マヌエラ: ……もう、誰よ。はいはい、いるわよ。
Manuela: I... Who... Oh, settle down and stop with the knocking. I'll be there in two shakes.
Choice 1: 寝ていた? You were sleeping.
Choice 2: 用があったが…… I'd like a word.
マヌエラ: ……あ、あら。センセイ?
はあ……服! どこよ!肌着がない! んもう!
Manuela: Oh dear... Professor? Is that you?
I... Just a moment.
What should I do? I can't open the door in this state…
Manuela, you simply must quit...oversleeping.
Hold on. Where are my clothes? I can't even find my— Where in blazes is my underwear?!
Oh, I— What is my dressing robe belt caught on?
I can't tie this properly! It's not even covering— Oh, Manuela... This will have to do...
Choice 1: 大丈夫? Are you OK?
マヌエラ: だ、大丈夫よ。大丈夫だから、待っていて。
Manuela: I-I'm fine. Just... Just hold on a moment.
Choice 2: 全部聞こえている…… I can hear you.
マヌエラ: うえっ……。
Manuela: Ugh...
I would hope, Professor, that you have the decorum to pretend you've heard nothing.
Anyway, I'll be just another moment. Patience, please.
マヌエラ: ふう……待たせちゃったかしら。ごめんなさい、センセ。
Manuela: Ahh, hello. Sorry to have kept you waiting.
So... What do you want?
Choice 1: なぜ廊下で…… That took a while.
Choice 2: 中はどうなっている? What were you doing?
マヌエラ: そんなこと、いいじゃないの。早く話があるならしてくれない?
Manuela: Excuse me? You had a reason for coming here, I assume.
I've put a lot of time and effort into making it possible to talk with you, you know...
Byleth: 悪かった Sorry.
マヌエラ: いえ、あなたは悪くないわ。ただ今日は良くなかったというか……
……じゃなくて。結局、用があるの? ないの?
Manuela: No, you've done nothing wrong. Let's just say I'm not having a good day.
Actually, I didn't have a good night...
Never mind! What did you want, anyway?
Choice 1: その昨夜の話で…… About last night...
Choice 2: 騎士から言付が…… I have a message from a knight...
マヌエラ: 昨夜の人から!?な、何て言ってたのかしら。
Manuela: You heard from him? The fella from last night?! Huh. What did he have to say?
Byleth: もう二人でお会いすることはない、と He said, "We will never go out together again."
マヌエラ: ……でしょうね。あたくし、わかっていたわ。あたくし。
Manuela: Yeah... Figures. Kind of saw it coming, actually.
That's why I came back to my room and went to bed. To get over it.
Thank you...for checking in on me. Was that all you wanted?
Well then, good night.
Byleth: おやすみ…… Sleep well.
マヌエラ: あら、センセイ……ちょうどいいところに。
Manuela: Professor! A pleasure to see you.
Choice 1: 大聖堂で何を? Why are you here?
マヌエラ: 懺悔していたの。あたくしの愚行をね。
Manuela: I was here for confessional... Confessing my foolishness.
Choice 2: 祈っていた? Are you praying?
マヌエラ: いえ、これは祈りではなく懺悔。あたくしの愚行を悔いていたの。
Manuela: I've never been very good at praying. I was here to confess my foolishness.
マヌエラ: それで、あなたにも懺悔したかったから……いいかしら?
Manuela: While I'm at it, may I confess something to you too?
Byleth: 懺悔と言われても…… No need to ask. Go ahead.
マヌエラ: あなたには、これまでも散々、迷惑をかけてきたわよね?
Manuela: I realize what a burden I've been. On you, I mean.
After every break-up, I neglect my work. And I know how that affects you.
I'm completely worthless as a woman. Can you imagine how that feels?
I'm going to be single for the rest of my life. I just know it.
You think so too, don't you?
Choice 1: 思う Yes.
マヌエラ: 思うの!? お世辞でもいいから、否定してほしかったわ……。
Manuela: I'd rather you disagree, even if you don't mean it. Lie to a woman when she's down and out, yeah?
マヌエラ: 同性のあなたから見てもそうなのよね……。あたくし、もうダメだわ……。
Manuela: That's terrible to say. But if that's how you see it, maybe there is no hope for me.
