クロード: よう、先生。相変わらず愛想のない顔してんなあ。
Claude: Hey, Teach. I see you’re as stony-faced as usual.
Hmm. I can’t tell if you’re feeling resigned or if you’re just lost in thought. Or maybe you simply don’t care about anything that’s going on.
Oh… Sorry. I really didn’t mean to be rude. I just find you fascinating.
Actually, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about. Can you spare some time?
Choice1 構わない Sure.
クロード: 流石は、先生。新米教師にしちゃ上出来な対応だ。
Claude: That’s just the sort of attitude I’d expect from a new teacher!
Choice2 忙しい I’m busy.
クロード: おいおい、あんたも教師なら積極的に生徒と向き合わなきゃ駄目だろ。
Claude: Is that right? Maybe this is news to you, but teachers are supposed to display an active interest in the well-being of their students. Students…like me.
クロード: とはいえ、ついこの間までは、血生臭い戦場に身を置いてた傭兵だったんだもんな。
Claude: Speaking of, before you came here, you were a mercenary, right? Always getting your hands dirty on the battlefield and whatnot?
It’s a bit unusual that you suddenly decided to become a teacher one day.
In any case, I've been meaning to ask. Did your father teach you how to fight?
Choice1 そう Yes, he did.
クロード: 親父さん、元騎士団長なんだろ?傭兵としても活躍してたようだしな。
Claude: I figured. Your father used to lead the knights, didn’t he? And I hear he was a legendary mercenary as well.
Choice2 違う Ne, he didn’t.
クロード: そうなのか? だが、教えは受けてなくても親父さんの戦い方を見てきたんだろ。
Claude: Is that so? Well, I’m sure you grew up watching his fighting style, even if he didn’t teach you directly.
クロード: しかし、あんたも傭兵になっちまって、母親は寂しかったんじゃないのか?
Claude: It must have been hard on your mother when you followed in your father’s footsteps and became a mercenary too.
Bylth: 母親はいない I never knew my mother.
クロード: あ、そうか……じゃあ、ずっと親父さんに戦場を連れ回されてたってわけだ。
Claude: I see. I suppose you grew up moving from battlefield to battlefield with your father then.
You know, for someone who’s right around the same age as me, you certainly have an unusual amount of composure.
I guess it’s only natural that you’d be different from young nobles who grew up in the lap of luxury.
Byleth: クロードも貴族に見えない You don’t seem like a noble either.
クロード: おっとっと……これでも同盟諸侯の筆頭格、リーガン公爵家の嫡子なんだが。
Claude: Ha! Well, even so, I am heir to House Riegan, the leading family of the Alliance.
But I didn’t exactly grow up in luxury like most people of noble blood.
Hey, maybe that’s why you and I get along so well.
Folks like us should stick together. As house leader, I’ll do all I can to help you out. We can start by making time for more little chats like this.
クロード: ……ああ、先生。ちょっと待ってくれ、もうすぐ片づくから。
Claude: Hey, Teach! Hold on a minute, OK? I’m gonna have this cleared up in no time.
Choice1 何をしている? What are you doing?
クロード: 毒薬に関する面白い文献を見つけてね、試しに調合してみたんだ。
Claude: I came across a fascinating book about poisons, and so I wanted to try mixing one up myself.
Choice2 手伝おうか? Need some help?
クロード: いや、もうすぐ終わる。今、新しい毒薬を調合中でね。
Claude: Nah, that’s OK. I’ll be finished soon. I’m just in the middle of mixing up a new poison.
クロード: ………………。……よし、これで完成。
無色透明、無味無臭なんだ。使い勝手が良さそうだろ? 先生、試してみるか?
Claude: Aaand… done!
What do you think of that, Teach? A colorless odorless poison! Say …care to test it our for me?
Choice1 試してみる Sure.
クロード: おいおい、冗談だろ。こいつを飲むと、2日後に猛烈に腹を下すことになるぞ。
Claude: Whoa, really?! Heh, actually, I was just kidding. If you drink this, in two days’ time you’ll have terrible, um… let’s call it stomach trouble.
Choice2 飲むとどうなる?What does it do?
