メルセデス: あらあら、こんばんは、先生。もしかして、お仕事の帰りかしら~?
Mercedes: Good evening, Professor. Returning from work, I take it?
Choice 1: そうだ That's right.
メルセデス: こんなに遅くまで、お疲れ様です。先生のおかげで、私、毎日充実してるわ~。
Mercedes: I commend you for working so late into the evening. All of my days at the academy are enriching, thanks to you.
Choice 2: まだ仕事中だ I'm still working.
メルセデス: まあ! そうだったの~?こんなに遅くまで、大変なのね~……。
Mercedes: My goodness! It's so late in the evening. That must be exhausting.
メルセデス: あんまり頑張って、体を壊しちゃ駄目よ~?先生ったら無理してそうで、心配だわ。
Mercedes: Try not to overtax yourself, all right? I'm concerned for your health. We wouldn't want you to wear yourself out.
The goddess won't smite you if you rely on others for help, you know.
Byleth: そうは言っても…… Even so...
メルセデス: ……あのね、先生? ちょっと嫌なことを言っちゃうかもしれないけれど~……。
Mercedes: Listen here, Professor. You might not like what I'm about to say.
To be perfectly honest, I had my doubts when I first met you.
Choice 1: 心外だ That's surprising.
メルセデス: ごめんなさい、やっぱり気を悪くしちゃったかしら~。
Mercedes: I don't want me to think less of me for saying this, but here we are.
Choice 2: なぜ? Why's that?
メルセデス: だってあなたって、先生にしてはちょっと若すぎるくらいでしょう?
Mercedes: At first, I thought you seemed too young to be a professor. It is unusual, you have to admit.
Yet, you seemed very composed and mature, despite your age.
You're strong-willed, encouraging, and you go to great lengths to ensure that everyone is cared for.
But it almost feels like you're trying too hard to be a perfect role model for your students.
Choice 1: 無理はしていない I'm not trying too hard.
Choice 2: 多少の無理は仕方ない It comes with the territory.
メルセデス: 先生がそう言うならいいけれど……。やっぱり、たまにはお休みも必要よ~。
Mercedes: If that's how you feel, I can't disagree. But I think it's necessary to give yourself a break every now and again.
The mind has a tendency to make mistakes when you've exhausted yourself.
In my case, I still seem to make mistakes even when I'm wide awake.
Byleth: どんな失敗? Mistakes?
メルセデス: う~ん、訓練の日にちを間違えたり、物を失くすなんてしょっちゅうね~。
……あ、そうだ! 先生、何か、困ってることはないかしら~?
Mercedes: Oh, you know. I'm always mixing up the dates for drills or misplacing things.
Just the other day, I forgot to put on my uniform and headed out to practice wearing only my―
Oh, um. Well, you can imagine how embarrassed I was. My mind can be so scattered sometimes.
Anyway... where was I? Ah, that's right. What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't push yourself too hard.
If you do, you might end up in a pretty bad place.
That reminds me! Is there anything I can do to assist you, Professor?
If it's all right with you, I'd like to help in any way I can.
Choice 1: 助かる Thanks, I appreciate it.
メルセデス: ふふ、何でも頼んでいいのよ~。
Mercedes: Whatever you need, just say the word.
Choice 2: ちょっと怖い I'm not sure about that.
メルセデス: 大丈夫よ~。私、おっちょこちょいだけど、きっと何とかなると思うわ~!
Mercedes: It'll be fine! I might be clumsy, but I'll get better over time.
メルセデス: 困ったことがあったら、いつでも、何でも言ってちょうだいね~。
Mercedes: I look forward to helping you out.
修道士: もし、そこの方……老いぼれの話を聞いてはくれんかね。
Monk: You there, youngster. Won't you listen to this old man's troubles?
I was born and raised right here in this town. I spent my whole life here.
My daughter lives in the Empire, and she sent me a letter to ask if I was keeping up with my daily worship.
Byleth: ………………。 ...
メルセデス: あら~、こんにちは、先生。この方は、お知り合い?
Mercedes: Well, hello there, Professor. Is this a friend of yours?
