フェルディナント: 少しいいか、先生。
Ferdinand: Hello, Professor. May I speak with you?
フェルディナント: 貴方は随分とエーデルガルトを買っているようだな?
Ferdinand: You seem to hold Edelgard in high esteem. That is my impression, at least.
フェルディナント: 貴方はエーデルガルトについてどう思う?随分と先生方の評価は高いようだが。
Ferdinand: I was just wondering, what do you think of Edelgard? You seem to hold her in high esteem.
Choice 1: 凄い生徒だ She's a good student.
フェルディナント: くっ……やはりそうか。だが、彼女が優秀なのは間違いない。
Ferdinand: Hm. She is certainly talented. No doubt about that. But I wonder... What is your opinion of me? I am quite talented too, am I not?
Choice 2: まだまだだ She's got a lot to learn.
フェルディナント: ほう……意外な評価だな。彼女でも貴方のお眼鏡には適わないか。
Ferdinand: Well now! That is not what I expected you to say. You clearly have high standards.
And what is your opinion of me? I am at least her equal, am I not?
フェルディナント: 私が大貴族の嫡男だということは気にせず、忌憚ない評価を頼むぞ、先生。
Ferdinand: Be honest. Do not hold back. Pretend that I am just a regular person, not the scion of a noble house.
Choice 1: 同程度だ I think you two are evenly matched.
フェルディナント: 同程度?私が、彼女と……!?
Ferdinand: Evenly matched?! Me? With her?!
Choice 2: 残念だが…… I don't want to hurt your feelings, but...
フェルディナント: ば、馬鹿な……!?私が彼女に劣るだと!?
Ferdinand: You think she is better than me?!
フェルディナント: これでも謙遜していたのだ。
こうなれば、先生に理解してもらうしかあるまい! 私の優秀さを!
Ferdinand: I was just being modest before.
Honestly, I have always prided myself on being superior to Edelgard.
But evidently that is not your perspective. Hmm...
I suppose there is only one thing to do. I must demonstrate my excellence!
Choice 1: 必要ない That's not necessary.
フェルディナント: 必要ないことがあろうか?私の実力が誤解されているのだぞ。
Ferdinand: Nonsense! You have entirely underestimated my abilities!
Choice 2: I can't stop you. 仕方がない
フェルディナント: 仕方があるに決まっていよう!私の実力が誤解されているのだぞ。
Ferdinand:Precisely! You cannot stop me! I will prove that you have drastically underestimated me.
フェルディナント: 侮られたままを良しとするなど、貴族の名折れ……さあ、ついてきたまえ!
Ferdinand: You think I could ignore such a slight upon my honor? Not likely. Come, Professor!
Byleth: ………………。…
フェルディナント: わかりやすく実力の差を見せつけるには、武芸の腕がいいと思ってな。
Ferdinand: We will begin with battle. Edelgard's skills in combat are no match for mine.
I heard that, just the other day, she defeated a Demonic Beast without assistance.
Well, anything Edelgard can do, I can do better—and in half the time!
Professor, you can be my eyewitness and timekeeper.
フェルディナント: むっ、出たか!
Ferdinand: Here we go!
Two at once? That's... Well, it will be fine.
フェルディナント: ぐわっ、うわっ、ぐわああーっ!?無理だああーっ!
Ferdinand: Argh! I can't do it!
フェルディナント: ……す、すまない。先生、助かった。
Ferdinand: It seems you have saved my life. I... Thank you, Professor.
フェルディナント: ふっ! たあっ! はっ、はっ!ぜえいっ! だっ! うおおおっ!
Ferdinand: Hah! Haagh! Take that! Yaa!
Choice 1: いつもより熱心だ You're fighting more intensely than usual.
フェルディナント: ああ……そうだな。私は焦っているのだ。
Ferdinand: Yes. I am in a hurry.
Choice 2: 何かあった? What's up?
フェルディナント: 何か、か。いつも何かはある。
Ferdinand: Oh, you know. There is always something. It never ends. Lately I have been feeling uneasy. Impatient.
フェルディナント: エーデルガルトが、次々と事績を残していくのを見てな。
Ferdinand: Edelgard claims victory after victory. She never stops.
Five years ago, she ascended the throne and swept away the corrupt nobles. My father included.
I always thought I would be the one to unseat him. But she did it instead—with all the ease and indifference of someone cracking an egg.
