カスパル: うおりゃああああ!
Caspar: Hiyaaahhh!
カトリーヌ: 甘い!
Catherine: Not this time!
カスパル: ここだあっ!
Caspar: How ... about ... this!?
カトリーヌ: ぬるい!
Catherine: Too slow!
カスパル: もらったあっ!
Caspar: You're mine now!
カトリーヌ: 浅い!
Catherine: Not quite!
カスパル: はあ、はあ、はあ……だー! くっそー!一本も取れねえ!
Caspar: Hahh ... Hahh ... Aaah! Why can't I do it!?
カトリーヌ: どうした、カスパル。もう終わりか?
Catherine: What's wrong Caspar? Worn out already?
You said you wanted to keep going until you managed to hit me.
カスパル: もちろん、まだまだやるぜ?けど、ちょっと休憩させてくれ。
Caspar: I'm gonna hit you! Just ... just let me catch my breath.
Losing to you over and over again is exhausting.
カトリーヌ: ははは、アンタは力任せだからね。無駄な動きが多い分、疲れるんだろ。
Catherine: That's because you rely on sheer power. You're moving around more than you have to, and it's a waste of energy.
You need to start using your head, or you'll never even land a blow.
カスパル: ちぇっ、カトリーヌさんだって思い切り剣を振り回してるじゃんか。
Caspar: Well, you were taking some pretty big swings yourself, you know!
カトリーヌ: アタシとアンタじゃ、年季が違うの。疲れないように思い切り振るってるんだ。
Catherine: I have more experience than you. I can use my energy more efficiently.
カスパル: 年季か。まあ、そうだよなー。何せ、あの“雷霆のカトリーヌ”だもんな。
Caspar: Yes, I guess that makes sense. You are the famous Thunder Catherine, after all.
Wait. I just realized something. I get to train with the legendary wielder of Thunderbrand!
カトリーヌ: どうした急に?
Catherine: Why is that just occurring to you?
カスパル: いや、改めて実感したっつーか何つーか、憧れの相手と訓練してんだなって思ってさ。
Caspar: I guess it didn't really sink in until now. I'm training with someone I've always looked up to!
カスパル: 今を時めく最強の騎士“雷霆”の名は、帝国にも鳴り響いてんだぜ?
Caspar: You're a legend! Everyone knew about the power of Thunderbrand, even in the empire!
カスパル: 今を時めく最強の騎士“雷霆”の名は、帝国にも鳴り響いてたんだぜ?
Caspar: You're a legend! Everyone knew about the power of Thunderbrand, even in the empire!
カトリーヌ: よせよ。アタシは別に、そんなたいしたもんじゃない。
Catherine: Stop. I'm not nearly that impressive.
カスパル: たいしたもんだって。子供の間じゃ、雷霆ごっこが流行ったりしてたなあ。
Caspar: But you are! When I was younger, my friends and I would fight over who got to pretend to use Thunderbrand whenever we would play.
カトリーヌ: 雷霆ごっこ、ねえ。アタシの本当の姿を見りゃ、そんな憧れも消えると思うけどな。
Catherine: If they actually saw me fighting, I doubt that game would be very popular.
I will cut down anyone, even a child, for the sake of my mission.
On the battlefield, there is no Thunder Catherine. Only a bloodied soldier, crawling in the mud, hacking desperately at her enemies.
カスパル: それは……。
Caspar: Sure, but―
カトリーヌ: アタシは英雄じゃない。この剣はただレア様と、主のためにある。
アンタは何に憧れてるんだ?この剣か? アタシのやったことか?
Catherine: I'm not a hero. I fight only for Lady Rhea and the goddess.
What about me is admirable, hm? Is it my deeds ... or my blade?
カスパル: ………………。
Caspar: ...
カトリーヌ: よう、カスパル。いっちょ前に悩んでるな。
Catherine: Hey, Caspar. You look more troubled than usual.
カスパル: ああ……難しくてな。
Caspar: Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about the last time we talked.
I really admire your strength, and I want to be like you on the battlefield, but I don't agree with your idea of justice.
If that's the case, is it bad for me to look up to you? I'm not sure how to feel anymore.
カトリーヌ: さあな。その答えは自分で見つけるもんだ。
Catherine: I can't answer that. You'll need to find the answer on your own.
I can offer one piece of advice, however.
カスパル: おお!ありがたく聞くぜ!
Caspar: Sure. Anything'll help.
カトリーヌ: 以前、アタシは子供でも容赦なく斬る、って言った時、アンタ、顔をしかめたよな。
Catherine: When I told you I would cut down children with no hesitation, you looked disgusted.