Byleth: 違う I don't know him.
メルセデス: あら、そうだったの~?てっきり知り合いかと~。
Mercedes: Is that so? I was sure you two knew each other.
Is there something we can do for you, good sir?
修道士: おや、まあ、綺麗な娘さんだ。いやあ、実はちょっと話を聞いてもらっていてなあ。
Monk: Oh, what a lovely young lady! I was just telling this kind soul a story.
メルセデス: お話?あっ、もしかして何か困り事でも~?
Mercedes: Really? What's troubling you?
修道士: 日課の礼拝に行こうと思ったんだが、足を悪くしてしまって歩けんのだよ。
Monk: Well, I was thinking of going to daily prayer, but my leg's been acting up and I can't walk properly.
メルセデス: まあ、それは大変!良かったら、お手伝いしましょうか~?
Mercedes: How terrible! That's no good at all. May I be of assistance?
I'd be happy to lend a shoulder and escort you to the chapel.
修道士: おお、ありがたい……! お嬢さんを遣わしてくれた女神様に感謝せんとなあ。
Monk: Would you? Oh, I'd be most grateful to you. Thank the goddess for sending this young lady to me today!
メルセデス: ほらほら~、先生も手伝ってください。私はこっちの肩を貸しますから~。
Mercedes: We'll need your help too, Professor. Here, sir, take my arm.
メルセデス: はい、先生、お疲れ様でした~。おじいさまもとっても喜んでいたわね~。
Mercedes: Splendid work, Professor. He really seemed to appreciate our assistance.
Choice 1: 良かった We did a good deed.
Choice 2: 自分も助かった You helped me out too.
メルセデス: たいしたことはしていないわ~?あなたの役に立てたなら何よりよ~。
Mercedes: I don't think I did anything particularly deserving of praise. I'm just happy that I could help.
You did a great job cheering him up on your own!
メルセデス: ふふ、誰かの喜ぶ顔を見てると、疲れも苦労も吹っ飛んじゃうわよね~。
Mercedes: Putting a smile on someone's face always seems to brighten up the day.
Is something wrong? You're giving me a strange look.
Byleth: なぜ老人が困っているとわかった? How did you know something was bothering him?
メルセデス: う~ん……。何て言ったらいいのかしら~。
Mercedes: Oh. Hmm... How should I put this...
I suppose it's just second nature to me.
Byleth: 慣れている? What do you mean?
メルセデス: そうなのよ~。困ってる人たちの顔って、見ていると、すぐにわかるのよね~。
Mercedes: It's difficult to describe, but I can usually tell when someone is worried about something.
Back there, I could tell that both you and the old man were in distress.
I spent a good amount of my life living in the church. Maybe that's why I'm so good at identifying these things?
Choice 1: 教会暮らし? Living in the church?
Choice 2: 初めて聞いた That's news to me.
メルセデス: あら、先生にはまだ、話していなかったかしら~?
Mercedes: Did I not mention that before?
I spent nearly 10 years of my life in the church of Faerghus.
Many came to us with their troubles.
In my own time of need, I once ran to the church myself, and they helped me.
May I share something with you, Professor?
Byleth: どんな夢? What is your dream?
メルセデス: 私、将来は教会で働きたいのよね~。司祭様みたいな人になりたいの。
Mercedes: I'd like to work in the church one day. I want to be like the priest who helped me.
Never mind. It's not a very realistic dream. Please, forget I said anything.
If I were someone else, perhaps a commoner without a Crest or stature, maybe things would be different.
It's a bit sad, but... this is the way things have to be.
After all, only the goddess can decide our fates.
メルセデス: 先生、相談があるのだけど~。ちょっといいかしら~?……
Mercedes: Do you have a moment, Professor? I need to speak with you.
メルセデス: 助かるわ~。相談っていうのはね、これなんだけど~……。
Mercedes: Thank you so much. This is what I wanted to address...
This letter from my adoptive father just arrived.
Byleth: 養父? Adoptive father?
