ユーリス: ………………。
Yuri: ...
Byleth: こんな夜中にどこへ? Where are you headed, this late at night?
ユーリス: ……ああ、あんたか。
Yuri: Ah, it's you.
Where I'm going is hardly your business. Do me a favor and mind your own, won't you?
Choice 1: 仕方ない You got it.
ユーリス: はは、目が笑ってねえぞ。逃がすつもりはねえって顔だ。
Yuri: I somehow doubt your sincerity. My intuition says you'll keep nosing into what I'm doing.
ユーリス: ははっ、あんたも教師らしいこと言うじゃねえの。
Choice 2: 夜間外出は良くない You really shouldn't be out so late.
Yuri: Heh heh. Ever the professor, aren't you?
ユーリス: ああ、それとも何だ?俺を心配してくれてるとか?
Yuri: So what's your deal? Worried about my well-being?
Choice 1: 心配はしていない Not so much.
ユーリス: ……まあ、あんたは俺の素性を知ってるんだもんな。
Yuri: Knowing where I come from, it makes sense you wouldn't be.
A leisurely stroll about town in the middle of the night is obviously nothing new for me.
Choice 2: 心配している Just a bit.
ユーリス: はは、本当かよ? だとしたらあんたの人を見る目ってやつを疑いたくなるね。
Yuri: Ha, that's adorable. I get the sense you're not so hot at assessing people.
Just giving you a hard time. Either way, it doesn't matter much to me.
ユーリス: あんたが俺を引き留めようが、今夜ばかりは聞けねえ。外せない予定があってね。
Yuri: There's no slowing me down tonight. I've got important things to attend to right now.
Byleth: 予定? Like what?
ユーリス: 話す必要も義理もねえはずだが……話すまで解放しねえつもりだな、あんた。
はあ……うん、どう説明したもんか。抗争? いや……裏切り者の粛清、か?
Yuri: There you go with that nose of yours. It still isn't your business, but it looks like you won't let me leave until I tell you.
You get your way—this time. There's a dispute. Or maybe treachery is the more fitting word. Regardless, a purge is required.
Choice 1: 抗争? What sort of treachery?
Choice 2: 粛清? What do you mean by...purge?
ユーリス: ……仕方ねえ、順を追って説明してやる。俺の部下に、一派を裏切った奴がいてな。
Yuri: I see I've gotta spell it all out for you. One of my goons double-crossed the gang.
He absconded with his boss's small fortune—my small fortune—and buddied up with another gang.
Members of the gang are recognizable by their scorpion tattoos. Suffice it to say they're not a group you want to tangle with.
Despite that, I'm not about to just roll over and play dead on this.
So I figured I'd pay them a little visit—have a spot of tea with their boss. Makes sense, you know?
Choice 1: 危険だ I don't know... No, it's dangerous.
ユーリス: それがわからねえ俺だと思ってるのか?これはまた、安く見られたもんだ。
Yuri: Like I'm not aware? Wow, friend, you clearly underestimate me.
Choice 2: なるほど Yeah, makes sense.
ユーリス: 流石は元傭兵。俺たちのやり方もよく知ってると見た。
Yuri: Heh, as a former mercenary, I knew you'd get it. You know how things are done in our world.
ユーリス: ま、俺は望みのない賭けはしない主義でね。勝算がなけりゃ、のこのこ出ていかねえさ。
Yuri: I play my cards wisely. I wouldn't play if there wasn't any hope of winning.
Choice 1: 手伝おう I'd like to help you.
ユーリス: 冗談上手いなあ、あんた。致命的に面白くねえぞ。
Yuri: There you go being adorable again. I don't think that's a good idea, but thanks.
Choice 2: 楽しそうだ Sounds kinda fun.
ユーリス: 楽しかねえよ。下手すりゃ死人も出るんだぞ。
Yuri: It won't be. One false move, and the walls will be painted with blood. Still sound fun?
Choice 3: 不安だ I've got a bad feeling about all this...
ユーリス: 俺だってそうさ。賊の頭領なんかやってて、不安じゃなかったことなんて一度もねえよ。
Yuri: Same. Ever since I became boss, I've had this nagging feeling like things are
But I certainly can't lead well by letting my feelings get the better of me.
ユーリス: ……ってことで、俺は行く。街の外で仲間を待たせてるからな。
Yuri: Better head off now. I've got people waiting for me just outside of town. See ya around.
Byleth: 同行しよう Let me join you.