クロード: 飲んだ2日後に猛烈に腹を下すんだ。命を奪わず動きを封じる、平和な毒薬だ。
Claude: In two days’ time you’ll have a terrible case of…let’s call it stomach trouble. It’s a peaceful poison, so you’ll live, but you’ll certainly be inconvenienced.
クロード: 2日後ってのが気に入ってね。直前に仕込むのが難しい状況でも使える。
Claude: I hear your silent question, Teach. Why the delay? That’s so it can be used even If you don’t have access to the target when you need the poison to take effect.
Um, naturally, I have no immediate plans for this stuff! I suppose I just felt like broadening the ol’ horizons a bit.
When devising schemes, it’s best to have as many options at your disposal as possible. Expanding those options is kind of a hobby for me.
Byleth: なぜそんな物騒な趣味を? Why such a dangerous hobby?
クロード: そうだな……そういう類の備えが必要な環境で育ったからかな。
Claude: Well, I grew up in an environment where it was necessary to think that way.
It’s like I told you before, I wasn’t born into a life of luxury.
Ever since I was a child, I've always been seen as… different from those around me. An outsider of sorts.
I've been resented and hated. There have even been attempts on my life. I don’t believe I've earned such treatment, but that’s how it goes for people like me.
Byleth: 異物には見えない I don’t think of you as an outsider.
クロード: もちろん俺はただの人間さ。けど、どんな人間だって特定の環境下じゃ異物になる。
Claude: Thanks, Teach. You know, in many ways I’m just a normal person like everyone else. But in the right environment, anyone could be seen as an outsider.
I can become… overwhelming. That’s why I kept running. Kept fighting.
As a kid I spent a lot of time licking my wounds and coming up with schemes, trying to keep my nose out of trouble while plotting against my enemies.
My parents always told me I wouldn’t grow stronger if I didn’t learn to fight my own battles.
And so, in the end, I did. And I grew up to be as independent and self-reliant as my parents always wished for me to be. Lucky me, right?
Choice 1: 苦労したのか You’ve been through a lot.
Choice 2: 立派に成長して良かった You grew up well.
クロード: おっとっと、他人事かよ?先生だって異物の資質は十分あるんだぜ。
Claude: If anyone knows what I’m talking about, it must be you. Eh, Teach? I get the feeling you know what it’s like to be an outsider.
The moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew you weren’t like everyone else. People don’t care for folks like that… You’d do well to watch your back.
On the bright side, that’s also part of the reason that I find you so interesting.
クロード: なあ、先生。あんたは神様ってのを信じてるか?
Claude: Hey, Teach. Do you believe in gods?
I don't necessarily mean the goddess of the Seiros religion. Just...gods in general.
Do you believe in incredible beings who control the fates of all really exist?
Choice 1: 信じている I do.
クロード: へえ……意外だな。俺も、最近は少し信じ始めてるけどな。
Claude: Huh. That's not the answer I was expecting. Though, honestly, I've recently become a bit of a believer myself.
Choice 2: 信じていない I do not.
クロード: やっぱり、そうか。俺も、まったく信じてなかったよ。
Claude: Yeah, I didn't think so. I never used to believe in that sort of thing either.
クロード: 元々、俺は神頼みってのが嫌いでね。頼れるのは自分だけだと信じてきた。
Claude: I've always hated the idea of praying to a god. After all, you can only really rely on yourself.
I still believe that. You can't win a war by leaving your fate in the hands of a god.
Only tangible facts can really decide a war. Which side has the most troops, the best tactics, the better organization and planning.
Of course, miracles can happen. And by that, I mean things that are completely out of your control.
Things that only seem to add up if you believe in he concept of fate...
Things like...well, like meeting you, for example.
Byleth: What do you mean?
クロード: あんたはどうやら、とんでもない奴らしい。みんな、そう思ってるぜ。
Claude: You just seem sort of...impossible. I think everyone would agree with that.
You can wield the Sword of the Creator, you're a tactical genius, and you have this strange ability to earn the trust of anyone you cross paths with.
Before I met you, I never imagined that it was possible for someone like you to exist.
And yet, now that I know you, your presence in my life has quickly become invaluable.
In fact, it's hard to imagine making my dreams come true without your help.
Because of that, I can't believe for a second that our meeting was just a coincidence. That means it must have been fate.
Maybe it was a miracle. Or maybe some god empathized with me and my dreams.
Byleth: その神様は……? Some god?