メルセデス: あらやだ、まだ話していなかったかしら~。私を士官学校に入れた人なんだけど……。
Mercedes: Oh! Have I not mentioned him? He's the reason I first came to the Officers Academy.
He's also the one who dragged me from the church where I was living just so he could use my Crest.
Byleth: 利用するため? I don't understand...
メルセデス: そうそう。断絶した家の紋章を持った私を利用して、貴族に成り上りたいみたい。
Mercedes: My Crest does not yet belong to a house, so he plans to use it as leverage to marry into the nobility.
He's a very greedy man who was a roving merchant before adopting me, but now he's in the capital.
This letter says that he's finally arranged to marry me off to a wealthy noble.
I know he's just thinking of himself, but can't he see that this isn't a priority when we're at war?
Choice 1: そのとおりだ My thoughts exactly.
Choice 2: 戦争が始まったからでは? Maybe the war has pushed him to this?
メルセデス: ……まあ、そうなのかもしれないわね~。生き残るために焦っているのかしら~。
Mercedes: I suppose it's possible. He may be worried about carrying on his bloodline, but...
メルセデス: それでね、この縁談なんだけど~……。何て返事をしたらいいかと思って。
Mercedes: Ugh! I don't know what to do about this proposal!
Byleth: 結婚するの? Will you accept?
メルセデス: ……う~ん、そうね。それも仕方ない、とは思うわ~。
Mercedes: I can't see any way around it, so I fear that I must...
I just don't want to let go of the life that I've made for myself.
I know it's not what my heart wants, but I don't have the strength to say no.
Byleth: 心は決まっている? What does your heart want?
メルセデス: ……前にも話したかもしれないけれど~、私、教会で働きたいのよね。
Mercedes: I believe I've mentioned this before, but I want to work in service of the church.
Well, I suppose it doesn't necessarily have to be the church, but I want to help those in need.
If I were to marry a noble, I think it would be difficult to realize that dream...
Byleth: なぜ踏ん切りがつかない? Why can't you decline?
メルセデス: ……私、これまでずっと、誰かの意思に流されるまま生きてきたわ~。
Mercedes: It's just... I've always allowed myself to follow the whims of those above me.
I convinced myself that everything in life was at the will of the goddess. I was blind to reality.
I believed it was her will to both pull me from the church and guide me to the Officers Academy.
The decision to enter this war was the first time I acted of my own free will.
My adoptive father opposed this decision, but I somehow managed to convince him.
Still, I couldn't free myself of him completely. This letter is proof of that.
It's not that I'm scared of him, but there is something that worries me...
Byleth: 決断すること? Severing your ties?
メルセデス: ふふっ……すごいわ。やっぱり先生は何でもお見通しなのね~。
で、相談って言うのはね? 先生に、一言、背中を押してもらいたかったの。
Mercedes: Ah! I knew you'd understand, Professor.
I've sat down to write a reply several times, but I can't muster up the courage, or the words.
I was hoping you could provide me with the encouragement I need!
Choice 1: 返事しなくていいのでは? Why reply at all?
メルセデス: そ、それはまずいわよ~!勝手に話を進められたら困っちゃうし……。
Mercedes: If I don't, he'll go ahead with the arrangement!
I suppose I must aim toward cutting him out of my life completely...
Choice 2: 夢を諦めていいの? You can't just give up on your dreams.
メルセデス: ……そうね。人生は、たった一度きりなんだもの。
Mercedes: That's a very good point! We're only given one life, so we must do all we can to pursue our happiness!
メルセデス: なんだか今なら、返事が書けそうな気がしてきたわ~。
Mercedes: OK! I think that may have been just the push I was looking for!
I'll tell him the truth. That I've found a life worth pursuing and I must decline the proposal!
Maybe I should tell him I've fallen for someone else?
Choice 1: 心に決めた人? Fallen for someone else?
Choice 2: 誰のこと? Who might that be?
メルセデス: あら? もちろん、あなたのことよ~。嫌だった~?
Mercedes: Why, it's you, Professor! Isn't that obvious?
Choice 1: !? Excuse me?
Choice 2: 嫌ではないが…… I wouldn't say "obvious"...