ユーリス: ………………。
……あんた、狙いは何だ? 金か? 俺か?それとも、誰でもいいから殺したい、とか?
Yuri: ...
What is it you're after? Money? Me? Or are you just looking for someone to kill?
Choice 1: これも教師の務め I'm doing my diligence as a professor.
Choice 2: 興味がある I'm just curious.
ユーリス: ……そこまで言うなら構わねえけど。いざって時の戦力には数えられそうだしな。
Yuri: You seem adamant, so...I'll allow it. Won't hurt to have backup if things go south.
I trust you, for now. But I don't know how reliable you actually are.
Just so we're clear, you mess with any of my people, I'll slit your throat without hesitation. Got that?
ユーリス: ………………。……よう、先生。この間は助かった、礼を言っとく。
Yuri: ...
Hey, friend. Thanks for joining me when I had to deal with that mess a while ago. You were a real help.
I wouldn't say you've fully earned my trust,'ve earned something, for sure. I owe you.
Choice 1: 気にしなくていい Don't worry about it.
ユーリス: ……そういうの、正直気持ち悪いんだよな。借りっぱなしってのはどうも落ち着かねえ。
Yuri: I can't not worry about it. I don't like owing people.
Guess I'll just have to surprise you someday.
Choice 2: 報酬はいずれ If you'd like.
ユーリス: ははっ、さて、何を要求されるんだか。言っとくが、不当な取引は容赦なく断るぜ。
Yuri: I would like. Open offer to share your desires. But if the price is too high, I reserve my right to refuse you.
Choice 1: 何か見ていたようだったが Weren't you in the middle of something just now?
Choice 2: こんなところで何を…… What is it you're doing here, anyway?
ユーリス: ああ……この間、盗賊団から取り返した品の中に、懐かしいもんを見つけて、つい。
Yuri: I was just rummaging through what we recovered from the Scorpions, and I stumbled across something pretty special to me.
Byleth: 帳面……? What's with the notebook?
ユーリス: 大事にしまってあったんだが、そのせいで逆に、価値のある品だと思われたのかも。
Yuri: It was under lock and key, so those thugs probably thought it was something of high value.
The elder gave it to me when I was small. Losing it really got me where it hurts...
Choice 1: 恩人とは? Who is this elder?
Choice 2: 子供の頃? Back when you were a kid?
ユーリス: ああ……まあ、あんたになら昔話の一つや二つ、してやってもいいか。
Yuri: I guess it couldn't hurt to tell you about it.
Can't quite remember how old I was, but my mother had taken in an elderly man wandering the town.
He was worse for wear—could barely even walk. She nursed him back to health under our own humble roof.
In return for her kindly gesture, he taught me to read and write. This notebook is a relic of those times.
ユーリス: ……で、まあ、それからしばらくして俺が流行病を貰っちまってね。
Yuri: Not too long after that, I came down with a terrible illness.
We had no money to speak of, so a doctor's visit was out of the question. My mother went everywhere asking for help, to no avail.
And then the elder stepped in and saved me. I don't know how he did it...or what it was he did.
come down with は to get an illness that is not very serious とあるので、死ぬほどではなさそう?
Choice 1: 老人は医者だった? Maybe he was a doctor
ユーリス: そうだったのかもしれねえし、魔道士や学者の類いだったのかもしれねえが……
Yuri: Could've been. I never knew much about him, honestly. He could have been a mage, a scholar... I haven't the foggiest.
And I'll never know. Shortly after curing me of my illness, he passed on. Natural causes.
Choice 2: その老人は今? Where is he now?
ユーリス: とっくに死んだよ。寿命だったんだろ。俺が快復して少しした頃だったかな。
ユーリス: だがまあ当然、俺の周りには、同じ病の前で何もできずに死んだ奴のほうが多かった。
Yuri: My illness, it turns out, was part of a larger plague that swept through our village. So many died...
And there I was, having escaped death by some strange luck. I felt grateful...and helpless.
So little Yuri figur would be his mission to help anyone he could as he grew up.
Byleth: 助ける? Help them how?
ユーリス: ああ。つっても、貧民を残らず大金持ちにしてやるだとか、そういうことじゃねえ。
Yuri: However I could. Not necessarily by making gold rain from the sky, but in smaller ways.
The streets are filled with kids who have no homes, no food... So many dying of disease, where some cheap medicine would've saved them.
I figure, if I can save even one unlucky soul, well...then I'm doing my part, you know?
