コンスタンツェ: おや、貴方。何ですの?私は貴方に用などありませんけれど。
Constance: Oh, it's only you. Is there some reason you're here?
Choice 1: 見ていただけ I was just looking.
コンスタンツェ: だけと言うには、見過ぎではなくて?随分とじっくりでしたわよ。
Constance: Your gaze was rather piercing for someone who was ''just looking.''
Choice 2: こちらもない Not really.
コンスタンツェ: それにしては随分と、じっくり見ていましたわね……。
Constance: The intensity of your gaze puts the lie to that excuse.
コンスタンツェ: はっ……私に見とれていたのですね?おーっほっほっほっほっほ!
Constance: Oh, I see now... You found yourself captivated by my charms! Ahahaha!
This sort of thing happens all the time to those of us blessed with such transcendent beauty.
Byleth: 違う…… That wasn't it.
コンスタンツェ: それはそれとして、貴方、このところ調子に乗っているのではなくて?
傭兵の身で私を教え導こうなど、片腹痛いですわ! おーっほっほっほ!
Constance: If you say so. You seem a trifle stuck on the point if you ask me.
Now then, you may call yourself my tutor if you wish, and I shall attend your classes.
But none of this charade will make the idea of a mercenary teaching me any less absurd. Aha.
Byleth: ………………。 ...
コンスタンツェ: 何ですの、その目は。私も同じ平民だとでも仰りたいのかしら?
Constance: What was that look? Are you trying to convey that I am a mere commoner, like yourself?
Well... you are correct. Think of me as a temporarily embarrassed noble.
Even a gilded wyvern must take refuge in its cave occasionally. But in time, it will soar free once more.
I shall fly bold and beautiful into the skies again. My nobility and all of House Nuvelle shall be restored!
Choice 1: 頑張って Good luck.
コンスタンツェ: 貴方に言われるまでもありませんのよ。私は必ずやるのですから。
Constance: Luck isn't a thing that you can bestow, or that I need. I will do this.
Choice 2: 期待しないでいる I won't hold my breath.
コンスタンツェ: まあ、その言い方。後で悔やんでも知りませんわよ!
Constance: What insolence! You hadn't even heard what I was going to say next.
コンスタンツェ: 私が貴族に戻った暁には、貴方を薄給でこき使ってあげますわ!!
Constance: When I restore the glory of my house, you may serve me in some menial way. I may even pay you.
Choice 1: 必要ない Thanks, but no thanks.
コンスタンツェ: 必要ない!? 私の従僕となる栄誉を、そんな軽々と撥ね退けるというの!?
Constance: You would decline the honor of attending to me without a second thought?
Choice 2: 面白そう An interesting proposal...
コンスタンツェ: 面白そう!? 私の従僕となる栄誉を、言うに事欠いて面白そうと!?
Constance: Is that the most you can say when offered such a tantalizing prize?!
コンスタンツェ: ……ふっ。貴方が何を考え何を仰っても所詮、すべては取るに足らない些事。
Constance: Hmph. Say whatever you like, if it makes you feel better.
It shall not sway me one way or the other. Hmhm!
Byleth: ………………。 ...
コンスタンツェ: 何ですの、貴方。先程から、視線が物言いたげですわよ。
Constance: You look as if you want to say something. Allow me to save you the effort.
If you intend to tutor me, I will require you to first prove the time will not be wasted.
Show me not just your talent for teaching, but your wisdom, your skill, your mettle. Your sense of authority.
コンスタンツェ: ……そうです!!今、私に雷がごとき閃きが走りましたわ!
Constance: Ahaha, of course! I've been struck by my own genius!
You may assist me in my research.
That ought to provide a chance for you to grasp the extent of how magnificent I am.
It will also afford me the time I need to scrutinize your character.
It's a plan so perfect that you can't turn it down, huh?
Byleth: ………………。 ...
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほっほっほっほ!
Constance: Aha! Ahahaha!
コンスタンツェ: ふんふん、これは良い薬草ですわ。後は……魔法水晶が足りませんわね。
Constance: Hmm... Yes, these herbs will do. Though I note we're short on arcane crystals.
I'll make a note to keep some in reserve next time.
Choice 1: これで揃った? Is that everything?