Choice 2: 思わない No.
マヌエラ: 本当に?あなたに言われると、少しだけ希望が……。
Manuela: Really? So, if I couldn't find anybody else, you'd marry me?
Oh, don't worry. I can tell by the look on your face you didn't mean it.
マヌエラ: はあ……。あたくしの何がいけないって言うのかしら。
Manuela: What's wrong with me?
It's not my looks. I'm still gorgeous. Or am I? Be honest. Do I look old? No... Not possible.
I'm the songstress who swept the Empire off its feet... Men professed their love for me hourly! It can't be my looks.
Choice 1: 顔は問題ない You look just fine.
マヌエラ: そうよね! 問題ないって言い方はちょっとどうかと思うけど。
Manuela: You're right! Although, "just fine" is a bit... Well, it's better to be attractive than "just fine."
Choice 2: 美しい You're attractive.
マヌエラ: そうよね! このあたくしの美貌に問題があったら大変なことよ。
Manuela: I knew I was right! I'd be in real trouble if I weren't this beautiful.
マヌエラ: それなら……まさか、性格?あたくしの性格に何か問題が……!?
Manuela: Oh no. If the problem isn't my looks—and they are not the problem—then it must be...what? My personality?
Choice 1: ……………… I...
マヌエラ: 沈黙は肯定の意、よね。そう、センセイもそう思っていたの。
Manuela: I know you're trying to find a way to say it gently. But you think there's a problem, don't you?
Choice 2: 問題はない Your personality is fine.
マヌエラ: 随分な棒読みね。そう、センセイもそう思っていたの。
Manuela: A girl can tell a lie when she hears one. You think there's a problem, don't you?
マヌエラ: 確かに、ちょっとだけだらしないかもしれないわね、あたくしって。
ダメなところが、まだ足りないのかしら。もっとダメにした方がいい? あたくし。
Manuela: I suppose I can be a bit...unkempt.
I do have a short temper, and I may be a little lazy... Sometimes.
But I've always heard fellas, you know, like a woman with a few flaws.
Seems to me, there are plenty of flawed girls who have landed themselves a good man.
So trouble is I'm not imperfect enough. Do you think I could use a few more flaws?
Byleth: 真剣にやめたほうがいい No.
マヌエラ: な、何よそんな、急に真顔になって。あたくしって、そんなにダメ……?
Manuela: Are you saying I'm perfect as I am? Come now. You'll make me blush...
マヌエラ: ……でね、そうしたら、あたくしもこう言うしかないじゃない。
Manuela: ...So I said, "Two can play at that game!"
I told him, "A smalltime, little weasel like you oughta be begging me for attention!"
Oh, it gets me so mad. So worked up!
Why aren't there any men around here who understand what a catch I am?
Come to think of it... You've always been nice to me.
I mean, you listen to all my problems...
I feel like I can really trust you. I don't have that kind of thing with a lot of people.
Choice 1: 大事な仲間だ You're a close friend.
マヌエラ: ええ、そうよね。わかってる。 そう言うと思っていたけれど……
Manuela: Right, I got it. I knew you'd say we were just friends.
マヌエラ: ええ……返す返すも惜しいわ。本当に残念。
Choice 2: 力になれなくて…… I'm sorry I can't help...
マヌエラ: 待って。それ以上は言わないで。 まだ答えを出すには早すぎると思うの。
Manuela: Just... Let's stop there, OK? You don't need to say anything else.
マヌエラ: ええ……返す返すも惜しいわ。本当に残念。
Manuela: Just... Let's stop there, OK? You don't need to say anything else.
マヌエラ: これも主の定めたことだと思って、諦めるわ、あたくし。
Manuela: I know, I know... It's a real tragedy. I suppose this is what the goddess has ordained. So, I'll accept it.
All right, enough of this moping around! What we need is a change of mood!
We've still got a lot to do together.
When I think about that, what are one or two men?
Choice 1: どうした? What's wrong?
Choice 2: 落ち着こう Calm down.
マヌエラ: これが落ち着いていられるわけないでしょ!
Manuela: I can't stay calm when I'm like this!
マヌエラ: 何が男の一人や二人よ!もう100人200人の世界なのよ!