フェルディナント: そして、私は彼女の配下の一人に甘んじ、フォドラ統一のため戦う日々を送っている。
Ferdinand: Now, as the head of House Aegir, I serve Edelgard. I have to accept that I am her subordinate, working beneath her to reunify Fódlan.
フェルディナント: 先手を打たれて父は蟄居、エーギル家当主はお飾りの者に……私の力が足りぬばかりに!
Ferdinand: She put my father under house arrest. She stripped House Aegir of its power.
Rather than accepting a role as her puppet, I left. Now I fight to topple the Empire.
フェルディナント: ……エーデルガルトと私の差は、歴然であろう。
Ferdinand: The disparity between Edelgard and myself is...obvious.
She never stops moving forward. Single-minded. Never wavering.
But where does that leave me? Here, flailing about, going nowhere, contributing nothing...
Byleth: そんなことはないのでは That's not true.
フェルディナント: だといいが……現実は、違う。
Ferdinand: But it is! That is the reality.
Not once, since our days at the academy, have I exceeded Edelgard's abilities.
I saw her as a worthy opponent. She did not even see me as a contender. She did not even consider me at all.
As the head of the noble House Aegir, I must be able to achieve results.
But all my efforts have come to nothing.
Results are everything. I have not shown results, so I will be stagnating here forever.
Choice 1: 結果はある But you have achieved results!
フェルディナント: 貴方にそう言ってもらえるのは心強い。だが、私自身が納得できない……。
Ferdinand: I appreciate your kind words, but you are wrong.
Choice 2: それでも過程にだって意味がある It's the journey, not the destination.
フェルディナント: 貴方がそう言ってくれるのは嬉しい。だが、私自身が納得できない……。
Ferdinand: I appreciate that, but it is not enough to persuade me.
フェルディナント: こればかりは自分で乗り越えなければいけない壁なのだと、わかっている。
Ferdinand: I know that I have a massive wall to climb, and I must climb it alone.
Even so...may I ask a favor?
Byleth: もちろん Yes?
フェルディナント: 先生には、ずっと私を見ていてほしい。
Ferdinand: Professor, please keep an eye on my progress.
I would appreciate if you were always by my side, bearing witness to my accomplishments.
フェルディナント: ……そうか。このような生き方も……
Ferdinand: Hmm. What an interesting way of looking at life.
Ah, it is you! Just at the right time.
Choice 1: 遅くまで熱心だ You're working late.
フェルディナント: ああ、もう夜かね?少し熱中し過ぎたようだ。
Ferdinand: Oh, is it nighttime already? I must have gotten carried away.
Choice 2: ちょうどいい? The right time?
フェルディナント: 貴方に話したいことがあってな、それでちょうどよかったわけさ。
Ferdinand: There is something I wanted to discuss.
Something about you...
I am starting to believe that you are a true hero.
You hold the lost Crest, you wield the Sword of the Creator, and you lead everyone in battle against great enemies.
Not only that, but you are a strategist. You give everyone direction, so they know what needs to be done.
フェルディナント: 王たる者の隣に立ち、補佐する役目を進んで負っている。
Ferdinand: You stand alongside rulers, supporting them, advising them.
フェルディナント: 皆に指示を出しながら、皆が事を成す手助けをしているようにさえ見える。
Ferdinand: You give everyone direction, so they know what needs to be done.
フェルディナント: 貴方には、何かを成そうという欲がない。だというのにすべてを、成し遂げていく。
Ferdinand: You do not seem particularly ambitious. And yet, you accomplish so much.
Choice 1: 過大評価だ That's high praise.
フェルディナント: どこが過大なのだ。すべて事実ではないか。
Ferdinand: I am not exaggerating. Everything I said is true.
Choice 2: 欲はないかもしれない That's true. I'm not ambitious.
フェルディナント: ああ、そう言える貴方が恐ろしい。
Ferdinand: I am amazed that you can say so.
フェルディナント: 今、私が読んでいたのはファーガス神聖王国の建国史なのだがね……
Ferdinand: I have been reading about the history of Faerghus, you know.
The Kingdom's founder, Loog, the "King of Lions", had two advisors.
One of them was Pan, the "undesiring strategist".
According to historical records, Pan wanted nothing for himself. He devoted himself entirely to Loog.
He had tremendous power, but he never seemed concerned about his legacy.
