アッシュ: 買い物、遅くまでかかっちゃいましたね。先生に付き合ってもらえて、助かりました。
Ashe: Phew—shopping took longer than I thought. It's a good thing I had your help, Professor!
Looks like we've got everything we came for. Time to head back to the monastery.
To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure if the money that knight gave us would be enough.
We managed to scrape by though! I'm glad those shopkeepers were willing to strike a few bargains.
Choice 1: 値切りが効いた Thanks to your bartering skills.
Choice 2: 買い物上手だ You are quite the shopper.
アッシュ: あはは、買い物は数少ない特技なんです。僕、街での暮らしが長かったから。
Ashe: It's one of the few things I'm really good at. I've got a lot of experience living in the city.
Money was tight for me too. At least until a kind noble adopted me into his family.
Come to think of it, you were originally a mercenary, weren't you? I'm sure you've traveled all over Fódlan.
That must have been a pretty different life from regular folks like me.
Choice 1: 同じようなものだ Not so different, actually.
アッシュ: そうなんですか?うーん、僕には全然違うように見えますけど……。
Ashe: Huh, you think so?
Choice 2: 違うと思う You're probably right.
アッシュ: そうですよね。いろいろなところを、戦いながら旅しなきゃいけないわけですし……。
Ashe: It sounds a lot more exciting though, traveling the world, from conflict to conflict!
アッシュ: 傭兵は、人と戦うのがお仕事なんですよね。……大変だよなあって思っちゃいます。
Ashe: But a mercenary's whole job is fighting, isn't it? Must be a pretty tough way to live.
Choice 1: 大変だった It was pretty tough.
アッシュ: そうですよね……。
Ashe: I believe you. I can imagine!
Choice 2: 大変ではなかった It wasn't so bad.
アッシュ: そういうものなんですね。……すごいなあ、先生は。
Ashe: Wow, I guess you must get used to it. That's really incredible though.
アッシュ: ……あ!
Ashe: Ah!
アッシュ: この本、こんなところでも売ってたんだ。うわあ、懐かしいなあ……
Ashe: I had no idea they sold this book around here! I haven't seen this one for ages!
Byleth: その本は? What's the book?
アッシュ: 『ルーグと風の乙女』。ファーガスでは有名な、騎士道物語ですよ。
僕ら昔からこの本が大好きで! 読み書きを覚えたのも、この本を読むためで……
Ashe: Loog and the Maiden of Wind. It's a well-known take of chivalry in Faerghus.
L-Loog is the King of Lions. This book is full of his exciting adventures!
I've loved this since I was a kid! It was what got me learning to read.
暴漢: その本、寄越しなッ!
Ruffian: Gimme that book!
アンナ: な、何、あなた!
ど、泥棒! 泥棒よー!誰か、あの人を捕まえてー!
Anna: Hey, creep! Don't touch the merch!
What the—?! Somebody catch that thief! Cut him in half, like my prices!
アッシュ: お、お姉さん、落ち着いてください。
Ashe: Please... Calm down, ma'am.
アンナ: あの本を盗られたら大損なのよ!すっごく高いんだから、あれ!
Anna: You calm down, kid! If he gets away with that valuable merch, it'll be a huge loss for me!
アッシュ: あの、もしよければ……代金は、僕が払いますよ。
Ashe: Here, allow me to compensate you.
Byleth: いいのか? Are you sure about that, Ashe?
アンナ: え? あなた、それでいいの?私は助かっちゃうけど。
Anna: Huh? Are you serious, kid? I mean no objections over here, but that sounds crazy.
アッシュ: あ、お構いなく! あの人を捕まえたら、ちゃんとお金を払ってもらいますから。
Ashe: Don't you worry. That thief will be paying me back, just as soon as I catch him.
Head on back to the monastery, Professor. I'll take care of everything here!
Byleth: ………………。 …
アッシュ: あ、先生。ちょうどよかった。いつかの泥棒さんの話、しましたっけ?
Ashe: Hey, Professor! Did I ever tell you what happened with that thief?
Choice 1: 泥棒さん? Thief?
