Byleth: ………………。 ...
カスパル: よっ、先生!何やってんだ?
Caspar: Hey, Professor! What's going on?
Choice 1: 静かに Quiet.
カスパル: わかったけど、何で静かにする……あっ、怪しい奴がいるからか!
Caspar: Uh, OK. Why are we being so quiet though? Ah! Look at that guy! He looks pretty suspicious.
Choice 2: 怪しい奴が…… There's a suspicious man...
カスパル: 怪しい奴だと!どこだ!? あっ、あれか!
Caspar: A suspicious man? Where? Oh! Is that him?
カスパル: あいつ、どこで何をしようってんだ?先生、さっさと捕まえようぜ。
Caspar: What do you think he's up to? Never mind that, let's get him!
Choice 1: 様子を見よう Let's keep watch for now.
カスパル: 様子を見るって……そんなまどろっこしいこと、オレは嫌だな!
Caspar: Keep watch? So boring.
Choice 2: 怪しいだけでは捕まえられない Suspicion isn't enough to go on.
カスパル: 何でだ?捕まえてから吐かせりゃいいじゃねえか。
Caspar: Why not? We can figure out what he's up to after we capture him.
カスパル: あいつは悪い奴だって、オレのよく当たる勘が言ってるんだよ。
Caspar: My instincts tell me that he's up to no good, and my instincts are never wrong.
C'mon, let's get him before he has a chance to strike!
Choice 1: 少し落ち着け You need to calm down...
カスパル: これが落ち着いていられるかよ。先生、いいか? オレが……
あっ! あの道の先には、確か、子供がよく集まる広場が!
Caspar: There's no time to calm down! I'm just gonna—
Oh no! The path he's walking down leads to the plaza where the kids play...
Choice 2: あの道の先は…… That path he's walking leads to...
カスパル: あっ!?確か、子供がよく集まる広場が……
Caspar: Huh? Ahh! It leads to the plaza where the kids play!
カスパル: させるかああ!うおおおりゃああああっ!!
Caspar: There's no way I'm letting this guy get anywhere near those kids!
カスパル: ………………。
Caspar: Urgh...
セイロス騎士: カスパル君。なぜ先生の言うことを聞かなかった。
Knight of Seiros: Caspar. Why did you disobey your professor?
カスパル: そりゃ……
Caspar: Ah. Well, I—
セイロス騎士: これは理由を問うているのではない。反省を促しているのだ。
Knight of Seiros: I am not seeking excuses from you. I asked because I want you to consider your actions and apologize for them.
It just so happens that you were correct in your assumption that this man was a villain.
If that were not so, he would not have chosen to take his own life upon seeing you advancing toward him.
カスパル: だろ?だからオレは……
Caspar: Great! So I was—
セイロス騎士: だが、君のせいで、それ以上のことは何もわからない。
Knight of Seiros: But because of your actions, that is all we know.
There is no way for us to know who he was, what he was planning to do, or if he has allies lurking about.
The only lead we have is a scorpion tattooed on his arm.
If this indicates that he was a member of an underground organization, we have no way of dealing with it!
Are you prepared to be held responsible if his group commits a serious crime?
Choice 1: 止められなかった自分のせいだ It was my fault for failing to stop him.
Choice 2: 責任は教師である自分に As his professor, I will take responsibility.
セイロス騎士: いや、そういうわけには……
Knight of Seiros: Oh, I couldn't possibly—
カスパル: 何でだよ、先生!オレもあんたも悪くねえだろ!
Caspar: What are you talking about, Professor? We didn't do anything wrong!
Those kids might've been in danger if we didn't act.
I couldn't just stand by and let that happen!
Byleth: ………………。 ...
カスパル: なあ、先生。ずっと悩んでることがあんだよ、オレ。
Caspar: Hey, Professor. Something's been bothering me...
Remember that suspicious guy I chased after back when I was a student?
A knight scolded me for it, but at the time, I really thought I was doing the right thing.
Now that I've had more experience on the battlefield though...
帝国将 / セイロス騎士: ここにいましたか。時間もないので、手短に報告いたします。
Imperial Soldier / Knight of Seiros: I've been looking for you. There isn't much time, so I'll keep this brief.
The knights encountered a band of brigands while out marching. It was hard fought, but we prevailed.
