(Dining Hall)
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: ...
イエリッツァ: どうした……。飯を、食わないのか……。
Jeritza: What's the matter? Not hungry?
Byleth: それよりも…… What... is that...
イエリッツァ: 菓子を食っていただけだ……。何か、言いたいことがあるのか……。
Jeritza: I am partaking in some sweet delights. Is there a problem?
Choice 1: 意外だ That's unexpected.
Choice 2: 甘いものが好きなのか? You... have a sweet tooth?
イエリッツァ: ああ……。
Jeritza: Yes...
イエリッツァ: ……私も、人だ。食事の好みくらい、ある……。
Jeritza: I am a person too... What I eat is nobody's business but my own.
If you need something, spit it out. My ice cream is melting.
Choice 1: 特に用はない I don't need anything.
イエリッツァ: それならば、なぜ立ち去らん……。
Jeritza: Then leave.
Choice 2: 訓練の誘いを I came to see if you'd join me for training.
イエリッツァ: そうか……食事が済んだら、な……。
Jeritza: Perhaps after I finish devouring this treat.
イエリッツァ: ………………。
Jeritza: ...
Byleth: ……本当に死神騎士? Are you really the Death Knight?
イエリッツァ: ……そうであって、そうではない。
Jeritza: I am. And I am not.
At the moment, I am Jeritza von Hrym.
The emperor and the army know me only as the Death Knight...
But he is merely an illusion—a demon who resides in my heart. He is not me. Not who I am at my core.
He thrives and feasts upon blood, death, suffering...
So while I sit here eating, I prefer to just be myself. Jeritza.
I would like to be who I truly am.
Byleth: ………………。 ...
イエリッツァ: そうじろじろと見られていては、食うに食えん……。
Jeritza: I am incapable of enjoying my dessert with you gawking at me like that.
I have no further words for you. Go.
Byleth: (氷菓子が好きなのか……) (Wow... he likes ice cream...)
帝国兵: ……イエリッツァ殿ですか?元は士官学校の教師だったんですよね。
Imperial Soldier: Lord Jeritza? I believe he used to be a professor at the Officers Academy.
It was also my understanding that he was personally recommended by Lord Arundel himself, landing him a position as a sword instructor.
帝国兵: しかし……死神殿の兜の中身、不気味なほどに静かな男だな……。
Imperial Soldier: Whatever the case is, behind that mask of death, there is an emptiness... A void...
This is probably just a rumor, but I heard he was found and taken in by Her Majesty herself...
Supposedly he's the heir of the Hrym family, but I also heard he's only a distant relative who was adopted. He sure is mysterious...
イエリッツァ: ……私を探っているそうだな。
Jeritza: You've been asking around about me.
Choice 1: 探っている I have.
Choice 2: 探っていない I have not.
イエリッツァ: ……どちらでも構わん。お前は……私の過去を、知りたいのか。
Jeritza: It matters not to me, one way or the other. Do you want to know of my past?
Choice 1: 知りたい I do.
イエリッツァ: なぜ、知ろうとする……。
Jeritza: Why?
Choice 2: 知りたくない I don't.
イエリッツァ: ならば、なぜ探る……。
Jeritza: Then why bother asking around?
イエリッツァ: 私が敵か、味方か……見極めたいのだろう……?
Jeritza: Friend or foe. That's what you're trying to determine.
But you won't find answers merely with words. There is only one path forward. Raise your sword, if you have the nerve.
Raise it and fight me. If you want to know my heart, know my sword.
Choice 1: 死合うとは…… I must fight you?
イエリッツァ: ただの手合わせだ……殺すような真似はせん……。
Jeritza: It's only to spar. Nobody will be slain.
Choice 2: 殺し合いは嫌だ I'm not a fan of bloodshed.
イエリッツァ: お前は……まだ、斬れん……。“死神”も、それは理解しているはずだ。
Jeritza: I cannot kill you yet. The Death Knight knows that very well.
I've been told to refrain from killing you until the war has ended.
Choice 1: 誰に? By whom?
イエリッツァ: 皇帝に、だ……。
Jeritza: The emperor.
Choice 2: どういうこと? Tell me more.
イエリッツァ: かつて私は皇帝と取引をし……その時、皇帝の命に従うことを約束した……。
Jeritza: I came to an understanding with the emperor herself and agreed to do her bidding.