It's a small dream, but it's one I hold in my heart—to help those who ne. It's what my gang's about.
When I recruit my people, it's to that end—to give them a home. The turf wars, the gang wars, all of honor that dream.
Choice 1: 立派な志だ That's truly admirable.
ユーリス: お褒めに与り光栄……けど、相手はあくまで賊の頭領だってことを忘れんなよ?
Yuri: Yeah? Well, thanks. Despite what you now know about me, I'm still the lord of the underground. Don't go forgetting that.
Choice 2: 途方もない話だ Sounds a bit outlandish to me.
Choice 3: どこまでが真実? Just how honest are you being?
ユーリス: さあ? ただ、恩のある相手に嘘をつくのはなけなしの良心が咎める、とだけ言っとく。
Yuri: Wouldn't you like to know? Despite all I've done, I have my own honor. I don't lie to someone if I owe them.
ユーリス: 俺はさ、手段さえ選ばなければ大抵のことはやれるもんだと思ってる。
Yuri: I do what I have to, whether people view it as fair or foul.
The way I see things, the goddess gave me two gifts: my life and my charm.
That's been gift enough to get in with slimy nobles so I can pull their strings as I see fit.
Choice 1: 貴族に取り入る? So you've been able to get into their good graces?
ユーリス: ああ。まあ、取り入る方法は相手によって、適当に変えてはいたがな。
Yuri: Of course. It wasn't always easy, but in the end, it's all the same little game.
Choice 2: 貴族を利用する? So you've been using them?
ユーリス: 禁制品の密造や密売を見逃してもらうとか、まあ、そういう感じにな。
ユーリス: 帝国ふうの名前を名乗って、さる貴族の家で当主の側仕えをやっていたこともあれば……
Yuri: Once, I used a clever name—and my charms—to become the attendant to the head slug of a noble house.
Yet another time, I took a name befitting the Kingdom. That landed me in the academy as a noble's adopted son.
That's how I've gotten this far and earned my fortune. In doing so, I've spread my wings of protection further, to help those who ne most.
Choice 1: では今の名前も偽名……? So your current name is also fake?
Choice 2: つまり今の立場も偽物……? So your current status is also false?
ユーリス: ははっ、さあな。あんたはどう思う?……なーんてな。
Yuri: Heh! As though I'd tell you, friend. But perhaps you can share what it is you think, hmm?
ユーリス: ……よし。これで全員か。
Yuri: Looks like I've got them all.
Choice 1: 邪魔だった? Am I interrupting?
ユーリス: いや、ちょうど今、作業が終わったところ。何か用があるなら聞くけど。
Yuri: Nah, just wrapped up what I was doing. Need something, friend?
Choice 2: 何をしていた? What are you doing?
ユーリス: ちょっとした作業をな。けど、もう終わった。
Byleth: 作業というのは…… Is that what you just wrapped up?
ユーリス: ああ……これか?
Yuri: Oh, you mean this...
I use it to write down the names of everyone I've lost over the years.
We lost a lot of lives back in the war. Some of them were only with me a little while. Some of them were family to me.
Choice 1: なぜ名前を? Why do you write down their names?
Choice 2: 以前の帳面の中身は…… So what you wrote in your old notebook...
ユーリス: ああ、あれも同じさ。最初は爺さんに習った字をつらつら書いてただけだったんだが……
Yuri: Somewhere along the way, I figured I should record the names of those I've lost. The ones I failed to protect...
There's nothing we can do for the dead—not in this world. Not really, anyway. And it's not like we know what happens after.
So writing their names down here, that's all just for me...for the one who's still around.
After all, they deserve to be remembered. Even if they're not here to see it.
We all shared the same dream. They lost their lives to build that dream, and as their leader, it's on me to remember them, however I can.
Choice 1: 仲間想いだ That's a heartfelt gesture.
ユーリス: ……はっ。変な奴だな、あんた。俺みたいな悪党に、仲間想いも何もあるかっての。
Yuri: Oh you think so, do you? And here I thought I was just a heartless villain in your eyes.
Choice 2: 理解はできる I can see why you might do that.
ユーリス: ははっ、そうかよ、そりゃどうも。
ユーリス: まあ、あんたが何を思おうが勝手だが、この帳面はそういうものなんだよ。
Yuri: Well, anyway. Make of my notebook what you will. It doesn't matter much to me.
If you go before I do, I'll make sure to add you in here as well.