Our soldiers are highly trained, but the enemy was formidable and we weren't expecting combat...
There were a number of casualties among our troops.
Choice 1: 冥福を祈る I pray for their souls.
帝国将 / セイロス騎士: :は、ありがとうございます。それで、ですね……
Knight of Seiros / Imperial Soldier: Much appreciated, but there's a reason I need to bring this to your attention.
Choice 2: なぜ自分に報告を? Why report this to me?
帝国将 / セイロス騎士: : それなのですが……
Knight of Seiros / Imperial Soldier: There is something I wanted to bring to your attention...
帝国将: 今回討伐した盗賊たちは皆、揃って腕に蠍の刺青を入れておりまして……
Imperial Soldier:
セイロス騎士: 5年前、ガルグ=マクにいた不審者が自決した件を覚えていらっしゃいますか?
Knight of Seiros: Do you recall the incident five years ago involving a suspicious individual in Garreg Mach?
These brigands all bore the same scorpion tattoo that we found on the arm of that man.
カスパル: ……!
Caspar: Oh no...
セイロス騎士: 念のためご報告しておこうと思いまして。
Knight of Seiros / Imperial Soldier: I thought that might be of interest to you.
Byleth: ありがとう Thank you.
帝国将: いえ、では私はこれで失礼します。
Knight of Seiros / Imperial Soldier: Don't mention it. If you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my duties.
カスパル: はっ、偶然ってのは怖えな、先生。オレがその話をちょうどしかけたところにこれだぜ?
Caspar: Heh. Heck of a coincidence, right? Soon as I mention that suspicious guy, this happens...
Choice 1: ………………。 ...
Choice 2: 討伐されて良かった It's good to hear they've finally been dealt with.
カスパル: だけど、騎士の連中には死人が出たって言ってたよな。
Caspar: But some of the knights died in combat.
They died because of what I did five years ago. This is my fault...
If I'd stayed quiet and tracked the guy down like you said, we would've stopped those brigands sooner. And I wouldn't have blood on my hands...
Choice 1: そうとは限らない Not necessarily.
カスパル: 気休めはいいって。そうだ、って言ってくれよ、先生。
Caspar: It's no use trying to comfort me. You know I'm right. Just say it. Those poor knights... It's all my fault...
Choice 2: 代わりに子供に危害が及んだかも But he might have harmed the children.
カスパル: そんなこと、わからねえじゃん。でも、騎士が死んだのはひっくり返らねえ。
Caspar: But he probably wouldn't have! Now those knights... They're not coming back...
We both know it... This is all my fault...
カスパル: 先生、ちょっといいか?聞いてほしいことがあってよ。
Caspar: Do you have a minute, Professor? I gotta talk to you.
I've been thinking a lot about those brigands with the scorpion tattoos, and I realized something...
I mean, I'll feel better if I get this off my chest, right?
Choice 1: 聞かせて Let's hear it.
Choice 2: 聞かなくても大丈夫 You don't have to tell me.
カスパル: いやいや、オレが人生で一番、頭使ったんだから、ちゃんと聞いてくれよ!
Caspar: No, I really want you to hear this. I've never thought about something so hard in my life!
カスパル: よし、じゃあ言うからな。
Caspar: OK. Listen.
I think... I can't deny who I am.
I know you were right five years ago when you told me not to chase after that suspicious guy...
カスパル: でも、それでも、もしあの怪しい男が子供たちを傷つけてたら……
Caspar: But I still can't get over the possibility that he might have hurt those kids.
I would have regretted not stopping him for the rest of my life. There's no way I could forgive myself.
It sounds awful to say, but the safety of those kids is more important to me than the knights we lost.
I'm sorry, Professor, but I can't promise that I won't disobey your orders in the future.
Choice 1: それで構わない That's OK.
Choice 2: それを使いこなすのも自分の務め It's my job to take that into account.
カスパル: ああ、わかってる。こんな危ねえ奴、軍に入れられねえよな。
Caspar: I know. It's too big a risk to keep me around...
I won't cause a fuss. I'll just pack my bags and— Wait. What?
Byleth: 何を言っている I think you misunderstood.
カスパル: いや、え? いいのか?軍紀を守れないかもしれねえのに?