I take it that's the part you're struggling to accept?
カスパル: ……! ああ、そのとおりだ!命令だって、子供を斬るなんて……。
Caspar: Pretty much. I don't think I'd be able to do it, even if that meant disobeying orders.
カトリーヌ: その子供が剣を持ってても斬らないか?自分を殺そうと振るってきても?
Catherine: Well, what if the children had their own weapons? What if they were trying to kill you?
カスパル: 身を守る必要があるなら、仕方ねえ時も……。
Caspar: Maybe if it was in self-defense, but even that―
カトリーヌ: 多くの子供が殺し合ってたら? 一家全員を殺された復讐を果たそうとしてたら?
Catherine: What if the children were killing each other? Let's say their families had been slaughtered, and they sought revenge.
How would you stop the killing? Who would you strike down?
カスパル: そんなこと……その場になってみなきゃ、わかんねえよ。
Caspar: I ... don't know. I'd have to see what's going on for myself, but even then, I ...
カトリーヌ: 意地悪な質問してすまなかったな。その場になっても、わからんことだらけさ。
Catherine: When you witness these horrors in person, it's no easier to decide. In fact, the decision is harder.
Choosing to end or spare a life ... Whether to save someone or abandon them ... These choices are always difficult.
カスパル: 生殺与奪の、選択……。
Caspar: Having to choose between life and death ...
カトリーヌ: アンタは正義感の強い男だ。強い信念だって持ってる。
Catherine: You have a strong sense of justice. You have clearly defined ideals.
But that's not an asset on the battlefield. Ideals slow you down. They cause inner conflict.
Making decisions in the spur of the moment, you can't hope to be perfectly fair and just.
That's why I chose to fight for Lady Rhea's justice. The justice of the Church of Seiros.
カスパル: 自分の正義と違っても、レア様や、セイロス教の正義に従うのか?
Caspar: But what about when Lady Rhea's ideals don't really line up with yours? Then what?
カトリーヌ: そうじゃない。アタシの正義は、レア様の正義なんだ。
Catherine: Not possible. Lady Rhea's ideals are my ideals.
There's no conflict between them, because that's what I've decided. Do you see?
カスパル: そんなの……納得できねえよ。正しくないって思うこと、ねえのか?
Caspar: I don't get it. You can't possibly agree on everything!
カトリーヌ: ……迷ったことは、あるな。
Catherine: I have faltered in the past.
カスパル: ほら、あるじゃんか。それでも他人の正義に従うのかよ?
Caspar: That's what I'm talking about! How can you blindly trust some other person's sense of justice?
カトリーヌ: 人じゃ、ない。女神様の正義に、従うんだ。
Catherine: Not a person. The goddess.
I cared about someone, and they were branded a criminal. That's when I started down this path.
I didn't know whether to turn a blind eye or mete out punishment.
カスパル: ……それで、どうしたんだ?
Caspar: What did you do?
カトリーヌ: 迷ったアタシは、答えを出さなかった。主に、正義を問うたよ。
Catherine: I couldn't decide. So I looked to the goddess for guidance.
Since then, I have devoted myself completely to the goddess. I surrender myself wholly to her will.
So think carefully, Caspar. To what will you devote your sword―and your heart?
カスパル: ………………。
Caspar: ...
カスパル: なあ、カトリーヌさん!やっぱオレ、自分の思うとおりやるぜ!
Caspar: Hey, Catherine! I wanted to tell you I've decided to do things my own way.
カトリーヌ: カスパル……結論から離す時は、せめて話題が何か伝えろって。
Catherine: I'm happy for you,Caspar! But I don't know what you're talking about.
カスパル: あれだよあれ!生殺与奪がどうのこうのって話だよ!
Caspar: Come on―you know! In life and death situations, like we talked about.
I spent a lot of time thinking, but it was tough to figure out...
Then I realized I was wasting my time! I decided I should keep fighting the way that feels right to me!
カトリーヌ: ……やれやれ。ま、そう言うかもとは思ってたけどな。
Catherine: Hm. I thought that might be your decision.
カスパル: だけど、そこで大事な頼みがあるんだ。カトリーヌさんにさ。
Caspar: I've still got something important to ask you though.
カトリーヌ: 大事な頼み?何だよ、もったいぶって。
Catherine: Something important, huh? Let's hear it.
カスパル: カトリーヌさん、あんた、オレを見守っててくれねえか?
Caspar: Could you ... you know, keep an eye on me?
カトリーヌ: は?何をどうしたらそんな話になるんだ。
Catherine: What? Why?
