シルヴァン: ……浮気だって?いやいや、面白いことを言うもんだ。
Sylvain: You think I'd cheat? On you, baby? Never. Come on, you should know me better than that.
You're the only one for me, I swear.
Hey, if ya don't believe me, well...
Oh, I get it. If I'm not your type, do you want me to introduce you to some other guys who have Crests? They're all nobles, just like me.
町娘: そんな言い方……!
Town Girl: What?! That isn't why I'm―You―You're worse than I thought!
シルヴァン: いやいや、これは純粋に、ただただ君を思って言ってるんだ。
Sylvain: I just want you to be happy. You know, get what you're after.
I hate seeing a girl cry, especially one as beautiful as you.
So you know, maybe we…
So, Professor, do you enjoy spying on people?
You look like you've got something to say. So say it.
Choice 1: 酷すぎる You're a jerk.
シルヴァン: いやあ、そこまで言わなくても……。俺とあの子の問題なんだからさあ。
Sylvain: Hey, that was between me and her, not you.
Choice 2: 女の敵だ You broke her heart.
シルヴァン: 俺はいつだって女の子の味方さ。もちろん、先生の味方でもあるんですよ?
Sylvain: Weren't you listening? I'm on her side! She knows that.
シルヴァン: だいたい、振った振られたなんて、よくある話じゃないですか。
But you know how it is. Most relationships, they end in heartbreak.
Anyway, I don't know why she's so upset about me dating other girls. She didn't care before she found out, so why does she care now?
I really do hate seeing a girl cry.
Choice 1: そうは見えない It doesn't seem that way.
Choice 2: 本当に? Is that a fact?
Sylvain: Believe whatever you want, but I'm honestly not sure if I can ever love again.
シルヴァン: いやいや、本当につらい。これでもかなり落ち込んでるんです。
Sylvain: I swear it's the truth! My heart's in a million pieces right now. It's just the worst.
Choice 1: そうは見えない It doesn't seem that way.
Choice 2: 本当に? Is that a fact?
シルヴァン: つらいに決まってるじゃあないですか。……先生、慰めてくれてもいいんですよ。
Sylvain: Come on. It's hard on me too! If only I had someone to comfort me. Professor? It's OK if you want to console me...
I happen to have some exquisite tea back in my quarters. You could come by, and...we could chat about love.
シルヴァン: ……冗談、冗談ですって。まったく、つれない人だなあ、あんた……。
Sylvain: Calm down—it was only a joke! You've really got no sense of humor, you know that?
シルヴァン: ………………。
Sylvain: …
Byleth: どうかした? What happened?
シルヴァン: ……ああ、何だ、先生か。はは、すみません、全然気づかなかった。
Sylvain: Oh, Professor. Heh, I didn't realize you were there.
If we keep running into each other like this, people will start to talk.
シルヴァン: すいません、俺の腕の中は女の子専用で!野郎に貸すのは勘弁願いたいんですが。
シルヴァン: ……なーんて、嘘です、冗談冗談。露骨に嫌そうな顔しないでくださいよ。
Sylvain: Hey, don't get mad! I was joking.
シルヴァン: ……で、何の用です?
Sylvain: Ah, forget it. what do you need?
Choice 1: 今の女性は? Girl problems, Sylvain?
Choice 2: また痴話喧嘩? Another lover's quarrel?
シルヴァン: ま、そんなところですかねえ。
Sylvain: Well, you're not wrong.
シルヴァン: あの子はその辺で引っ掛けたんですよ。ちょっと楽しく遊んで別れようぜー、って。
Sylvain: I fell for that girl recently, but I just wanted to have some fun and leave it at that. So I told her we should break it off.
I guess she was feeling a little more serious than I was. She started crying, and everything got a bit... complicated.
Choice 1: 理解に苦しむ You're complicated.
Choice 2: 軽薄すぎる Jerk.
