ハピ: あ、先生じゃん。どう? 教師も慣れてきた
Hapi: Well, look who it is. How are you, Chatterbox? Gotten the hang of the whole teaching thing yet?
Choice 1: 慣れてきた I would say so.
ハピ: 慣れてきちゃったかー。でもキミってそんな顔してるもんね。
Hapi: That makes sense. You certainly strut around here like someone who belongs.
Choice 2: あまり慣れない Not really, no.
ハピ: ホント?ハピからはそう見えないけどね。
Hapi: Oh, you're still finding your footing? That's not really the impression I got.
ハピ: どんな場所でも生きていけるってゆーか、何でも平気だって顔。してるよ?
Hapi: You seem like one of those people who blends in. I could see you just about anywhere and think, "Oh, that person's here. Makes sense."
Byleth: ありがとう Um. Thanks?
ハピ: 別に褒めてないし。ていうか、セイロス教徒じゃないのに……
Hapi: I wasn't paying you some sort of compliment. To me, it doesn't matter whether or not you believe in the goddess.
You're here supporting the church, and that makes you no different from the others. I can't stand that.
Byleth: 悪かった Sorry about that.
ハピ: 謝らないでいいって。こっちが勝手にイヤなだけなんだし。
Hapi: No need to apologize. I just have a rocky history with the church, is all.
They betrayed me, or at any rate, horribly mistreated me.
So I'm not a huge fan. But keep that to yourself.
Choice 1: 扱いが酷い? You were mistreated?
ハピ: ハピって小さい頃、怪しい連中に連れ去られて、ずっと捕まっててさ。
Hapi: When I was little, a lady locked me up and held me captive for a long time.
The Knights of Seiros rescued me—promised to protect me. But then they hid me away in Abyss.
So all the knights did was move me from one cage to another. Wouldn't you call that mistreatment?
Choice 2: 裏切られた? You were betrayed?
ハピ: ハピって小さい頃、怪しい連中に連れ去られて、ずっと捕まっててさ。
Hapi: When I was little, a lady locked me up and held me captive for a long time.
The Knights of Seiros rescued me—promised to protect me. But then they hid me away in Abyss.
So all the knights did was move me from one cage to another. Wouldn't you call that a betrayal?
ハピ: 信徒の安全がどーとか、より多くの人を助けるのがどーとか、そんなんばっか。
Hapi: It was all for the greater good. They didn't want to put anyone important in danger.
As for me, my life was expendable.
That guy Alois was nice to me, though. And he told me a bunch of hilarious jokes to cheer me up.
Choice 1: 確かに Sounds like him.
ハピ: あれ? ハピの冗談、通じてない?
Hapi: I was being sarcastic. Alois wouldn't know a good joke if it landed in his mustache.
Choice 2: ……面白い? ...Hilarious?
ハピ: 冗談だって。わかってよ。
Hapi: Do they not have sarcasm where you come from? Keep up.
ハピ: ま、いっか。そんなわけで、ハピは教団がキライ。
Hapi: Anyway, that's why I hate the church.
Someday you'll hate them too. They only hired you because they needed a warm body to fill the post.
When you're of no use to them, they'll get rid of you without a second thought.
Byleth: ………………。 ...
ハピ: ごめんごめん、脅かしたいんじゃないし。
Hapi: Sorry, that sounded more menacing than I intended. I'm just telling you how these people think.
They have rules, dogma. They want us all bound to their system so they can control us.
I don't do well with that sort of stuff. That's why I ran away from home in the first place.
Byleth: 逃げてきた? Ran away?
ハピ: そ。でも、逃げた先でまたほかのものに縛られて、また逃げて……
Hapi: Yeah. Ran far, far away. But as far as I ran, it wasn't far enough. I got dragged back into society, chains and all.
The kind of world I want doesn't exist.
Choice 1: ………………。 ...
Choice 2: そんなことは…… I don't think that's true.
ハピ: あっちゃー、また暗い話しちった。まあ忘れてよ。
Hapi: I'm getting too dark for you, aren't I? Forget I said anything.
Your future seems bright, at least. You can just sit back and enjoy whatever comes your way.
