アネット: はあ……あたしってば、今までで一番最低なドジだったよー。
Annette: That was my worst mistake yet. Why am I so clumsy all the time?!
The women laughed and forgave me, but... How am I supposed to face them now?
カスパル: おう! アネットじゃねえか。何ひからびたリンゴみてえな顔してんだ?
Caspar: Hey there, Annette! What's with the sour face? Everything OK?
I don't think I've ever seen you look so miserable!
アネット: もー! からかわないでよ、カスパル。あたしだってそういう時もあるもん。
Annette: Don't tease me like that, Caspar! Can't you see I'm down?
カスパル: 悪い、悪い。で、何があったんだ?
Caspar: Sorry, sorry. You know I didn't mean it. Did something happen?
You don't have to share if you don't want to, but I think talking it out might help.
アネット: うーん……それもそうかも……。……それじゃ、聞いてくれる?
Annette: You might be right about that... Are you sure you don't mind?
カスパル: ああ。
Caspar: Not at all.
アネット: 今日ね、食堂の人手が足りなくてあたしが手伝いを買って出たんだけど……
Annette: Well... Today they were short on staff in the dining hall, so I offered to help out...
But I sort of...messed up—big.
カスパル: 失敗?
Caspar: Oh no. What happened?
アネット: 厨房じゅうのお皿が宙を舞って……玉虫色に輝くお鍋からは群青色の湯気が……
Annette: All of the plates in the kitchen went flying through the air. And the pots started giving off this weird blue steam.
カスパル: げっ、何だその壮絶で芸術な光景は……。
Caspar: Wow, sounds more like art than cooking to me.
アネット: それを見た食堂の人たちが騒ぎ出して、聞きつけた兵士さんたちが次々と……
Annette: The people in the dining hall saw the chaos and started panicking, and then the soldiers came running...
白雲の章 または5年後カトリーヌスカウト時
アネット: 最後にはカトリーヌさんが現れて、雷霆を一閃……。どうにか騒ぎは収まったけど。
Annette: Finally, Catherine appeared and shut everyone up with a slash of Thunderbrand.
アネット: あたしはただ、普通におばさんたちのお手伝いをしてただけなんだよねえ……。
Annette: All I was trying to do was help out.
But in the end, I just ended up making more work for everyone. I'm awful like that.
カスパル: なるほどなー。まあでも、お前に悪意があったわけじゃねえんだろ?
Caspar: I wouldn't worry about it too much. Accidents happen. It's not like you were trying to make a mess.
アネット: うん……食堂のおばさんたちも、笑って許してはくれたよ……。
Annette: I know. The women in the dining hall laughed and forgave me. But...
カスパル: それじゃ、怪我した奴でもいんのか?
Caspar: Was anybody hurt?
アネット: ううん……誰もいないけど……。
Annette: Well, no. But...
カスパル: なら落ち込むのは時間の無駄!今日のドジは明日の成功で取り返すんだぜ!
Caspar: Well, there you go! No need to dwell on it and keep moping around. You had a bad day, but I'm sure you'll do better tomorrow.
アネット: ……そっか、そうだよね。明日取り返せばいいんだよね。
Annette: You know what? You're right! I guess all I can do is try harder next time.
Thanks, Caspar. That really did help me feel better.
I can't keep moping around! I've got to work on my cooking skills!
And I can count on you to be my taste tester, right? Right!
カスパル: お、おう。芸術作品は作らないでくれよな!
Caspar: Uh...sure. Just as long as you're not making any new art projects.
アネット: はあ……何でこんなことになっちゃったんだろ……
Annette: Why did this have to happen...
Getting separated from my own troop... I'm a failure as a commander...
It's already almost sunset... My wounds are aching... And I'm so hungry...
Maybe I'm just going to die right here... Oh, but no! That's such a pathetic way to die...
I wonder if the rest of my soldiers are OK... I'm so worried about them...
カスパル: ……ろ!起きろって、アネット!
Caspar: Up and at 'em, Annette! There you go!
アネット: ……カスパル?どうしてここに……
Annette: Caspar? What are you doing here?
I was wounded in the forest....lost sight of my troop... I wandered around and....oh! Where is everyone?!
カスパル: 安心しろって。全員、無事だぜ!オレの部下たちが回収したよ。
それよりお前のほうが心配だって。今の気分はどうだ? 気持ち悪いとこは?
Caspar: Calm down, you got nothing to worry about. They're fine! My men retrieved the rest of your unit.
You're the one we've been worried about. How ya feeling? Are you hurt?
You've got a pretty painful looking wound on your leg.
アネット: あ、大丈夫だよ。流石に走るのは厳しそうだけど……
Annette: Oh, I'm all right.. Though I might have trouble running...
カスパル: ほんとか? それならいいけどよ。はぐれたって聞いて肝が冷えたぜ。
がっはっは! 良い部下じゃねえか。な、アネット。
Caspar: If you say so... I gotta admit, I got the chills when I heard you were missing.
Your soldiers told me what happened. I was only able to find you thanks to them.
You've got a good troop there! You should be proud!
アネット: ………………。
Annette: ...
カスパル: ん? どうした、アネット?やっぱどっか悪いのか?
Caspar: What's wrong, Annette? Not feeling so good after all?