シルヴァン: 何言ってるんです、先生。このくらいの遊びが、一番気楽でいい。
Sylvain: Come on, Professor. Playing around with girls is the most fun a guy can have.
Besides, I don't care what you think of me. I don't intend to change how I live my life.
I'm a good-for-nothing, if you haven't noticed, but I'm still a noble with a Crest. That's all anyone cares about.
It's best to avoid getting too serious with fools like that. It only leads to trouble.
I'm gonna be forced into an arranged marriage with some random noblewoman anyway.
By the way, Professor. You didn't know you had a Crest, did you?
Choice 1: 調べたことがなかった I never thought much about it.
Choice 2: 父は教えてくれなかった My father never told me.
シルヴァン: ……なるほど。ま、傭兵だったわけだし、わざわざ調べるってこともないか。
Sylvain: I see. I suppose a mercenary wouldn't be concerned with such things.
Byleth: 貴族はどうなの? What was your experience?
シルヴァン: 貴族の家に生まれた子供は大抵、紋章を宿しているかすぐに調べられますね。
わかります? 平民の女の子たちにとって、俺みたいなのは格好の獲物なんですよ。
Sylvain: Most children who are born to noble families are tested upon birth to see if they bear one.
Even descendants of the 10 Elites, like myself, can't be legitimate heirs without a Crest.
That means, as children, we're only accepted if we're born with one.
The heads of most noble houses keep having kids until they get one with a Crest.
Those children then grow up to be heads of their houses, and the vicious cycle continues.
Do you get it now? To all these commoner girls, I'm just a trophy. Or rather, a studhorse.
Choice 1: 貴族に成り上がるために? You mean they only want you for your bloodline?
シルヴァン: そ、ご明察。
Sylvain: See? I knew you'd get it. These girls don't love me. They love the potential rewards of loving me.
Choice 2: そんな言い方…… That's cynical.
シルヴァン: そう言われてもなあ……貴族に成り上がるいい足掛かり、とでも言えばいいんですか?
Sylvain: Perhaps. But that doesn't change the fact that these girls don't love me. They only love the potential rewards of loving me.
シルヴァン: 紋章を持った子供を産めれば、そいつが次の当主になれるかもしれませんからね。
Sylvain: If I marry a girl and she gives birth to a child with a Crest, that kid might become the next head of House Gautier.
シルヴァン: ま、血も薄まった今じゃ、産まれるのは兄上みたいな奴ばかりでしょうけど……。
シルヴァン: ……昔から紋章持ちってのは、人から妬まれると同時に、求められるもんです。
Sylvain: For ages now, those of us with Crests have been envied and desired but never for who we are.
I understand the value of my blood. Believe me, I hate how much I understand it.
I know better than to dream of being free from this burden. I'm used to it by now.
I used to think I didn't have the right to live freely.
Byleth: 今は違う? You don't think that way anymore?
シルヴァン: ……あはは、そうですねえ。
Sylvain: Heh heh... That's right.
You know what? I'm a bit jealous. The whole time you were growing up, you never knew you had a Crest.
You were free. Nobody pretended to like you. I kind of hate you for that... You were a spoiled brat who should pay for that Crest. Maybe I'll collect the debt.
シルヴァン: ……なーんて。そういう陰のある男とか、女の子に受けると思いませんか、先生!
Sylvain: Ha! Gotcha! Wow, you shoulda see the look on your face just then. Don't mind me, Professor. After all, ladies love a dark and brooding noble.
シルヴァン: ああ、クソッ、いってえ……。
Sylvain: Ugh, that hurts…
Ah, Professor! Thanks for stopping by.
Choice 1: 怪我の具合は…… How's your injury?
Choice 2: 自分を庇って…… You got hurt protecting me…
シルヴァン: や、たいした怪我じゃないですよ。明日には戦線にも復帰できるって言われましたしね。
Sylvain: It's not bad. I was even told I'd be cleared for service starting tomorrow.