イエリッツァ: 私は……幼かった皇帝に見出された。当時は、まだ皇女の身だったが……
Jeritza: The young emperor discovered me, long ago... Though, back then, she was still a princess.
Ultimately, it was she who erased my past. She placed me into a family that was disintegrating, that I might be their heir.
Choice 1: 過去? Your past, you say?
イエリッツァ: つまらん男と、その親族を殺した罪だ……。
Jeritza: Indeed. My past. My crimes for killing a useless man and his kin.
Choice 2: エーデルガルトが…… So it was Edelgard...
イエリッツァ: “死神”は……殺さねば、生きられん。放っておけば、道行く人を殺す……。
Jeritza: To survive, the Death Knight must spill blood. Left to his own devices, he would kill innocent passersby.
Through the emperor's grace, he was allowed hunting grounds. That is why, to this day, I follow her.
I am not yet ready to yield such fertile hunting grounds. Nor am I ready to truly fight you...
Of course, were I not here to hold him back, he would cut you down without hesitation.
As for me, I, too... Never mind.
If you've no intention of fighting, then be gone.
Perhaps it is he who is to blame, but I... I feel... oddly when I look at you...
(Training Grounds)
イエリッツァ: ……その剣の冴え、その剣の閃き。いつ見ても、見事だな……。
Jeritza: The way your sword glides through the air... I am in awe...
You...paired with that sword... It may bring about my end.
Choice 1: 仲間は斬らない I would never kill an ally.
イエリッツァ: 甘いな……。その甘さ、いずれ死を招くぞ……。
Jeritza: So weak. That weakness will be your end.
Choice 2: 死にたいのか? Do you want to die?
イエリッツァ: さあ、な……そうなのかもしれん……。
Jeritza: I...I do not know. Perhaps I do.
イエリッツァ: かつて……お前と聖廟で見えた時、直感した。
Jeritza: Long ago...when the Death Knight saw you in the Holy Mausoleum, I came to an understanding.
That it is you, and you alone, who are capable of slaying me. Only you, with your sword, can do it.
Upon reflection, I can see that our encounter was fated to happen.
Ever since then, I've been thinking...
Choice 1: なぜ自分? Why was I chosen?
イエリッツァ: 初めは、私もそう思っていた……なぜ、“死神”がお前に執着するのか……
Jeritza: Why, indeed? Why was the Death Knight fixated so fervently upon you?
Choice 2: もっと強い者がいたのでは?That there are others stronger than me?
イエリッツァ: それは、そうかもしれん……
Jeritza: Perhaps that is so.
イエリッツァ: だが、あの時……確かに“死神”は天帝の剣を振るうお前に、魅せられた……
Jeritza: At that moment, he fell under your spell. You who wields the Sword of the Creator.
And now, as I fight alongside you, I too fall victim to your spell.
That I am unable to fight you is truly regrettable.
Choice 1: 今ここで斬り合おうか Should we fight? Here and now?
イエリッツァ: いや……今は、やめておこう。
Jeritza: Now is not the time.
Choice 2: 戦いが終わるまでは…… First we must end this war.
イエリッツァ: そうだな……くだらん戦いなど、早々に決着をつけてしまうのがいい……。
Jeritza: Yes,I suppose that is true. This futile, pointless war. Let us end it quickly.
イエリッツァ: フォドラの統一も……教団の打倒も……私にとっては何もかもが些事……。
Jeritza: Uniting Fódlan and overthrowing the church are mere trivialities to me.
All I truly need is you... You, and nothing else.
Choice 1: 口説かれている気分だ I... It feels like you like me...
イエリッツァ: そうだな……ある意味では、そうかもしれん……。
Jeritza: Perhaps that is true, viewed in a certain light.
Choice 2: 楽しみにしている That sounds very nice...
イエリッツァ: ああ……。剣の腕に、磨きをかけておけ……。
Jeritza: It does. In the meantime, continue to strengthen your swordplay.
イエリッツァ: つまらん相手に、斬られるな……
Jeritza: And please don't get yourself killed by some foolish brigands.
You must live, that we might fight one another to the death. I must know which one of us will emerge victorious.