クロード: あー、フォドラの女神様とは違う神さ。つっても想像できないかな。
Claude: Again, I don't mean the goddess of Fódlan. Though... I suppose it may be hard for you to grasp what I'm talking about.
People all over the world have different ideas about who or what the gods are, right? Even in distant lands across the ocean or over the mountains...
They have gods who see the world as a whole, who don't care about Fódlan's borders...
Who don't meddle in our affairs. Who don't grant life or take it away.
And maybe, sometimes, they'll make a miracle happen. A god like that... That's the sort of god I think I could believe in.
Choice1: よくわからない I don't understand.
クロード: まあ、俺の中の神様の話だ。
Claude: Well, it doesn't really matter. Maybe gods like that only exist in my own head.
Choice2: 分かる気がする I think I understand.
クロード: おいおい、そんなこと言ったら、セイロス教徒に怒られちまうぜ?
Claude: Careful, Teach! You'll anger the followers of Seiros if you say things like that.
クロード: ただ、俺は思うんだよ。どんな神を信じるも自由。
Claude: I'm just speaking my mind, that's all. I think people should be free to believe in whatever gods they want.
If a person believes in a god and that god becomes a support system for them, that's a good thing.
That's what a god should be. Anyway... Maybe I've overstepped a bit.
Choice1: 構わない It doesn't matter.
クロード: だよな。あんたなら理解してくれると思ってたんだ。
Claude: I knew you'd understand.
Choice2: 大問題だ You have.
クロード: おいおい、脅かさないでくれよ。あんたなら理解してくれるだろ?
Claude: Sheesh, no need to take offense! I just thought you might understand how I feel.
クロード: ま、当分は俺とあんたの間だけの話にしといてくれよな。
Claude: In any case, let's keep this conversation between the two of us, yeah?
クロード: ……ああ、あんたか。どうしたんだ、こんな時間に。
Claude: Oh, hey there. What are you doing up at this hour?
Choice 1: 眠れなくて I couldn't sleep.
クロード: そうか。考えるべきことが多いと、なかなか寝つけないよな。
Claude: Is that right? I guess the more you have to think about, the harder it is to fall asleep.
Choice 2: I could ask you the same question. クロードこそ何を
クロード: 何だか頭が忙しくてさ。あれこれ考えてたら眼が冴えちまった。
Claude: My brain's just...busy. Thoughts keep going around and around in there, and meanwhile my eyes are wide open.
クロード: こういう時は、ぼんやり星空を眺めて頭を冷やすんだ。ガキの頃からそうしてた。
Claude: At times like this, I like to gaze up at the stars to clear my head. I've been that way since I was a kid.
Looking at the big, starry sky makes my dreams feel small...which makes it feel like I can actually make them come true.
I didn't believe in gods when I was a kid. Maybe that's because the night sky took their place for me.
Hey, Teach... Will you talk with me for a while?
クロード: ……とっくに気づいていると思うが、俺はフォドラの外の世界で生まれた。
Claude: I bet you've figured this out, bit I wasn't born in Fódlan.
Where I come from, the people of Fódlan are looked down on as cowards.
Technically, that cowardice runs in my veins. On my mother's side, anyway.
That's why the people who were around me when I was growing up thought of me as an outsider.
クロード: けど俺は、フォドラの民が臆病者じゃないと知ってた。そんな見方は偏見だと。
Claude: But I don't believe the people of Fódlan are cowards. That kind of perspective is just based on ignorance.
The person from Fódlan who I know best is my mother.
She fell in love with a man from the wrong side of the border and had the gets to leave home to pursue that love.
I always threw that in the faces of anyone who tried to make a fool of me. My mother is proof the people of Fódlan aren't all cowards.
クロード: だが、俺一人認められても意味がないんだ。土地に根づいた価値観ごと変えなきゃ。
Claude: Just saying that doesn't achieve anything, though. I need to destroy the prejudices that have taken root in my homeland.
That's why I came here, to see Fódlan with my own eyes. I thought I might be able to find a new perspective that could help me change things.
And what did I find? That the people here view anyone who's an outsider as a beast of sorts.
I was shocked. Even though our cultures and beliefs are completely different, our two lands have that much in common.