アッシュ: ほら、街で出くわしたじゃないですか。露店から本を盗んでいった、あの人です。
Ashe: You know, the book thief we encountered in town.
Choice 2: 聞いていない No, you didn't.
アッシュ: あの後、僕は泥棒さんを追いかけて、無事に捕まえたんですけど……。
Ashe: I went after him, and I did manage to catch up, but...
Choice 1: 逃げられた? He escaped?
アッシュ: あっ、ちゃんと捕まえましたよ。僕、足の速さには自信がありますからね!
Ashe: Oh, no, I captured him easily. I'm pretty quick on my feet, you know!
But I decided not to make him pay for the book.
Choice 2: お金を払ってもらえなかった? You couldn't get him to pay for the book?
アッシュ: ……はい。払ってもらわなかったって言った方が、正しいかもしれませんね。
Ashe: Sort of. I actually decided not to make him pay for it.
アッシュ: あはは、だから実を言うとあの後しばらく、お金がなくて大変だったんですよ。
Ashe: My pockets were pretty empty after that incident, if you want to know the truth.
What happened was, when I caught him, I asked him why he stole the book.
He said he thought it would fetch a good price, and that he really needed the money.
He had a sick kid, and couldn't pay for medicine.
Choice 1: 騙されている Sounds like a lie to me.
Choice 2:子供がいる年齢には見えなかったが He didn't look old enough to have children.
アッシュ: そ、それはそうかもしれませんけど……。
Ashe: Maybe you're right.
But if he really did have a sick child, that would be a matter of life and death.
A little money is nothing compared to that. I'd rather believe a lie than risk someone's life if I'm wrong.
And to be completely honest, there was a time when I wasn't so different from him.
Byleth: 泥棒? You were a thief?
アッシュ: はい。……と言っても、もう何年も前の話ですけどね。
Ashe: It was a long time ago, and I've put all that behind me now, but yes. I was.
My parents died of illness, so I had to provide for my little brother and sister.
I did my best to earn money for them legitimately, but I wasn't able to bring home enough.
So I turned to thieving. From people on the streets. From shops. Even from soldiers.
I knew it was wrong, but seeing my brother and sister's smiling faces made me too happy to stop.
Choice 1: 想像できない I can't imagine what that must have been like.
Choice 2: 良いことではない It was definitely wrong.
アッシュ: 本当に後悔してます。今考えたら、本当に馬鹿だったなあって。
Ashe: I really regret that part of my life. I was stupid.
But shortly after I turned nine, I crept into a local noble's mansion, aiming to steal whatever I could get my hands on.
The noble had all sorts of valuables, but what really caught my eye was a book with a fancy cover.
That book was Loog and the Maiden of Wind. The knight in the illustrations was so impressive, I just couldn't tear my eyes away.
Choice 1: かっこいいから盗んだ? You stole it because you liked the cover?
アッシュ: あはは、もちろんそれもありますけど……本って、すごく高価なものですから。
Ashe: Well, that was part of it. But certain books are also really valuable, you know.
Choice 2: なるほど Go on.
アッシュ: ……で、本を盗んだ僕は、案の定その領主様に捕まっちゃって。
Ashe: You probably see where this is going. Moments after I grabbed the book, I was caught in the act by the noble.
And that noble was none other than Lonato.
But Lonato was incredibly kind. Without asking any questions, he gave me the book—and money too.
When I told him I couldn't read, he invited me into his mansion, along with my brother and sister. He taught me how to read, personally.
So with the thief I caught in town, I was trying to do the same thing. To be like Lonato.
I want to make up for the bad things I've done. To leave this world better than I found it.
That's why, even if it wasn't easy on my pockets, I'm proud to say I helped him.
Choice 1: 本当にそれで良かった? Are you sure you did the right thing?
Choice 2: それは自己満足では? Isn't that a little self-indulgent?
アッシュ: 先生……。もちろん僕だって、わかってるんです。
Ashe: I know what you're trying to say.
My contribution probably won't change much.
And it's not like I have the money to help everyone who's suffering from poverty.
