ベルナデッタ: ……えーと。この薬はこっち、と。
Bernadetta: And that one goes there. Perfect!
カスパル: ……お? ベルナデッタじゃねえか。何してんだ?
Caspar: Oh! Hey, Bernadetta! What's going on?
ベルナデッタ: ……て、敵襲ううううう!誰! 何! 助けてえええ!
Bernadetta: Ah! Enemy! Enemy's here! We're under attack! Help! Someone! Anyone!
カスパル: はあ? 助けが欲しいのはオレなんだけど。……まあいいや、自分でやるぜ。
Caspar: Help? I'm the one who came here for help. I guess I'll just take care of it myself.
I can't believe I got hurt trying to break up someone else's fight. It's ridiculous!
All I do is step in to calm them down, and the next thing you know they're both at my throat.
Hey, you ever been in a fight?
ベルナデッタ: ひええっ!? 喧嘩!?あたし、喧嘩売られてるんですかああ!?
ベルの負けでいいですうう! 喧嘩なんか、生まれてこの方したことないですよおおお!
Bernadetta: Fight? You're challenging me to a duel?!
No, no-no-no-no! I can't! I've never fought anyone in all my life! I surrender! You win!
カスパル: ほんとかよ。お前、そんなんだから友達いねえんじゃね?
Caspar: Uh, all right. That was easy enough. Not to be rude, but do you ever think that maybe your attitude makes you a little unapproachable?
You should try stepping outside and socializing. I'm sure you'd make friends in no time if you didn't waste it all in here.
ベルナデッタ: 外に出れば、すぐに……!?そんなわけないじゃないですか!
Bernadetta: Outside?! In no time?! Oh, sure! Yeah! Why didn't I think of that?!
Or maybe it's just not as easy for me as it is for you! Did that ever cross your mind?!
カスパル: え?できるに決まってんだろ。
Caspar: Why wouldn't it be?
Making friends is easy! This one time I even made friends with someone I'd just been in a fight with.
I think it was the gorgeous view that did it. We really shared a moment...
C'mon, let's go check it out!
ベルナデッタ: えっ! ちょ、ちょっと……!どこ触って……ぎえええっ!?
Bernadetta: Uh, h-hold on! Wh-what are you doing?! Please don't touch me!
Aaah! Put me down! Put me down!
カスパル: うっせーな、担いでるだけだろ。ほら、行くぜ!
Caspar: Calm down. I'm just gonna carry you outta here. Easy does it!
カスパル: よっしゃー! 着いたな!どうよ、この景色。
Caspar: And here we are! See? That wasn't so bad now, was it? And what about this view? Gorgeous, right?
ベルナデッタ: 死んだ……あたし、死にました……。すごい勢いで天地を駆け抜けました……。
Bernadetta: So this is what death is like. Didn't expect it to be so...sudden.
Come and claim me, sweet death. But first, let this evening sun wash clean my imperfect soul...
カスパル: おい! 逝くな、ベルナデッタ!あの夕焼けは本物だ!
Caspar: Hey now, don't go dying on me, Bernadetta. It's just the sun.
ベルナデッタ: ぷえっ!?あ、あれ? ここはいったい……!
Bernadetta: Huh? Wh-what? Where am I?
Oh, it's...pretty. Such a lovely view...
ベルナデッタ: あ、あのお……。
Bernadetta: Um... Hi...
カスパル: よ、ベルナデッタじゃねえか。お前から話しかけてくるなんて珍しいな。
Caspar: Well, well. If it isn't Bernadetta! What brings you here?
ベルナデッタ: や、やっぱりダメでしたよね!?すみませんすみません! 出直しますう!
Bernadetta: Am I bothering you? I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I'll come back another time!
カスパル: いや、話しかけといて帰んなよ。何か用があるんじゃねえのか?
Caspar: Don't leave yet, you just got here. Was there something you wanted to talk about?
ベルナデッタ: はっ!? そ、そうでした!あ、あの、えっと……この前、街の……
Bernadetta: Uh... Yes... Do you remember that time in town?
カスパル: この前? ああ、街に賊が出た話か?何人も金を騙し取られたらしいな。
Caspar: In town? Oh! You mean when all those thieves showed up. That was rough. I heard a bunch of people got robbed.
ベルナデッタ: ち、違います! それじゃなくて!あの、あたしが、担がれてっ……
Bernadetta: N-no, not that! I mean the time I was...carried off.
カスパル: 担がれた?まさか、お前も賊の被害に!?
Caspar: Some thieves tried to carry you off?!
Horrible! Absolutely horrible! Just tell me which way they went. I'm gonna—
ベルナデッタ: 違うって言ってるじゃないですかあああ!もういいです! 帰ります!
Bernadetta: That's not what I mean! Oh, just forget it.
カスパル: おおい、オレが悪かったから、帰んなって。ちゃんと聞くから話してくれ。
Caspar: Wait! Don't go! What are you trying to ask me?
ベルナデッタ: カスパルさん、最後までちゃんと聞いてくださいよ!?
Bernadetta: Will you really listen this time?!
]カスパル: ああ、任せとけ!
Caspar: Of course. Sorry. You have my full attention.
ベルナデッタ: 前に、あたしを担いで、景色を見せに連れていったことありましたよね?
Bernadetta: Do you remember when you carried me to that spot with the really pretty view?
Where is that place? I've been looking all over.