Choice 1: 自分の名前も? You intend on putting my name in your notebook?
ユーリス: ああ、そうさ。確かにあんたの命まで背負ってやったつもりはねえが……
Yuri: You heard me. I mean, you're not exactly one of my people, per se...
Choice 2: 部下ではないのに…… It's not as though I'm one of "your people..."
ユーリス: 確かに、部下でもねえあんたの命まで背負ってやったわけじゃあねえが……
ユーリス: 何て言えばいいんだろうな。今は……あんたを信頼してる、というか。
Yuri: At this point, I do have to admit that I...I can count on you.
I kinda get the sense that if I hang around you, that dream I've been grasping for will become all the more real.
So do me a favor and don't go dying on me, OK?
Choice 1: 心配無用 There's no need to worry.
ユーリス: ははっ、頼もしいこった。
Yuri: Heh. Certainly aren't lacking in confidence, are you?
Choice 2: そちらこそ Same to you.
ユーリス: 俺はちょっとやそっとじゃ死なねえよ。そういう星の下に生まれついてるからな。
ユーリス: ……ん、何だ、先生。何か言いたそうな顔してるけど。
Yuri: Hmm, cat got your tongue? Looks like you want to say something but don't know how.
Byleth: 当の本人は偽名? So much talk of names, and yet I don't know yours...
ユーリス: 俺の……名前? ああ……前にそんな話もしたっけ。
Yuri: That again? You don't give up easy, do you?
All right, all right. I'll toss you a bone. My name's not actually my name.
But it's the one I'm enrolled with here at the academy. The one I've hung on to as the adoptee of House Rowe.
Come to think of it, the last I heard someone use my real name was...a very long time ago, from my mom.
Who knows? Maybe someday I'll tell you.
Perhaps if you decide to pursue that dream alongside me, you'll find out.
Goddess Tower
ユーリス: ……わざわざ呼び出しに応じたってことは、今から俺が何を言うか、想像ついてるよな。
Yuri: You came. I'm sure you already know where this is headed.
Choice 1: ついてない Not really, no...
ユーリス: 本当かよ……あんたの場合、本気で鈍いのかどうなのかわからねえから腹が立つな。
Yuri: Seriously? I thought you were a little sharper than that.
Choice 2: さて…… have no idea.
ユーリス: しらばっくれるなよ……あんたって昔からそういうところ、あるよなあ……。
ユーリス: ……いや、いいか。そんなことは。
Yuri: All right, whatever. I'll get right to it.
ユーリス: 今のあんたは女帝の寵愛を受けた臣下。もっと偉そうにしてたって良い立場。
ユーリス: 今のあんたはセイロス聖教会の大司教。つまり雲の上より高いところの人。
Yuri: You're the archbishop of the Church of Seiros now. That's a pretty esteemed title you've got.
ユーリス: 今のあんたはフォドラの王様。つまり世界で一番偉い奴。
Yuri: You're the ruler of Fódlan now. That makes you the most powerful person in the world.
ユーリス: そんな相手と比べたら、俺は、何も持ってないも同然だ。
Yuri: Next to your brilliance, I'm not much more than a flightless sparrow.
All I've got are my dreams, a handful of people working for me, and a pittance of gold. Well, and my undeniable charms, of course.
So I've got to there any room in your bright and shining world for someone like me?
Choice 1: もちろん Of course there is.
Choice 2 : 聞くだけ野暮だWhat are you really asking?
ユーリス: ……ははっ、まあ、そうか。あんたはそういう奴だったよな。
Yuri: Heh. Always straight to the point with you. I should know that by now.
Well... here we go, then. I want you to take this. Consider it my token of thanks—a repayment for all you've done for me—if that makes you smile.
Choice 1: いつの礼……? What is this a thanks for?
ユーリス: 覚えてねえか?まあ、もう5年も前の話だもんな。
Yuri: You backed me up when I needed some help, even though I wouldn't admit it. Bit of a turf war, if you recall.
Choice 2: これは…… Is this really...
ユーリス: あんたを、俺たちの縄張り争いに巻き込んじまった時の礼だよ。
Choice 1: 礼は要らない I don't need any thanks for that...
ユーリス: 受けた恩はきっちり返す。それが俺の信条だ。
Yuri: I always repay what's ow's how I sleep at night.
But if you really don't ne, I've got another idea.
Choice 2: 忘れていた…… I had forgotten about all that...