So, in the old chronicles, there is hardly any mention of Pan's deeds.
All that we know is that he helped Loog, his friend and leader.
Choice 1: そんな人が…… To think, someone could be so virtuous.
Choice 2: 不勉強だった I've never heard of Pan.
フェルディナント: 知らないのも無理はない。私とて名前しか知らなかった。
Ferdinand: It is not surprising that you have never heard of him. I did not even know his name until recently.
But when I watch how you conduct yourself, I feel that I am seeing the unknown deeds of Pan.
It is only a thought, of course, but it makes me feel rather happy.
Even if it not in the pages of a history book, a life can be full of achievement!
フェルディナント: ああ……私はエーデルガルトには勝てない。いつだって彼女は私の前を行くだろう。
Ferdinand: I know that I will never be greater than Edelgard. She will always surpass me.
フェルディナント: ああ……私はエーデルガルトには勝てない。たとえ戦争で討ち破ることがあろうとも。
Ferdinand: I know that I will never prevail over Edelgard. Even if I defeat her on the battlefield…
フェルディナント: だが、それでいい。私は私だ。
Ferdinand: I am what I am.
Like you and this "undesiring strategist".
I will do what I'm called to do, even if no mark of me remains in the history books.
フェルディナント: フッ……ここまで長い道程だった。そうだろう?
Ferdinand: It has been a long, hard road. Would you agree?
Choice 1: そうでもない No, not really.
フェルディナント: なっ……私がせっかく決めたのだから、合わせてくれてもいいのではないかね?
Ferdinand: Haha! You cannot humor me even a little?
Perhaps we can agree that every long road comes to an end.
Choice 2: 確かに長かった It certainly has.
フェルディナント: そして、長い旅路には、必ず終わりが来る。
Ferdinand: Every long road comes to an end.
フェルディナント: 共に戦った仲間たちも、それぞれの道、それぞれの人生を歩み出す。
Ferdinand: That is when friends who have walked together must go their separate ways.
You will guide Fódlan. I will return to my position as Duke Aegir.
Life will go on. It must.
Byleth: そのようだ So it seems.
フェルディナント: ……だが!私はかつて願った。
Ferdinand: I once asked something of you.
I asked you to bear witness to my achievements.
But even if I achieve nothing and there is nothing left of me after I am gone...
I still want you to see me.
Byleth: つまり……? What do you mean?
フェルディナント: 我が伴侶となってくれ。Byleth!
Ferdinand: I mean that I want you to be my wife!
I need you as much as I need my next breath. More, perhaps.
I hope that you need me too.
Byleth: 話はわかった I understand.
フェルディナント: !?……待て、それだけか?
Ferdinand: That is it?
You hear noble Ferdinand von Aegir declare his love for you, and all you say is "I understand"?
This is torture! Please, if you are going to refuse my proposal, simply tell me.
Byleth: 必要な存在かどうかはわからないが…… Need isn't a strong enough word.
フェルディナント: わからないが……?
Ferdinand: I am not sure I understand...
Byleth: 一緒にいたいと思う I love you, Ferdinand.
フェルディナント: そ、そうか!ということは返事は……
Ferdinand: You do? Does that mean...
Byleth: 結婚しよう Let's get married!
フェルディナント: ……っ!良かった……!
Ferdinand: Really?!
Ah, my head is ringing with pure joy! Like a thousand bells!
It is even greater than the joy of victory in battle. It is victory in life itself!
Byleth: ………………。 ...
フェルディナント: ……と、すまない。独りで舞い上がってしまったな。
Ferdinand: Ahem. Apologies. I got a little carried away there.
I am shaking... I cannot control it.
It would be no exaggeration to say that my whole life, everything I have done, has led me to this moment.
I am overjoyed! Oh dear, I might faint...
Choice 1: 自分も嬉しい I'm happy too.
フェルディナント: これ以上、私を昂らせるようなことを言わないでくれたまえ!
Ferdinand: Give me a minute or two to regain my balance before you say anything too fantastic...
Choice 2: もう駄目だ You look pretty unsteady.
フェルディナント: そ、そんなことはないぞ!これからが大事なのだ。
フェルディナント: 貴方と二人で、この世界を生きていく。ああ……目の前が薔薇色に……
Ferdinand: Imagine, making our way through life, side by side. The whole world has taken on a rosy hue.
Ah, it is no use. I cannot stay upright. Please, let me lean on your shoulder.