メルセデス: ……ふふっ、な~んちゃって。冗談よ。
Mercedes: I'm just teasing!
Now, I'm off to write this letter and stand my ground! Thank you for your encouragement!
メルセデス: まあ、先生。急な呼び出しだったのに、来てくれて嬉しいわ~。
Mercedes: There you are! I apologize for the short notice, but I'm so glad you could make it!
I'm sure you're very busy, being the hero of Fódlan and all.
Choice 1: 忙しい Yes, very busy.
メルセデス: ……そう。なら、ちょっと大変なお願いをすることになっちゃうわね~。
Mercedes: Then I'm afraid that what I'm about to ask may come at an inopportune time.
Choice 2: そうでもない I have some time.
メルセデス: まあ、良かった! ちょうど、ちょっと時間のかかるお願いがあって~。
Mercedes: What a relief! I have to ask you something, but I'd hate to inconvenience you!
メルセデス: あのね……聞いてくれるかしら?
Mercedes: Do you mind hearing me out?
Choice 1: 聞くだけ聞こう I'll listen.
Choice 2: メルセデスの頼みなら I'd be happy to.
メルセデス: ふふ、ありがとう。お願いって言うのはね……
Mercedes: Ah! Great! Here it is...
I'm going to Fhirdiad to meet with my adoptive father, and I'd like you to accompany me.
Choice 1: 何の用? What for?
メルセデス: う~ん、そうねえ……。私なりの、けじめをつけに行くのよ。
Mercedes: I feel the need to set things straight with him in my own way.
Choice 2: 会う必要がある? Is it necessary for you to go?
メルセデス: ちゃんとけじめをつけたいのよ~。あの人に、直接決別を伝えなきゃ。
Mercedes: I want proper closure. I'm going to tell him face-to-face that this is farewell.
メルセデス: 養父に何て言ってやるかは、もうちゃんと決めてあるわ~。
Mercedes: I've already decided exactly what I'm going to say.
I'm choosing to live my life how I want, in pursuit of my own happiness. I need you to accept that.
I'm in charge of my own destiny. Not you, not anyone else. Just me.
Ah... I've waited so long to say all that.
Byleth: なぜ自分に同行を……? Why do you need me to accompany you?
メルセデス: う~ん、そうねえ。どこから話せば良いのかしら~……。
Mercedes: That's a very good question... Where do I start?
Remember when I teased that I'd fallen for you?
The truth is... that wasn't entirely in jest. I fell for you some time ago. I fact, I'd very much like to spend my life with you.
Of course, that's only if you'll have me...
Byleth: そういうわけではなくて I had something similar in mind.
メルセデス: ……あらあらあら、まあ!
Mercedes: Oh my goodness!
Byleth: 結婚しよう I love you, Mercedes. Let's get married.
メルセデス: ええ、ええ! 私、すごく嬉しいわ~。生きてきた中で、一番かもしれない。
Mercedes: Yes! Let's! You've no idea what this means to me. This may be the happiest I've ever been!
I'm so glad I could finally express my feelings. Now we can live the rest of our lives together!
To think, I was able to choose this path of my own volition, and now I get to walk it with you!
Should one person be allowed this much happiness?
But still, you're only given one life. Are you sure you want to spend it with me?
I may be quite demanding at times as I'm intend on pursuing my dreams.
I want to help those in need, wherever they may be. And I won't give up on that.
Byleth: 応援しよう I'll always support you.
メルセデス: ……ふふっ、そうだったわね。先生は、そういう人だったわね~。
Mercedes: I thought that's what you might say!
Perhaps that's why I fell for you. It's just the way you are.
All right, let's be off! It's no short journey to Fhirdiad.
メルセデス: ……あのね、先生。
Mercedes: Oh, something to note...
Byleth: ? Yes?
メルセデス: 私、おっちょこちょいで、うっかりしてて、たくさん迷惑をかけるかもしれないわ~。
Mercedes: You should know that I can be quite scatterbrained. And clumsy...
But I will do everything in my power to help and support you too, whatever you may need!