コンスタンツェ: ええ、揃いましたわ。次は魔法の実験台になってくださいます?
Constance: Yes, that's everything. All I need now is a test subject for the ritual.
Choice 2: まだ何か頼みがある? Will you need anything else?
コンスタンツェ: ええ、素材が揃いましたので、次は魔法の実験台になってくださいます?
Constance: No more materials, if that's what you're asking. Though I do still require a test subject.
Byleth: 実験台……? A what?
コンスタンツェ: これも研究の手伝いの一環ですわ。すなわち、貴方の役目ですのよ。
Constance: Not a what, a who. Meaning you.
Now, lie still please.
Byleth: もう遅いので、明日に Does this have to happen now?
コンスタンツェ: ……確かに、夜も更けてきましたわね。少々熱が入り過ぎてしまったようですわ。
Constance: Fair point... a bit of rest to clear my head would be good for the next steps.
Let us leave off here, and I shall see you again in the morning.
Choice 1: 仕方がない…… There's no talking you out of this, is there?
Choice 2: 実験台は嫌だ…… I don't want to be a test subject...
コンスタンツェ: 明日こそ、成功させてみせますわ。休む暇などありませんとも。
Constance: I'd better make some headway on this tomorrow. Every day counts, you know.
If I can complete this ritual, I'll be famous throughout the known world for it! Ahaha!
Byleth: なぜそこまで熱心に……? Why do all of this?
コンスタンツェ: なぜと言われましても、取り潰しとなった我が家を再興するためですけれど……
Constance: The prestige it will bring me is necessary to restore my fallen house.
Or was your question, ''Why go to so much trouble for a fallen house?''
Because I am a Nuvelle! As were all my ancestors!
And our line has endured too long to end with me.
Byleth: なぜ取り潰しに? Why would it end with you?
コンスタンツェ: そうですわね。貴方も私の研究を手伝う身なのですから……
Constance: Oh, yes... You don't know.
Well, seeing as you are serving both as my research assistant and test subject, I should explain myself.
House Nuvelle was granted its peerage shortly after the establishment of the Empire.
For generations, the heads of our house have been scholars of magic. They often enjoyed appointments to esteemed posts within the Empire.
コンスタンツェ: けれど、七貴族の変で皇帝に与したのを機に権力の中枢から外れてしまったのですわ。
Constance: However, during the Insurrection of the Seven, we cast our lot with the emperor and were punished for it.
We suffered further losses when we were used as a sacrifice to Dagda and Brigid during their attack.
My family, including my parents and older brother, died then. The town of Nuvelle is now an ash heap.
The six great families decreed this to be the end of my house. We have naught left now but the name.
No title, no subjects, no land... Everything I was to inherit has been taken from me.
Byleth: なるほど…… I see.
コンスタンツェ: ですから、エーデルガルト様に私が偉業を成し遂げたと認めていただき……
Constance: What I require is an achievement so grand that Lady Edelgard would be forced to recognize it.
コンスタンツェ: ですから、戦争が終わり次第、次の為政者に私が偉業を成し遂げたと認めさせ……
コンスタンツェ: ヌーヴェル家の再興を果たすのです。この研究は、そのためなのですわ。
Constance: And then House Nuvelle will take its rightful place among the elite class once more!
Byleth: わかった Now I understand.
コンスタンツェ: これで貴方も、私に協力することの意義、そして栄誉を理解できたことでしょう。
Constance: You understand that to collaborate with me toward such a grand purpose is a high honor, don't you?
...But yes, good night. I expect to see you bright and early tomorrow.
コンスタンツェ: ゲホゲホっ……ゴホっ……!!し、失敗ですわ!
なぜですの!? 私の理論のどこに間違いがあったというんですの!!
Constance: Ah! Another failure!
How?! Was there an error in my calculations?
I had precious few materials as things stood! Where will I get more once these run out?
Byleth: 残念だ…… I'm really sorry...
コンスタンツェ: 貴方が申し訳なさそうな顔をすることはありませんわ。
Constance: Oh, don't act so rueful.
You carried out my directions faithfully. Neither the credit nor the blame ought to be yours.
My grand achievement is further away than I hoped... House Nuvelle's future seems so dim.
Choice 1: 落ち込むのはらしくない You shouldn't lose hope.
