C Support
イングリット: ……はあ。もう、今節3回目か……。
Ingrid: That's the third time this month.
Well, that's that. Father never relents.
Oh, Professor! Hello! Did you need something?
Choice 1: 何か隠した? Were you just hiding something?
Choice 2: 何をしていた? What were you doing just now?
イングリット: あ、いえ、その、ちょっと不要品の処分を。部屋は清潔に保たねばなりませんから。
Ingrid: Well, um, that is... I was just tossing out something I have no need of. It's important to keep our spaces clean, after all!
You'd do well to remember that too, Professor! A clean space makes for a clean mind...or some such.
Getting rid of things you have no need for is the first step to managing one's belongings in an economical way.
Choice 1: 自分の部屋も掃除してほしい Could you help tidy my room sometime?
イングリット: もちろん、構いませんよ。先生の頼みとあらば、今すぐにでも。
Ingrid: While I'd love to help, I don't want people getting the wrong idea with me being alone in your room.
Choice 2: 倹約家なのか Are you the thrifty type?
イングリット: ……貴族の令嬢らしくない、と笑いますか?
Ingrid: Does that surprise you? Perhaps it seems ill befitting someone of noble birth to care about such things.
イングリット: ……私の実家は貴族と言えど、そこまで裕福ではありませんでした。
Ingrid: Despite my family's nobility, we've never been particularly wealthy.
So my father raised me to be conservative with my resources, paring down when necessary.
He also encouraged me to keep my living spaces immaculate, so the two go hand in hand, I suppose.
Choice 1: 良い父親だ He sounds like a good father.
イングリット: ……はい。自慢の父……です。
Ingrid: Yes. He's...a good person.
Even when managing our territory used up most of our family's resources, he still went out of his way to ensure my comfort.
Choice 2: 見習いたい He sets a fine example I'd be happy to follow.
イングリット: 先生にそう言ってもらえるなら、きっと父も喜ぶと思います。
Ingrid: I think he'd be happy to hear you say that.
Byleth: ところで、不要品とは? What was it you threw out, anyway?
イングリット: ……ええと、そうですね。ただの紙切れです。
Ingrid: Oh...just a scrap piece of paper.
It was already written on, so no good for note-taking. And obviously I can't use it to clean my lance.
So I tossed it. No need to hang on to inconsequential things, you know!
Professor, did you come to check on me for any particular reason?
イングリット: まさか、またシルヴァンやフェリクスが問題でも起こしたのでは……!
Choice 1: 特に用はない No particular reason, no.
Choice 2: イングリットと話したかった I just wanted to talk with you.
イングリット: そ、そうでしたか。……では、私はそろそろ戻ります。
Ingrid: Ah. Well if there's nothing important, I'll be on my way, then.
I still have some cleaning to take care of, after all. Talk to you later, Professor.
イングリット: お父様もしつこいわね……!こんな手紙ばかり送ってきて……
Ingrid: Ugh, will Father never learn?! All of these useless letters are only creating more rubbish in the world!
イングリット: ……この手紙も、もう来ないと思うと寂しいものね。
イングリット: ……ああ、先生!申し訳ありません、気づきませんでした。
Ingrid: Professor? Ah, I didn't see you standing there. My apologies.
Byleth: 捨てていたのは手紙……? Was that a letter you were disposing of?
イングリット: ……あ、ええと。これは、その……そうですね。
Ingrid: Oh, ah... That paper? Well, I...yes. Yes, it was.
It was a letter...from my father.
Choice 1: 捨てていいの? Are you sure you want to throw it away?
Choice 2: 大切なものでは? Isn't that important to you?
イングリット: ……はい。けれど、私には不要ですから。
Ingrid: I understand where you're coming from here, but I have no need of such things.
It isn't like anything of importance was written on it.
Curious? I suppose there's no harm in allowing you to read it. Go on, then.
ガラテア伯: わが娘、イングリット……
Count Galatea: My dearest daughter, Ingrid,
Are you well? I trust that you are behaving yourself and refraining from causing trouble for others.