クロード: で、これはもう、この世界を全部まとめてひっくり返すしかないと思い至ったのさ。
Claude: That's when I realized the only way to change things is to bring the whole world together and start anew.
That's the dream I've been working toward since I first entered the Officers Academy five years ago.
To unify the Alliance, and then all of Fódlan, and to bring a new set of values to this new land of mine...
After that, I'd expand that vision to the rest of the world. Break down the walls and let a new perspective come rushing in! Start all over!
Do you think that's just a crazy pipe dream? Or a brilliant ambition?
Choice1: 夢物語は、実現しそう? Can you make that pipe dram come true?
Choice2: 野望は、叶えられそう? Can you rise to the challenge of that ambition?
クロード: 少し前までは、我ながら無謀すぎると思ってたが……
Claude: Not too long ago, I would have said that it was too much for me to accomplish on my own.
But that's not how I feel anymore. And that's because I have you on my side now.
Lately, I've spent a lot of time thinking about how I wouldn't have made it this far without you.
You and me, Teach. We can go anywhere. Do anything.
I hope that you always walk in step with me...
At least until the day comes when we can look out at the peaceful world we've built. Together.
クロード: ……呼び出して悪いな。あんたと二人きりで話したくてさ。
Claude: Sorry for calling you out here like this. I wanted to talk, just the two of us.
First of all, I wanted to say thank you for all your hard work. It seems like our long struggle may finally be coming to an end.
Byleth: 本当に終わりかな Do you think it's really the end?
クロード: はは、確かにこれからが大変だけどな。今のフォドラは生まれたての赤子同然だ。
Claude: The way forward will certainly be rough. Right now, Fódlan is like a newborn. Frail and easily upset.
If we don't create a new ruling system soon, the Empire and Kingdom will descend into chaos.
The coronation ceremony is the first step. Only then will Fódlan truly be a single, united land.
I'm sorry that I won't be by your side at such an important event, but I'm certain you'll do great.
Byleth: 側にいられない……? You won't be there?!
クロード: 俺は故郷に帰らなきゃならない。統一王国の王様は、あんたに任せる。
Claude: I must return to my homeland. As for ruling this new, unified land... Well, I'll leave that to you.
Byleth: ……!? ...
クロード: 俺に流れるフォドラの血……それはもう、利用できるだけ利用した。
Claude: The Fódlan blood that flows in my veins... I've made use of it as best I could.
Now I've got to use my other bloodline to change my homeland for the better.
I have royal connections there too, insignificant as they may be. It's time for me to struggle all over again and see what good I can do.
If I don't change things in both Fódlan and the lands beyond, I'll never set eyes on the kind of world I've dreamed of creating.
Byleth: 自分に王は無理だ I can't be a ruler.
クロード: あんたはレアさんが指名した後継者で、今やフォドラを救った英雄だ。
Claude: You're the successor Rhea appointed, aren't you? And now you're also the hero who saved Fódlan.
All those weak people who have nothing to cling to but their goddess... They'll rely on you just like they used to rely on Rhea.
You'll be a leader all who are struggling to survive in war-torn lands can look up to.
And I... I want a ruler who can lay down a new set of values for the people. Values that don't exclude anyone for being different.
I know it's a lot to ask. But you're the only one who can do it.
Byleth: ………………。...
クロード: ……これを受け取ってくれるか。
Claude: I have something else to ask. Please... I hope you'll accept this.
When I first saw you wield the Sword of the Creator, I wanted to use your power to my advantage.
I wanted to use you to make my dream of a new world come true.
But before long, I realized what I really wanted was to see that new world... with you by my side.
クロード: その想いは今も変わらない。これからも。だからこそ、俺は行く。
Claude: I still feel that way, you know. I always will. That's why I have to leave.
But nothing will stop me from coming back. There's no way I'm gonna let you go. You know that, don't you?
クロード: ありがとう、Byleth。
Claude: Thank you... For everything.
I'll be back before you know it. We'll only be apart for a short while.
And now... I'm off to cross Fódlan's Throat.
I love you. With everything I am. And the next time we see each other... it will be at the dawn of a whole new world. A peaceful, happy world.
After ascending the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan, Byleth sought to rebuild the war-torn towns and villages and to help guide the reformation of the Church of Seiros.
After a few months of peace, remnants of the Imperial army joined with those who slither in the dark and marched upon the capital city of Derdriu.