Choice 2: 諦めず頑張ろう Keep trying. You'll get it.
コンスタンツェ: ………………。
Constance: ...
You're correct, of course. I mustn't be discouraged.
It is hard to maintain one's patience after five years.
But in the greater context of the history of Huse Nuvelle, five years is barely worth counting!
Byleth: その意気だ That's the spirit.
コンスタンツェ: 貴方に励まされてしまうなんて、私としたことが不覚を取りましたわね。
Constance: I have been in a low place indeed to require so much reassurance...
And for your reassurance, I am truly grateful. You have spurred me to continue my research.
You've been useful to me in many ways, in fact. Research assistant... confidant... test subject...
All of this is preparing you well for you greater role to come.
Byleth: まさに……? Which is...
コンスタンツェ: 最高の従者、従僕ですわ!!貴方の従僕っぷりは、このフォドラ一!!
Constance: My personal attendant! There are few as naturally servile as you in all of Fódlan.
When House Nuvelle is at long last restored, we simply must find a proper position for you.
Byleth: ………………。...
コンスタンツェ: ……よく考えると、今の貴方の立場では到底無理な話かもしれませんわね。
Constance: Granted, this will be difficult―perhaps even impossible―to accept, given your current status.
But I rarely let the impossible stop me!
I shall see it all done―the restoration of my house, installing you as my servant, and more!
Are you ready for the next steps? Ahaha!
Byleth: 元気が出て良かった ...I'm glad you've perked up.
コンスタンツェ: まあ!その話を蒸し返すなんて失礼ですわ!
Constance: Oh, come now. My sulk ended minutes ago. Do keep up.
But on the rare occasion that I find myself at a loss, I grant you permission to lift my spirits.
Choice 1: わかった I see.
Choice 2: 任せてくれ Sure.
Choice 3: もちろんだ Of course.
コンスタンツェ: ……仕方なく口にしたような微妙な印象がありますが、まあいいですわ。
Constance: I don't know that I care for the hint of resignation in your tone, but no matter.
I expect you to do your all for the sake of my house, nonetheless!
Goddess Tower
コンスタンツェ: 貴方、遅刻ですわよ!私を何分待たせるおつもり!?
Constance: You're late. Did you intend to keep me waiting for so long?
Byleth: 忙しくて…… Things came up.
コンスタンツェ: 確かに貴方の立場ではそうでしょう。
私の長年の研究がついに、実を結ぶ……その瞬間なのですわ! おーっほっほっほ!
Constance: Yes. I suppose your position is rather demanding.
But you really must get your priorities in order.
The moment has come. All these years of research shall finally bear fruit! Ahaha!
Ahem... but first a request.
Byleth: 何? What is it?
コンスタンツェ: 貴方、私と結婚なさい!
Constance: You must marry me!
コンスタンツェ: 私はずっと考えていたのです。どうすれば貴方と共にいられるかを。
Constance: I've given this quite a bit of thought. It satisfies me to have come up with a way to be with you always.
コンスタンツェ: 全土統一の立役者で、陛下の寵愛を受ける貴方を、私の従僕になどできませんわ。
Constance: For such a major figure in the unification to become my personal attendant might seem a step down.
コンスタンツェ: 大司教となる貴方を、私の従僕になどできませんわ。
Constance: For the new archbishop to become my personal attendant might seem a step down.
コンスタンツェ: フォドラの統一王となる貴方を、私の従僕になどできませんわ。
Constance: For the ruler of the new unified Fódlan to become my personal attendant might seem a step down.
コンスタンツェ: ですが、夫婦となれば!貴方は私から離れずに済む……。
Constance: However if we were to be wed, you have to stay close to me.
Choice 1: 策……つまり? You're serious about this?
コンスタンツェ: つまり……………………?
Constance: Was I unclear?
I want us to be together for life. That is the definition of marriage.
My love for you won't stand for anything else.
Choice 2: 結婚は見せかけということ? I'm only a step in your plan?
コンスタンツェ: ち、違いますわ! 違いますのよ!!見せかけなんかじゃ……
私は貴方と添い遂げたいのですわ!愛しているのです! おわかり!?
Constance: No not at all. You misunderstand. I want a real marriage, not a political sham!