I'm just saying, don't rest your entire future on the church. It's not as steady a foundation as it seems.
Anyway, that's all. I'll be going now.
ハピ: あれ、先生じゃん。この部屋使う? ハピ行こうか。
Hapi: Oh, Chatterbox, it's you. Do you need this room for something? Should I leave?
Choice 1: なぜ行く? Why would you leave?
ハピ: なぜって……ハピが一緒だと気が休まらないでしょ。
Hapi: What do you mean? With me here, you won't be able to focus on whatever you're doing.
Choice 2: いて問題ない You can stay.
ハピ: えー、ハピが一緒だと気が休まらないでしょ。
Byleth: そんなことはない It'll be fine. Just stay.
ハピ: そう? ならいいけど。キミって変わってんね。
Hapi: All right...if you're sure. You're a strange one, you know that?
When I came in earlier, people couldn't leave fast enough. They ran away like I was a bad smell.
I should be used to that sort of thing by know, but... Well, it stung a little bit.
Choice 1: それはひどい That's terrible.
ハピ: 仕方なくない? ハピの体質の話、けっこー広まっちゃったし。
Hapi: I almost don't blame them. Everyone must have heard the rumors by now.
Choice 2: 何で出ていった? Why would they leave?
ハピ: それ聞く? キミって意外と意地悪だね。ハピの体質の話が広まったからでしょ。
Hapi: Are you making fun of me? I'm sure you've heard the rumors, just like everyone else.
ハピ: ほら、ハピが魔物とかを引き寄せやすいってやつ。ため息つけば魔獣が飛んでくるって。
Hapi: A girl who summons monsters when she sighs. That's not the kind of thing people keep to themselves.
Anyway, I prefer solitude. It's easier that way.
Byleth: ……体質の話は本当? Are the rumors true?
ハピ: あれっ、キミ、知らなかったっけ。ホントだよ。
Hapi: You really didn't know? Yeah, the rumors are true as heck.
That's why the knights stuck me in Abyss.
If anything was going to happen, better down there than up here. That was the idea anyway.
Byleth: そうだったのか…… I see...
ハピ: わかったら、ほら、キミも出てっていいよ。それともハピが出てく?
Hapi: Oh, you had that look on your face. That "yikes, get this creep away from me" look. It's OK, I'll leave.
Look how dangerous I am, after all. You wouldn't want to be left alone with someone like me.
Who knows? Maybe I'll get exasperated, and without thinking, I'll start to― Huuuh...
Byleth: ……! ...
ハピ: ……あああ。ねむ……。
Hapi: ...aaaahhhh...
Byleth: あくびだったか…… It was just a yawn. That's a relief.
ハピ: あ、ごめんね。ハピ、あんまりあくびしないんだけど。
Hapi: Sorry to scare you, Chatterbox. I don't usually do that.
Guess I haven't been getting enough sleep.
Everyone talking about me like I'm some sort of freak... It's been bothering me.
Byleth: 心配だ You're worrying me.
ハピ: いいよ、「人の噂も主が起きるまで」って言うじゃん。すぐ何ともなくなるって。
Hapi: It doesn't matter. Gossip is petty and a waste of energy, so there's no need for me to pay it any mind.
Byleth: それでも…… Still...
ハピ: じゃ、収まらなかったらキミを頼るから。それでいい?
Hapi: The funny thing is all this drama has made me more likely to lose my cool. If that happens, you'll help me out, right?
Byleth: こちらでも対策を考えておく I'll do what I can.
ハピ: あ、ちょっと。キミに言いたいことあるんだけど。
Hapi: Oh, hey. I've been meaning to speak with you.
Byleth: 何? What about?
ハピ: 最近、またハピの体質の噂、流れかけたけどさ。
Hapi: I heard that you've been telling people not to worry so much about my condition.
Is that a fact?
Byleth: 実は…… ...Maybe.
ハピ: やっぱり?ありがとね。でもさ……
「5年間、一度もため息をつかなかった女」って何!? 変なあだ名つけないでくれる?
Hapi: No need to be coy. Thanks for doing that. But I do have one minor concern...
You said that I haven't sighed in five years?! What the heck is that about? Everyone's calling me "Half-Decade Hapi" now!