カスパル: いや、オレの正義はオレが好きに決めるって結論出したのはいいんだけどさ……
Caspar: I may have decided to do things my own way...
But I'm sure I'll still mess up sometimes.
I might be able to avoid any real damage if a Knight of Seiros has my back!
カトリーヌ: わかった。断る。
Catherine: I see. Then I refuse.
カスパル: 助かるぜ! あんたならそう言ってええ……こ、断るううう!?
Caspar: Great! Thanks so much! I knew you'd―Wh-what?!
カトリーヌ: はあ……自分の好きにすると宣言しといて、見守ってくれなんて……
Catherine: After deciding to take your own path, you ask someone else to watch over you?
It's like you can't think for yourself.
Your simplemindedness is kind of charming, but still ...
カスパル: まさか断られちまうなんて……オレは、どうしたらいいんだあ!
Caspar: I really thought you'd say yes ... Now what am I supposed to do?
カトリーヌ: ガキのお守りは御免だよ、アタシは。
Catherine: I don't know. I'm not your babysitter.
You want someone to watch after you? Become the type of man people can't look away from.
カスパル: はあ、はあ、はあ……っしゃあああああ!やったぜ! ついに一本、取ったぜ!
Caspar: Hahh ... Yes! I did it! I finally got a hit on you!
カトリーヌ: ふう……やるじゃん、カスパル。まさか、ここまで腕を上げたとはね。
Catherine: Not bad. I didn't expect you to come this far.
カスパル: へっへっへ。そりゃもう、鍛錬に鍛錬を積んで山にしてやったからな。
Caspar: Hah! I've been training nonstop, so it had to happen eventually!
I've been using my head a lot more too. I'm not the same ol' Caspar!
カトリーヌ: なら、何のカスパルになったんだ?
Catherine: Then what kind of Caspar are you?
カスパル: “雷霆のカトリーヌ”にあやかって……“情熱のカスパル”だ!
Caspar: Well, if you're Thunder Catherine, then I get to be... Lightning Caspar!
No, no, th-that's no good. Fiery ... No, no ... Hmm ... Burning Caspar?
カトリーヌ: はあ……。アンタのその「情熱」は、いったいどこから来るんかね。
Catherine: I wonder where all this "fire" of yours comes from.
カスパル: そりゃ、決まってる!早くカトリーヌさんの横に立つためだ!
Caspar: It comes from wanting to fight by your side.
カトリーヌ: へ?
Catherine: Sorry, what?
カスパル: カトリーヌさん、前に言ってたろ?ガキのお守りは御免だって。
Caspar: You said before that you don't want to keep an eye on me. Something about not being my babysitter?
カトリーヌ: ああ、まあ、確かにそんなことも言ったかもな。
Catherine: Yes. I seem to recall saying something like that.
カスパル: だから、オレは一刻も早く強くなって、あんたと対等になりたかったんだ。
Caspar: That's why I decided I needed to train and get to your level instead!
I'm gonna keep getting stronger! That way I'll never have to leave your side! You and me, we're―
カトリーヌ: そこまでだ。今はそれ以上、やめとけ、カスパル。
Catherine: Stop. That's enough for now.
You've only managed to hit me once. Let's see if you can actually beat me.
If that happens, I'll hear your request.
カスパル: ……わかった。約束だからな! 覚悟しとけよ!
っしゃおらあああ! 燃えてきたぜ!オレは“灼熱のカスパル”だあああ!
Caspar: In that case, you'd better get ready!
I'm real fired up now! You're gonna have to start calling me... Inferno Caspar!
When Rhea absconded her post as archbishop, Catherine resigned from the Knights of Seiros and followed in order to protect her.
They were joined by Catherine's new husband, Caspar, who had the same goal, and together they retired to a life of seclusion in the Red Canyon.
Caspar and Catherine spent the bulk of their days farming and hunting, but since neither was content to go a day without wielding a weapon, they sparred routinely.
The sound of their swords ringing out, in time with Caspar's heated cries, was heard daily across the valley.
「この雷霆が目に入らねえかあ!」 「アンタのじゃないだろ」という、物語で繰り返されるお決まりのやり取りは、遥か後世の時代にまで残り続けるのであった。
Catherine resigned from the Knights of Seiros and traveled across Fodlan with Caspar. They dedicated themselves to defending the helpless wherever they went, and in time, the names Thunder Catherine and Inferno Caspar were known to all the world. Legends of their adventures became so popular and well-known that even catchphrases such as "Face the wrath of Thunderbrand!" and "Hey, that's not your sword!" were recounted in the stories that were passed down for generations.