Caspar: I-I guess so! You're really OK with me sticking around? Even if I might not always follow orders?
People could get hurt if you let me keep doing things my way.
Byleth: やり方は人それぞれ We'll make it work.
カスパル: 人それぞれって……はああ? それでいいのかよ!
Caspar: Just like that? I almost can't believe it...
I really struggled to come to this decision, you know!
I want to stand by your side, but I won't stop standing up for what I believe in.
I know I might cause trouble for everyone, but...
I just... You know, I...
Oh, I give up. I've got nothing else to say. I should've just kept my mouth shut.
Byleth: これからも一緒に頑張ろう It's OK. I'm counting on you.
カスパル: ああ……先生、ありがとう。
Caspar: Yeah, I know. Thanks, Professor.
Thanks for accepting me for who I am.
I'm glad I get to keep fighting by your side.
Goddess Tower
カスパル: よっしゃあああ!オレは、勝った!!
Caspar: Yes! We did it!
Byleth: 声が大きい Do you really need to shout?
カスパル: ……って、先生!何でここにいんだよ!
Caspar: Huh? Oh! Professor! Um, what are you doing here?
Don't you have a lot of important stuff to do?
Unlike me, who obviously has a little too much free you can see...
Choice 1: カスパルから目が離せなくて I can't stay away.
カスパル: 目が離せないってどういうことだよ!別にいつもやらかしてるわけじゃねえって。
Caspar: You can't stay away? What's that supposed to mean? I know I can be a little reckless, but I don't need a babysitter!
Choice 2: 逃げ出してきた I ran away for a bit.
カスパル: さては、オレに会いに来たんだろ。
Caspar: Oh... Do you mean that you snuck out here 'cause you wanted to see me?
We can go train, if you want. The training ground isn't too far, and—
Byleth: 結婚しよう I love you, Caspar. I want to marry you.
カスパル: おう……。
Caspar: You...what?
Byleth: ………………。 ...
カスパル: ………………。
Caspar: ...
I don't... I don't really know what to say. I guess I never thought about marriage.
I mean, I never had a reason to. Ugh, now I'm babbling.
I always secretly hoped I could spend my life with you, but this is so unexpected.
Come on! You can't just spring something like this on me! Now I'm flustered and I can't think of the right thing to say.
I'm happy. And I can't stop grinning. I bet I look like a real fool right now!
Choice 1: にやけている Just a little.
カスパル: まあ、仕方ねえな。我慢できねえからよ。
Caspar: Well, whose fault is that?! I'm just...this is all a bit much.
Choice 2: 良い笑顔だ You have a lovely smile.
カスパル: それをにやけてるって言うんだよ!あー、恥じいな、ったく。
Caspar: Ugh. I knew it. I do have a silly grin on my face.
カスパル: オレからも、言わせてくれ。結婚しよう。
Caspar: All right. Now that I've pulled myself together, I want to tell you the same thing you told me. I love you, and I want to marry you!
Listen, I know I can be reckless, stubborn, and generally difficult to be around at times...
But you once said you'd accept me, even with all of my flaws.
When you said that, I made a promise to myself.
I promised that I'd always protect you.
And, well, sometimes you might have to protect me from myself, but I intend to keep my promise.
Choice 1: ありがとう Thank you.
カスパル: 礼を言うのはこっちだって!
Caspar: Hah! I'm the one who should be thanking you! Putting up with me and all...
Choice 2: にやけそう Now I'm going to start grinning too...
カスパル: にやけろにやけろ!そしたらオレとお揃いだしな!
Caspar: Well, let's see it! I shouldn't be the only one who has to look so ridiculous!
カスパル: ……よし!そしたらいっちょ気合入れるか!
Caspar: Phew! OK! I gotta let all these emotions out...
I know! You should shout with me! Ready?
Byleth: せーの One, two, and...three!
カスパル: 一生、好きだあああ!!
Aww, come on! You didn't do it!
Almost immediately after Byleth and Caspar had celebrated their marriage in style, the battle against those who slither in the dark began in earnest. As the new Minister of Military Affairs, Caspar worked with Byleth to command the Imperial army and bring peace to Fodlan. His impulsive bravery, tempered by his spouse's more level head, proved instrumental to victory in a great many battles. Their troops became known most of all for their ability to laugh in the face of danger.