Things on the home front are in order. The marriage proposal for you and the viscount's son should be prepared soon.
Although I am quite certain there are many superior candidates at Garreg Mach Monastery.
As you know, the very survival of our family is dependent upon whom you marry.
You are the only one left in the family who can make things right. We are all counting on you. Do not lose sight of what truly matters.
Choice 1: これは…… This is...
Choice 2: ……縁談? A letter about marriage prospects?
イングリット: はい。……笑いの種くらいにはなったでしょうか。
Ingrid: Yes. Perhaps you found it somewhat entertaining.
イングリット: はい。……士官学校時代に届いた手紙ですが。
イングリット: 以前、先生には少しお話ししましたね。私の家は裕福ではなかった、と。
Ingrid: I've told you that we've never been very well off, financially.
My noble family―House Galatea―branched off from House Daphnel in the Alliance.
Shortly after, we were lucky enough to receive the support of the royal family, allowing us to attain some extent.
But the territory we watch over is poor, its harvests meager. And our noble blood, too, has grown thin. Neither my father nor my brothers bear a Crest.
I, however, do bear a Crest. Because of this, my father sees me as our family's one hope for the future.
A Crest is highly prized among nobles. Were I to marry into a greater noble family, that financial support could soothe our woes...
Choice 1: 道具扱いなんて…… I can't believe he would use you like that...
Choice 2: 許せない What an awful way for him to treat you...
イングリット: ……ありがとうございます、先生。その言葉だけで、私は救われます。
Ingrid: Thank you, Professor. Your sentiment alone is a great comfort to me.
イングリット: ……けれど父も、私が憎くてそんなことを言っているわけではないのでしょう。
Ingrid: Despite my own feelings, I understand his approach to all this. It isn't that he doesn't care for me.
イングリット: ……けれど父も、私が憎くてそんなことを言っていたわけではないのでしょう。
イングリット: それがわかるからこそ、私は……
Ingrid: I understand it very, very well. Which is why I...
I apologize, Professor. I must be going.
イングリット: ……夜分遅く、申し訳ありません。どうしても、相談したいことがあって。
Ingrid: Apologies for bothering you so late. I just...really wanted to speak with you.
Choice 1: もちろん I'm happy to listen.
Choice 2: 仕方ない If you must.
イングリット: ……ありがとうございます。その、私、自分の将来について悩んでいて。
Ingrid: Thank you. You see, I've been feeling conflicted. About my future.
It may seem petty to worry about such things in the middle of a war like this...
Choice 1: 馬鹿らしくない I don't think it's petty.
Choice 2: 聞くだけ聞こう Let's hear it anyway.
イングリット: 先生にそう言ってもらえると、救われます。……他の人には相談しにくかったのです。
Ingrid: This isn't something I open up about with many people.
Feeling such a sense of inner turmoil while a war rages on and others are fighting with all they have, well... It feels a little selfish.
The truth is, I've wanted to be a knight ever since I was a small child.
Not just any knight, like one you might find serving within the castle guard, but a true knight―one serving a master.
However, my father has always had different plans for me. He wants me to marry, for the benefit of the Galatea family.
Byleth: 従わなければよかった You don't have to do what you don't want to.
イングリット: ……それは、できませんでした。父の苦悩をずっと側で見てきましたから。
Ingrid: Defying my father feels...wrong. I've seen how he's struggled over the years.
His burden has always been far greater than any I've had to bear myself.
While he fed me extravagant meals, he subsisted on meager portions and watered-down soups...
He never once complained―even though he must have been starving.
Knowing his sacrifices, I've never been able to tell him of my dream of becoming a knight.
イングリット: ……戦争が始まって、父は私に、祖国のため戦うことを許してくれました。
イングリット: 結局、今となってはそんな父を裏切ることになってしまったのですが……
Ingrid: Although ultimately, I find myself betraying his wishes.