Even so—I can't bear to stand by and do nothing.
What else could I have done, Professor?
アッシュ: ……あっ、先生!こんにちは!
Ashe: Oh! Hey, Professor!
Choice 1: 嬉しそうだ You're chipper as ever.
Choice 2: 何かあった? Something going on?
アッシュ: 実はさっき、買い物の最中にいつかの泥棒さんに会ったんですよ。
Ashe: Actually I ran into that thief while I was shopping just now!
Byleth: 泥棒……? Thief?
アッシュ: 先生は覚えてないかもしれませんね。もう、結構前の話ですし……
Ashe: Maybe you don't remember. It's been quite a while. The man who stole the book from that market stall.
I saw him on the street, with his kid. They were both so grateful.
It's a really nice feeling.
Byleth: 何はともあれ良かった I'm glad it all worked out.
アッシュ: ……やっぱり、生活は厳しいみたいで。先生の言うとおりでしたね。
Ashe: Yeah! But, ah...
It did seem like they were still having trouble getting by. I guess what you said to me back then was right.
My actions didn't really solve the problem. I can't help everyone, no matter how much I try.
If I had the money or power, maybe...but I don't
Byleth: 焦らなくていい You'll get there. No need to rush.
アッシュ: ………………。昔、ロナート様に同じことを言われました。
Ashe: You know, a long time ago, Lonato said nearly the same thing to me.
I think it was when I tried to look after the horses all on my own. I really messed that up.
He said, "You're not quite ready for this yet. But there's no need to rush."
I know I can't help very many people right now.
But I think doing what I can for those I see in front of me is still worthwhile.
I have to believe that, at least.
Choice 1: それでいい That's a fine way to look at it.
Choice 2: アッシュらしい That's just like you, Ashe.
アッシュ: えへへ……ありがとうございます。何だか、気持ちが軽くなった気がします。
Ashe: Thanks. That's reassuring to hear.
What about you, Professor? Has anything been troubling you lately?
I'd be happy to help, as long as it's not looking after horses. You might not want to trust me with that!
Choice 1: 特にない Nothing in particular has been bothering me, no.
アッシュ: そんなあ、そう言わないでくださいよ。小さなことでもいい、何かないんですか?
Ashe: Hey, don't be that way! There's got to be something. It doesn't have to be serious.
Choice 2: 何でまた? Why? Do I look troubled?
アッシュ: 多分、僕……誰かの役に立つこととか、人の喜ぶ顔とか……本当に好きなんです。
Ashe: I genuinely enjoy helping people. It's a great feeling, making someone smile.
So if there's anything I can do for you, I want to do it. Because I care about you.
Choice 1: 大好き……? You care about me, huh?
アッシュ: はい! 先生は何だか、昔のロナート様みたいです。
Ashe: Ah, I...didn't mean it in a romantic way. I just really look up to you!
Choice 2: 優しいね That's really kind.
アッシュ: あ、え、いや、そういうつもりじゃなくて。僕らの先生として、好きってことですよ!
Ashe: You think so? It's just what anyone would do, really!
アッシュ: ほら、先生、何でも言ってください!僕がお手伝いしますから!
Ashe: So, what'll it be? How can I help?
Choice 1: 雑談に付き合って Just chat with me a while longer.
アッシュ: 雑談……。……はい、僕でよければ喜んで!
Ashe: Happy to, if that's what you'd like!
Choice 2: 料理当番を手伝って Want to help me cook?
アッシュ: ……はい、喜んで! 先生と一緒に料理ができるなんて、嬉しいなあ!
Ashe: Of course! I'd be glad to cook with you!
アッシュ: あ、先生!こんなところにいたんですね。
Ashe: Professor! So, this is where you went off to.
You've been working so hard, you deserve a break. Is there any way I can lighten the load?
Choice 1: もう頼りにしている You're already a big help.
アッシュ: じゃあ、もっともっと頼ってください。先生の役に立ちたいです、僕。
Ashe: Maybe, but I'm sure there's more I could do.
Choice 2: もう頼りにしている Don't worry about me.
