I was hoping to see. I have a tiny little request, if you have time to help me.
カスパル: 何だよ、改まって。オレにできることなら何でもやるぜ?
Caspar: I'm always happy to help. What can I do for you?
ドロテア: ありがとう。それじゃ、私の部屋に来てくれるかしら?
Dorothea: That is exactly what I was hoping to hear. Would you mind coming along to my room?
カスパル: 寮の部屋か?何の頼みなんだろ……
Caspar: Your... room? Uh. OK.
カスパル: ぬううっ……よっ!……はぁ、はぁ。
Caspar: Ugh... this... isn't what I... had in mind!
ドロテア: 次はあの棚を持ち上げてくれるかしら?裏側に埃がたまっているはずよ。
Dorothea: Come on. A big strong guy like you? This is easy. Lift up the cabinet, please. I need to dust behind it.
カスパル: まだやんのか……つーか、寮なんだからここまで掃除しなくていいだろ?
Caspar: There's still more to do? Why do you care so much about keeping this place clean? It's just a dorm room.
ドロテア: 何言ってるの。次に使う人が気持ちよく使えるように、綺麗に保っておかなくちゃ。
Dorothea: Leaving this place a mess wouldn't be fair to the next person who's assigned here.
ドロテア: 何言ってるの。部屋割りが変わった時のためにも、綺麗に保っておかなくちゃ。
Dorothea: Leaving this place a mess wouldn't be fair to the next person who's assigned here.
ドロテア: この部屋が終わったら、貴方の部屋も一緒に掃除しましょうか。
Dorothea: In fact, I think once we're done with this room, we should clean up your room as well.
カスパル: 勘弁してくれよ。訓練する暇がなくなっちまうじゃねえか。
Caspar: Yeah, I don't think so. I have some actual training to do.
ドロテア: あ、そういえば私も、出かける約束があるんだったわ。
Dorothea: Oh, come to think of it, I have a date myself.
The fella I'm seeing has quite a charming face, rich family, and, I assume, a tolerable personality.
カスパル: ほっ……。しっかしお前、いつもいつも男と出かけててよく飽きねえなあ。
Caspar: Don't you get tired of spending time with all of these guys who have "tolerable personalities"?
ドロテア: 飽きるわよ?でも将来のためだものねえ。
Dorothea: Oh, it gets tedious at times. You must listen to them talk, for one thing. But it's important for my future.
カスパル: オレの訓練みたいなもんってことか……なら、仕方ねえな!
Caspar: That's how I see my training. I guess it's pretty much the same thing.
ドロテア: え? ふふっ……私のやってることが貴方の訓練と同じだって言いたいの?
Dorothea: I don't know if that's a comparison you really want to make.
カスパル: そうだよ。何か、おかしいか?
Caspar: Why not? Seems about right to me.
Sure, I'm a noble, but I'm also a second son. I don't have anything coming to me.
Why do you think I'm always training so much? I need to prove myself on the battlefield if I plan on making it anywhere in this world.
I know you don't have noble status or wealth, so you're putting in the effort to marry well, right?
See? Pretty much the same thing.
ドロテア: そうねえ。みんながそう思ってくれればねえ……。
Dorothea: I suppose... It would be nice if everyone saw it that way.
Well then, Caspar, I need to get ready for my date, but shall we both agree to work hard for our futures?
カスパル: おう!お互いよい結果を残せるといいな!
Caspar: Absolutely. I just hope our efforts are worth it!
カスパル: なあ、ドロテア。最近気づいたんだけど、お前ってオレにだけ妙に気安くないか?
Caspar: Hey, Dorothea. Something's been bothering me. I kinda feel like you act more casually around me than you do with other people.
ドロテア: 気安いって?普通に仲良い友達じゃない。
Dorothea: Casually? I don't know what you mean.
カスパル: 何か……しょっちゅう面倒臭えこと頼んでくるし。ほら、部屋の掃除とか。
Caspar: I just feel like you're always asking me to do things that might make other people uncomfortable. Like when you asked me to clean your room.
You're not very flirty toward me like you are with the other guys. You seem weirdly comfortable around me.
ドロテア: 意外とよく観察してるのね。もしかして……私に気があるのかしら?
Dorothea: You pay more attention than I would've thought. Hey, are you interested in me? You know, "interested" interested?
カスパル: はあ? それはねえよ!ただ気になっただけだって。
Caspar: What? Uh, no! I—um. It just seemed weird and I was curious.
ドロテア: 冗談、冗談よ。確かにあなたは気軽にいろいろ頼める相手だとは思ってるけど。
Dorothea: I'm kidding. It's true that I do find you quite a convenient little helper at times.
It's like you're... how to put it? You're like a little brother to me.
カスパル: ええっ……弟かよ……。ちょっと気に食わねえな……。
Caspar: Ugh. Really? That's not exactly a compliment.
ドロテア: ふふっ。何だか口に出してみたら、本当の弟みたいに思えてきたわ。
Dorothea: No, but it's true, and now that I've thought about it, I like the whole idea.
Why don't you try calling me "big sis" and see how it feels?
カスパル: は? 何言ってんだよ……。流石にそれは無理だろ……。
Caspar: No, no. That's not gonna happen.
ドロテア: どうして?
Dorothea: Why not?
カスパル: いや……だってすげえ恥ずかしいし。
Caspar: I'm embarrassed just thinking about it.
ドロテア: 1回だけでいいから、ね? お願い!呼んでくれたらもう面倒事は頼まないから。
Dorothea: Oh, come on. It's just a goof. You can manage it at least once, can't you? Please? I know! If you do it, I'll stop using you for my chores. How's that sound?