For now, I will have to use my imagination and savor the potential outcomes of that future.
I can see it now. You, swiftly dodging my blade, and then at last, your sword piercing my flesh.
I stumble to the ground, gasping for air, breathing my last. Or perhaps... Perhaps my blade will pierce you first.
Byleth: ……まだ続く? Do you...really want to keep going with this?
イエリッツァ: ……いや……これくらいにしておこう。お前を斬りたくて、堪らなくなる……。
Jeritza: No. That is enough. I must refrain from such fantasies―they make my urge to slay you all the stronger.
It is enough to stand by your side while I await that day of true pleasure.
Choice 1: 頼りにしている I am counting on you.
Choice 2: よろしく頼む I look forward to fighting you.
イエリッツァ: ふ……そうだな。
Jeritza: Indeed.
You and I are fated to be intertwined. I will follow you to the very gates of hell.
イエリッツァ: ……はっ!
Jeritza: Huh! Hyah!
アガルタ兵: ぎゃああああっ!
Agarthan Soldier: Hya!
イエリッツァ: つまらん……どれだけ斬ろうと、雑魚ばかり……
Jeritza: Utterly boring. These kills are worth less than nothing to me.
Are you done? Let's move on already.
イエリッツァ: しかし……戦いが終わったというのに……地虫どもを斬る戦いは、終わらぬか……。
Jeritza: The war has ended, and yet this incessant swatting at flies never ceases.
I have yet to claim my moment to kill you, it seems.
Choice 1: 決着は必ず We will settle this.
イエリッツァ: ああ……ああ。それだけが、私の生きる意味だ。
Jeritza: Yes, we will. It is all that I live for now.
Choice 2: 斬られはしない You won't be killing me.
イエリッツァ: ああ……その意志をぶつけ合い、命を削る戦いこそが、私の生きる糧となる……。
Jeritza: Ah, or will I? The clash of spirits fighting for their lives—battle is the one thing that puts blood in my veins.
イエリッツァ: しかし……おかしなものだ……殺し合うために、背中を預けて戦うとは……
Jeritza: Funny, is it not? That we should fight toward the same end, only to vanquish one another in time.
Choice 1: 笑うとは珍しい It's rare to see you smile.
イエリッツァ: 不思議なものだとは思うが……
Jeritza: I do not quite know how to articulate these curious feelings...
I think it could be described as... contentment? Perhaps it stems from discovering such a creature as you...
Choice 2: おかしい? You find it funny?
イエリッツァ: いいや……私は、嬉しいのだろう。私は今、どうしようもなく満ち足りている。
Jeritza: Perhaps funny was a poor word choice. Happy. Content. Yes, those are better words.
イエリッツァ: お前に惹かれていたのは、私ではなく“死神”のはずだったのだが……
Jeritza: All this time, I had determined it was the Death Knight who was drawn to you...
Yet, fighting alongside you, I have come to realize that you are the only being who truly means anything to me.
Once we exterminate the rats lurking below ground, and all of this madness is settled...
Once that finally happens, all of this will long be forgotten. And we shall indulge in the finer things. Together.
Choice 1: 楽しみにしている I look forward to it.
Choice 2: それまで死なないで Until that day comes, you must survive.
イエリッツァ: ……ああ。
Jeritza: Indeed.
I abandoned all that I am. My true name, whatever remnants were left of my past...
But now, with the chance to fight you... It is my only reason for existing.
I finally understand. It is you alone who can slay the demon that lives inside of me... The Death Knight...
This strange feeling rising up within me... Is this what is
Choice 1: そうかもしれない It may be.
Choice 2: きっと自分の想いも同じだ I feel the same way.
イエリッツァ: ……ああ。
Jeritza: That... pleases me.
Let us away, then. Beyond these shadows that we have dwelt in for so long.
To the very depths of hell, I will tumble down with you.
After the war for Fodlan, Byleth and Jeritza threw themselves fully into Emperor Edelgard's struggle against those who slither in the dark.
Though the battle proved vicious, none could stand against the combined might of shining sword and reaper's scythe, and the pair become venerated by history as heroes of Adrestia.
Once those who slither in the dark were forever vanquished, the two heroes stole away in secret and vanished without a trace.
Their whereabouts thereafter have been the subject of much conjecture among historians.