What a wonderful life we will lead together...
Byleth and Mercedes wed in haste, that they might better focus on their battle against those who slither in the dark. The struggle was long and arduous, but their passionate love supported them through it. When at last the fight was done, they moved to a small village in the Faerghus region and started an orphanage. There they took in and raised children who had lost their families in the war, regardless of their blood or circumstances of birth. It is said that Mercedes was never happier than when she was surrounded by smiling children, free of all worry.
Byleth announced his marriage to Mercedes shortly after being named archbishop of the Church of Seiros. Mercedes took on duties as a cleric and through that work ensured that the church offered special support to children who had lost their families due to the war. The couple was said to mingle frequently among the people, working up a sweat right alongside them. They happily spent their lives ushering in a new era.
Byleth announced his marriage to Mercedes shortly after becoming leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan. Mercedes ensured that Fodlan paid special attention, in its rebuilding effort, to folks who had lost jobs and to children who had lost their families due to the war. The couple was said to mingle frequently among the people, working up a sweat right alongside them. They happily spent their lives ushering in a new era.
メルセデス: あら〜、先生。こんなところにいたのね〜。
Mercedes: Why, Professor! I was wondering where you ran off to.
I searched the entire floor but couldn't find you anywhere.
Tired, are we? I can tell by that look on your face. It must be exhausting being so popular, huh?
Byleth: I'm exhausted... 疲れた
メルセデス: そうよねえ。それじゃ、しばらくここでのんびりしていましょうか。
Mercedes: I can imagine. Shall we take a break here, then?
Say, Professor. Have you heard the legend of the Goddess Tower?
They say that if two people exchange a vow here, the goddess herself will fulfill it.
Choice 1: 初めて聞いた I've never heard that before.
メルセデス: あらあら、駄目よ、先生。生徒の話題にも敏感でいなくっちゃ。
Mercedes: Well, that simply won't do. You'll fall behind if you can't keep up with your students!
Choice 2: 聞いたことはあったが…… I think I recall such a story.
メルセデス: あら、やっぱりこれだけ有名な話だと、先生でも聞いたことがあるものなのね〜。
Mercedes: Ah, so even you have heard that one. The stories must travel far.
メルセデス: そんな言い伝えがあるから、仲の良い男女は二人でここへ来るのよ。
Mercedes: Many young couples come here in private, all thanks to that legend.
They make promises to stay together forever. Things like that.
I actually saw a man invite a lady to join him at the tower while on my way here.
It's rather romantic, don't you think?
Choice 1: 思う I think so.
メルセデス: ふふっ、そうよね〜。
Mercedes: Indeed.
Choice 2: 思わない I disagree.
メルセデス: あら、そうなの?変わってるのねえ、先生は。
Mercedes: Really? You're a strange one, Professor.
メルセデス: ……だけど、約束を交わした子たちが、ずっと一緒にいられるとは限らないわ〜。
Mercedes: Though, just because two people share a promise, that doesn't guarantee they'll be together forever.
You've noticed many nobles at the academy, right? They very rarely have the freedom to choose their own partners.
Yet still they wish to stay together. Maybe that's why they pray to the goddess.
Are you waiting on anyone, Professor?
Choice 1: 予定はない No, there's no one.
メルセデス: そう、良かった〜。私、お邪魔しちゃったら悪いと思って。
Mercedes: What a relief. I was afraid that I was keeping you.
Choice 2: メルセデスが来るのを待っていたI was waiting for you.
メルセデス: あらあら、約束もしていないのに?もう、先生ったら口が上手いんだから〜。
Mercedes: Oh, my. Even though we didn't make plans to meet? You're a charmer, aren't you?
メルセデス: ……あっ、いけない。そう言えば私、先生を捜しに来たんだったわ。
Mercedes: Ah! I almost forgot why I came looking for you!
I was wondering if you'd like to dance with me.
It's just so loud in the reception hall though. I think I'd rather stay here with you...
If that's all right with you, Professor.
メルセデス: ふふっ……ありがとう、先生。
Mercedes: Thank you. I appreciate it.