Besides, I got this scar fighting for you. It's almost like a medal or something.
Choice 1: 殺したいのではなかったのか Didn't you want to kill me?
シルヴァン: ……まあ、あの時は本気でああ言ったつもりでしたけど。
Sylvain: I certainly meant it when I said it, but…
Choice 2: 自分を庇って良かったのか Are you happy you protected me?
シルヴァン: ……本当にあんたが殺されちまうと思ったら体が勝手に動いたって言うかさ。
Sylvain: When I thought you were going to be killed for real, my reflexes kicked in. I reacted without thinking.
It doesn't mean I've stopped being jealous of you.
But, come on, I can't help looking up to you.
If I'd had the guts to run away from home, I wonder if I would have cared as little about my Crest as you do yours…
Byleth: 度胸がなかった? You didn't have the courage?
シルヴァン: ……そうさ。逃げ出そうと思えば、逃げ出せたんですよ。
Sylvain: No... But if I thought I could have escaped, I would have tried.
I'd leave behind House Gautier and the life of a nobleman...and anybody who knew I had a Crest.
Our home is to the very north of the Kingdom. Just across the mountains from us is land inhabited by foreigners to Fódlan.
シルヴァン: 今でこそファーガスの従属下にありますけど奴らとの関係は、とても良好とは言い難い。
シルヴァン: 昔はファーガスの従属下にありましたけど、王国が倒れた今、いつ戦いになるか……。
Sylvain: It once belonged to Faerghus, but now that the Kingdom has collapsed, it's only a matter of time until fighting breaks out.
シルヴァン: 何しろもう何百年も争ってきたわけで。その間うちの家はずっと、防衛の要だった。
Anyway, that land has been contested for centuries, and all that time, it has fallen to House Gautier to protect it.
Actually, our Lance of Ruin has been doing most of the protecting.
Choice 1: 盗まれていたけど…… But it was stolen…
Choice 2: 5年前の…… I remember. Five years ago…
シルヴァン: ……あの時は、割と危なかったんですよ。一歩間違えれば教団に槍を没収されていた。
Sylvain: Those were dangerous times. One wrong step and we would have lost our Relic to the church.
My father was afraid that the church would try to keep the lance, so he entrusted it to me.
If an emergency arose, I was supposed to be called back home.
I guess those very situations are why my family values Crests so much.
Since I bear a Crest, my parents made sure I was never left wanting.
My older brother didn't have one, and so when I was born, he was pushed aside.
You know he once shoved me in a well? He left me on the mountainside in the middle of winter too.
Choice 1: 酷い That's horrible.
Choice 2: やり返さなかったのか You didn't try to get him back?
シルヴァン: ガキなりに理解してたんですよ。俺は兄上からすべてを奪っちまったって。
Sylvain: Even as a little kid, I understood why he was like that. My mere existence stole everything from him.
I have no right to complain when I am surrounded by people who would give anything to bear a Crest but do not.
Now women smile at me for the same reason my parents adored me...and my brother wanted me dead.
And I have to meet them all with a smile and a wink because I have a Crest.
Choice 1: 本当は女性が…… So what you really feel toward women is…
シルヴァン: ……憎いのかもしれませんね。俺の血を、道具のように利用しようとする女たちがさ。
Sylvain: The women who just want to use me to become nobility? Hatred's probably the right word.
Though, in the end...that's just an easy answer. I don't even know how I truly feel about it all.
Choice 2: それは違う You're wrong.
シルヴァン: ああ、もう遅いけど、わかってますよ。……一言、嫌だって言えば良かったんだ。
Sylvain: Yeah, yeah. It's late to admit it, but I get you. It would be best to just tell them to heap their empty praise elsewhere.
シルヴァン: とにかくあんたを恨むのは筋違いだった。……本当に、すみませんでした。
Sylvain: Anyway, it was pretty unreasonable of me to resent you. I'm really sorry about that.