アッシュ: 心配しますよ! だって、顔に書いてありますもん、「疲れた」って。
Ashe: Easier said than done! Anyone can tell you're pretty worn out. It's practically written on your face.
アッシュ: きっとこれから、もっと忙しくなりますよ。今のうちに、休めるだけ休んどかないと。
Ashe: You need all the rest you can get. It's only going to get more hectic from here.
Even I'm tired, and I haven't done nearly as much. It's been a long struggle.
Choice 1: 確かに長かった Indeed it has.
アッシュ: ……そうですよね。
Ashe: Yeah...
Choice 2: あっという間だった It's all happened so fast.
アッシュ: そうでしょうか? 僕はあの戦争がずっと続くみたいに思えちゃって……。
Ashe: Really? At times I felt like the war would never end.
アッシュ: 戦争で討ち死にした人も、巻き込まれて命を落とした人たちもたくさんいる……
Ashe: So many people have died. And far too many of them were civilians.
But with the state we're in now, it might actually be the survivors who have it hardest.
I want to help them. Like Lonato helped me.
And now that I'm a knight, I feel like I actually can.
Choice 1: 一緒に頑張ろう Together, we can do anything.
Choice 2: 気長にやろう Let's take care of ourselves too.
アッシュ: ……はい!先生と一緒なら、頑張れる気がします!
Ashe: Definitely! When I'm by your side, I'm full of hope for the future.
And on that note...there's something I've been meaning to give you.
Byleth: これは…… This is...
アッシュ: 僕は……ずっと先生と一緒にいたい。これからも……ずっと、ずっとです。
Ashe: I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
I want to be there for every important moment. Every smile. Every hardship.
I know I'm just a commoner and nothing special.
I know I don't have a Crest or a prestigious family legacy. And I've done things I'm not proud of.
But if you'd be willing to look past all that...I also know we'd be great together.
Byleth: それは、つまり…… You mean...
アッシュ: ……は、はい!え、ええと、何て言えば良いんでしたっけ。
Ashe: Yes! Sorry, I'm...I'm struggling for the right words.
It's funny. I've rehearsed this so many times.
But when the moment actually came, it all just ran right out of my head.
What I mean to say is... I love you and I want to marry you.
Byleth: 自分も同じ気持ちだ I feel the same way.
アッシュ: えっ……先生も指輪を? あははは、すみません、ちょっとびっくりしました!
Ashe: You have a ring for me too?! Am I dreaming?
You really feel the same way about me...
Sorry, I'm kind of giddy. This doesn't feel real.
To go from a life of stealing on the streets, to marrying a wonderful person like you...
Am I even allowed to be this happy? I'm worried it could all come crashing down at any moment.
Choice 1: 当たるかも I guess it could.
アッシュ: だとしても、先生さえ隣にいてくれれば、どんな苦境にも立ち向かえると思います。
Ashe: Even so, as long as we're together, I think I can handle just about anything.
Choice 2: 気にするな Don't be.
アッシュ: ……確かに、そうですね。気にしたって、仕方のないことですもん。
Ashe: You're right. We should enjoy what we have, for as long as we have it.
アッシュ: 先生……それじゃこれからも、末永くよろしくお願いします!
Ashe: I'm looking forward to our future.
I know I have my shortcomings, but I promise you I'll do everything I can to make you happy!
Byleth and Ashe, after seeing the war through to its end, continued the fight against those who slither in the dark.
Supporting one another through that long, hard fight grew their love until they became totally inseparable.
When the fight was finally done, they departed together on a journey to heal the world, one person at a time.
No records exist of their journey, but the legend of this loving and charitable couple lives on in folktales.
When Byleth became the new archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Ashe served her faithfully-first as a knight and aide, and later as a husband.
With help from Faerghus, the archbishop put much toward the rebuilding effort with particular attention paid to relief for orphans in the form of food, beds, and even schooling.
It is said that these compassionate deeds were all Ashe's suggestions, but the modest knight always gave the credit to his beloved wife.