Now that I have parted ways with my father, there is nothing to stop me from pursuing my dream.
イングリット: ですが、この先、騎士になれたとしても、私の心の奥には……
Ingrid: But even if I do become a knight, I feel an unease deep within me.
I fear I will never escape this guilt I carry.
That I have shunned my duty as a noble.
Choice 1: 答えの出ない問いもある Sometimes there's no avoiding such complications.
イングリット: ……そう、ですよね。私も、この苦しみを受け入れなくては。
Ingrid: Yes. I know. All I can do is accept this inner turmoil.
Choice 2: 両立する方法を探しては Could you not find a way to do both?
イングリット: 両立……難しいことを言いますね、先生は。それでも……模索する価値はありそうです。
Ingrid: To follow both my dream and duty? I...I had never considered that as an option. Perhaps there is a way.
Choice 3: 過ぎたことを考えても仕方ない It's no use worrying about things that are in the past.
イングリット: ……そうですね。振り返ったところで、もう過去には戻れないのですから。
Ingrid: Of course not. We cannot change what has already come to pass.
イングリット: ……ふふ、士官学校を出ても、やっぱり先生は、先生なのですね。
Ingrid: Even with the academy days long behind us, you're still a professor, through and through.
Always listening to to hers' troubles and offering up your wisdom.
I really am grateful for all that you do for us, Professor.
I hope you'll always be here as a guide to everyone. I know I myself would appreciate that deeply...
イングリット: ……どうされたのです、先生。こんなところで、空など見上げて。
Ingrid: Is something the matter? You seem lost in thought.
Choice 1: ちょっと休憩に Just taking a little break.
イングリット: ふふ、最近は、多忙な日々がずっと続いていましたから……
Ingrid: I know you've been very busy lately.
It's wise to take breaks and rest. Especially with all that is going on in the world...
Choice 2: イングリットを待っていた I was waiting for you.
イングリット: 私を、ですか? 約束もしていないのに…………ふふ、でも、奇遇ですね。
Ingrid: Oh? I didn't know... Though that is bit of a coincidence.
I came in hopes of finding you. I had a feeling you might be here.
イングリット: ええと……その、ですね。私、先生に伝えたいことがあったのです。
Ingrid: Actually, I wanted to speak with you about something.
I-I promised myself I would wait until the war was over...
Byleth: 伝えたいこと? What is it?
イングリット: ……はい。
Ingrid: Well.
Professor, I have feelings for you.
Of course, I respect you as a person, and I'll understand if you can't love me back, but...still, I had to tell you.
Though my focus has ever been on my duty and training, I cannot deny the feelings that have arisen.
My dream is to obtain knighthood, but now I have a new dream to hold tight to...
That is to be with you, always.
Byleth: ………………。...
イングリット: せ、先生……。
Ingrid: Um... I...
Choice 1: 渡すものがある I have something for you.
Choice 2: 自分にも欲しいものがある There's something I want as well.
イングリット: あ……。先生、これは……。
Ingrid: Oh! Is this...
I must say I'm a little...inelegant with such matters. Battle is all I know. Are you quite certain?
イングリット: ……先生も、私と共に在りたいと、そう思ってくださっていたのですね。
Ingrid: You truly desire to share you life with me...
I am so happy! I...I worried that my feelings would go unrequited.
Now that all of that is out in the open, I feel as light as a feather!
My love... I...
I swear to stay by your side, always. I swear on the goddess above...and on you, here at my side.
You and I, together, entering this new age.
No matter what the future brings, I will stand by you, as your sword, your shield, and your dearest companion.
イングリット: ……心の底から、それが嬉しい。それだけで、私は幸せなの。
Ingrid: There is nothing that brings me more joy. It truly is all I need in this world.
I love very much.
Ah, I'm sorry! I'm overcome. This may take some getting used to.
When the war at last came to an end, Byleth and his wife, Ingrid, relocated to her hometown.
Galatea territory had been seized by the Empire, but the emperor granted Ingrid's request to retain governance of it.