First of all, terrible nickname. Second of all, you weren't even here. Did you just make that up?
Choice 1: 聞き込みをした No, I asked around.
ハピ: 聞き込みって何したの!?キミのせいでため息つきそうなんだけど。
Hapi: You asked around?! That's such a weird thing to do. I'm fighting the urge to sigh right now!
Choice 2: 適当ですまない ...Maybe.
ハピ: ほんとにテキトーなの!?ちょっとビックリしすぎて変なため息出そうだったんだけど……!
Byleth: すまない…… I thought I was helping...
ハピ: それに間違ってるじゃん。ハピ、5年の間にもため息ついてるし。
Hapi: Well, the nickname's bogus. I have absolutely sighed in the last five years.
You wouldn't believe what a hassle it was. Monsters rampaging willy nilly through Abyss.
Thanks to some help from the people undergournd, no one got hurt, but it was a close call.
Maybe if you had been there, it wouldn't have been so much trouble.
Byleth: そう? Me?
ハピ: そりゃそうじゃん。天帝の剣、持ってるしね。
Hapi: Yes, you. You've got the Sword of the Creator. That thing can chop through monsters like nothing.
Byleth: ……それだけ? Is that all?
ハピ: いやーもちろん、みんなを指揮、指導する力とか、よく見て心配りする力とか?
Hapi: Are you fishing for compliments now? Fine. You're a good leader. You watch out for all of us.
Even when the rest of the world turns and hides from me, I know you've got my back.
Byleth: ありがとう That's true.
ハピ: ……だから、キミのそばは安心できんだよね。
Hapi: You make me feel safe. Like I can be myself.
Like I don't have to worry so much about keeping my emotions in check.
I felt pretty sad all that time you were gone. I could've left Garreg Mach altogether. But then I started might still be alive, after all.
So I went looking for you, Back to where you'd fallen and all.
Choice 1: そんなことまで…… You did that for me?
Choice 2: 嬉しい You really care about me, huh?
ハピ: あ、今のなし!つい喋っちゃったじゃん!
Hapi: Ugh! Forget I said anything. Look at me getting all mushy and sincere.
How embarrassing. Let's just go back to earlier when I was giving you a hard time.
Byleth: 恥ずかしくない Don't be embarrassed.
ハピ: そりゃキミは恥ずかしくないでしょ。ハピは違うの!
Hapi: Hey, I can feel embarrassed if I want to! I can feel however I wanna feel!
Whoa. Did I really just say that?
I think that's enough vulnerability for one day. I'll see you around.
ハピ: なーに、こんなとこ呼び出して。大事な話?
Hapi: This is quite a place. Whatever you wanted to tell me must be pretty important.
Byleth: 大事な話だ It is.
ハピ: へっ?どしたの、そんなヘンな顔して。
Hapi: OK, what's going on? You're making a weird face. It's freaking me out.
ハピ: それよりさ、教団もセイロス騎士団も解体させられて……
ハピ: それよりさ、キミ、次の大司教になるらしいじゃん?
Hapi: You're going to be the new archbishop, right? Let's talk about that.
ハピ: それよりさ、キミ、フォドラの統一王?になるらしいじゃん。
Hapi: You're going to rule over all of Fódlan, right? Let's talk about that.
Byleth: そのとおりだが Yes, but...
ハピ: つまり、ハピがどーにも苦手だった教団が、生まれ変わる良い機会ってことよね!?
Hapi: This is a chance to replace the old, hollow Church of Seiros with something new― something better.
In your new position, you can make that happen.
Byleth: そうかもしれない I can certainly try.
ハピ: だったら、そうしてよ。
Hapi: Then do it!
Those hypocrites preached about love and decency while shoving folks like me into the shadows.
That's a pretty shoddy religion in my book. You can reshape it into something that actually helps people.
Not that I need any help, mind you. I can help myself just fine.
Byleth: わかった That's true.
ハピ: それでさそれでさ……
Hapi: Oh, there's another thing I meant to talk to you about. It's,
Choice 1: 大事な話をしていい? I have something urgent to discuss.
Choice 2: 露骨に話を逸らし続けるが…… Stop trying to derail the conversation.