After taking on the role of archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced her marriage to Caspar.
But Caspar, never one to sit still for long, set out on a journey of self-discovery.
He traveled to every corner of Fodlan and occasionally even took the archbishop along. It is said that he got into mischief at every turn, and that the archbishop sometimes had to invoke her authority to calm things down, but that the victims of his antics always came away more amused than harmed or offended in the end.
The stories of their travels were remembered fondly for generations.
After ascending to the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fodlan, Byleth announced her marriage to Caspar. But Caspar, never one to sit still for long, set out on a journey of self-discovery. He traveled to every corner of Fodlan and even took Byleth along on occasion. It is said that he got into mischief at every turn, and that his wife sometimes had to invoke her authority to defuse the situation, but that the victims of his antics always came away more amused than harmed or offended in the end. The stories of their travels were remembered fondly for generations.
カスパル: お、いたいた。先生、女神の塔に用でもあんのか?
Caspar: Hey, Professor! I was looking all over for you. What are you doing up here?
I think this place is supposed to be off-limits...
Choice 1: 知らなかった I didn't know.
カスパル: まあ、それは建前で、みんな入ってるって話も聞いたけどよ。
Caspar: Well, that's the official rule. I don't think anyone follows it though.
Choice 2: 一応だから問題ない If it's only "supposed to be"...
カスパル: 確かに、みんな入ってるし、修道院の人も見て見ぬふりしてるって聞いたけどよ。
Caspar: Heh! Good point. No one follows that rule anyway, and I heard no one from the monastery really cares.
Byleth: 誰に聞いた? Where did you hear that?
カスパル: あー、名前覚えてねえや。
Caspar: Huh. I can't remember her name.
It was just some girl who started talking to me last night.
She was trying to get me to leave the ball tonight and go to the Goddess Tower with her.
カスパル: あ何かあんのかって聞いても、秘密だって教えてくれねえんだぜ。
Caspar: She wouldn't say what she wanted to do here though. Said it was a secret or something.
I told her I'd be too busy dancing and stuffing my face with food, so she left. Don't know why, but she didn't seem too happy about it.
I guess I was curious though, so I came to check it out.
That's when I saw you walking this way, so I followed you in.
Choice 1: That's just awful. 酷い話だ
カスパル: だろ? 何の説明もねえし、訳もわかんねえまま怒られるし……
Caspar: Isn't it? She wouldn't explain herself and she got angry!
Choice 2: I can't help but feel sympathetic. 流石に可哀想
Byleth: 酷いのはカスパルだ…… I was referring to you.
カスパル: 可哀想ってほどでもねえけど、訳も言わずに怒るのは勘弁してほしいよな。
Caspar: I appreciate that, but I'm not really looking for sympathy. I just wish she would've explained herself before getting all angry.
Byleth: 可哀想なのはカスパルじゃない…… My sympathy was not for you.
カスパル: そうなのか? 何でだ?ま、過ぎた話だし、気にしてねえよ。
Caspar: Huh? Why? Well, it's all over now. Can't change what's in the past.
Choice 1: 前向きなのは良いことだ I like your positive attitude.
カスパル: そうだよな!先生、やっぱわかってるぜ!
Caspar: Thanks! I had a feeling you'd get it.
Choice 2: たまには振り返ろう Maybe you should worry about the past a little.
カスパル: えー……。オレ、振り返るの苦手なんだよ。
Caspar: Ugh. Really? I just don't like to dwell... But if you say so, I could keep it in mind.
カスパル: さて、それじゃオレは戻るとすっか。先生も一緒に来るか?
Caspar: Anyway, I'm going to head back to the ball. You coming?
Doesn't look like there's anything too exciting going on here.
Choice 1: 戻ろう Let's head back.
カスパル: ま、先生と話せただけ良かったってことにするか。
Caspar: Maybe coming to the tower wasn't a total waste of time. I got to talk to you at least, right?
Choice 2: もう少しいる I'm going to stay.
カスパル: そっか。それじゃ、風邪引くなよ?
Caspar: All right. Don't stay too long though. You might catch cold.
カスパル: まーた腹が減ってきちまった。行くぜ! 2度目の晩飯がオレを待ってる!
Caspar: Welp, I'm starting to get hungry again. Time to fill up on some more food!