She and her husband were initially received with skepticism, but together they worked hard to reform the territory and address its food shortages.
Through hard work, pure grit, and a truly knightly dedication to the people, they were able to transform the barren landscape into what would, decades later, become known as the most fertile grounds in all of Fodlan.
Byleth announced his marriage to Ingrid shortly after succeeding Rhea as the new archbishop.
Together they made great strides in helping to restore the Kingdom of Fodlan to its former glory and beyond.
Though Ingrid provided counsel to the archbishop as his wife, she also earned renown as a Holy Knight of Seiros.
Most famously, she parried an insurgent's blade with her own weapon just before it struck the archbishop's neck.
Tales of the archbishop who ended the long war, and his valiant wife Ingrid, lived on in storybooks for generations.
Byleth announced his marriage to Ingrid shortly after becoming leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan.
Together they made great strides toward restoring Fodlan to its former glory and beyond.
Though Ingrid contributed to the court in her position as queen, she also famously guarded her king in a physical capacity.
Most well-known is how the "Warrior Queen" drew her own weapon to repel an assassin's blade meant for her husband, a tale which lived on in chivalric storybooks for generations.
イングリット: はあ、お腹いっぱい……幸せ……。
ひっ……!? せ、先生!どうしてここに……
Ingrid: Whew, I can't manage one more bite. So full... So full!
Oh! Professor! What do you think you're doing here?!
I came here to stuff my fa—I mean to have some ME time.
Choice 1: イングリットを追って I sort of followed you...
イングリット: で、では私がさもしく食事にありつくさまもすべて見られていたのですか!?
Ingrid: You mean you saw that just now? All the food? Everything?!
Ugh, so embarrassing... Maybe there's a nearby rock I can crawl under.
Choice 2: 特に理由はない No reason, really.
イングリット: ほ……本当にただの偶然なら、それはそれで、いいのですが。
Ingrid: Oh, so we're just running into one another by chance, then. Phew.
If you had followed me here, I'd be a little...bothered. And probably embarrassed.
Byleth: 誰かを待っていた? Were you waiting for someone?
イングリット: いえ……生憎、逢瀬の相手はいません。ただの、腹ごなしの散歩です。
Ingrid: Who, me? No, no, of course not. I was just about to walk off all that food I just ate.
Really, I came here to have some privacy.
But you're here now, so I suppose that makes it a bit less private.
Choice 1: 恋人同士に見られるかも Are you worried people may get the wrong idea?
イングリット: ……! た、確かに、傍目から見れば私たちは逢瀬をする男女に見える……!
Ingrid: I suppose there's that possibility, now that you mention it.
Choice 2: 二人きりか…… Just the two of us...
イングリット: ……! そ、そう言われると、急に恥ずかしくなってきた気が……。
Ingrid: Uh...well, yes. I suppose it's just us here...
イングリット: せ、先生は嫌ではありませんか?嫌ならば、私はすぐに大広間へ戻りますが!
Ingrid: Does that concern you too, Professor? I'm happy to return to the reception hall.
Choice 1: 嫌じゃない It's not terribly concerning, really.
イングリット: そ、そうですか。……良かった。
Ingrid: Of course. Nothing to see here!
I'm happy to keep walking off this food, in that case. Ah, the stars certainly are beautiful tonight, hm?
イングリット: ふふ……いつかまた、こうして先生と一緒に空を見上げられたらいいですね。
Ingrid: It's peaceful, looking up at them together, don't you think? Maybe we can do it again sometime.
Choice 2: ならば一緒に戻ろう I'd love to come along.
イングリット: い……一緒に戻ったら、私たちが逢瀬をしていたのだと誤解されてしまうのでは?
Ingrid: If we return from here together, I worry that people would start unsavory rumors about us.
I don't concern myself with gossip, but I'd hate for it to mar your reputation in any way. Are you certain?
イングリット: そ、そうですか。……で、では、戻るとしましょうか。
Ingrid: Fair enough. Let's head back, then.