I want us to be together for life. My love for you won't stand for anything else.
Byleth: 受けよう It won't have to.
コンスタンツェ: ………………。
考えることが同じということは、まさに夫婦の証! 最高の二人ですわ!!
Constance: ...
You came prepared with a ring.
Which means we think alike we were destined to be together.
Byleth: そのとおりだ Seems that way.
コンスタンツェ: それでは、貴方と私でヌーヴェル家の再興を果たすとしましょう。
Constance: And it is together that we shall work to restore House Nuvelle.
You have no issue with living on House Nuvelle's former land, I trust?
コンスタンツェ: 立場的に、フォドラの西の端では難しいこともあるかしら……?
Constance: Or would it pose difficulties for one in your position to move to the western edge of Fódlan?
コンスタンツェ: ま、そのようなこと、些事ですわ。……それではいよいよ、いきますわよ!
Constance: Ah, but that is a detail which can be settled latter. Let us act on what matters now!
門番: 先生! 本日は異常ありであります!大変です!
Gatekeeper: Pardon my intrusion, but something alarming has happened!
It seems to have started around the Goddess Tower, but it's spread through the cathedral! A wave of flowers is―
Oh. Uh please excuse me, I can see you're busy.
Byleth: 異変の原因は、妻の魔法だ It's my fiancé's magic at work.
門番: なるほど、そうだったのですか。………………。
ええ!? その方の、魔法!?というか……妻!? ご結婚されたので!?
Gatekeeper: Oh! I should have real...ized...
Her magic?! Your fiancé?! S-since when were you engaged?!
コンスタンツェ: つ、妻……。
Constance: His...fiancé...
門番: 先生、おめでとうございます!本日は朗報ありでしたね!
問題はなさそうですので、皆に安全を知らせてまいります! お邪魔しました!
Gatekeeper: Well, congratulations in that case!
If that's all this is, then I'll let the others know to stand down!
コンスタンツェ: ……ああ貴方! ずるいですわ!不意打ちが過ぎますわよ!
Constance: My dearest! You must warn me next time before tossing such charged language.
Byleth: 何が? What?
コンスタンツェ: いきなり私を……その、困らせて……嬉しくて恥ずかしいではありませんの!
Constance: What you called me. Oh, I'm all aflutter! I can't tell whether this is delight or embarrassment!
Regardless, I shall consider it to be fair play.
I haven't felt my spirits lifted so since the last time I made a breakthrough in my research!
Byleth: ところで…… Speaking of which...
コンスタンツェ: 何ですの?え? あの魔法で家を再興できるのか?
Constance: Hm? Oh! Do you suppose that piece of spellcraft will suffice to see my house restored?
It surely qualifies as a grand achievement, yes? One that shall go down in history!
As for what other purpose it might serve, I leave that up to you.
You won't object to that, I take it? After all, you can't refuse a request from your darling fiancé!
Ahaha! Ahahaha!
Almost as soon as Byleth and Constance were wed in a spectacular ceremony, the battle with those who slither in the dark began in earnest.
Constance's efforts to understand and implement the magical techniques of the enemy quickly became instrumental, both to the fight and to the era of peaceful Imperial rule that followed.
Though the couple was known during their time for their countless contributions to the Empire, they were remembered best for their charming, if unnerving, anecdotes of a wife's relentless insistence on using her husband as a test subject for experiments.
After taking his place as the new archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced his marriage to Constance, who was given peerage for her service in war and permitted to revive House Nuvelle.
Praised for her innovative talent, she rapidly rose to prominence in the new era, and her house came to be relied upon as a valued leader in magical research and development for generations.
Though the couple was known during their time as pioneer reformers for the church, they were remembered best for their charming, if unnerving, anecdotes of a wife's relentless insistence on using her husband as a test subject for experiments.
After ascending to the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan, Byleth announced his marriage to Constance, who was given peerage for her service in war and permitted to revive House Nuvelle.
Praised for her innovative talent, she rapidly rose to prominence in the new era, and her house came to be relied upon as a valued leader in magical research and development for generations.
She was not without her detractors, however. Jealous rumors persisted throughout her life that the rays of the sun compelled her to retreat into hiding, threatening to reveal her monstrous true form.