フェルディナント: ……しまった。この位置は、貴方の顔が近すぎる。
Ferdinand: That is better. We are as close as can be.
From now on, we will lean on each other. Thank you, my love.
Byleth and Ferdinand celebrated their marriage with a lavish wedding, but almost immediately afterward, the battle with those who slither in the dark began in earnest.
After being named Duke Aegir, Ferdinand overcame a slew of obstacles to help House Hrym and his family's territory recover. At the same time, he fought alongside his spouse for a true, lasting peace in Fodlan.
History books extol Ferdinand's success as a lord of his territories, but they do not make mention of the hard-fought battles he endured alongside his wife.
Thus, half of his life's work is lost to time.
After taking her place as the new archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced her marriage to Ferdinand, who had assumed his place as Duke Aegir. The archbishop's husband overcame a slew of obstacles to reform his family's territory and Hrym but took no official position with the church, providing only guidance and support in his capacity as a loving spouse. History books extol Ferdinand's success as a lord of his territories, but they make no mention of his marriage to the archbishop. Thus, half of his life's work is lost to time.
After ascending to the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan, Byleth announced her marriage to Ferdinand, who had assumed his inherited position as Duke Aegir. Ferdinand overcame a slew of obstacles to reform his territory and that of House Hrym. He chose not to accept an official position in service to Byleth, instead advising her only informally as a spouse. History books extol Ferdinand's success as a lord of his territories, but make no mention of his marriage. Thus, half of his life's work is lost to time.
フェルディナント: やあ、先生。これは奇遇だな。
Ferdinand: Hello, Professor.
I just needed a quick break from the festivities. Fancy running into you here.
Choice 1: 追いかけてきた? You followed me, didn’t you?
フェルディナント: な、何を言うんだね。ただの偶然だよ、偶然。
Ferdinand: I beg your pardon?! Absolutely not! It is simply a coincidence.
The heir to the great house of Aegir, chasing after a woman in the dead of night! The very thought of it!
Choice 2: 奇遇だ What a nice coincidence.
フェルディナント: ああ、実に奇遇だよ。……ははは。
Ferdinand: Yes, a coincidence...
フェルディナント: そういえば先生は、この女神の塔にまつわる伝承を聞いたかね?
Ferdinand: Anyway, seeing you here, I cannot help but recall the legend of the Goddess Tower.
It is said that when a man and a woman meet here by chance on the night of the ball, their paths become one.
The goddess blesses them and ensures a harmonious union.
Choice 1: 聞いた話と違う I heard it differently.
フェルディナント: せ、先生も聞いていたのか……。どう違うと……
Ferdinand: Oh, you heard the legend too? How was it different?
That the goddess is sure to grant any promises made here?
Ah, perhaps that is how it goes, come to think of it.
Choice 2: そんな伝承が…… Are you sure that’s the legend?
フェルディナント: あるのだ。まったく恥ずかしい話ではあるがね。
Ferdinand: Indeed, that is how it goes. Or at least, that is the version I heard.
フェルディナント: しかし、先生と出会ってもう9つの節が過ぎ去ろうとしているか。
Ferdinand: How long have we known each other now? About nine months, by my count.
The passage of time is swift indeed.
フェルディナント: ……先生にだけは、聞いておいてほしい。
Ferdinand: Listen. I need to tell you something.
After I graduate, I must pass stern judgment on my father.
His greed got the better of him. He has strayed far from the righteous path.
As the next Duke Aegir, I will succeed him as prime minister, and it will fall to me to hold him accountable.
Only then can I justly guide the Empire’s subjects and work to create a better world.
That is my dream, my will, and my future.
I pray that I will have the courage to fulfill my solemn duty and that I will have your support.
Choice 1: もちろん Of course. I’m with you.
フェルディナント: ありがとう。
Ferdinand: Thank you.
Knowing that you are on my side, I feel unstoppable.
Choice 2: 聞いて良かったのか I’m always happy to listen.
フェルディナント: ああ、誰かにきいてほしかったのだ。それで先生を選んだ。
Ferdinand: Yes... I really only wished for someone to hear me out. I chose you for that honor.
フェルディナント: ……さあ、戻ろうか、先生。
Ferdinand: Well, shall we head back?
Plenty of people must be wondering where you went.
Specifically the legions of men who would like to dance with you!
To be honest, I count myself among them.