ユーリス: はは、あんたらしいな……じゃあもう、礼って名目じゃなくてもいいや。
ユーリス: 取引だ。この指輪を対価に、あんたが欲しい。
Yuri: Maybe it's more of an agreement. In return for this ring, I ask for you.
Choice 1: それはつまり…… Come again?
ユーリス: ……馬鹿かあんたは。それを言わせるんじゃねえ。
Yuri: Don't play coy with me. Or maybe you're just dragging me over the coals for fun... I can't remember how many times others have asked me this. Being the one extending the invite... It certainly isn't easy.
Choice 2: 取引……? Just what sort of agreement are we talking about?
ユーリス: いくら鈍いあんたでも、流石にわかるだろ、こいつの意味くらい。
Yuri: Heh. This seems a rather cruel way to treat someone coming to you with his heart in his hands, don't you think?
Choice 1: なぜ今? But why all this? Why now?
Choice 2: なぜ自分? Why me?
ユーリス: ……俺はさ、手の届くところにいる奴を、一人でも救えればそれで十分だと思ってた。
Yuri: I used to feel like saving the life of even one person who need would be enough.
But I've set my sights even higher. A future in which nobody has to die from something as awful as poverty.
I know it's a dream worth reaching for, however grand it may be.
ユーリス: ……あんたは不思議な人だよ。俺を、夢の先に連れて行ってくれる気がする。
Yuri: And you are truly special. I feel like, together, that dream could be made a reality.
It may never happen, but it's important to try. Anyway, I'm just a person like anyone. I'll die, just like anyone.
Whenever that happens, someone will have to take over as boss. I've got that all lined up already.
ユーリス: 俺の名は消えて、組織と、夢だけが残る。それでいいはずだったんだ、最初は……。
Yuri: And so long as my people keep living with the same tenacity I've taught them, I've no doubt my dream will live on. Whether or not I'm around to see to it.
My name might fade into the dust, but my dream will remain. For the longest time, that was more than enough...
But now I've come to want something else. When I go, I want someone around to write my name in my old notebook.
I can't see anyone else more suited to the task than you. What's wrong? Did I say something strange?
これまでの支援では notebook 帳面 = ①読み書きの練習用、②死んでいった者たちを刻む用yupeco.icon
Choice 1: 気が早すぎる You're getting ahead of yourself.
Choice 2: 今から死んだ後の話? All this talk of you dying...
ユーリス: だからそれはもしもの時の話で…………はあ、まあ、いいや。
Yuri: I just want to make sure things are set up properly. You never know when it'll be my time.
Heh, I suppose I did just talk a fair bit about death during a proposal, didn't I? Normally, I'm much more charming...
I think you get it, anyway. So? Will you accept my offer?
Byleth: その前に…… Before I say I do...
ユーリス: ああ? まだ文句あんのかよ。
Yuri: Yeah? Something else you want?
Byleth: 本当の名前は? What's your real name?
ユーリス: ああ……そっか。まだ教えてやってなかったな、俺の名前。
Yuri: Well, you certainly don't forget, huh?
I've always kept it private out of necessity. Couldn't have such a secret being spread around, after all.
ユーリス: 覚えててくれ、Byleth。俺の、本当の名前は――
Yuri: If there's anyone I'll tell, it's you. Listen closely, now.
No sooner was the modest wedding ceremony between Byleth and Yuri over than the battle with those who slither in the dark began in earnest.
Through the bloody and brutal fight, the couple became known for their constant determination to save every possible life, leaving none behind. The battle marks the last mention of them in official sources, but stories abound of the order they brought to the underworld upon their triumphant return.
As the new Archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth worked tirelessly with the Kingdom to reform and rebuild in the aftermath of a devastating war. Constantly at his side during that time was his husband, Yuri, whose policy proposals led, time and again, to better education and opportunities for the less fortunate. After working to ensure a bright and prosperous future for Fodlan, the couple stepped back from the public eye and vanished from official record. Curiously, informal notes and letters from friends suggest that the pair was extraordinarily long-lived and that their youth was untouched by the passage of time.
As the new leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan, Byleth worked tirelessly to reform and rebuild in the aftermath of a devastating war. Constantly at his side during that time was his husband, Yuri, whose policy proposals led, time and again, to better education and opportunities for the less fortunate. After working to ensure a bright and prosperous future for Fodlan, the couple stepped back from the public eye and vanished from official record. Curiously, informal notes and letters from friends suggest that the pair was extraordinarily long-lived and that their youth was untouched by the passage of time.