When Byleth ascended the throne of the United Kingdom of Fodlan, Ashe served the new leader faithfully-first as a knight and aide, and later as a husband. The queen, with help from the Church of Seiros, put much toward the rebuilding effort with particular attention paid to relief for orphans in the form of food, beds, and even schooling. It is said that these compassionate deeds were all Ashe's suggestions, but the modest knight always gave the credit to his beloved wife.
アッシュ: ……あっ、先生!先生も、ここへ休憩しに来たんですか?
Ashe: Professor! Did you come up here for a rest too?
Choice 1: そうだ That's right.
アッシュ: あはは、僕と同じですね。僕も、ちょっと疲れちゃって。
Ashe: I guess we think along the same lines. I was feeling kind of worn out.
Choice 2: アッシュを捜して Actually, I was looking for you.
アッシュ: えっ、僕を捜して……? それは……手間をかけさせてしまって、すみません!
Ashe: For me? Oh! I'm so sorry to put you out of your way!
I was just kind of worn out from all of the excitement. I am enjoying the ball, but it's a bit much, you know?
アッシュ: みんな舞踏会に慣れてるみたいでしたけど、僕はそういうのに縁がなかったので。
Ashe: Everyone else seems used to this kind of thing, but I've never been to anything like it before.
My friends did teach me a bit about proper manners and how to dance, but I still feel out of place.
Stepping on girls' feet, messing up the pretty floral decorations... Haha, I've been a bit of a disaster.
Sometimes I wonder if it's even right for someone like me to be in a place like this.
Choice 1: 自分もだ I feel that way sometimes too.
アッシュ: え、先生も……ですか?……あはは、何だか安心しました。
Ashe: Really? You do? That's kind of reassuring!
Choice 2: 場違いではない You have every right to be here.
アッシュ: そ、そうですよね。僕も士官学校の一員なんだから……。
Ashe: You're right, of course. I'm a student at the Officers Academy, just like everyone else.
Lonato was kind enough to send me here. I need to live up to his expectations.
アッシュ: ……あっ、そうだ。ところで先生、女神の塔の言い伝え、知ってますか?
Ashe: By the way, have you heard the stories about the Goddess Tower?
They say that if a man and a woman make a wish together here, the goddess will make it come true.
Choice 1: アッシュの願い事は? What would you wish for?
アッシュ: 僕はいいんです。先生のお願い事にしましょうよ。
Ashe: Oh, never mind me. I'd like to know what you'd wish for!
Choice 2: 一緒に願い事をしよう Let's make a wish together, then.
アッシュ: はい!先生、何かお願い事はありますか?
Ashe: My thoughts exactly! Do you have anything in particular you'd like to wish for?
Byleth: 自分の願い事は…… My wish is...
アッシュ: ……先生のお願い事は?
Ashe: Your wish is?
Choice 1: アッシュの願いが叶うこと For your wish to come true, Ashe.
アッシュ: え……ぼ、僕の願いですか?……そ、そうですね。
Ashe: What? My wish? W-well, um...let me think.
Choice 2: 思いつかない I can't think of anything.
アッシュ: そ、そういうことなら……僕のお願い事でも、いいですか?
Ashe: Well, if you can't come up with anything, maybe I should think of a wish instead?
アッシュ: ……故郷に置いてきた弟たちが、これからも平和に暮らしていけますように。
Ashe: All right, I've got it. I wish for my brother and sister back home to be able to live out their lives in peace.
Choice 1: アッシュらしい That's just like you.
Choice 2: 良いと思う That's a lovely wish.
アッシュ: えへへ、ちょっとだけ恥ずかしいですね。こういうのって……。
Ashe: This kind of thing is pretty embarrassing, huh?
Maybe I should be heading back. I'll never get better at fancy social events like this if I keep running away from them, right?
I guess I should ask another girl to dance. Oh, but I'd better make sure I go over the steps again first.
Byleth: 一緒に踊る? You could dance with me.
アッシュ: ……えっ?先生が一緒に踊ってくれるんですか?
Ashe: Really? You'd do that?
Wow, that'd be great! Just promise not to laugh if I mess it up, OK?
Come on. Let's head back.