アネット: ううん、そうじゃなくって。あたし、上官失格だなあって……。
Annette: No, that's not it. I was just thinking about what a hopeless commander I am...
It's my job to look after my soldiers, but they ended up having to look out for me...
If I'm this hopeless, I shouldn't be out there at all...
カスパル: お前、何言いだしてんだよ、馬鹿じゃねえか?
Caspar: What are you talking about?
I don't know anyone around here who works harder than you.
You put your all into your work and everyone knows it. Why do you think your soldiers are so loyal?
アネット: カスパル……
Annette: Caspar...
カスパル: 役立たずな上官のために、あんなにみんな必死になるかよ!
Caspar: There's no way they'd do so much for you if they didn't see it in you.
C'mon, let's head back. I'll help you if you're having trouble walking.
Your soldiers are worried about you. Go show 'em you're doing just fine!
アネット: ……うん。ありがと、カスパル。
Annette: Yes... You're right! Thank you, Caspar.
Caspar: No problem! Just remember that it's OK to make mistakes, as long as you're learning from them!
アネット: ねえカスパル。ちょっと聞きたいんだけど。
Annette: Hey, Caspar. Can I ask you something?
カスパル: 珍しいな!何だって答えてやるぜ!
Caspar: Well, hey there, Annette! What's on your mind?
アネット: カスパルってさ、戦場で失敗しないように何か気をつけてたりするの?
Annette: Is there anything you pay particular attention to on the battlefield? Stuff you make sure not to mess up?
I don't want to make any major mistakes again.... So I've been thinking about how I can improve.
But it's trickier than i thought! I was hoping you could give me some direction.
カスパル: うーん……ない!失敗なんて恐れるだけ無駄!
Caspar: Nothing I can think of! Sometimes you just gotta mess up!
アネット: えっ?ほんとにないの?
Annette: Huh? Really? Nothing at all?
カスパル: ああ、どんなに気をつけたって、失敗する時はしちまうだろ?
Caspar: Nah. No matter how much you prepare, you're always gonna make mistakes.
All you can do is quit worrying and try your best!
アネット: うーん……まあ、カスパルらしいけど、それじゃ参考にならないかも……。
Annette: Hm, I guess that does sound like something you'd say. But I'm not sure how much use it is to me.
カスパル: そうか?そんなことねえと思うがな。
Caspar: That's too bad. It's a great way to live.
You worry about messing up, and all that worry makes you nervous, right?
So being nervous on the battlefield is the reason you make mistakes you'd never make in training!
アネット: だって人の命が懸かってるんだもん。失敗したらみんな死んじゃうかもしれない。
Annette: Well, yes. People's lives are on the line! If I mess up, they might actually die!
When I think that my failures might put everyone in danger, I...
カスパル: あー……もう、アネットらしくねえぞ!そんなにウジウジして!
Caspar: Ugh! You gotta quit doubting yourself! It's not helping!
You're obsessing about failures that haven't even happened! What's the point in that?
Sometimes you're gonna mess up no matter how hard you train. That's life!
アネット: 要は、失敗なんて恐れないで、訓練でも戦場でも全力で頑張れ……って?
Annette: So what you're saying is, I should stop being afraid of failure, and just try my hardest on the battlefield, like I do in training...
カスパル: ああ、何度も言ってんだろ? それで失敗したらその時に何とかすりゃあいい!
Caspar: Was I not clear on that? You just gotta deal with your mistakes when you make 'em!
アネット: ……あはは、ほんとカスパルらしい。何だか悩んでるのが馬鹿らしくなってきた。
Annette: That really is just like you, Caspar. I'm starting to feel stupid for worrying so much.
You're so strong and confident. I really like that about you!
カスパル: がっはっはっは!オレもお前のこと好きだぜ!
Caspar: Haha, aww. Thanks, Annette! I think you're great too!
アネット: えへへ……ありがとう。よし、あたしもあなたを見習わなきゃ!
こんなところでしょげてないで、全力で訓練! そうだよね、カスパル!
Annette: OK, I'm going to try following your example from now on!
It's time I stopped moping around here and put everything I've got into training! Right, Caspar?
カスパル: 良い心がけだぜ、アネット!
っし! 今から二人で特訓だ!夕日に向かって、全力疾走だぜええ!
Caspar: That's the spirit!
Let's get out there and train! I'll race you to the stables!
アネット: おおー!
Annette: Yeah!
In recognition of his achievements during the war, Caspar was given the title of Minister of Military Affairs in the new Adrestian Empire. Though he was well-known for his valor in battle, it was his wife, Annette, who reined in his recklessness and who truly kept the army in order. The troops came to see Annette as a motherly figure, and under her guidance, the Imperial army thrived. In their private life as a couple, the roles were totally reversed, as Caspar had to be the one to step in and correct Annette's various calamities around the house.
Annette returned to her hometown of Fhirdiad, where she took up a teaching position at the school of sorcery and mentored many great sages. Unfortunately, she remained prone to accidents, and one such event nearly took her life. Separated from her students in the mountains, she became totally lost-but just when it seemed she would never be found, she was rescued by none other than Caspar, who happened to be passing through on his travels around the world. After this lucky reunion, he escorted her to Fhirdiad, and during his time there, the two fell in love. The couple's fateful tale inspired a generation of young, starry-eyed students.