And I want to say thank you, Professor. Seriously. Thank you.
Byleth: ? For what?
シルヴァン: あんたと出会ってなかったら、俺は一生他の生き方ってのを知らないままだった。
Sylvain: Before I met you, I'd gone my whole life not knowing there was another way for me to live.
So from the bottom of my heart...I'm glad we met.
シルヴァン: 先生……あんたを待ってましたよ。白んでいく空やら雲やらをぼけっと眺めて。
Sylvain: Professor, I've been waiting for you awhile. I've just been out here watching the sky grow lighter.
Choice 1: ごめん Sorry.
シルヴァン: ああ、いや……別にいいんです。俺が早すぎたってだけですから……。
Sylvain: No, it's OK. I just got here way too early.
Choice 2: 来るのが早すぎでは You got here too early.
シルヴァン: ……目が覚めちまって、眠れなくて。まあ、たまにはこういう朝も良い。
Sylvain: I woke up, and I couldn't get back to sleep. And it's nice to spend a morning like this sometimes.
シルヴァン: しかし、感慨深いですね。この5年、戦って、戦って……
Sylvain: It's really just hitting me. For the past five years we've been fighting and fighting...
But now the war's over. It's time for a new way of life.
So I've decided I want to take responsibility for my own fate.
Choice 1: 運命? Fate?
Choice 2: けじめ? Responsibility?
シルヴァン: そう。俺の運命は、紋章なんかじゃなく俺が決める。……これは、その一歩目です。
Sylvain: That's right. My Crest doesn't decide my fate. I do. It's time for the first step in the right direction.
I don't want to marry a girl who wants to use me for my Crest or a girl who someone else chose for me.
I want to marry someone I really care about. And, you know, maybe I can't...but I'd like to try.
Choice 1: ………………。 …
Choice 2: 本気? Do you really mean it?
シルヴァン: や、やっぱり俺、信用できないかー……!まあ、そりゃあそうですよねえ……。
Sylvain: You don't believe me? I probably should have seen that coming...
In that case, I'll just have to propose to you over and over again...until you know I'm serious.
Marry me. I'd do anything for you.
I'm done lying, especially to myself.
Choice 1: ……浮気しないなら If you cheat on me, you'll pay dearly.
Choice 2: ……仕方ない I love you, so I suppose I have no choice.
シルヴァン: ………………!
Sylvain: You mean...
If we're together, I don't even care if I stay locked up inside for the rest of my life.
If you told me you didn't want me to look at another woman, I'd go blind for you.
Byleth: それは流石に That's taking it a bit far.
シルヴァン: え、大げさでしたか?それは……その、すみません。
Sylvain: Sorry about that. I got a little excited.
I've spent my whole life relying on flowery language, so it's a bit hard to rein it in.
OK... Calming down now. I'm just over the moon about this.
With you by my side, I'm excited to find out what this new way of life is all about.
We fought hard for today, and I'm beyond happy just to be alive. And now, I'm engaged to the perfect woman.
Strike that. You know what? My happiness isn't what I care about today.
シルヴァン: 誓うよ。俺は一生を懸けて、あんたを幸せにする。
Sylvain: I'm going to spend the rest of our lives together trying to make you happy.
I promise.
When the fighting was over, Byleth and Sylvain were married.
As the new leaders of House Gautier, they focused their efforts on the restoration of northern Fodlan, which had been deeply scarred by the ravages of war.
Once this task was complete, they set their sights on improving relations with the Sreng people in an effort to remove the perceived need for the power of Crests.
This accomplishment took a great deal of hard work, but the two refused to give up on their ideals.
In time, the two had a large and loving family. They lived happily and loved their children equally, regardless of whether or not they bore a Crest.
After becoming the new archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced her marriage to Sylvain, heir to House Gautier.
Sylvain was a valued ally who assisted his wife in her new role, both publicly and privately.
He achieved a great deal, including fostering relations with Faerghus and helping to institute sweeping organizational changes within the church.