The new kingdom lacked the power to repel the invaders, but when defeat seemed imminent, a battle cry rang out from the east.
Claude, the newly-crowned King of Almyra, led a mighty army that broke through the rebel forces with ease. This show of solidarity forever altered the course of history, heralding a new age of unity.
クロード: ……ああ、先生か。何で女神の塔なんかに……
Claude: Oh. Hey, Teach. What brings you to the Goddess Tower?
You know what, never mind. The answer is as clear as day. You couldn't bear the ball anymore and simply had to escape.
Choice 1: そういうわけでは…… I wouldn't say that...
Choice 2: 単に休憩を…… I just needed a break.
クロード: まあ、いいっていいって。ああいう賑やかな場は苦手そうだもんな。
Claude: There's nothing wrong with admitting you're not comfortable in a noisy crowd.
Really, I get it. I'm the same way.
Byleth: 嘘では? I don't believe it.
クロード: ははは、見抜かれたか!いや、舞踏会が苦手ってのは本当だぜ?
Claude: Ha! See right through me, do you? But I really do mean it. Parties aren't for me.
Music and fun are all well and good, but those dances the nobles do are...something else.
I was never really taught to do that sort of thing. My upbringing was...lacking in certain ways.
Choice 1: 名門貴族なのに Even though you're from a noble family?
Choice 2: 盟主の嫡子なのに Even though you're heir to the Alliance?
クロード: そうなんだけどさ。肩書きは手に入っても、中身までは簡単に変えられないだろ。
Claude: Even so. I may have secured a fancy new title, but who I am on the inside... Well, status alone can't change that.
That's a bit of an aside, though. Say, Teach... have you heard the legends about this tower?
They say if a man and a woman pray for the same thing here, on this night, the goddess will grant their wish without fail.
Byleth: なぜ今夜? Why tonight?
クロード: さあ……舞踏会ってのは本来、大修道院が落成した日を祝う行事だよな。
Claude: Who knows? Maybe it has something to do with celebrating the anniversary of the monastery's completion.
Maybe the goddess comes down from above on this night and this night alone to celebrate with us. Even goddesses like to party, right?
The truth is that it's just a legend the students here like to tell. It's not based on any real facts.
But I suppose it would be a waste to pass up a chance of having our wish granted. What do you say, Teach? Care to try?
Byleth: 何を願えば……? What would we pray for?
クロード: そうだなあ……「野望成就」でどうだ?
Claude: Hm... Let's see... How about we pray for our ambitions to come true?
You don't exactly seem like the selfish type, but even you must have an ambition or two.
Choice 1: ある I do.
クロード: だと思ったよ。いや、誰だって同じだけどな。
Claude: That's what I thought. It's the same for everyone.
Choice 2: ない I do not.
クロード: はっきりと意識してなくても、何かしらあるはずだぜ?
Claude: Even if you're not aware of it, I'm sure there's something your heart of hearts wishes for.
Choice 3: 希望、なら More of a hope...
Claude: That's what I thought. It's the same for everyone.
クロード: 全部満たされてる人間なんてそうはいない。みんな何かしら望みを抱えてるもんさ。
Claude: No one is ever completely satisfied. Everyone has something they long for. Otherwise, what's the point of it all?
Of course, same goes for me. Without even realizing it, I found myself holding tight to some pretty big ambitions.
If you would... I would love for you to share in those ambitions with me, Teach.
But all that aside, let's get started. Let's pray to the goddess before she tuckers out for the evening. OK... Here goes.
Here goes のあと、咳払い
クロード: 主よ! 我らの望みを叶えたまえ!我らの野望を成就させたまえ!
Claude: Oh, divine Goddess! Hear our prayers! We beseech you and your radiance! Please, grant us that which we seek!
I think that should do it. The goddess'll make our dreams come true now, yeah?
Byleth: どうだろう? I wonder.
クロード: まあ、そういうことにしとこうぜ。信じる信じないは俺たちの自由だからな。
Claude: At any rate, we've done all we can. Whether we actually believe our dreams will come true or not is up to us.
I suppose we should head back soon. I'm sure everyone is looking for you.
Just promise to spare a dance for me. OK, Teach? I swear, so long as it's not one of those goofy noble dances, I am a treasure on the dance floor!