Manuela: What's wrong is—it's not just one or two men. It's more like one hundred men! Maybe even two hundred! More!
I'm... I'm completely...
Ugh! I can't get out of this mood!
Actually, I've got an idea. Exercise will help!
I'm going to the training ground. Come on and give me a hand!
Gonna work my anger out on one hundred training dummies. Maybe two hundred if we got 'em.
Goddess Tower
マヌエラ: あらー、センセイ。こんなところにいていいの?
Manuela: Oh... Are you sure you should be here?
There must be tons of young girls falling over themselves just to get near a hero like you.
Or are you not interested in such attention?
Byleth: 実はあまりない Not really.
マヌエラ: ええっ!?
Manuela: What?!
Not looking for romance, then?
So, that's why you never gave in, no matter how many times I tried...
Listen. I get it. No need to explain anything. It's better this way. It means I wasn't the problem.
Byleth: 違う You're wrong.
マヌエラ: え? やっぱりあたくしの問題?
Manuela: Wait. Am I the problem?
I suppose if I had some charm, maybe you would have fallen for me.
Oh... Why does this always happen to me?
Choice 1: 結婚したい I want to get married.
マヌエラ: それはそうでしょうね。センセイならだれでも選り取り見取りよ。
Manuela: I'm not surprised. You can probably have your pick...
Choice 2: もう落ちている I'm in love.
マヌエラ: そうね。あたくしの気持ちはどん底まで落ちてるわ。
Manuela: I don't doubt it. So, who's the lucky gal? You probably have your pick...
Byleth: 結婚してほしい I adore you, Manuela. Will you marry me?
マヌエラ: ……は?
Manuela: W-what…
Have you gotten me confused with someone else?
Byleth: 間違えていない Of course not.
マヌエラ: あまりにも男運のないあたくしを憐れんで?憐れまれているの、あたくし?
Manuela: Look, you don't need to take pity on me, OK?
Or... That's not it, is it? I can see it in your eyes.
Nobody's looked at me that way in a long, long time.
I sound like a school girl, but this is the moment I've always dreamed of.
So, of course, I'm going to mess it up by not knowing how to answer.
Byleth: そろそろ答えを聞かせて Will you have your answer soon?
マヌエラ: ええ、わかっているわ。でも少しだけ、少しだけ正気に戻る時間をちょうだい。
Manuela: Just... give me a minute to compose myself.
OK... come on, Manuela...
Oooh... That's better. So, my answer...
Yes! Yes, I would love to marry you!
I'm a complete mess, and I'll be a massive pain to you from now on...
But in exchange for the trouble, I promise to give you all of my love.
So don't let me down, you hear?
マヌエラ: ああ……あたくしって、思ったよりずっと独占欲が強いみたい。
Manuela: You know... until this moment, I didn't realize how much my heart longed to call you my own.
I want to love you, and to be loved by you. I want... to share my life with you.
And you really like that idea? Oh! Oh goodness! I just giggled. Maybe I'm not as old as I tell myself...
Or maybe you just make me feel good about myself, my darling.
Very soon after Byleth and Manuela had finished their grand and elaborate wedding ceremony, the struggle against those who slither in the dark began in earnest. The pair fought in many battles together, but Manuela had to leave the front lines when she discovered that she was with child. Though they spent many days apart, the family reunited once true peace had come to Fodlan. The happiness of their family was plain to see on the faces that were immortalized in their family portraits.
Byleth announced his marriage to Manuela shortly after being named archbishop of the Church of Seiros. Manuela lent her considerable experience and talent to the rebuilding effort, using personal connections she'd gained during her time as a songstress and teacher to assemble a team of talented people to restore the church. She became essential to the archbishop, and her skills as a physician kept him in good health for many years. The happiness of the couple and their children was plain to see on the faces that were immortalized in family portraits.
Byleth announced his marriage to Manuela shortly after becoming leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan. Manuela lent her considerable talent and experience to the rebuilding effort, using personal connections she'd gained during her time as a songstress and teacher to assemble a team of talented people to govern. She became essential to the king's rule, and her skills as a physician kept him in good health for many years. The happiness of the couple and their children was plain to see on the faces that were immortalized in family portraits.