Though known as a philanderer in youth, Sylvain happily settled down after marriage. By the time he inherited the title of Margrave Gautier, he was a gentle and devoted husband.
It is said that those who knew him in his youth wondered what sort of spell the archbishop had cast on him.
After ascending the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan, Byleth announced her marriage to Sylvain, who had become the new Margrave Gautier.
Sylvain was a valued ally who assisted his wife in her new role, both publicly and privately.
Most of all, it is said that his cunning manner of speech was a great asset for fostering relations between the Church of Seiros, Fodlan, and surrounding regions.
Though known as a philanderer in youth, Sylvain happily settled down after marriage and became a gentle and devoted husband and father.
The two had many children whom they doted on equally, regardless of whether or not they bore a Crest.
シルヴァン: こんばんは先生、良い夜ですね。雲も少なくて、星が綺麗に見える。
Sylvain: Evening, Professor. Lovely night, isn’t it? Just look at those stars…
I heard you were headed over to the Goddess Tower, and I got curious about who you might be meeting.
But here you are all by yourself. This isn’t a lover’s tryst at all! Heh heh…
Byleth: 逢瀬……? Tryst?
シルヴァン: ……いや待ってくれ。今更、何を。女神の塔といったら、恋人との逢瀬だろ?
Sylvain: Oh, yeah. The Goddess Tower is where lovers meet. Didn’t anybody tell you?
They say that if you exchange vows here, they always come true. It’s a sacred place for lovers.
Choice 1: どうして一人で来たのか Why are you here alone?
シルヴァン: え?ああ、そのですね……実を言うと、先生を待ってる相手が誰か、気になって。
Sylvain: To tell the truth, I got curious about who you might be coming here to meet.
I know this sounds weird, but I'm relieved to find you here alone.
Choice 2: 女生徒を誘わなくていいのか Where is your lover?
シルヴァン: そうですねえ。誘ってもいいんですけど、本命の相手が、目の前にいるし。
Sylvain: Well, the person I’m interested already here. You’re here alone. I’m here alone. I was thinking maybe…
シルヴァン: 女神の塔に独りでいるってことは、俺、あんたを口説いてもいいってことですよね?
Sylvain: Well, the person I'm interested already here. You're here alone. I'm here alone. I was thinking maybe...
Byleth: Wait. Me?
シルヴァン: ええ。他に誰がいるって言うんです。
Sylvain: Well, of course! We’re the only two people here, aren’t we?
I keep thinking about it, and it just makes sense. My Crest and yours…
Choice 1: そういうのはまだ早い That’s too much, too soon.
Choice 2: 信用ならない Marry you? I can’t even trust you.
シルヴァン: あっはは、まあそうですよねえ。
Sylvain: Heh, OK. True, true.
You know, I’ve never regretted any of my past behavior...until you turned me down just now.
I can’t be who I’ve been my whole life. I gotta get it together and become a man you can trust.
I know that sounds like another one of my games, but it’s true. I’ll prove it to you.
Anyway, I’m going to head back to the ball. Since we’re both here, would you accompany me?
Choice 1: 戻る I’ll go back with you.
シルヴァン: なら、大広間に戻った後には踊りの相手を願えませんか、お嬢さん。
よし! じゃ、先生の気が変わらないうちに、戻るとしましょうか!
Sylvain: Well then, my lady, I do hope you’ll give me the honor of a dance.
It will be good practice for our first dance at our wedding reception. Heh heh—I’m kidding!
Anyway… Let’s get going before you change your mind.
Choice 2: まだここにいる I’m going to stay here for awhile.
シルヴァン: 止めないが……今日は冷えるぜ?風邪引かないようにしてくださいよ。
Sylvain: It's chilly out tonight, so take care not to catch cold.
And if you do get cold, you know where to find me.
Sorry. Old habits die hard, I guess.
OK. Well, I'm headed inside.