カスパル: うん? 連れてった場所?ああ、ありゃ修道院の外で……
Caspar: The place I took you with the view? Oh! Right! OK, first you go out the monastery and—
Actually, it's kinda tricky to explain.
C'mon, I'll take you there again. But pay attention this time.
ベルナデッタ: えっ! まさか、また担いで……!やめ……きゅおおおお!?
止まってえええええ!降ろしてええええ! びえええええええ!
Bernadetta: Huh?! Wait— What are you— No! Not again!
Aaah! Stop! Put me down!
カスパル: ベルナデッタ!何でそんな怒ってんだ?
Caspar: Come on, Bernadetta! Open up! Why are you so mad at me?
I have no clue what this is about, but I'm sorry!
ベルナデッタ: よくわからない?散々ベルを辱めておいて、わかりません!?
Bernadetta: You have no clue? Don't you remember what you did to me?!
カスパル: は、辱めるって何だよ!オレ、何もしてねえよ……。
Caspar: Uhh, no? I didn't do anything!
ベルナデッタ: したじゃないですか!大きいことも小さいこともいっぱい!
Bernadetta: Yes you did! You did all kinds of things!
But the worse one was carrying me off...twice! I thought I might die!
カスパル: 担いで……?
Caspar: What are you even talking about?
ベルナデッタ: まさか、忘れたとは言わせませんよ!あの素敵な夕焼けの場所です!
Bernadetta: Don't act like you never took me to that place!
カスパル: あ、あそこか!凄かっただろ? 何で怒るんだ?
Caspar: What place?! Why won't you— OH! The place with the pretty view! Why are you mad about that?
ベルナデッタ: あなたがベルを荷物みたいに運んで苦しめたからからでしょおおおおおおう!
Bernadetta: Because you hauled me around like a piece of luggage!
カスパル: ……そうだったのか!
Caspar: Again, why are you mad about that?
ベルナデッタ: そうだったのか! じゃない!ふん掴まれる女の子の身になってください!
Bernadetta: Don't act all surprised! How would you feel to be yanked around like that?!
カスパル: ……悪かった。オレ、全然気にしてなかったよ。
Caspar: I'm sorry. I didn't realize I...
I was just exited to show it to you! Maybe I went a little overboard.
I'm real sorry about all that...
ベルナデッタ: あえっ、いや、その……わ、わかればいいんです!
Bernadetta: You are? Well, I hope you understand now.
カスパル: おう、わかったぜ! ……そうだ!お詫びに何でもするから、言ってくれ!
Caspar: I definitely do, and I feel awful about it. What can I do to make it up to you?
Anything you want! I wanna show you how seriously sorry I am!
ベルナデッタ: ……そ、そうですね。なら、またあの場所に連れて行ってほしいです。
Bernadetta: Well, all right. I'd like you to, um, bring me to that place again.
But promise me two things first.
カスパル: 何だ?
Caspar: Anything!
ベルナデッタ: 担ぐのも、引っ張るのも、押すのも、なしです。優しくですよ。
Bernadetta: No carrying. No pulling me around. Treat me gently.
カスパル: ああ、約束する。ん? でも今ので三つなかったか?
Caspar: Sure, sure, of course. No problem. But... that was three things, not two.
ベルナデッタ: 今の一つですうう!優しくするんですううう!
Bernadetta: That was one thing! Be gentle, OK?!
カスパル: わ、わかったぜ。もう一つは何だよ。
Caspar: Ah! Oh, OK! Sorry, sorry! What's the other thing?
ベルナデッタ: ええと……あの場所に連れてくのは、あたしだけにしてください。
Bernadetta: Um, I want you to promise not to take anyone else there... Only me.
カスパル: それもわかった。約束だ。ん? でも何でそんな約束……
Caspar: All right, I can promise that. Seems a little strange though... Why do you care—
ベルナデッタ: ほら! お詫びだっていうなら、早く連れて行ってください!
Bernadetta: Come on! If you really want to apologize, hurry up and take me there!
カスパル: お、おう。任せとけ!
Caspar: Right! On it!
カスパル: おー、間に合ったか。鮮やかな夕焼けだな!
Caspar: Here we are! Look at that gorgeous sunset!
ベルナデッタ: あの日、見た景色ですね。日差しが引き籠もりの肌に沁みる……。
Bernadetta: This is it... the same view. After all that time inside, the sun feels like it's piercing right through me.
カスパル: ぎゃっはっは、何だよ、それ。お前、引き籠もりにも程があんぞ……。
よし! これからはオレが、いろんなとこに連れてってやる。
Caspar: Haha, this little bit of sunshine? You really gotta get outside more!
From now on, I'm gonna take you to all sorts of different places!
I promise I'll be gentle, and I promise I won't take anyone else. Just you and me, all right?
ベルナデッタ: うええ、何で……はい。不束者ですが、よろしくお願いします!
Bernadetta: What?! Um, but— OK. But if you get sick of me, I'm sorry ahead of time!
カスパル: 何だよ、その挨拶!がっはっはっは!
Caspar: Haha, what? Good one, Bernadetta...
After some uncertainty about the details, it was decided that Caspar would marry into Bernadetta's family, seeing as she had claim to House Varley. The two had a chaotic reign, and a marriage to match.
Each time Caspar caused some incident, Bernadetta would demand promises as recompense. Over time, these oaths accumulated to such a great number that it became necessary to compile them, and the resulting document came to be known as the "47 Articles of Bernie."
Among these Articles was the provision that, when counting their large quantity of children, Caspar was not to accidentally count his wife among them.