ハピ: ぐっ……。……わかったよ。ちゃんと聞く。
Hapi: You figured me out! I'm just nervous, OK?
Say whatever you're going to say.
Byleth: この指輪を…… I have something for you.
ハピ: ……やっぱそうだよね。うーん、困ったな。
Hapi: I knew you were going to do that. I just knew it. OK, let me tell you why this is a bad idea.
Byleth: もちろん Um... Go ahead.
ハピ: ハピはさ、一生この体質と付き合ってかなきゃいけないじゃん。
Hapi: You know that I'll always be coping with this... condition. This curse. It'll always be a part of my life.
I feel safe with you, but you'll never feel the same with me.
I'm not the kind of person you should get a cat with. Unless you want your cat to be eaten by monsters.
Have you thought about all that?
I know you care about me. I care about you too.
I wish we could spend our lives together. But... it just wouldn't be right.
I can't let you throw away your own happiness for my sake.
Byleth: 実は…… Actually, Hapi...
ハピ: え? この指輪、魔法かかってるの?魔除け?
ハピの体質を打ち消すって……ええええ!? 本気の本気で!!??
Hapi: Hold on. You're saying that you imbued this ring with magic?
An enchantment that wards off monsters...
So... It negates my curse? I'm free?!
Byleth: 本気の本気で You're free.
ハピ: ……あれ?ってことは、結婚の申し込みじゃなかった?
Hapi: Hang on. That means you weren't really proposing. And here I am, talking about getting a cat together.
I almost wish a monster would appear just to save me from the embarrassment.
Byleth: いや、結婚しよう Hapi. Will you marry me?
ハピ: ちょっと、混乱し過ぎて、ハピ胸が爆発しそうなんだけど……。
Hapi: Oh, come on! I can't handle all this will-we-won't-we stuff. My heart's going to pop out of my chest.
All right. Thank you for giving me a second to collect myself.
Yes, you weirdo. Of course I'll marry you.
Byleth: 良かった I'm so happy.
ハピ: でも、キミってずるいよね。
Hapi: Me too. Well, obviously I'm Hapi, but I'm also... you know what I mean.
I appreciate everything you've done for me. You've changed my life in more ways than one.
It's hard not to fall for someone like that. Though, of course, I've had a crush on you from the get-go...
ハピ: もーいいや!難しいこと考えんのやめ!
Hapi: Oh, forget I said that! I'm all over the place.
We don't know what the future has in store for us, but...
For now, maybe we can forget all that and just enjoy being together.
Choice 1: いい Of course.
ハピ: やっぱいいよね?ハピたち、ガンバったもんね。
Hapi: Good. After all, we've worked so hard to get here.
Choice 2: だめ Only for a little while.
ハピ: えー!? ダメなの!?いいじゃん、いいじゃん。
ハピ: あ、そうだ。ちょっと胸貸してよ。
Hapi: Come closer, will you?
Hapi: *sigh*
Damn, that felt good.
Almost immediately after Byleth and Hapi had celebrated their marriage in a lively ceremony, the battle against those who slither in the dark began in earnest.
Contrary to expectations, Hapi wholeheartedly charged to the front lines and fought alongside her husband until true peace came to Fodlan. Afterward, the couple vanished without a trace-at least until someone claiming to be a descendant produced a chronicle of their lives.
According to that account, the pair had retired to a secluded village at the foot of the Oghma Mountains. There, the author writes, they pledged their undying love for each other underneath a starry sky.
After becoming the new Archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced his marriage to Hapi.
Her disquieting lineage earned her more than her fair share of detractors, but over time, as the royal couple restored Fodlan together, the people came to appreciate her competence and taciturn wit.
Some years later, when those who slither in the dark emerged to threaten Fodlan once again, it is said that Hapi's strength was instrumental in dealing with them.
After ascending to the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan, Byleth announced his marriage to Hapi. Her disquieting lineage earned her more than her fair share of detractors, but over time, as the royal couple restored Fodlan together, the people came to appreciate her competence and taciturn wit. Some years later, when those who slither in the dark emerged to threaten Fodlan once again, it is said that Hapi's strength was instrumental in dealing with them.