カスパル: 本気かよ……。……仕方ねえ。1回だけだからな!
Caspar: That's... an enticing offer. Fine. Once.
Big sis...
ドロテア: ふふっ。よくできたわね、カスパルくん。とっても可愛かったわよ。
Dorothea: Well done, Caspar! You're such a cute little boy, I'm proud to have you as a sibling.
カスパル: 可愛くねえよ! くそっ! ……いつかお前にもお兄ちゃんって呼ばせてやる!
Caspar: I'm not cute, and I'm not little! How would you feel if I made you call me "big bro"?
ドロテア: あら、そのくらいいつでもいいわよ。ね、カスパルお兄ちゃん。
Dorothea: Oh? Well, I wouldn't mind that at all, big bro.
カスパル: ………………。
Caspar: ...
ドロテア: お兄ちゃん、どうしたの?
Dorothea: Is something wrong, "big bro"?
カスパル: ちくしょう、覚えてろよーっ!!
Caspar: Aaagh! This is the worst.
ドロテア: カスパルくーん。暇ならお茶しない?
Dorothea: Hey, Caspar! Care to join me for tea?
カスパル: またかよ。いいけど、訓練があるから少しだけな。
Caspar: Again? Let's make it quick. I gotta get some training in eventually.
ドロテア: 今日も?本当に飽きないわねえ。
Dorothea: More training? Don't you get tired of it?
カスパル: 当たり前だろ。お前はとうとう飽きたみてえだけどな。
Caspar: No, I don't get tired of working toward my goals, unlike you.
ドロテア: 飽きたって?
Dorothea: Me? What do you mean?
カスパル: 男漁りだよ。お前が誰かと遊びに行くの、もうめっきり見てねえ気がするぜ。
Caspar: Your quest for the perfect husband! I haven't seen you wasting time with any dull-looking guys lately.
dull-looking 光沢がない。⇒冴えないくらいの訳?
ドロテア: そういえば、そうねえ。……何だか居心地が良くて。
Dorothea: Oh, that... Maybe I just found something worth staying in for.
カスパル: 居心地? 大修道院のか?5年前と比べたらボロボロじゃねえか。
Caspar: You mean in the monastery? This place is a dump compared to what it was five years ago...
ドロテア: そういうんじゃないわよ。まったく乙女心がわからないわねえ。
Dorothea: That's not what I'm talking about. Honestly, Caspar, you don't understand women at all.
カスパル: 悪かったな。どうせオレには理解できねえよ!
Caspar: Well, excuse me! Maybe I'm just another dull guy.
ドロテア: だから、私の気持ちにも気づかないのよね。
Dorothea: That must be why you don't pick up on how I feel.
カスパル: は?
Caspar: Uh, what?
ドロテア: 貴方と一緒にいるとね、ずっと自然な自分でいられるの。
Dorothea: When I'm around you, I feel like, well... like I can always be myself.
I don't need to act differently or flirt... or lie. I can just be me.
I always said you were little brother material, but... When we're alone like this, the idea of marriage—
カスパル: わあああああ!待った! 待ってくれ! ちょっと待て!
Caspar: Nope! Hold it right there!
I'm gonna need a minute! I was not ready for this!
ドロテア: ……勘違いしないで、カスパルくん。
Dorothea: Caspar? Settle. You might be getting the wrong idea.
I was only saying, when I'm with you like this, I can forget all about marriage and just be friends.
カスパル: え……?お、おう。そうか。
Caspar: Huh? Right! Of course!
ドロテア: でも、そういうところから結ばれる二人っていうのも、案外あるのよね。
Dorothea: Though, I suppose relationships like that can also lead to marriage.
カスパル: どっちだよ!?……いや、オレをからかってんだろ!
Caspar: Now I know you're messing with me.
ドロテア: からかってなんかないわよ。ふと思っただけ。
Dorothea: I'm not trying to tease. I was just thinking out loud.
If neither of us ever find our special someone...
It might not be so bad to settle down and spend the rest of our lives together. What do you think?
カスパル: ……うーん、よくわかんねえや。
Caspar: I... haven't really thought about that.
I'm not really the... romance type. Spending the rest of my life with you doesn't sound so bad though.
But why are we even talking about this? There's no way you won't find someone great!
ドロテア: どうかしらね。
Dorothea: Stranger things have happened.
カスパル: ま、今から気にしても仕方ねえか。オレもお前と仲良くするのは歓迎だしな。
Caspar: Either way, no point in worrying about it now. I'm plenty happy with our current situation!
Let's just focus on staying good friends.
ドロテア: ええ、互いに良い結果になると、良いわねえ。
Dorothea: Good idea. Here's to us.
In recognition of his achievements during the war, Caspar was given the title of Minister of Military Affairs in the new Adrestian Empire.
Though his command developed a reputation for occasional recklessness, he proved an able leader, guiding his troops to overcome countless obstacles.
In his personal life, he began to spend a great deal of time with Dorothea, who had returned to the Mittelfrank Opera Company after the war.
When her efforts brought the opera house to the peak of its resurgence, it is said that Dorothea relinquished her position as songstress in order to retire with Caspar.
They are rumored to have spent the rest of their lives together.
After the war, Caspar set out alone on a journey of self-discovery. He traveled to every corner of Fodlan, and even ventured abroad now and again.
Though his antics found him no end of exciting adventures, he was always drawn back to Dorothea, who had returned to the Mittelfrank Opera Company in Enbarr after the war. The two spent more and more time together over the years, and when Dorothea's efforts brought the opera house to the peak of its resurgence, she relinquished her position as songstress and disappeared from the stage. It is rumored that the pair spent the rest of their lives together.